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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

STC chapter 23

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[System: //Yes? (✿╹◡╹)]

The system window, which had been dancing joyfully, suddenly stopped.

“I think I’ll need your help a lot in the future, so if I keep calling you ‘system window,’ will you appear?”

If that were the case, I wouldn’t be able to call the system window when others were around.

At my words, the system window displayed a thinking message, “Hmm,” at the top of the screen, and then quickly showed an exclamation mark.

[System: //I can’t always appear whenever the player wants, but… there’s a way.]

“A way?”

The system window nodded vigorously, then began to tremble before emitting a bright light. The light was so intense, like looking at the sun, that I had to shield my eyes with my arm.

“What’s happening?”

The intense light began to gradually fade. Hesitantly, I lowered my arm and looked ahead. The system window had disappeared, and in its place, a small sky-blue bird was staring at me.

“…System window, is that you?”


The bird flapped its tiny wings and flew into the air as if to say yes. It circled above my head like an airplane, chirping loudly.

“This is… a bit troublesome since we can’t communicate.”

While the system window had been able to talk fluently, we couldn’t communicate now that it had turned into a bird.

Fortunately, it seemed to understand my words. I wondered if I should use body language.

The new system window, seemingly enjoying its newfound freedom, flew around the room curiously. It looked so delighted that I decided to leave it alone.

Once the noisy introduction was over, the tension left my body, and I let out a long sigh as I slumped onto the bed.

My mind was extremely complicated. From now on, I had to become close to the supporting characters to literally protect my life.

However, I was someone who lived by thinking simply and not overthinking things. So, this kind of deep reflection was unfamiliar to me.

Soon, the system window landed lightly on my shoulder. It pecked my cheek gently with its small, cute beak, enough not to hurt.

When I turned my head, its round, black eyes stared at me as if to say not to worry about anything.

“Yeah, it’s no big deal.”

I had already died once. Plus, unlike before, I now had the reliable support of the system window by my side.

Ye Ilhu, Chae Goya, Ryu Min.

If I could just build a human connection with all three of them… I wouldn’t need to worry about penalties as long as we didn’t develop romantic relationships.

“It’s foolish to worry about something that hasn’t even happened yet, right?”

Just as the system window had done to me, I tapped its beak with my fingertip, and it responded with a loud chirp.

Come to think of it, it can be touched?

Then, will others be able to see it too? Whatever it was, having a companion that broke the fourth wall was a great comfort.

Because now, I had someone to share the secrets I couldn’t reveal even to my closest friends, Jeong Yeonji or Heo Taekgyun.

As I gently rubbed under its chin, the system window closed its eyes slowly, enjoying my touch. I chuckled softly at the sight.

Chunsik used to enjoy my touch too; did my hands feel that good?

“Oh, right. Since I can’t keep calling you ‘system window,’ I think it’s better to give you a name. What do you think?”


It flew around excitedly with its eyes wide open.

Hmm, didn’t Goya say he intentionally gave the kids old-fashioned names? He said it was part of folk beliefs, so the kids would grow up healthy.

After much thought, I looked at the system window perched on my shoulder, its eyes sparkling, and declared firmly,



“Ah, why! Why!”

Dukbong, with its small body, flapped its wings energetically and pecked at my head like crazy. The sudden attack hurt so much that tears welled up in my eyes.

* * *

As expected, unlike when it was a system window, Dukbong was clearly visible to others.

“What’s this? Did you get a pet bird?”

Jeong Yeonji pointed at Dukbong, who had made a nest on my head.

Apparently liking my fluffy hair, Dukbong had settled there and refused to come down.

“Is it just a bird? Or a summoned creature?”

Since I often petted Goya’s Chunsik, Jeong Yeonji assumed Dukbong was someone else’s summoned creature.

Next to her, Heo Taekgyun murmured, “Cute,” and stroked Dukbong’s head, making it chirp happily.

As soon as they heard I’d collapsed, the two had rushed over, inspecting my condition.

Even though we were all the same age, I always felt like a six-year-old baby brother being taken care of by them.

‘My sister used to take care of me like this too.’

I hope she’s doing well. I don’t want her to be too sad because I’m not there.

She would probably laugh herself silly if she knew I was now inside the game she made, but it’s a shame I can’t tell her.

Even though I’d reassured them hundreds of times that I was okay, the two were still worried and took me to a nearby pork belly restaurant.

While the guild cafeteria food was quite good, the sizzling meat smelled so delicious that my mouth watered.

I stuffed a perilla leaf wrap into my mouth and answered Jeong Yeonji’s question.

“Awhoan’s ith aisth awothh…”

“Eat first, then talk. Seriously, that’s gross.”

Jeong Yeonji winced, frowning. I quickly swallowed and rinsed my mouth with water, making a show of it.

“It’s not a summoned creature… well, maybe it is?”

It’s hard to define. Jeong Yeonji shrugged her shoulders, pouring beer down her throat.

Sacred alcohol was off-limits for me today.

“Is it or isn’t it? What’s with the vague answer?”

Judging by her lukewarm reaction, even if I said I summoned it, she’d just say, “Oh, really?” and continue eating her pork belly.

Sometimes, new abilities would manifest or existing ones would reawaken at higher levels.

For example, a physical attacker might also develop telekinesis, or someone might reawaken from a lower to a higher grade.

Of course, Dukbong wasn’t a summoned creature but a system window, so I hadn’t reawakened as a summoner… but it wasn’t entirely impossible.

However, if that happened, I’d have to report it to my guild. I’d have to go to the HR department of Idea, request a change in my personal information, and explain how I reawakened to the guild leader or Vice Guild Leader.

If the reawakened grade was high, I’d be dragged to the Hunter Management Center operated by the state.

Just thinking about the process made my head throb. It was already complicated enough with the unwanted attention because of Ye Ilhu.

I didn’t want to stand out any more. I just wanted to live quietly and peacefully.

The most important thing was that I hadn’t actually reawakened as a summoner.

Without knowing anything about the complexities within me, Deokbong was alternately pecking at the cucumber and carrot served as snacks on my head before I knew it.

I answered simply.

“I found it.”

“You’re a savior. Good job.”

Jeong Yeonji praised me brightly while flipping the meat with tongs. Next to her, Heo Taekgyun couldn’t seem to take his eyes off Deokbong, who was quite cute.

From now on, I should just say I found it under a tree whenever I meet someone. I didn’t want things to get any more troublesome.

As I subtly reached for my beer glass, my Hunter Watch on my wrist suddenly buzzed.

Jeong Yeonji and Heo Taekgyun, both from the administration department, rarely worked overtime unless there was an emergency.

But it was different for me as a Hunter. I had to wear the watch even after work to ensure my location was always tracked since a gate could open anytime in the area managed by Idea.

The beeping sound drew their eyes to me. Just as I grasped the beer glass handle, Jeong Yeonji smacked the back of my hand and said.

“A call at this hour?”

“Seems like it.”

It didn’t matter if I drank beer since the pain was temporary due to the penalty… But feeling a bit disappointed, I checked the watch screen.

Seeing an unexpected caller, I stood up abruptly.

“Just a moment.”

“Hey, but if you’re late, there’ll be no meat left!”

“Damn it, save some for me!”

Muttering, I stepped outside the restaurant and slipped into the alley next door. This street, known as the food alley, was always bustling and noisy. F

rom now on, I had to take the call in the quietest place possible.

Once I was further inside the alley, I firmly pressed the watch button.

“Yes, Guild Master.”

It was none other than Chae Gohae who suddenly contacted me.

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yo lo dejo en visto mejor

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not work with dark mode