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10 rules of a Secretary chapter 9

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As CEO Han asked, knowing I carried two cans daily, I hugged my tablet and darted my eyes around. I recalled a colleague’s request not to mention giving one to him. After gathering my thoughts, I blurted out another excuse.

“I gave it to a cat on the way.”

“Who did you give it to?”

“A cat. It looked so exhausted that it couldn’t even catch mice, so I gave it to the poor thing.”

CEO Han drew a smile on his tired face.

“A cat in my company? I guess we’ll need to do pest control again.”

Despite saying ‘cat’ instead of ‘mouse,’ he just laughed and mentioned security and pest control again. Clearly, he lacked empathy.

Cats are all good. If a stray cat enters the company, it should be fed and gently shooed away… Pest control, seriously.

I glanced at him and adjusted my grip on the tablet, ready to recite today’s schedule.

“Come here.”

He beckoned me with his finger as if calling a dog. Watching him, I cautiously approached. He beckoned again, and being a well-trained employee, I bent slightly at the waist.

“How’s your cheek?”

“Thanks to your concern, it’s much better.”

His hand gently touched my slightly swollen cheek. He lightly tapped my cheek with his fingertips and replied with a bemused smile. It was a laugh of disbelief.

“Not thanks to the money you sent?”


“You hesitated just now.”

Ignoring the narrowed eyes of CEO Han, I took a step back and straightened up.

In situations like this, it’s best to feign ignorance. That was my eight-year work instinct.

“There’s a meeting this morning, and in the afternoon, you need to review the samples. Also, if you could give a decision on the merger and acquisition matter by today, I’ll prepare the documents.”

“We’re not doing the merger. Cancel that contract, and what samples are you talking about? There’s nothing significant enough for me to review personally.”

My brain buzzed at the casual mention of canceling a contract worth billions. Now, it was up to me to inform the legal team and deal with the headaches over penalties and other issues.

Deciding to postpone this issue, I pulled up the blueprints he needed to review and handed the tablet to CEO Han.

“These are the construction plans for the community center. We have five designs ready, all modeled to scale. This is part of the project for disadvantaged children that you mentioned before. If you prefer to proceed without your direct oversight, I’ll inform the team.”

His neat, clean fingers tapped the table rhythmically. Leaning on his hand, he stared at the tablet screen I displayed.

“No, I’ll go in person. I didn’t realize it was today.”

“The models were confirmed last month, and the final versions were completed last week. I apologize for not informing you sooner. I was preoccupied with coordinating schedules….”

“Secretary Seonyul seems quite busy. Were you so thrilled by my mention of a vacation yesterday?”

Not just thrilled, my head almost exploded, sir. I silently swallowed the words I couldn’t say and smiled quietly.

“Yes, I was so excited I stayed up all night. May I ask when and where we will be going?”

“It wouldn’t be fun if you knew in advance. We’ll handle the preparations, just make sure to bring your passport.”

Realizing it was an overseas trip, I felt a mix of emotions at the thought of flying again after so long. I didn’t know the destination, but I had to remember to take my medication on time.

The time difference wouldn’t change the need for my meds. I nodded quietly, considering these annoyances.

“Understood. Then I’ll get started on preparing for the morning meeting.”

As I reached for the tablet again, I felt CEO Han’s intense gaze. I met his eyes.

“Is there something else…?”

“I was wondering if my lips are in good condition.”

He asked quietly, and I examined his lips closely, like a forensic expert. They were slightly chapped and cracked, likely from staying up all night, but there were no signs of forced biting.


I replied sarcastically, barely suppressing a sigh. Yes, you kept your promise, but my vacation is gone too.

I frowned internally, writing the word “patience” three times in my mind before straightening up.

“What did you do to end up like this in one day? Did you have a wild night?”

“You know it well. Last night was pretty intense.”

He’s really something. Narrowing my eyes, I looked between his lips and eyes.

“Who was it? I need to know.”

I need to know so I can deal with them. Even after breaking up with you, the 22nd one still bothers me sometimes.

