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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

ACTSV chapter 23

* * *

With Jinwoo’s help, I was able to complete my resume.

Since the reoperation was approaching, I focused on applying for short-term positions. In addition to posting shoes at Carrot Mart, I also began organizing the clothes on the hangers.

I thought that having a photo on my resume might lead to being selected based on appearance, but the world isn’t so accommodating.

I was often rejected from applications simply because I had no prior part-time experience.

How much experience could they possibly expect from a twenty-four-year-old?

Today, Jingyeom stared blankly at his phone, which had not received any calls, and browsed through the newly posted job advertisements.

While there were many blog-based part-time jobs available with the option for remote work, I had to skip those due to not having a laptop.

There were also office assistant positions, but I couldn’t apply because I lacked the required skills.

Scrolling down, Jingyeom’s eyes widened at a headline that caught his attention:

Flyer Distribution / Hourly Wage 15,000 KRW / Short-Term Possible / Beginners Welcome / Same-Day Payment

Everything Jingyeom wanted was listed. Without hesitation, he clicked on the ad.

The first thing that caught his eye was that there were no restrictions regarding gender, age, or educational background.

As he scrolled down, the recruitment details were described very simply:

Flyer Distribution Promotional Part-Time Job

1 PM – 4 PM (3 hours per day)

Hourly Wage 15,000 KRW

Short-term part-time jobs were not as plentiful as he had hoped, and since Jinwoo had insisted he avoid strenuous work for his health, he had to look for simple jobs.

Finding something manageable was proving to be more difficult than expected, so when he saw the ad with “no restrictions,” he knew he had to grab it.

It was close to home, and even without considering transportation costs, 45,000 KRW a day was decent.

Jingyeom clicked on the online application as if mesmerized.

Distributing flyers wasn’t difficult, so he figured Jinwoo would think it was fine too.

Soon after applying, he received a message requesting him to come in the next day.

Jingyeom promptly replied, “See you tomorrow!”

He wondered if he had sent the reply too quickly but shrugged it off and hummed a tune as he stood in front of the hangers deciding what to wear.

Though he had removed the clothes he intended to sell, there were still many items left.

“What should I wear?”

Since he would be standing outside, he needed to choose something comfortable.

Jingyeom’s clothes were mostly dark or patterned, and there weren’t many plain options.

The items he picked were a few white shirts and ivory-colored cotton pants. For flyer distribution, a neat appearance was crucial for making a good first impression.

That evening, Jingyeom immediately shared the good news with Jinwoo.

Jinwoo, who was tasting the stew, dropped his spoon in surprise.

“…What’s the company’s name?”

“Daeshin Flyer Service!”

“Flyer distribution… Were you not aiming for part-time work at a convenience store or café?”

“There were no responses to the short-term jobs I applied for. This one was listed as available for just a day, so I applied and they want me to start tomorrow.”

Jinwoo turned off the gas stove and went over to sit next to Jingyeom, who was looking at his phone. He then grabbed Jingyeom’s arm and pulled it down.

Although he had been told not to do anything because he was weak, Jinwoo had stubbornly insisted on helping him with his resume yesterday.

But to find a job so quickly…

“What kind of place is this?”

“They just hand out flyers.”

“Show me the job posting.”

“Job posting? Here.”

Jingyeom opened the app and showed the job listing. It seemed to be from a relatively large company, as there was a business credit rating certification mark next to the company name.

The business credit rating certification mark is given when a business is verified through a credit rating agency for its registration and status.

In other words, it was a certification mark indicating that the company was legitimate.

“The hourly wage is 15,000 won? Most places pay 10,000 won, but this one pays 5,000 won more.”

“Doesn’t that mean it’s harder work?”

“I wouldn’t know. But it’s not a long-term job, just 3 hours a day. Shouldn’t be too bad. If it’s too difficult after a few days, I’ll quit then.”

“…Do you really want to work? Is it necessary?”

“I told you yesterday. I’m frustrated staying at home all the time… I want to make some money too.”

A short sigh escaped Jinwoo’s lips.

He had already failed to persuade him yesterday.

It was clear that continuing to argue would only lead to more hurt feelings.

But Jinwoo’s sigh seemed to affect Jingyeom differently.

Seeing Jingyeom’s furrowed brow, Jinwoo flinched slightly.

Realizing he might have crossed a line, he released Jingyeom’s arm and gave him a bit of space. This made Jingyeom’s frown deepen.

As Jinwoo moved further away, Jingyeom moved closer, and their knees touched.

“I’m not pushing myself too hard.”

“I know… I’m just worried.”

“I understand what you’re worried about. If it seems strange, I’ll quit right away. I won’t overdo it!”

Jinwoo, who spoke so firmly, reluctantly nodded. However, he still felt uneasy about sending Jingyeom to an uncertain place.

“…Send me the exact address of where you’re going. Contact me right after work. If anything seems off, you don’t have to take the money, just stop. This much should be okay, right?”

