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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 59- ideals and Crisis

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The music video had no dialogue, so there was no script to rely on. Expressing everything solely through facial expressions was a tough task for a novice actor.

“That’s why I didn’t expect much.”

In YUMI’s music video, half of it was spent with her eyes closed, so there was little pressure. But this was different. It required proper acting.

“Is it good?”

“Good? I had to recalculate it.”

That was the dilemma.

“Cha Dowon. How should I utilize you?”

How could someone manage to do it so effortlessly?

“It’s strange. I also struggled to figure out how to use Minjae, and now I’m having the same dilemma because of this kid.”

“Can that kid sing well too?”

“Well, not exceptionally, but better than other.”

Even on stage, he had a good presence.

“If Minjae is a musical genius, this kid is like a diamond with evenly distributed stats. A talented idol actor is relatively rare, which makes him stand out more….”

Director Joo was worried.

“Most importantly, he’s 16 years old.”

“The younger, the better, right?”

“Yes, our contract period is seven years.”

“You’re already thinking beyond that?”

“Predicting the future is my job.”

How will he change when his 23?

“How should I utilize him effectively?”

The scene changed, and SNS appeared. Secretary Kim tilted her head as she looked at a modest meal.

“Secretary Kim, look at this.”

“Minjae’s birthday meal?”

“Yes, he actually prepared it.”

“A 15-year-old can cook like this?”

“More than the food, the important thing is SNS.”

There were already many comments below, indicating his face was known.

“Secretary Kim, what do you think an idol’s job is?”

“Hmm, singing and dancing kids?”

“That’s true, but not entirely.”

Director Joo spoke while looking at the posts uploaded by his artists.

“It’s a job to sell image.”

“That’s the same for all celebrities, isn’t it?”

“That’s true, but it’s more intense for idols. This side has to fill and satisfy the aesthetics. They need to be close but untouchable, friendly yet shining.”

Secretary Kim tilted her head.

“We have to fully satisfy the vicarious pleasure of success. Why do fans feel happy when their favorite idol succeeds? Vicarious pleasure has been a tremendous joy since ancient times. In reality, idols just dress up nicely, sing, and dance. Our job is to convert that into an image.”

“I don’t understand, Director.”

“This kid is cleverly fulfilling that ‘ideal.'”

Director Joo pointed at the SNS post.

“Minjae’s birthday meal. He liked it. I’m worried because he looks tired.”

“Oh, they look close.”

“That’s the intention. To show they’re close.”

Scrolling down, a music video shooting scene appeared.

“Thank you for your hard work. I hope it turns out to be a good music video. It’s old-fashioned but has a good sentiment. Not mentioning the actress was a good move too.”

Next was a selfie taken in the practice room. The editing was rough, but the expression was very skillful. And at the edge, a blunt-faced Lee Seungjoon appeared.

“It feels like peeking into their private life. Clever kid.”

“Fans want to know how their favorite idols spend their time.”

“This sense of distance is just right.”

Director Joo smiled.

“It feels like a storm is becoming a typhoon, sweeping through the music industry. This kid’s a real deal.”

“Yes, though I’m not sure.”

“It’s a mix of excitement and worry, really.”

Director Joo smiled again.

“Where did this talent roll in from?”

Secretary Kim left with a smile.

Director Joo tapped the monitor and spoke.

“How far will this typhoon go? Dowon?”

The figure of Cha Dowon in the monitor, of course, remained silent. Director Joo shook her head and stood up.

There was still much work to do.


“It might rain on debut day!”

Oh no.

Ki Jaeyun checked the date and screamed. I caught my breath and checked the dance moves. Yoo Hajin glanced at Ki Jaeyun’s smartphone and spoke.

“We have a live broadcast tomorrow; this is bad.”

“Yes, hyung. We’re doomed! What do we do!”

I matched the final leg move.

“Didn’t the manager say the shoot wouldn’t be postponed?”

Sweat trickled down my cheek. I wiped it off and spoke.

“F Broadcasting Station goes ahead if there’s a 50% chance of rain.”


“That’s how they usually do it. How much rain is expected?”

