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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

ACTSV chapter 18

* * *

The Baek Jingyeom that Soohyuk remembered was really a pathetic human being. Even though they hadn’t met often, he could tell.

He targeted someone who liked his own brother.

Even though he didn’t truly like Wonbeom. That was obvious, and Wonbeom hated him for it too.

Jingyeom’s evaluation was quite harsh.

If they didn’t call each other brothers, there was nothing similar between them. Even if they were fraternal twins, their personalities were too different.

To Baek Jinwoo, Baek Jingyeom was like a cancer. Not that Soohyuk thought of Jingyeom only negatively.

For now, he planned to keep him by his side for his own amusement.

Above all, if it was the old Baek Jingyeom, he would have thought that what he just said was beyond hypocrisy, it was deceit.

He would have certainly thought so…

Jingyeom sensed something strange in Soohyuk’s gaze as he stared at him and took a step back.

Although it had only been a few days since he saw him, there was something dangerous about him.


One creature came to mind when he saw Soohyuk in the hospital room before.

An anglerfish.

A creature from the deep sea. Though their appearances were entirely different, they both used bait to lure and devour their prey.

He was a dangerous person who wouldn’t let you go once he caught you.

At least, that was the image of Soohyuk in the novel. But now, the look in Soohyuk’s eyes was too eerie.

Jingyeom gradually shrank. Wonbeom’s gaze was sharp and scary, but Soohyuk’s was scary in a different way. He was so different from the person who had just been picking out clothes with him.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Seeing Jingyeom’s pathetic look, like a kitten on guard, Soohyuk smiled slightly.

“Since he knows you’re with me, he won’t worry.”


“Really… Don’t you believe me?”

“I believe you. But you really have to give it back after we eat!”

“Okay. Let’s go.”

Soohyuk took the shopping bags from Jingyeom’s hands and urged him forward.

Jingyeom couldn’t shake off the feeling that he had been at Soohyuk’s mercy ever since they left the hospital and got in the car.

Instead of heading to a restaurant inside the department store, they went to the parking lot.

“I’ll treat you to something delicious. Do you like meat?”

He knew the answer from yesterday’s reaction but still asked.

Jingyeom, who had been following him with hunched shoulders, perked up.

“I like it!”

His eyes sparkled as if the fear had never existed.

Soohyuk realized for the first time how stimulating the word ‘meat’ could be.

Seeing Jingyeom’s bright, smiling face, Soohyuk found it oddly cute.

He unconsciously reached out and patted Jingyeom’s head. Jingyeom, lost in thoughts of meat, didn’t even notice and just looked up at him.

Even though he had collapsed yesterday after eating peach sherbet when they went for meat, it seemed he had already forgotten.

Soohyuk chuckled, making Jingyeom even happier.

“Good. Let’s have Korean beef. Grade 1++.”

The mention of Hanwoo made Jingyeom’s eyes sparkle even more. Plus, it was grade 1++. Just thinking about it made his mouth water.

Though hospitality usually only goes as far as pork… this was Hanwoo (High-quality meat). Refusing it would be really foolish.

While Jingyeom was salivating over the thought of Hanwoo, Soohyuk loaded the shopping bags into the back seat.

As he was about to get into the car, he noticed Jingyeom still smacking his lips.

“You’re going to drool at this rate. Get in.”


His reply was brisk.

Was Hanwoo really that good?

It was amusing to see someone who had been so cautious suddenly let their guard down at the mention of being treated to Hanwoo.

Even as they drove out of the parking lot with their seatbelts fastened, Jingyeom’s mind was filled with thoughts of Hanwoo.

The thought, “Is it okay to eat outside when what I ate yesterday caused problems?” only briefly crossed his mind.

The downside was that his stomach was small. Going to eat grade 1++ Hanwoo and not being able to eat much was unthinkable.

Jingyeom firmly resolved to eat as much as he could.

The car navigated through the busy streets and arrived at a restaurant designed in the style of a traditional Korean house.

Soohyuk, having neatly parked the car, was about to say they had arrived when he locked eyes with Jingyeom, who was staring intently at him.


“I noticed something earlier.”


“You’re really good at driving.”

“…Oh? Uh, thanks.”

“No need to thank me. I’m just stating the fact.”

As Soohyuk hesitated, not knowing how to respond, Jingyeom unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door.

He had one foot out the door when he noticed there was no movement behind him. He turned his head.

“Aren’t you getting out? Isn’t this the place?”

“…Yes, it is. Let’s go.”

They were guided to a private room.

After removing their shoes and settling under the table, Soohyuk asked the waiter while placing their order.

“Does anything here contain peaches?”


“Yes. I have an allergy.”

Fortunately, nothing contained peaches.

Unless it was in the seasoning, Hanwoo was safe since it was served raw.