Jingyeom lightly nodded, acknowledging that he could do that much.

* * *

The flyer distribution part-time job was enjoyable. As soon as he arrived, he smiled back at the boss’s beaming smile.

He had expected it to be hot since it was summer, but it was okay because he could stay in the shade of the trees.

There was another person working with him, but he set up his spot a little farther away.

While standing still and handing out flyers, some people asked for his phone number.

Jingyeom consistently smiled and firmly declined, saying he didn’t have a phone.

Since it was an hourly wage job, he had to work for 3 hours, but within less than an hour, all the flyers were gone.

As he was standing with empty hands, a man from the next block approached.

“Did you already hand them all out?”


Jingyeom nodded and replied.

The man, looking at the flyer he was holding, folded it in half and handed it to Jingyeom.

“Well then, take these. We won’t be able to give them all if we finish quickly.”


Jingyeom took the flyer with a look of realization.

He hadn’t thought of that and had been handing them out indiscriminately.

He almost finished the day’s work with only the hourly rate of 15,000 won. He didn’t forget to thank the man.

As he handed out flyers slowly, when the time was approaching to finish, he gave the last flyer and returned to the store with the man.

“Daesin Flyer Service” was a flyer distribution company responsible for creating and distributing flyers for nearby businesses.

So, the work didn’t end in a day and seemed to continue.

The manager gave Jingyeom the cash for today’s work and asked if he could continue working. Jingyeom and the man said they could.

“Thanks for your hard work today. See you tomorrow.”

When Jingyeom greeted the man first, he responded with a light nod and quietly said, “Yes, good work,” before leaving.

After leaving the store, Jingyeom carefully put the 45,000 won he earned today into his wallet.

It was much less than what he would make selling items at Carrot Mart, but this money came from his labor.

Earning money through physical work felt different. More importantly, the job wasn’t as hard as he had expected, so he felt he could continue for about a month.

Jingyeom continued to work steadily after that.

About a week later, he got to know the man better while working together.

He even developed some camaraderie with Sanghoon, talking and cooling off together at a café after work.

“Jingyeom, are you working for 3 hours again today?”

“Yes. Anything more is too hard…”

If it were spring or fall, working longer wouldn’t have been a problem, but it was summer, and staying outside for too long made him dizzy, so he decided not to push it.

With the heat of summer starting, even in the shade, the humid breeze brushed over him. The heat rising from the asphalt was intense. Just standing still made him sweat.

Holding the flyer close, he pulled out a handkerchief from his canvas bag, which was slung across his shoulder.

The pure white cotton handkerchief was embroidered with a yellow chick. Jinwoo had given it to him last night.

When he asked why such a cute handkerchief was in a house with two adult men, Jinwoo said it was from collected freebies.

In addition to the yellow chick, there were three more handkerchiefs with animal embroidery.

Jingyeom held the handkerchief, dabbed the sweat from his forehead and neck, and wrapped it around his slender neck.

Then he reached into his bag again to pull out a water bottle and put it against his face. The water bottle, filled with ice, was half-melted.

“It’s hot…”

He decided to call it a day. Although only 2 hours had passed, his body kept warning him that pushing further could lead to collapsing.

Holding the flyer tightly to avoid dropping it, he approached Sanghoon, who was working with him.

“Hyung, I’m leaving early today.”

“Why? You said you’d work for 3 hours.”

“I’m feeling dizzy…”

Sanghoon, apparently surprised, teased him, asking if he was dizzy after just 2 hours outside.

Nonetheless, he came closer and checked on Jingyeom.

“Let’s go together. They won’t mind if you work less than an hour since you’ve been working every day lately.”

“There’s no need for you to come in just because of me.”

“I’m hot too. Did you know there’s a heatwave warning today?”

Jingyeom nodded, acknowledging he was aware. Jinwoo had insisted he stay in the shade in the morning.

The ice-cold water bottle was also something Jinwoo had frozen and brought.

Although Jinwoo had suggested staying home with the air conditioner on, he didn’t think it was necessary and came out.

‘I should have stayed home…’

It was clear that following Jinwoo’s advice usually led to better outcomes. It was a realization he had come to, even if it had been a short time.

“Let’s go.”

Sanghoon took the flyer Jingyeom was holding and put it into his bag.

He then put his arm around Jingyeom’s shoulder and led him away.

* * *

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1 month ago

😆😆😆 i really excited

1 month ago


1 month ago

Hope Jingyeom’s okay

1 month ago

Even a healthy person can pass out from that job😭😭😭

1 month ago


1 month ago

Thanks for the translation, this is one novel I kept waiting for new chapters everyday

1 month ago

Sanghoon thank you for taking care of our MC 🤧

1 month ago

Thank you

1 month ago

Thank you

1 month ago


1 month ago

Don’t pass out Jingyeom

1 month ago


9 days ago

Wish he’s good

2 days ago


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