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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 3

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On the way home, Henry stared out the window with a troubled look. No matter how much he looked, the scene outside didn’t change, but he kept looking anyway.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you today?”

It would have been better without Hena’s interference. As Henry turned to look at Hena, she was examining him with a curious gaze.

Her dark eyes seemed to scrutinize him, making Henry uncomfortable enough to shift slightly.


Henry awkwardly tugged at his collar. Although he paid attention to the character dialogues while editing the novel, it wasn’t easy to speak informally to Hena, whom he had met for the first time today. Of course, earlier he was too focused on escaping to consider it.

“You said, ‘To my dear Edwin.’”

“…Did I?”

“Yes, you did.”

“No wonder he looked at me like I was a bug.”


When the song ended earlier, Edwin had turned around and left.

Of course, he would be bewildered by a birthday song, but adding ‘dear’ made it worse.

But still, was it such a big deal?

As Henry was about to feel slightly wronged, he agreed. The original Henry was always doing things that would be hated.

I’d hate it too.

“Why do you agree so quickly?”

“No, I just think it might be unpleasant. It’s not an excuse… The lyrics naturally have ‘dear’ in them. It wasn’t my intention.”

Despite Hena’s sarcastic “Is that so?” Henry pressed on. He truly did not love Edwin.

Of course, the feeling was mutual.

Edwin truly disliked Henry. Henry couldn’t hide his desire for Edwin, and sometimes he even awkwardly tried to seduce him, which made Edwin despise him even more.

Even if he didn’t like Henry, he couldn’t push him away because Henry was a duke’s son, but he couldn’t stand Henry hovering around.

“Anyway, it’s all because of you, brother.”

“Why are you saying that again?”

“Because of you, he left without proposing to me.”


Henry realized why Hena was so upset. Ridiculously, the birthday song had affected her too.

After Edwin left, he didn’t talk to her until the end of the ball, leaving her with nothing to gain. Henry, sensing Hena’s mood, spoke up.

“I’m sorry about that.”

“Is that all? I thought he would propose to me in front of everyone.”

Seeing Hena’s disappointment, Henry realized he needed to handle the situation first.

“There will be other opportunities for that.”

“When exactly…?”

“You could be proposed to on your birthday. I promise I won’t interfere then.”

Hena, who was about to get angry again, closed her mouth.

She seemed to be deep in thought, imagining Edwin proposing to her on her birthday. That didn’t seem like a bad idea.

“I’ll make sure the place is incredibly beautiful. So the proposal stands out and looks even more lovely.”

Henry didn’t know when it would be, but he said it anyway.

“Well, today was a bit chaotic.”

Instead of dwelling on today’s disappointment, Hena looked forward to the next opportunity, confident that Edwin was meant for her.

‘Yes, you would marry him originally.’

If it weren’t for Henry. Hena had manifested as an Omega and believed that Edwin, who was of the same rank as her, was her match.

They had known each other since childhood, so they were familiar with each other. Even if it wasn’t a passionate love, they had the foundation to live together with mutual trust.

But it was her brother Henry who disrupted that. If only Hena and Henry were half-siblings, it might have been easier to understand.

However, the Timothy dukedom, Henry’s family, was different from other noble families in that the couples deeply loved each other and didn’t take concubines.

Henry and Hena were undeniably full siblings.

“Sigh… I feel so frustrated.”

“Hmm? Why do you suddenly feel frustrated? I’m the one who didn’t get proposed to, so why are you like this?”

“Right. Why would I?”

Hena looked at Henry as if he were strange, but he didn’t say more. This whole situation made Henry feel like he was trapped in a sealed room, but Hena wouldn’t understand.

Looking back, if Henry hadn’t met Edwin and been consumed by possessiveness, he would have been a good character. He was created as an obstacle for Edwin from the start, but it was still pitiful.

‘Or maybe not? It might not be pitiful.’

Henry reconsidered. In the context of being a duke, he would naturally become the next duke if he did nothing.

He lived in an environment where he wouldn’t lack anything and had no threats. Except for the issue with Edwin.

In that sense, it wasn’t all bad…

‘It’s not nothing. We’re connected by the imprint.’

Henry sighed deeply as the issue returned to the beginning. Hena looked at him curiously, but he didn’t have the energy to care about her now.

Henry rested his chin on his hand and looked out the window. The sight of low, exotic buildings made him feel melancholy. He needed to go home but didn’t know how.

* * *

As soon as he returned to the dukedom, Henry went to his room. He was surprised by the huge building and hesitated briefly because the villain’s room wasn’t described.