I asked brightly but formally, and CEO Han looked at me strangely before laughing weakly. It was an empty laugh.

Whether it was from the all-nighter or simple exhaustion, his pale complexion stood out. His hazel eyes glinted in the sunlight as he blinked slowly.

“I didn’t sleep.”

“Still, I need to know.”

“I told you, I didn’t sleep.”

“Even if you had a passionate night and day with someone, it’s none of my business, so just tell me.”

“Forget it. Just look at my lips.”

What a capricious person. I asked several times if he really didn’t spend the night with someone, and his consistent denial made me suspicious. I glared at him while asking.

“Do you still have the lip balm I gave you yesterday?”

Wondering how much lip balm was left in the office, I saw the small lip balm standing lonely at the edge of his desk.

Picking it up, I opened the cap and applied it gently with my ring finger. Walking around the desk to him, I bent slightly.

“I’m going to touch your lips.”

He didn’t respond, but I knew it was a yes. I looked at CEO Han’s closed eyes briefly before carefully spreading the lip balm on his lips.

Slowly, they regained color and moisture.

Applying another layer of lip balm on my finger, I raised my hand, staring at his lips.

As my fingers touched his lips, my wrist was grabbed. The grip was as firm as a predator holding its prey.

“Did you hurt your hand?”

Slowly, his eyes opened, revealing the gems within. He gazed at me blankly for a moment, then furrowed his brow slightly.

“I was organizing documents… just a bit…”

“Is bleeding a hobby of yours?”

I tried to step back with an apologetic look, but my wrist, still held, made me grimace.

“Boss, if you let go, I’ll go put on a bandage… ouch…”

A bright red tongue touched the wound, followed by his fingers being sucked into his moist mouth.

The flesh inside his mouth that persistently explored the wound was unusually hot. I trembled, unable to pull my fingers out or push them further in.

It was just a finger wound, but every time he licked it, my skin shivered. Feeling my face flush, I twisted my hand to pull it away, but I froze when he kissed my fingertip.

“Go to the infirmary and check the wound. And you don’t need to prepare for the morning meeting. I’ll attend alone. Send someone else for the minutes.”

“…Do you have a hobby of drinking blood, sir? Should I start preparing an iron-rich diet from today?”

“Wounds heal when you apply saliva. Consider it an honor. Yours is the first finger to enter and exit my mouth aside from utensils.”

I thought it was a filthy honor, but I smiled widely to hide my true feelings. The boss’s expression twisted bizarrely, as if he had seen something he didn’t want to.

“Don’t smile. I don’t have a hobby of looking at ugly things.”

“…I’m sorry.”

I bowed my head and took a step back as the boss got up from his seat, seemingly heading towards the small bedroom connected to the corner of the room.

“Is there anything else you need?”

“Prepare the sample materials first. And…”

“Yes, please go on.”

“Wash your hands. They taste salty.”

With that, the boss walked into the small bedroom. Only after the door closed did I realize the meaning of his words, clenching my fist and trembling.

It wasn’t like saying, “Mom, the soup is salty,” but what kind of ridiculous remark was that?

I wanted to shout that I wash my hands daily but took a deep breath instead. I am a subordinate, I need money. Thinking that calmed me a bit.

As I gathered my tablet to leave, I felt a faint heat on my fingertip and wiped it lightly on my clothes. This time, it felt faintly itchy. Specifically, the ring finger that had touched the boss.

I resolved to wash my hands in saltwater next time as I opened the thick door of the boss’s office.

How nice it would be if life flowed easily. Life always seemed to be a series of trials and tribulations. The morning passed in a blur.

To relieve the morning fatigue, I went down to the employee lounge on the 10th floor. There was a lounge in the secretarial office too, but I preferred to avoid unnecessary hassle.

Especially since the 10th floor was used by the construction team, and due to a meeting today, the lounge would be empty.

I often used the lounges by checking each team’s schedule secretly.

People might call it overstepping, but it was the best way to avoid others.

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