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ACTSV chapter 30

* * *

It wasn’t long before Im Gipyo returned. He carried the printout he had shown two days ago and a binder file containing a list of products for sale.

Unlike earlier when he sat near the entrance, he now took a seat directly opposite Wonbeom. He then repeated the same explanation he had given to Jingyeom.

Jingyeom, who was quietly listening, found the words to be the same as before, but now knowing it was a multi-level marketing scheme, he found it absurd.

The part about reducing distribution margins and passing the savings to them was tempting, but his interest waned as soon as the talk of ranks came up.

While Jingyeom sat there sulking, Wonbeom tilted his head and looked down at the printout before extending his arm. He took the printout in front of Im Gipyo and flipped through it himself.

“The highest rank is… Diamond? How much do you need to achieve that?”

Im Gipyo felt uneasy even though he could have just answered simply.

He had felt an inexplicable discomfort when looking at Jingyeom, and now he felt it from the two people in front of him.

More than anything, Wonbeom’s attitude was extremely annoying. Especially the way he had been cutting off his sentences mid-speech. It had been a long time since he had encountered someone so rude.

Unable to hide his suspicion, Im Gipyo asked, “Are you really the sales director?”

“Why? Do I not look like one?”

“Not really. Maybe because your sentences are so short?”

“If you don’t like it, you can speak shortly too. I don’t mind.”

“No, it’s fine.”

As Wonbeom responded nonchalantly, Im Gipyo had to suppress his irritation. Even though it was a small company, it was better to open up transactions, so he answered the question without further complaint.

“…You need 2,500 PV for Diamond.”

“Twenty-five million won? That’s cheap. Can you buy a higher rank with fifty million won?”

“No. Diamond is the highest rank. You mentioned giving lots of gifts to customers… Is your company large?”

“Don’t you know HAM Electronics?”

Wonbeom’s eyebrows twitched. It was as if he couldn’t believe someone didn’t know HAM Electronics.

Im Gipyo forced a smile. He was only familiar with major corporations and well-known small to medium enterprises in the electronics industry.

HAM Electronics was a company name he had never heard before.

Earlier, when he had gone out, he had even searched for it. But it wasn’t listed on any internet portal sites. He wondered if it might be a paper company for money laundering by a conglomerate.

Given that there was a business card for a sales director, it might be for slush funds. He wanted to ask exactly what kind of company it was, but clamped his mouth shut at Wonbeom’s words.

“It’s well-known abroad, so people trust and buy HAM Electronics products.”

Wonbeom slightly lowered his eyes and tapped the printout with his fingertip.

“…You’re slow on the news?”

“Oh, now that I think about it, I’ve heard of it.”

“Right? I thought so. There’s no way you wouldn’t know.”

Im Gipyo responded with a smile. He felt that Wonbeom had been looking down on him since he entered the room.

The mere thought of admitting he didn’t know made him imagine how arrogant that smirk would become, which irritated him even more.

Wonbeom lowered his hand back to the table.

“What kind of gifts would customers like?”

“The most common giveaways are portable tissues or wet wipes. If you’re okay with something more expensive, there are cosmetics or red ginseng.”

“Not the most common ones. The expensive ones.”

“Then this would be good.”

Im Gipyo opened the file with the product listings. Hearing that expensive items were okay, he eagerly continued to explain, pointing out each item with his hand.

He especially steered the conversation towards products made by their company rather than famous items sold in the market.

It was better to ensure higher margins for the company, so he explained with even more enthusiasm.

Wonbeom listened casually, nodding here and there.

Meanwhile, Jingyeom fiddled with his fingers and touched his canvas bag. He had no intention or need to join the conversation. Jinwoo was the same.

Jinwoo still couldn’t understand why Director Tak was wasting time like this.

He was familiar with all the affiliates under Director Tak’s purview. Among them, HAM Electronics did not exist.

Although they were expanding into various fields, they had not ventured into electronics yet.

This was because the technology of large corporations and small to medium enterprises was already substantial, and it was more advantageous to acquire a small to medium enterprise rather than start from scratch.

Jingyeom twisted his body to get closer to Jinwoo and whispered as quietly as possible.

“Are you really going to let him invest?”

No matter how much money one had, investing in a multi-level marketing scheme was just not right.

Knowing that Wonbeom’s investment amount would be vastly different from his own made him more worried.


“Shouldn’t we stop him? What if he actually buys all that?”

“If that happens, he’ll just lose money.”

Despite it being his superior’s matter, Jinwoo showed no signs of wanting to intervene.

Among the people in the meeting room, Jingyeom was the only one worried. And that worry became reality.

The contract was signed.

The items traded were expensive products like red ginseng sets and cosmetics sets, all self-produced by the company.

Im Gipyo hurriedly brought out the contract, fearing that Wonbeom might change his mind.

“We’re in a bit of a rush too. We need to receive them within three days. Oh, should I talk to the factory?”

“Don’t worry. We’ll make sure it’s ready!”

