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The Youngest Master wants to be exorcised! chapter 24

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Whether positive or negative, the airing of Episode 2 of [D Team Exploration Life] had become a hot topic across various communities.

The main content of Episode 2 focused on ‘Lee Jaehee’s’ guide training and the daily life of the D Team’s main part.

Jaehee appeared in the sky-blue guide uniform from the preview, walking down the hallway.

[Production Team: Jaehee, where are you headed?]

[Lee Jaehee: I’m on my way to receive regular guide training at the center today.]

True to its promotional nature, the show highlighted how excellent the center’s training for guides was.

A short scene was broadcast showing guides attending the class, and soon after, the building outside the D Team’s dorm was close-up.

[Meanwhile, at the dorm]

[Kim Yoon: No way! I said let’s just make something simple like kimbap.]

[Song Jiwon: (Shakes head = indicating dislike)]

[Jung Minchan: Guys, we’re running out of time. Let’s go to the supermarket first.]

Minchan, guiding the two with a teacher-like expression, looked somewhat resigned.

Comments poured in on the live discussion board as viewers shared their thoughts on Episode 2.

– LOL the Team Leader totally looks like a kindergarten teacher!

– Song Jiwon, how long are you going to stay silent? You’re addicted to this silent treatment!

– When did kimbap become a simple food? Am I missing something?

Even while shopping for groceries in Minchan’s car, the three continued to bicker.

Minchan had to send Yoon back for bringing snacks instead of ingredients, then handed a shopping basket to Yoon and Jiwon.

[Jung Minchan: I’ll bring the car, so stay here.]

[Song Jiwon: (Nods)]

[Kim Yoon: (Nods)]

[↑ Suddenly joins in the silent treatment]

– Kim Yoon is acting like an annoying 5-year-old… How is that 25?

– Jung Team Leader’s car is worth 280 million won, huh? (Image capture)”

– Jiwon LOL, it’s so funny how he’s keeping things in mid-air because he doesn’t want to carry the

– Yoon’s slyly trying to get Jiwon to take his stuff… that sly fox, get him to my room now.

– Why is he even helping with that?

– But guys, can’t Kim Yoon just teleport the stuff back to the dorm?

┕Seems like they can’t move the whole filming crew?

Returning to the dorm with candy in the car, the three began making kimbap, referencing recipes. They divided up the tasks and prepared the ingredients when the scene from the preview appeared.

[Jung Minchan: No, Jiwon. I asked you to slice the carrots, not juice them.]

[Song Jiwon: (Expressing through gestures due to silent treatment)]

[Kim Yoon: Oh, so frustrating! Just speak! Please!]

Behind Yoon’s frustrated antics, a brown Chihuahua appeared, growling with its teeth bared.

– LMFAO, unexpected Chihuahua Choked on my drink

– And of course, the Chihuahua’s fur is also brownㅋㅋㅋ

After much trouble, the strangely made kimbap was ready when Jaehee, who had finished training and returned to the dorm, arrived.

[Kim Yoon: Our youngest, you’ve worked hard!]

[Lee Jaehee: What’s this? What did you make?]

Sensing something ominous from the smell of the food as soon as he walked in, Jaehee asked.

Jiwon then appeared, holding a plate stacked with irregularly cut kimbap.

[Song Jiwon: Ta-da.]

[Jung Minchan: You worked hard at the training. Come eat quickly.]

Minchan seated Jaehee at the head of the table. Jiwon placed the plate in front of Jaehee, and Yoon handed him the chopsticks.

[Kim Yoon: Eat it while it’s warm!]

[Lee Jaehee: Uh… Thanks. (Feeling suspicious)]

Without thinking, Jaehee picked up a piece of kimbap from the top. His expression twisted into a grimace, and he threw down the chopsticks, rushing to the bathroom.

[Kim Yoon: Huh? What’s wrong!]

[Song Jiwon: Jaehee?]

While Jiwon and Yoon chased after the distressed Jaehee, Minchan ate the kimbap that Jaehee had tried.

With a crumpled face, he swallowed it with difficulty and then threw the rest into the food disposal unit.

– Poisonous cooking filled with love ★

– Did they not taste it?

– Typical of bad cooks: make it based on guesswork without tasting it.

[Adjusting screen…….]

A brief sound of a stream flowing was heard, and a pale-faced Jaehee wiped his face with one hand.

[Lee Jaehee: I appreciate the thought, but… let’s not do this again. Got it?]

The three, looking dejected, nodded their heads.

– Is there a rookie being scolded by a veteran after a year?!

– This isn’t just a few times being scolded, it’s quite experienced

As the scene outside the darkened dorm was captured, text appeared in the night sky.

[Today was another eventful day.]

The scene brightened with the appearance of the dorm building.

[The next day.]

[Song Jiwon: Jaehee.]

[Lee Jaehee: …Yeah. What time is it now?]

[Song Jiwon: 8:10. Want to sleep a bit more?]

