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The SSS Rank Babysitter chapter 36

* * *

Though it was a smile that would make anyone cheer for such a handsome man, Do Hajun’s face twisted slightly.

“Who welcomes trespassers?”

“I believe you misunderstand. I have permission to visit anytime.”

“That doesn’t mean you can interrupt conversations, does it?”

Chae Yiwon did not respond and instead tapped the table lightly.

“I thought it was unjust.”

-Knock knock.

“Yes, come in.”

Chae Yiwon answered as if he were the owner of the room.

The person who entered when the door opened was the director’s secretary.

After placing three cups of coffee and some snacks, the secretary left, and Do Hajun exhaled deeply.

“Since when did this place become Hwarang Guild?”

“Unfortunately, Hwarang Guild is not as shabby as this.”

Do Hajun’s eyebrow twitched. Seoul Center was the largest and most splendid center in Korea.

“Calling Seoul Center shabby… Just how amazing is Hwarang for you to say such a thing?”

Chae Yiwon smiled brightly at Do Hajun’s sarcasm.

“Would you like to come and see?”

“No, thank you.”

At the quick refusal, Chae Yiwon dropped his shoulders with a sulky expression.

It was a quick gesture like that of a theater actor.

“Refusing so decisively—”

“So, why are you here?”

“Well, you see!”

Chae Yiwon, who signaled Kang Wontae to stop the useless talk, raised his dropped shoulders with a bright smile.

“I came to recruit you.”

“I’m not going.”

“Why not? Aren’t you being treated unfairly here?”

Kang Wontae’s face paled at the mention of unfair treatment.

‘So, he does know he’s being treated unfairly.’

Even in a democratic society, being pushed around by higher-ups doesn’t make any sense.

However, instead of mocking Kang Wontae, Do Hajun looked at Chae Yiwon and said,

“That’s none of Guild Master Chae Yiwon’s business.”

Chae Yiwon’s eyes widened. Being handsome, even this expression looked attractive, and it made Do Hajun grumble inwardly.

“Why not? Someone I desperately want to recruit is being treated unfairly.”

“It’s not recruiting, it’s seducing.”

At Do Hajun’s words, Chae Yiwon’s wide eyes curved into a smile.

“I thought you didn’t know what seduction was. But you do.”

“If you didn’t know that, you’d be an idiot.”

“Right. Since we’re on the topic, can I try to seduce you more?”

Do Hajun shook his head.

“No. I won’t fall for it.”

“That’s unfortunate. I haven’t even started yet.”

“Please don’t start at all.”

Do Hajun drank the slightly cooled coffee in one gulp.

It seemed he couldn’t talk with Kang Wontae any longer.

“Then, I’ll take my leave.”

Do Hajun, who had finished his bow, stood up from his seat.

“Even if Lee Cheongmyeong and Aileen Spencer could transfer to Hwarang, would you still refuse?”

“Guild Master Chae Yiwon!”

Kang Wontae shouted almost like a scream, calling Chae Yiwon.

“If you can’t come to Hwarang because of Lee Cheongmyeong and Aileen Spencer, I’ll bring them over. How about that?”

Do Hajun, who had stopped walking, turned his gaze to Chae Yiwon.

Chae Yiwon was leisurely drinking coffee without looking at him.

“I have a question.”

“Go ahead.”

“Why do you wear that jacket?”

Chae Yiwon put down the teacup he was holding and replied,

“It’s fashion.”


‘I thought it was an item that increased defense.’

Do Hajun, muttering to himself, left without hesitation.

Watching his departing figure, Chae Yiwon burst into laughter.


“Guild Master Chae Yiwon.”

Still laughing, Chae Yiwon wiped the tears from his eyes and spoke.

“How did the center recruit that person?”

“Guild Master Chae Yiwon.”

Chae Yiwon looked at Kang Wontae expressionlessly as if he had never laughed.

“About what you said earlier.”

“Do you think I can’t do it?”

Unlike when Do Hajun was present, his gaze was cold.

The chilling gaze made Kang Wontae close his mouth.

Chae Yiwon stood up from his seat. He had come to the center in the middle of his busy schedule to recruit Do Hajun, not because he had any business with Kang Wontae.

“Are, are you leaving?”

Ignoring Kang Wontae, Chae Yiwon left the director’s office.

“Where is Do Hajun?”

At his question, a shadow flickered.

“He went to the Delta Team Office.”


Chae Yiwon took out a fan and tapped it against his lips.

Should he go back to try recruiting again, or should he retreat for today?

At that moment, the image of Do Hajun stopping came to Chae Yiwon’s mind.

“It’s time to retreat. Let’s go.”

The flickering shadow covered Chae Yiwon.

* * *

Do Hajun looked at the two children who were panting.

Their disheveled hair, stretched-out clothes, and the scratches on their faces and bodies showed how fiercely they had fought.

“Lee Cheongmyeong. Aileen Spencer.”

The shoulders of the two panting children flinched.

Do Hajun closely observed the state of the two children.

[Status: Angry/Upset/Sad]

[Status: Angry/Upset/Sad]

‘How can they be so alike?’

Do Hajun let out a dry laugh.

The status window had been odd for the past few days.

Filled with incomprehensible jealousy, envy, and complaints, he wondered what it was about, only to find that the two thought of each other in that way.

“Why did you do it?”

As if they were soul twins, both clammed up.

Do Hajun let out a small sigh and first grabbed Lee Cheongmyeong’s shoulder.