* * *

Unlike the quiet interior, outside was noisy with car sounds and people talking. The sweltering summer heat was fully palpable.

Jinwoo glanced at Jingyeom. Jingyeom hadn’t spoken until they came out of the building.

The goal was to get a refund, and he had gotten back 300,000 won, so he should have felt better, but he didn’t look it at all.

With his sunglasses on, it was hard to tell what expression he was making, but it was clear he was in a bad mood. His firm lips were the evidence.

Jingyeom, who had been moving his lips side to side, lifted his head as if he had made up his mind. The all-black figure of Wonbeom caught his eye.

“Are you really going to proceed with the deal?”

“Didn’t you see me sign the contract earlier?”

“Yes! What I’m curious about is… why did you sign it? This is a multi-level marketing company. The profit structure is a mess, so no matter how much you invest, it’s pointless…!”

“You invested in such a place too.”


Even though he had invested without knowing anything, Wonbeom was different. Moreover, the difference in the amounts was stark. The envelope in his hand contained six 50,000-won bills from the refund.

But the contract Wonbeom signed involved a completely different amount.

Moreover, normally only the down payment would be given, but seeing him transfer the entire amount on the spot due to Im Gipyo’s demand for full payment for quick delivery had left him speechless.

Signing the contract and then making the payment immediately?

Of course, to Wonbeom, 50 million won is money he can use immediately, but I couldn’t help but worry that he might be making a hasty decision.

Jingyeom knew this wasn’t a matter where he could just step in and dictate what should be done. Even Jinwoo, the secretary, remained silent.

A white hand fiddled with the envelope.

“Are you really planning to get into some kind of multi-level marketing scheme?”

There was a strong will to persuade, but Wonbeom merely smirked.

“I’m fine with the business I’m currently involved in. I just want to have a bit of fun myself.”


I stared at Wonbeom, who was saying something incomprehensible. I wondered what he might be thinking, but considering what I had experienced, I felt uneasy about leaving things as they were.

I was concerned that he might end up wasting money just because he followed me.

Jingyeom, feeling frustrated, nudged Jinwoo with his elbow, urging him to back up his words.

Jinwoo, feeling the nudge, did not respond and turned his gaze away.

Seeing Jinwoo’s reaction, Jingyeom slumped his shoulders in disappointment.

Wonbeom, with his hands in his pockets, turned his body towards Jingyeom.

“Are you worried about me? Or about my money?”

“Of course, it’s about the money!”

Wonbeom’s lips curled into a smirk at the immediate response.

While it was clear that he was concerned about the money, the fact that there was no hesitation at all was astonishing.

“You don’t need to worry about me. Just make sure you keep track of that money.”

With that, Wonbeom turned and walked away.

Jingyeom gaped in disbelief.

“Even if I worry, he just brushes it off…!”

“Don’t worry; he’s not someone who’s short on money.”

Jinwoo dropped the envelope Jingyeom was holding into the gap in his bag. He was afraid it might get lost if he kept holding onto it.

“I’ll be right back. I’m going to get the car.”


Even though I had failed to persuade Wonbeom, I still felt uneasy.

Wonbeom’s figure, standing on the hot asphalt, looked strangely like a shadow, even though his shadow was beneath him.

For some reason, that image seemed inexplicably lonely.

* * *

The car carrying the three of them headed towards a traditional Korean restaurant. It was a bit far from their current location.

Originally, they were heading to the office, but Wonbeom’s comment changed their destination.

Once they arrived at the restaurant and were about to place their order, no one spoke. Wonbeom was usually quiet, and Jinwoo was the same.

Only Jingyeom kept glancing at the two of them, particularly wondering if he should ask Wonbeom to take off his sunglasses, which he was still wearing.

Jinwoo would be going to the same place, so it was fine if he didn’t take them off. But Wonbeom was a different story. Although the sunglasses suited him well, they were, after all, Jingyeom’s.

Even though it seemed unlikely that he would take them, wearing them while coming out for a meal felt a bit off.

Jingyeom took off his sunglasses as soon as he got into the car and put them in their case in his bag.

He told Jinwoo to take his off as well, but Jinwoo said he needed them because the sunlight was strong while driving, so Jingyeom agreed.

At that moment, Jingyeom couldn’t bring myself to ask Wonbeom to remove his sunglasses, and he was still wearing them.

Surely he knew he was wearing them.

* * *

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1 month ago

Wonbeom liking the glasses AHAHHAHAA

1 month ago

I love how kindhearted jingyeom is

1 month ago

Jingyeom is so funny haha 🤣

1 month ago


29 days ago


26 days ago

Jingyeom “Return my sunglasses (๑꒦ິȏ꒦ິ๑)”😂

Last edited 26 days ago by Winter
26 days ago

Hm…will Gyeom end up with Wonbeom? He has the most of ML quality from other gongs. Or by some miracle of author, actually Jinwoo is not his twin brother and will pairing with him? But his 2nd ML’s aura is so strong….

12 days ago


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