“They’re warning of sudden gusts and rainstorms?”

Oh dear.

“Our debut stage might turn into a water stage.”

I kept checking the angles of the moves.

“Hajin hyung, is this angle right?”

“No! It’s like this.”

Yoo Hajin slightly adjusted my arm. I kept matching the angle.

“Dowon, you’re always so consistent.”

“We haven’t even debuted yet; how can I be consistent?”

“You always work on your abs whenever you get a chance.”

“Isn’t it natural to exercise if you have the stamina?”

Ki Jaeyun shook his head.

“Not usually.”

“Well, I feel like you need to be extraordinary to stand out.”

I repeated the moves in front of the mirror. The previously awkward moves flowed smoothly.

“That’s true….”

“Well, we can’t control the weather.”

Yoo Hajin sighed.


Then, Minjae, who had been quiet, spoke.

“Our situation isn’t good.”

I nodded.

I had watched the music video a lot.

“But it was just noise marketing.”

There were many comments on the video site like, “What’s wrong with the agency, making kids do that?”

Thanks to that, it went viral.

“No matter where you go, if it’s Seoul, it’s fine, but it feels unsettling.”

Since Director Joo had used noise marketing once, he probably wouldn’t use it again….

“I’m realizing again that I’m clueless.”

I was no longer a theater actor but a minor idol.

My previous job was as a theater actor, so I didn’t think much about it, but I should be cautious.

“Since it’s come to this, I might as well use the dangerous and edgy boy image, but next time, I should be more careful. I can’t keep going like this.”

Everything else was fine, except for the weather.

“The typhoon is really hitting hard.”

Everyone was only listening to the typhoon updates.

Amidst this, a teaser video was released, and we had our debut showcase.

“Even though a lot of fans came for a debut showcase…”

Despite the company’s efforts to put out articles, they were overshadowed by the typhoon damage.

Maybe that’s why the digital song seemed weak in comparison.

“We might fail if we aren’t careful.”

“That’s true.”

I adjusted my movements again.

“Aren’t you scared?”

“What’s the point of worrying about failing? Nothing changes.”

I felt Kang Minjae’s gaze. No, it wasn’t just him; the members’ stares were intense.

“It’s much better to do what we can.”

I smiled brightly.

“Besides, we haven’t even had our debut stage yet. It’s too early to fail.”

“Usually, the song decides everything.”

“But there’s a typhoon. And you made a good song.”

Our subsequent moves were perfect as well.

“Do you trust me?”

“Don’t you trust me, hyung? That’s surprising.”

This time, I adjusted my legs.

“If I were you, I’d trust your musical skills at least.”

Was the angle still off? I glanced at Yoo Hajin, and he adjusted the angle with his hand.

So in sync.

“Thanks, Hajin hyung.”

“Oh? Yeah.”

It was slightly off balance. Keeping your balance when you stumble is important, just like Jennie’s doing now.

I matched my footwork and then looked at Kang Minjae, surprised.

“What’s with that expression?”

He had his hand over his mouth.

“Minjae hyung, are you sick?”

“No, just a bit surprised.”

By what?

“I didn’t expect Dowon to say something like that.”

Kang Minjae smiled shyly.

“You really trust me!”

For a moment, I couldn’t manage my expression.

“I, I trust your ability.”

“Ha ha ha! Right!”

His face flushed shyly, and I turned away immediately, feeling disgusted.

Damn it! What did I just see?

“This is driving me crazy.”

I took deep breaths desperately. I saw something I shouldn’t have. It felt like witnessing a crime scene.

“I want to wash my eyes.”

As I rubbed my eyes, Yoo Hajin clapped three times.

Clap clap clap-

“Let’s stay motivated.”

Yoo Hajin said with a pleasant smile.

“We still have plenty of chances.”

Then, Ki Jaeyun spoke up.

“If we don’t get scheduled, we’ll fail.”

That idiot monkey, he’s so dumb.

“So are you saying we should fail?”

Ki Jaeyun shook his head immediately. I bowed my head and whispered softly.

“We have to do our best with the schedules we have. Our debut stage is our dream stage, honestly. We’ve been dreaming about it throughout our trainee period.”