[Lee Jaehee: I should get up.]

As Jaehee sluggishly got out of bed, the scene switched to Jung Minchan sitting in the studio.

[Q: What early activities are planned for today?]

[Jung Minchan: We plan to deal with a Level 3 Lizardman that has appeared in Zone 23.]

[(!) What is a Lizardman? A type of monster evolved from reptiles, capable of bipedal movement, with sharp teeth, claws, and a thick hide, classified as a Level 3 monster.]

A brief description of the monster was provided with material footage. The scenes were chosen to maximize the monster’s ferocity to highlight the efforts of the awakeners who capture such creatures.

– Gross, how do you even catch something like that?

– Seeing this, awakeners really go through a lot… I’d be too busy throwing up and running away.”

– Will we finally see the kids using their powers? Is it happening now?

Scenes of the espers changing into combat uniforms and Jaehee, ready for any situation, chatting briefly before the mission flashed by.

The warm atmosphere briefly sparked intense reactions in the community.

And then the screen went dark.

[??: Hyung! The scouting report is different!]

With an urgent voice and static, the screen returned to show a ruined building with red embers scattering and black smoke rising.

[Unexpected emergency situation!]

[What happened to the D Team?]

Thus, Episode 2 ended. The teaser for the next episode, inserted to pique interest, triggered viewers’ curiosity.


Hyunsoo sighed in relief as he looked at the vacation plans. He was horrified at the thought of a group vacation, but at least it was only a 1-night, 2-day trip.

It seemed no one wanted to spend their precious time off on a long vacation with company colleagues.

‘Still, this doesn’t make sense. If it weren’t for the mandatory service, I might have quit already.

Once my mandatory service is over, I should either leave with the kids or something.’

The center was nothing but a collection of insensible higher-ups and all the absurdities found in black companies.

He thought it would be reformed over time, but even after ten years, nothing had changed. It seemed to be getting worse.

“Jaehee, come out and have some late-night snacks.”

“Yeah. I’m coming out.”

When Hyunsoo finished packing his suitcase and went into the living room at the sound of Jiwon calling, he smiled at the sight of the long-awaited chicken on the dining table.

“This time, don’t chase me for not cooking the chicken properly.”

“If you cook food like that, of course I have to complain!”

Yoon’s eyes flashed with determination as he handed a chicken leg to Hyunsoo.

“Eat up.”


Hyunsoo looked at the guys who readily gave up the chicken legs and ate with satisfaction.

Even though he was living the unlikely role of the youngest, sometimes his old-fashioned tendencies would unexpectedly surface.

“I want cola.”


While eating chicken, Jiwon used his telekinesis to pour cola for Hyunsoo.

As Hyunsoo sipped his cola, he became curious about why they had agreed to the dreadful group vacation and asked.

“Why on earth did we decide to go on a group vacation? Is everyone sick or something? It’s unusual for us to do something like this.”

“What are you talking about? Everyone likes our youngest so much! We’re doing this to welcome you and strengthen our teamwork!”

“Think about it. Why do we call each other colleagues? It means we only work together at work. If we see each other during vacations, it’s more like family.”

“Our team is like family.”

Minchan said with a smile.

“Yeah, like a family. Be honest. Who came up with this plan? Was it Hyung Chani? Hyung Yoon? Who was it? If you confess, I’ll spare your life.”

“…It was the team leader who first brought it up.”

“Team Leader?”

Hyunsoo tilted his head at the suddenly mentioned name. Sub-Team Leader Kim Soojung.

Although outstanding in his support tasks, she had many shortcomings.

She had a tendency to overlook additional details when overly immersed in one thing, but she made up for it with his team management skills.


“Maybe she felt sorry for suggesting that variety show appearance, so she negotiated with the center director and managed to get the group vacation.”


Hyunsoo nodded slowly. It seemed they managed to get a group vacation even though the schedule initially didn’t allow it, probably by negotiation.

It was true that D Team had made mistakes in the past.

“From what you’re saying, it looks like she’s planning to cut all media-related activities from now on. We can’t easily threaten to resign because of you, but the team leader doesn’t have that kind of restraint, so she probably just went for it.”

“Is that so? Anyway, if anyone brings up such a dreadful group vacation again, I’ll make sure to protest. Everyone probably agreed just because they were swept up by the atmosphere. I bet they were worried about looking like social misfits if they didn’t.”

“Is that about you?”

Minchan chuckled and handed another chicken leg to Hyunsoo. Hyunsoo narrowed his eyes and snatched the chicken leg, then said, “Yeah. What of it,” and put the chicken in his mouth.

“I won’t complain about things I don’t like in the future. Just give me a break this time.”

“Seriously, you make it impossible to speak.”

Hyunsoo grumbled and sighed. What kind of scheme were they plotting? No matter how much he racked his brain, nothing came to mind.

The dreadful first day of the group vacation was fast approaching.

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14 days ago


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