Jingyeom, touched by the gesture, looked at Soohyuk with moist eyes, and Soohyuk smiled faintly.

There were no side dishes or menus that obviously included peaches.

He mentioned it partly out of curiosity but was genuinely curious about Jingyeom’s reaction.

To see him so moved was not a bad outcome.

Soohyuk kept placing pieces of meat on Jingyeom’s plate, encouraging him to eat plenty.

The thought of calling Jinwoo with the phone he received drifted to the back of his mind. For now, the priority was grade 1++ Hanwoo.

It melted in his mouth, expertly grilled by the staff. It disappeared after a few chews.

Jingyeom ate to his heart’s content, even enjoying dessert. The sweet, clear beverage finished off the potentially greasy Hanwoo perfectly.

He wanted more but was too full. Still, he managed to eat as much as he could. The Hanwoo filled him up to his throat, making it hard to move.

As Jingyeom struggled to get up from his seat, Soohyuk, sipping on the dessert drink across from him, burst into laughter.

Although his clothes weren’t tight, his protruding belly created a tiny bulge. It was endearingly small.

“Did you eat as much as you wanted?”

“I’d need to eat more for that…”

“Should I order more?”

Soohyuk asked, knowing full well Jingyeom couldn’t eat more. If he did, they would need digestive aids more than meat.

Jingyeom shook his head regretfully. No matter how he thought about it, there was no more room. Even now, any slight movement made his stomach ache. He worried about making it home like this.

‘Did I overeat…?’

He shouldn’t have, but yesterday’s steak was so unsatisfying that he lost control.

“Can you move?”

Soohyuk asked as he put down his empty drink and stood up. Jingyeom nodded resolutely but struggled to rise. Soohyuk reached out his arm.

Jingyeom grabbed it, and Soohyuk pulled him up with a firm grip.

Even with a gentle pull, Jingyeom shot up, lost his balance, and fell forward.

Though the charcoal grill had been cleared, the table still had plates, making it dangerous.

Soohyuk quickly pulled Jingyeom back by the arm and caught him with his other arm to prevent him from falling.

Jingyeom’s face landed squarely on Soohyuk’s chest.

His nose hurt from the impact, but he was more startled by the near fall and gasped for breath.


When startled, one’s heart tends to race. Jingyeom felt his heart pounding fast.

If he had worn a watch, his heart rate would have surely been over 100.

It wasn’t a pleasant sensation.

Soohyuk was equally startled. Having just left the hospital, Jingyeom should have smelled like whatever they used there.

But instead, there was a sweet yet bitter scent. It clashed with the pervasive smell of meat in the air.

Instinctively, Soohyuk leaned closer, bringing his nose to Jingyeom’s neck. A deep breath brought that scent again. It cleansed his senses, used to the charcoal and meat aromas.

Soohyuk frowned. He had never smelled this on Baek Jingyeom before.

Jingyeom was too preoccupied with his racing heart to notice Soohyuk’s closeness.

As Soohyuk gently stroked his stiffened back, he slowly straightened up.

“Breathe slowly. Inhale calmly… That’s right. Exhale slowly.”

Jingyeom followed Soohyuk’s instructions, his breathing gradually steadying, though his heart still raced.

Worried about a potential problem, Jingyeom looked up at Soohyuk with drooping eyebrows. He knew Soohyuk couldn’t do anything, but he was the only one there.

Seeing Jingyeom’s teary eyes, Soohyuk involuntarily took a sharp breath. The scent he had just smelled came back to him.

‘Damn it.’

The image of Jingyeom in a suit at the department store, smiling goofily, flashed in his mind. He was definitely losing his mind.

While Soohyuk wrestled with his thoughts, Jingyeom’s trembling voice reached his ears.

“…Am I okay?”

“…Why are you asking me? If something’s wrong, you’d know.”

Jingyeom pressed his chest tightly with his unsteady hand.

He could feel his heart beating strongly, pulsating with presence. His breath was rough, and his head spun.

“I’ll take you to the hospital.”

“…I want to go home.”

“What if you collapse alone?”

“…I want to go home.”

With a poignant gaze, Jingyeom briefly touched his tongue to his lips and handed over his phone.

“Call Secretary Baek and explain the situation.”

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1 month ago

Thank you the chapter really really well

1 month ago

Thanks for chapter

1 month ago

Thank you

1 month ago

Thanks for the chapter

1 month ago

Thank you

1 month ago

Bro’s always in danger

1 month ago


1 month ago

Thank you for the update ☺️

1 month ago

SooHyuk you’re falling deeper, have you notice??

1 month ago

Someone’s falling moore

28 days ago

Loosing your mind is a bit of an exaggeration. You’re just falling in love🤭😂

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