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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

STC chapter 24

* * *

Even without working at a company in my previous life, there were obvious truths.

One of them is that in large corporations, it’s hard to have direct contact with the CEO.

Moreover, Idea is the largest existing guild in Korea. Even though I had been summoned by Chae Gohae once before and was close with Chae Goya, it didn’t mean I was frequently called by the Guild Master.

Soon, Chae Gohae’s leisurely voice came through the receiver.

“Hunter Kang Baram, is this a good time to talk?”

It felt like I should say it wasn’t, even if it wasn’t. Come to think of it, he’s really different from Chae Goya.

Not just in appearance, but also in voice and manner of speaking.

Chae Gohae had never done anything wrong to me.

But because he had blatantly ignored Chae Goya in front of me, it was hard to have good feelings towards him.

Moreover, I instinctively felt he was a dangerous person. Every time I faced him, I couldn’t shake the creepy feeling, as if a hundred sly snakes were wriggling inside him.

But, like a seasoned professional, I hid my discomfort and answered professionally.

“It’s fine. Please go ahead.”

“It’s nothing special. I called for a personal favor.”

Chae Gohae asking me for a favor? As I’ve repeatedly said, I’m just a D-rank Hunter. Even within his guild, the gap between his wealth and mine was as vast as the sky and earth.

I was tense, not knowing what he’d say next, when he suddenly mentioned his brother.

“It’s about Goya.”

I waited silently for Chae Gohae’s next words.

“I’d like you to look after him, like you do with Hunter Ye Ilhu in the mornings.”

At those words, I blinked slowly. What was this awkward atmosphere, like a parent entrusting their child to a kindergarten teacher?

Goya is an excellent adult, so he could have asked me directly. Or maybe he’s asking without Goya knowing? My thoughts got tangled in my confusion.

As if reading my mind, Chae Gohae chuckled softly from the other end.

“You seem surprised by my sudden request.”

Even if he spoke leisurely, I’d be surprised.

“Goya really likes and follows you a lot. As you know, he’s my brother. So, he’s naturally very noticeable within the guild, whether in a good or bad way.”

I knew that. Goya’s timid personality wasn’t just because of his brother’s taboo.

Unlike his well-respected brother, Goya was an intermediate C-rank with a summoning defense system.

Even the summons he controlled weren’t dragons but imugi (Korean mythical creatures). There must have been backtalk within the guild.

“Yes, I understand.”

“That’s why I’m suggesting this. It seems Goya acts more brightly around you, which could positively affect his training. And anyway…”


“You don’t go out to gates much, do you, Hunter Kang?”

His slightly laughing words made veins pop on my forehead. This guy throws facts like daggers?

My mom once said you shouldn’t mock genuinely dumb people by calling them dumb. If someone truly gets hurt, it stops being a joke.

Holding back the urge to crumble at Chae Gohae’s words, I pressed the watch tightly and took a deep breath. Thankfully, it wasn’t a video call, or I wouldn’t have been able to hide my expression.

Fine, I’ll be a salary thief. I’ll gladly take responsibility for Goya’s training. Even with a three-minute limit, I can use my SS-rank ability again if I rest for 10 minutes.

Of course, it would be physically demanding, but if the boss says jump, you ask how high. Especially when that boss is as high as the sky.

“Yes, I understand. But can I ask one thing?”

“Sure, if it’s simple.”

“When we gathered in your office before, with Goya, it felt like you disliked him. Was I mistaken?”

If the training had some hidden motive, I wanted to somehow get the kind Goya out of there.

Feeling a sense of duty as an older brother, Chae Gohae’s voice, which had been languid, suddenly held a hint of interest.


“But now, you’re personally calling me for Goya’s sake. Didn’t you dislike him? Was I mistaken?”

If there were any dirty schemes behind the training, I wanted to rescue the kind Goya from them.

Chae Gohae laughed loudly at my blunt question. Then, as if talking to himself, he murmured.