However, a servant stood before him and guided him without hesitation.

Thanks to the servant’s guidance, Henry easily returned to his room. Alone, he crossed the room and stopped in front of a desk. He discovered a full-length mirror and saw a stranger reflected in it.

Seeing Hena’s familiar golden hair and black eyes, it didn’t feel awkward. His fair skin and overall appearance were quite foreign.

Unlike the flamboyant Hena, Henry looked more refined, and his sharp eyes made him seem a bit cold when expressionless.

Thinking this would be his appearance for a while, he felt strange and turned his head. Sitting at the desk, Henry opened the drawers one by one. When he found paper, he took it out.

Hesitating briefly at the unfamiliar feel of the pen, he soon placed his hand on the paper.

Ink flowed from the pen’s nib, staining the paper. Henry began to write in familiar Hangul.

First, he listed the events that would happen if Henry revealed the imprint today. Edwin would be shocked, but then he would know that Henry was the cause of everything and hate him even more.

Knowing the cause but pretending not to know was adding fuel to already bad feelings.

However, the imprint was a powerful shackle that the affected person couldn’t ignore. Even if Edwin despised Henry, he couldn’t avoid marrying him.

Instead, Edwin thoroughly ignored Henry. He had no expectations of Henry. While Henry kept it a secret, Edwin endured everything, including the rut cycles.

Suffering through unbearable pain, he developed a chronic, detached personality.

“In the end, desperate Henry dug his own grave.”

Henry mumbled, putting the pen to his lips. The beginning was already messed up. Henry slashed through everything he had written so far.

Instead, he wrote down the key things to remember for the future.

There are only two dukedoms in the current Zabre Empire.

A time of peace.

Solid successors.

The inevitable villain who will appear at the end (Henry is a minor antagonist who will disappear early, and the true villain will emerge later).

“Is this about it?”

The only saving grace is that, in this peculiar world, he is no different from an ordinary man. Although he is an Omega, his body is no different from that of a Beta.

Henry’s pheromones were completely blocked when he underwent imprinting while manifesting as an Omega.

Due to this incomplete manifestation and imprinting, not a trace of pheromones leaked from Henry’s body.

The solution to this would be a complete manifestation or imprinting, but Henry had no intention of solving it. More precisely, he had no desire to become an Omega.

If his body hadn’t been imprinted, he would have had to experience cycles and pheromone surges.

“It’s a problem because I can’t maintain this imprint forever.”

If Henry kept his mouth shut for life, Edwin would live his entire life like a person with a disability despite manifesting as an ultra-dominant Alpha. That was unacceptable.

According to the original story, Henry, who deserved to die as a villain, would soon be freed from Edwin’s restraint, but now it was different.

Having become Henry, he did not want to die and also had no intention of maintaining the imprint.

“Would it be okay if I cut everything off?”

Finding a way to return to his original body would be best, but he had no idea how to do that now.

“First, it would be best to avoid Edwin.”

Henry’s worries continued late into the night.

“Master, are you awake?”

Henry’s eyelids fluttered at the voice coming from outside and slowly lifted. Seeing the unfamiliar ceiling, Henry realized he was still in the novel and let out a long sigh.

Having fallen asleep while worrying last night, Henry was still seated in his chair.

Luckily, it was a soft chair that he could sink into, so his body wasn’t as stiff as he expected.

“Henry, young master.”

“I’m awake, I’m awake.”

Startled by the unfamiliar voice, Henry instinctively tried to speak formally but stopped himself and replied. Hearing Henry’s voice, the door cautiously opened, and someone peeked in.

“Oh dear, you were already awake, and I didn’t know, disturbing you.”

The attendant seemed a little surprised to see Henry sitting in the chair and greeted him.

Henry, not wanting to admit he had slept in the chair, brushed off the situation.

“That’s fine. I’ll be staying in my room today, so don’t come in unless necessary.”

“What? That’s not possible.”


“There’s a message from the palace. His Highness, the Crown Prince, has summoned you to the palace immediately.”

“Where do I have to go?”

It was a mutter to himself rather than a question directed at the attendant. But the attendant bowed further and replied.

“The imperial palace, sir.”

Only then did Henry realize that he had more than one problem.

‘The Crown Prince….’

Henry sighed deeply, covering his forehead with his hand.

Oh, damn. I forgot about the Crown Prince too.

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1 month ago

What’s up with the crown prince?

1 month ago

What in the world

28 days ago

Thanks for the update

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