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The SSS Rank Babysitter chapter 41

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“You guys. How did you get here?”

The children who barged in glared at the elder who was shouting while holding Do Hajun’s hands.

“Don’t yell at Jun!”

“Stop bothering Hajun!”

Behind the growling children, flames and a water vortex sprang to life.

“What, what is this!”

“Do Hajun!”

As the elders and team leaders murmured in surprise and Kang Wontae screamed, Do Hajun sighed and scooped up both children at once.

“Both of you, stop.”

“But, but-”


Unlike the hesitant Lee Cheongmyeong, Aileen Spencer made the flames grow even bigger.

“Both of you, stop! Put it out, now!”



As quickly as they had appeared, the flames and water vortex vanished.

Do Hajun kissed the children’s heads and looked at the elders.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear what you just said.”

As Do Hajun turned and began to walk away without hesitation, one of the elders shouted after him.

“Are you ignoring the decision of the council?”

Do Hajun turned to look at the shouting elder.

“Are you going to force it?”

His voice was calm, and his face showed no emotion.

“Of course-”

“No. That’s enough. The meeting is adjourned.”

The head elder stopped the elder and waved his hand, prompting Do Hajun to bow and leave with the children.

“Why did you let him go like that?”

“A Hunter from the center cannot disregard the council!”

“We must discipline that arrogant fool immediately!”

While the elders directed their anger at the head elder, he only stared at the door through which Do Hajun had exited.

The first time he saw Do Hajun was when Lee Moojin caused an incident. Back then, Do Hajun had also been expressionless, but his voice had carried emotion.

But this time was different.

A calm voice and an expressionless face.

If the council had insisted on force, things might have taken a serious turn.

He seemed like someone who had something up his sleeve.

“Let’s go.”

Without adding another word, the head elder led the other elders out of the meeting room.

Watching them go, Chae Yiwon clicked his tongue softly and stood up.

“Failed again.”

“Please, don’t say things like that.”

Kang Wontae groaned and leaned back in his chair.

“What does it matter? No one’s listening.”

“Birds hear day-talk, and mice hear night-talk-”

Chae Yiwon waved his hand dismissively and turned to Kang Wontae.

“Elders and the Mu Leader leader.”

“Yes, let’s investigate.”

Kang Wontae nodded and stood up.

“But are you really planning to bring him in?”

Despite the lack of a clear subject, Chae Yiwon nodded.


As Chae Yiwon started walking, Kang Wontae followed and asked,

“Why are you so determined to recruit Team Leader Do Hajun?”

“Because we need him.”

“What do you mean?”

Chae Yiwon stopped and looked at Kang Wontae.

At the sharp gaze, Kang Wontae flinched and stepped back.

After a long silence, Chae Yiwon continued walking, but soon a shadow enveloped him and he disappeared without a trace.

“…Who is Do Hajun, really?”

The sudden appearance of an instant dungeon was a B-grade.

Luckily, there was no boss monster, but the monsters’ bizarre movements pushed their fatigue to the limit.

“…How long are we going to have to do dungeons without the Team Leader?”

One team member mumbled as they staggered into the center.

“I don’t know.”

Yoo Mia answered weakly.

“I’m dying.”

Ahn Eunseon, leaning against the wall in the elevator, slumped.

“Team Leader is really something, when you think about it.”

“Not just something, I respect him.”

Team member Chae Hyunjun nodded as he collapsed on the floor.

With Do Hajun, any dungeon was manageable thanks to his quick decision-making on strategy, even if it was tough.

They had never felt this exhausted after a single dungeon.

They all missed Do Hajun as they trudged towards the team room, longing for some rest.

But what awaited them was Do Hajun, his expression icy like the Siberian plains.

“Don’t lower your hands.”

Ahn Eunseon, who was about to lower her arms, quickly raised them again.

“Seriously, does Team Leader have eyes on the back of his head?”

“Ugh, my legs are cramping.”

“I never had to kneel and raise my hands even in elementary school.”

Do Hajun ignored the murmuring team members.

“Jun, I finished drawing this.”

“Hajun, I read this whole book.”

“Cheongmyeong did a good job drawing. Aileen, you finished reading already? Well done. Shall we look at this one now?”

Smiling brightly and showering the children with praise, Do Hajun’s face turned cold again as he looked at the team members.

“I trusted you with them.”

The team members flinched at the killing intent in each word.

“And you left the kids?”

Although he didn’t curse in front of the children, his face clearly showed his intent to chew them out.

“It, it was urgent, but we did leave someone.”

Ahn Eunseon mumbled.

“And that’s supposed to be an excuse?”

“Well, Team Leader-”

“What if someone they don’t know was next to them and they had a seizure? You know they both get anxious around strangers.”

At Do Hajun’s words, the team members’ heads hung lower.

He wanted to drag them to the training room and beat them under the guise of sparring.

No matter how he thought about it, it was a mistake on their part.

Even if they had to leave the dungeon urgently, one of them should have stayed behind or entrusted the kids to Do Hajun.

What if the kids had gone looking for Do Hajun but wandered outside instead?