Suddenly, the members’ eyes sparkled.

I recalled my time before the regression. Honestly, compared to back then, this was nothing.

“We just need to nail the stage.”

Their attention was on me again. I grinned.

“Aren’t you all confident? That’s odd.”

I shrugged.

“I think we can totally nail it.”

It’s hard to gather such handsome guys in one place. Plus, we have a music genius and a great leader.

“If not this group, then what group could succeed?”

Moreover, a wealthy company is promoting us, and we’re debuting on a major network.

“What’s the problem with the rain?”

Many people will see our stage.

“Doesn’t a TV broadcast sound thrilling? Sure, it might become routine eventually, but not right now.”

I couldn’t imagine this group not making it.

“If that happens, I’ll find another way.”

There are many ways to raise awareness.

“Even if it takes time, this group will succeed.”

If not, I’ll make it happen.

“I see.”

Yoo Hajin scratched his cheek slightly.

“Dowon’s right. We need to do what we can. We have a great song and choreography. We can do it.”

Ki Jaeyun nodded. Lee Seungjoon then spoke gravely.

“Let’s practice.”

I smiled a bit.

“That’s the spirit.”

Practice is key to nailing the stage.

“Yeah! Let’s practice.”

We went to our positions. Soon, the music started, and we began practicing.

Don’t worry too much.

“I’ll make sure we’re in top condition.”

I changed my movements and smiled. I was looking forward to tomorrow.


Company F was known for proceeding with its even if there was a 50% chance of rain.

“I know from working as a staff member.”

That bad habit, passed down through tradition, wouldn’t change.

The coordinator was busy adjusting our clothes. The manager kept talking in front of us.

“Guys, do your best. Stay calm! Just perform like you did during rehearsals.”

The manager’s shout echoed in the hallway. Maybe it was because we didn’t have a proper waiting room, but it felt unusually chaotic.

“I didn’t know they didn’t give waiting rooms to rookies.”

Once again, I felt how performance-driven the entertainment industry was.

“So harsh.”

Maybe that’s why the members’ eyes were blazing with determination.

“Since it looks like it will rain, we used waterproof makeup at the shop.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s not me you should thank. But these outfits I made look pretty cool, right?”

The coordinator adjusted the harnesses and said.

“I wondered why we chose this concept, but Director Joo’s planning is impressive as always.”

I looked down at the outfit. It felt like unnecessary black belts were attached all over my body.

“Why would anyone wear this? No, I shouldn’t think about it.”

I don’t know why these things are cool, but when I think about it, it feels like losing.

I quietly held my smartphone and long-pressed ‘C’.

The screen immediately went black.

[Recovery of Zenis members’ conditions]


[Side effect: Your neck will feel stiff for 3 seconds.]

The cheat was still effective for recovery.

Soon, my neck pulled as if going crazy. But three seconds was a very short time.

Once I recovered, a busy corridor appeared.

“Let me have a partition.”

It’s ridiculous.

At the end of the corridor, the manager tapped his foot.

“Guys, you’ll be out soon. Ah, I’m nervous!”

Why does it seem like they’re more nervous over there?

That’s when it happened. Lee Seungjoon stretched and said.

“Interesting. Sometimes it feels like my body is getting better.”

“Hey, Seungjoon, did you feel that too?”

Yoo Hajin replied, turning his shoulder.

“I felt uneasy because I was nervous, but I feel fine now.”

Was Hajin always the type to be stiff when nervous? I didn’t know.

‘I thought it was nothing…’

Then, what about Kang Minjae?

He was no different from usual.

“Minjae, aren’t you nervous?”

“Rather than being nervous, I’m worried. But, um, how should I put it?”

Kang Minjae’s eyes narrowed like a fox.

“It’s strangely reassuring.”


“Well, I don’t know either.”

Soon, the staff’s shout was heard.

“Zenis! Come out!”

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1 month ago

Oh, finally the debut stage. Fighting guys

28 days ago

Jaeyun is too pessimistic for my liking… I don’t hate him, he’s just annoying lol

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