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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Don’t you think we are going too fast? chapter 29

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The meeting place was in the basement on the side of a building near the university’s front gate.

Although it was announced as a spontaneous meeting, the wide venue looked almost like a private gathering for the business department.

Led by Jung Noeul, we greeted unfamiliar seniors and classmates we hadn’t yet spoken to.

Since the semester had already started, it wasn’t hard to find conversation topics, and soon we settled in and continued chatting comfortably.

“Hi, hi! Who’s Moon Sunwoo here?”

“That’s me.”

“Oh! Hi, I’m your direct senior! I’m Seo Hoyoung, a third-year!”

“You’re being noisy. Greet properly like a senior.”

The senior connected through the “Senior-Junior Love” program was Seo Hoyoung.

This lively senior, who greeted me as energetically as in the text messages, sat nearby. Despite being scolded by another senior, he continued to radiate positive energy, making it easy to understand his character with just a few exchanges.

While talking with Seo Hoyoung senior, we included Taeshin and had a three-way conversation.

Seo Hoyoung, who led the conversation energetically, remarked that good students tend to have good friends, but he was soon dragged away by another senior who told him not to tire out the juniors.

“Quite a character.”

“…Not my type.”

“Ha, I bet.”

Taeshin, who is calm and laid-back, didn’t mesh well with Seo Hoyoung’s style. His blunt assessment after just a short chat made me laugh.

No matter how chaotic things got, Taeshin wouldn’t care unless he was directly involved, whereas Seo Hoyoung kept trying to engage both of us, which seemed exhausting for Taeshin.

“I think you would have had fun if you applied too.”

“Me? Or you?”

“Probably me?”

When I applied for the senior-junior love program, Taeshin declined.

If Seo Hoyoung had been paired with Taeshin, it would have been quite entertaining.

“One Moon Sunwoo is enough.”

“Me? I’m not like him.”

How am I similar to that senior?

When I denied the resemblance, Taeshin gave me a long, steady look while drinking his beer, making me feel self-conscious.

Did I have something on my face?

“Not really? What is it? Why are you laughing? What is it? Tell me.”

When I asked if he disagreed, Taeshin just laughed quietly.

His silent smile made me suspicious, but he brushed it off, saying it wasn’t like Moon Sunwoo.

“You shouldn’t be like this. Do you know how much trouble I go through taking care of you?”

I squinted, wondering if he secretly thought I was a burden.

How hard must it be to protect a timid homebody who just reads at home?

I glared at Taeshin.

Feeling a bit tipsy, I headed to the bathroom.

Washing my hands with cold water, I tried to clear my dizzy head.

Though I advised Taeshin to drink only as much as he could handle, it seemed I was the one who couldn’t handle the alcohol today.

The more I drank, the worse it tasted, and I felt more exhausted. I struggled to hide my growing fatigue.

“What’s going on?”

Did I get indigestion before eating the chicken galbi?

The cheese tasted off earlier too. Maybe I wasn’t feeling well from the start.

Moreover, maybe because I wasn’t in great shape, Taeshin’s pheromones were unusually noticeable today.

I wasn’t recalling any specific memories, but his pheromones felt softer and more soothing than usual.

Though Taeshin’s pheromones were usually mild and gentle like spring, today they felt even more so. Feeling uncomfortable, I seemed to be seeking comfort in his pheromones.

Now that I think about it, they are more distinct.

Just a year or a few months ago, Taeshin’s pheromones seemed more layered and contained, but now they were clear enough for me to describe their specific scent.

Normally, other people’s pheromones felt like diluted water, barely noticeable. But Taeshin’s pheromones were like a concentrated essence, especially strong when he was watching me secretly.

Like a stuffy nose clearing up?

It’s an odd comparison, but I couldn’t think of a better one.

After washing my face with cold water, my head felt clearer. I decided it was time to head home with Taeshin.

I returned to the table and noticed the atmosphere had changed.

Though everyone was chatting and laughing, something felt off.


I nudged Taeshin and pointed at a few particularly loud people.