What if they used their skills on a civilian?

Worst case, what if they were kidnapped?

“I’m sorry.”

Following Ahn Eunseon, the other team members admitted their fault with gloomy faces.

Looking down at them, Do Hajun sighed and waved his hand.

“Fine. Get up. It’s quitting time.”

The forgiveness they had longed for so much now came easily, but the team members, mired in self-reproach, couldn’t get up easily.

Do Hajun raised an eyebrow and said,

“Why? Going to the training room?”

The team members, who had sprung to their feet, groaned and sat back down, shaking their heads.

“Ugh, cramps.”

“Ow! It’s tingling!”

“Ah! Numb!”

Do Hajun looked at them with a pitying gaze and then spoke to Ahn Eunseon.

“Since Kim Hana can’t come today, let’s go to my place.”


Ahn Eunseon, who had been massaging her feet, nodded.

Although still a child, Aileen Spencer was a girl.

It was too much for Do Hajun to bathe her, so Kim Hana, who was on parental leave, had been helping out.

However, on days like today when Kim Hana couldn’t come due to work, Ahn Eunseon or Yoo Miawould step in.

“Kids, let’s go.”

Do Hajun called the children with a voice full of affection and carried them in his arms, walking briskly. Ahn Eunseon followed, limping on her tingling legs.

In the car, with both children secured in the back seat car seats, cheerful children’s songs played as they drove.

“Where’s Lee Moojin?”

Startled out of her daze by the contrast between Do Hajun’s voice and the cheerful songs, Ahn Eunseon quickly responded.

“He went to assist Support Team 3 on the way out.”

“Support Team 3?”

“Yes. They said they needed help moving an urgent item.”

As the car paused at a red light, Do Hajun, tapping the steering wheel, fell into thought.

The first item they received was an A-grade necklace chain, and the second was a B-grade armor item.

Since the B-grade items weren’t particularly useful in real life, they had been handed over to the team members who were tackling the dungeon.

“What grade is it?”

“I heard it’s A-grade.”

“A weapon?”

“Yes, they said it’s a gun.”

‘A gun,’ thought Do Hajun as he pulled out his phone from his inner pocket and sent a message before starting the car again.

“We’re home!”

“We’re home!”

“Wash your hands.”



While the children washed their hands in the bathroom, Do Hajun began setting the dinner table.

Ahn Eunseon, helping him, kept glancing at him.

Despite his appearance, Do Hajun was quite good at childcare.

Hunters often joked that one’s abilities reflect their personality.

There were occasionally hunters whose personalities matched their abilities, lending some credibility to the joke.

However, the members of Delta Team didn’t believe it.

Given Do Hajun’s personality, they argued he should have awakened as a poison or psychic hunter.

‘Looking at him like this, it kind of makes sense.’

“What? Why?”

Do Hajun’s sharp question, with a slight frown, made Ahn Eunseon shake her head.

‘No, it’s all nonsense.’

“Anyway, kids, time to eat.”

Do Hajun seated the running children at the dining table and neatly placed side dishes on their spoons with his chopsticks.

After feeding the children and bathing them in turn, it was already 9 PM.

“The taxi’s here. You can go.”

“You really don’t have to.”

Do Hajun waved his hand dismissively.

It meant she should leave quickly without arguing.

“See you tomorrow then.”

Giggling, Ahn Eunseon left for the day, and Do Hajun headed to the bedroom with the children.

As the children burst into laughter and jumped onto the bed, he sat on the floor instead of the bed and called them over.

“Listen carefully.”

Today’s incident wasn’t something to scold the children for.

But he wasn’t going to let it slide either.

It might not happen again, but it wasn’t bad to prepare just in case.

“Listen carefully.”

The simultaneous tilting of the children’s heads was so cute that Do Hajun almost laughed, but he held it back and continued.

“If you’re ever separated from me, stay right where you are. Don’t move.”


Lee Cheongmyeong asked.

Do Hajun nodded.

“If you open your eyes and I’m not there, or if I suddenly disappear, stay right where you are. Never, ever move.”

He emphasized it several times.

He repeated it in simple words so the children could understand.

Never. Move.

“Even if someone comes and says they’ll take you to me, don’t go. If it’s not me, don’t move.”

But the children didn’t seem to grasp the seriousness of his words.

Their blank expressions, even more so than when watching Pororo, showed they didn’t understand at all.

‘In this situation, Doctor Oh Yeongeun would probably educate them at their level, ensuring they understood.’

Whether the story was boring or they were just tired from searching for Do Hajun, the children’s eyes began to droop.

Unable to help it, Do Hajun chose a drastic measure.

“If you don’t listen, no snacks.”

“Yawn. Okay.”

“Yawn. Okay.”

Their simultaneous yawns and responses, like twins, showed they hadn’t understood at all.

Do Hajun rubbed his forehead. What should he do with these kids?

Suddenly, an idea struck him as he looked at the children struggling to keep their heavy eyelids open.

“If you don’t listen, I won’t hug you.”

The four sleepy eyes snapped open.

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19 days ago

SO cute🥹

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