“Just as Min said.”

Min? Was he referring to Ryu Min? I knew they were close as guild master and vice-guild master, but I didn’t realize they were this familiar.

Was there another relationship between them that I didn’t know about?

“Damn it, I should’ve played the original game.”

When my sister suggested I try playing, I stubbornly refused, but now I regretted it.

“You’ve changed a lot, Hunter Kang.”


“It’s like you’ve become a different person.”

His words sent chills down my spine.

Even though he likely said it without knowing the full context, for me, who felt a bit guilty, it was hard to just ignore.

However, unlike me, who was frozen with fear, Chae Gohae continued calmly.

“Anyway, Chae Goya is a member of Idea. If Goya becomes stronger, it’s good for me too.”

In the end, Chae Gohae never answered the question of whether he disliked it or not.

But if it weren’t true, he would have denied it. The fact that he avoided answering was a silent affirmation.

“…Alright. Then, I’ll take my leave. I’ll discuss the duel details directly with Goya.”

In any case, it seemed impossible to find any good in Chae Gohae until the end of this game.

As soon as I hung up the phone, I felt a wave of fatigue wash over me. Come to think of it, a lot had happened today.

Trying to duel with Ye Ilhu and almost collapsing, talking with the system window, and that system window even staying with me as Dukbong.

“What on earth is going on between the brothers?”

Getting involved in other people’s family matters never ends well…

Thinking of Goya trembling like prey in front of his brother made my chest tighten.

When I trudged back to the table, Jeong Yeonji and Heo Taekgyun fussed over me.

“What? Are we being dispatched to the gate?”

“Why do you look like that, Kang Baram?”

It seemed my discomfort was written all over my face.

Even Dukbong, who was picking at his cucumber, flew over to my shoulder and rubbed his head against my neck as if to comfort me.

“I’ve decided to help with Goya’s training starting tomorrow.”

“Goya? You mean Chae Goya, the hunter?”

Jeong Yeonji tilted her head in confusion. Oh right, since they’re on the strategy team, they’d be familiar with Chae Goya.

When I nodded calmly, Heo Taekgyun let out a deep sigh.

“Aren’t you close with Chunsik?”

“Huh? Why bring up Chunsik all of a sudden?”

I asked, and Dukbong bit my earlobe, perhaps out of jealousy. Ouch! That little thing hurts.

“Chae Goya is a summoner, so he’ll be using Chunsik. Doesn’t that mean it’s you versus Chunsik?”

Oh, now that he mentions it, that does make sense. Heo Taekgyun’s comment made me feel even more uneasy.

* * *

Since I collapsed from pain yesterday, today, Ye Ilhu graciously allowed me to rest, so I didn’t have to wake up early.

I enjoyed a rare morning nap, rolling around in bed. Even though Dukbong shook his head disapprovingly at my laziness, I pretended not to notice.

I returned to the training room the next day.

“Hello, both of you.”

Though I collapsed due to the penalty, my physical condition was originally top-notch. After a full day of rest, I felt as light as walking on clouds.

“Welcome, hyung. Are you feeling better? No fever?”

Chae Goya approached hesitantly and even daringly placed his hand on my forehead.

By now, the system window should be ringing loudly above my head, but with Dukbong on my shoulder, it remained silent.

Ye Ilhu, standing next to Chae Goya, frowned at the sight before him. He glared at me sharply, as if demanding an explanation for what was happening.

What can I say? Your boss ordered it.

“I’m going to train with Goya from today.”

“Who decided that?”

Ye Ilhu glared at Chae Goya. However, instead of backing down as I expected, Chae Goya met his gaze.

“Baram hyung said it’s okay. And Gohae hyung, no, the guild master, also gave permission.”

Though surprised, I felt proud seeing Chae Goya standing his ground. It was like watching a child I raised finally become independent. I silently cheered for Chae Goya.

Well done, Goya! Keep going!

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