“Anyway, that’s why they say if you give too much, you’ll be used. Choose your friends wisely, don’t end up like me.”

“Ah, yes.”

“We had a tough time back then.”

“Well, it’s over now.”

It seemed some troublesome seniors had joined while I was gone. It was best to leave in such situations.

Feeling tired, I decided it was the perfect time to escape. I signaled to Taeshin, who understood and grabbed his phone.

“Hey, you. The good-looking junior.”

As we gathered our things, one of the troublesome seniors motioned rudely to Taeshin.

“Is that a Malderon? It looks like a Malderon style.”

The troublesome senior eyed Taeshin’s watch. Taeshin glanced at his wrist. It was a watch similar to one he had given me.

I waited for him to say what I had taught him. Taeshin, you remember what to say in times like this, right?

“It’s a fake.”

“Really? I thought the design looked unfamiliar.”

Good job! I felt proud as Taeshin responded as instructed.

The troublesome senior lost interest in the watch and started showing off his knowledge about watches to the other students.

“But why do you wear a fake? It’s embarrassing.”

Taking advantage of the distraction, we tried to slip away, but another troublesome senior sneered at us.

I realized we should have pretended not to know rather than admit it was a fake.

Because of our polite answer, they started talking about Taeshin and fake luxury items.

Ignoring the comments about how using fakes is shameful, I gave Taeshin an apologetic look.

If I hadn’t told him to say it was a fake, he wouldn’t be hearing this.

I worried he might feel bad, but Taeshin remained unfazed.

“Shall we go?”


Is it okay to leave now?

I scanned the table again, timing our exit, but the first troublesome senior focused on Taeshin again.

“Well, if it’s a Malderon, that makes sense. It’s hard to get, so wanting to wear even a fake is understandable. I have a few at home too, and when I bought them….”

As the senior droned on about his watch collection, I pulled Taeshin’s wrist, feeling annoyed.

“Let’s go.”

I had advised Taeshin to say it was fake to avoid being seen as a pushover, but I should have told him to just ignore such questions. I never thought they’d keep pestering him.

Feeling guilty, I stood up with Taeshin to leave.

“Well, I never use fakes. It’s not respectful to the artisans who make the watches. Even if it looks good, if you’re wearing a fake, you’re just living a fake life. And when you get caught later, it’s just embarrassing.”

This guy, what did he say?

Taeshin’s face doesn’t get sold anywhere! I exploded at the endless bragging of the entitled senior who was flaunting his wealth and mocking Taeshin.

I had held back because I didn’t want to cause trouble since the start of college, but I couldn’t hold it any longer.



The entitled senior, whose face was flushed with excitement from the attention, turned to look at me. I smiled at him and said,

“It’s great that you’re promoting responsible consumption, but you should know when to stop.”


“Whether it’s a Malderon or whatever, congrats on having it, but please stop after the first verse.”

Seriously. It pissed me off to see someone belittling others while trying to show off.

And to do it with Taeshin, it made me even more furious because he said it was a fake.

At home, we have several of those kinds of watches.

They’re not mine, but my dad and Moon Jinwoo’s.

I’m not interested in watches, but Moon Jinwoo buys them every season.

Once, I got scolded for asking how he planned to get married while spending money like that.

Taeshin was the same.

He had plenty of those kinds of watches in his dressing room, even if not as many as Moon Jinwoo.

If you’re going to insult us so rudely, why don’t you show us how many you have?

The entitled senior’s face turned red from embarrassment at my words.

“Did I make you uncomfortable, junior?”


The entitled senior forced a smile and asked, but I replied sternly.

He then shut his mouth, looking like he wanted to curse.

“What kind of attitude is that to your senior?”

“If juniors need to have manners towards seniors, then shouldn’t seniors also have manners towards juniors?”

“Are you crazy?”


Another senior stood up, glaring at me, and Jung Noeul, who was next to me, started to try to stop me.

But I didn’t care if a fight broke out. My older brother said living abroad was fine.

The bread is delicious, and you can still eat rice. It’s a place where people live, so it’s livable.

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