“Cheongmyeong, how could you hit a girl like this?”


Shaking his head, Do Hajun cut off Cheongmyeong’s words.

“It’s not that Aileen is weaker than you because she’s a girl. Aileen is a hunter, so of course, she’s as strong as you. But other kids are different. You have to protect those who are younger or weaker than you.”

If Aileen Spencer were a normal child, it would have been a disaster, even though she was a hunter, and they fought similarly.

Worried that Cheongmyeong might attack ordinary people because of this incident, Do Hajun scolded him sternly.

Cheongmyeong lowered his head deeply.


This time, he grabbed Aileen’s shoulder.

“You’re the same. It’s fortunate that Cheongmyeong is a hunter. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been seriously injured.”


Aileen Spencer also lowered her head deeply.

“Both of you, go over there, face the wall, and raise your hands.”

The children trudged over to the wall Do Hajun pointed at and raised their hands.

“Think about what you did wrong.”



Their status windows soon filled with sadness.

Do Hajun maintained a stern expression but smiled inwardly as he cleared the food off the table.

It hadn’t been long since he left when Lee Moojin followed. Most of the food was left untouched.

‘Couldn’t they have eaten before fighting?’

Clicking his tongue, Do Hajun texted Ahn Eunseon, who was out on an errand, to bring snacks for the kids.

“Hands up properly.”



The children tried to lower their hands subtly but resumed their hee-ing noises at his comment.

“What’s going on? Why are the kids like this?”

Lee Moojin asked as he walked in.

“I told you to watch the kids, where did you go?”

“The Alpha team called. Why are they like this?”

“They were hitting and fighting each other.”

“Haha, really?”

Do Hajun looked at Lee Moojin with a disdainful gaze.

“Do you think this is funny?”

“It’s entertaining.”

Shaking his head, Do Hajun walked over to his desk.

“What did the director say?”

“Agreed. Only.”


“They’re filming for broadcasting.”

The file Kang Wontae gave him was an introduction to a program revealing the daily lives of minor hunters.

Unlike ordinary children, the goal was to expose the private lives of these young hunters.

“Wow. Is our center broke?”

“No way.”

No center received donations as well as the Seoul center.

Unless they had local ties, hunters wanting to become national hunters aimed for the Seoul center.

“Then why are they trying to sell the kids on TV?”

Do Hajun wanted to say it was because of Aileen Spencer but kept his mouth shut.

After tapping the desk and thinking for a while, he looked at Lee Moojin.

“Do you know about Chae Yiwon?”

“Who doesn’t? Why?”

“You know too?”

“Honey. Don’t you remember? The proposal incident?”

Do Hajun’s face scrunched up.

Everyone learned Chae Yiwon was pursuing Do Hajun because of his crazy stunt.

Thinking words weren’t enough, Chae Yiwon filled the Seoul center lobby with roses and laid a red carpet in the middle.

At the end of it, he knelt on one knee holding a magic stone the size of a baby’s fist.

A stone of that size could buy a building in Gangnam.

“Would you form a guild with me?”

The crazy ‘proposal’ spread among the Seoul center hunters, and Chae Yiwon’s being gay rumors made the front page of newspapers for a while.

Remembering the horrific, disgusting event he tried to forget, Do Hajun held his head.

‘I barely forgot.’

For a while, he would have seizures just seeing roses because of that incident.

“So why Chae Yiwon?”

“If I move to Hwarang Guild, she said he’ll arrange for those two to come with me.”


As national hunters, they were technically civil servants and could resign freely.

But it wouldn’t be the same for Lee Cheongmyeong and Aileen Spencer.

Lee Moojin rubbed his chin and said,

“Doesn’t Chae Yiwon really like you?”

Do Hajun shivered.


“Then why?”

“That’s what I don’t know.”

It seemed he wanted something from him, but he couldn’t guess what.

He didn’t just want him to join Hwarang Guild, he even created a team for him, which he couldn’t understand.

“Did you ask her directly?”

“He said he’d tell me if I joined.”

Lee Moojin smirked at Do Hajun’s answer.

“Honey, so are you going?”

“Are you crazy?”

Lee Moojin shrugged.

“You could. It’s not that crazy.”

“Stop with the nonsense and get to work. Why did the Alpha team call?”

Lee Moojin glanced at the children.

It was hard to discuss it with them around.

Do Hajun turned his head.

Even though they had been holding their hands up for a long time, they didn’t seem to be shaking, as expected of hunters.

“Lee Cheongmyeong, Aileen Spencer, come here.”

The two children, lowering their hands, sheepishly walked over to Do Hajun.

“Did you reflect?”

Their pouting mouths said otherwise.

“If you haven’t, go back and-”

“We did!”

Lee Cheongmyeong shouted, and Aileen Spencer echoed, “We did!”

“Is it okay to fight?”



Though their status windows still showed sadness, Do Hajun decided to overlook it.

“Now, face each other.”

When the children looked at each other, their pouts deepened.

“Apologize to each other. Say, ‘I’m sorry. I was wrong.’”

The children looked at Do Hajun. Seeing his stern face, they resignedly opened their mouths.

“I’m sorry. I was wrong.”

“I’m sorry. I was wrong.”

“Now hug each other.”

Their faces filled with shock.


Biting his lip, Lee Cheongmyeong reached out to Aileen Spencer.

Aileen Spencer closed her eyes tightly and walked towards Lee Cheongmyeong.

Then she hugged him with all her might.

‘What the?!’

Lee Cheongmyeong also hugged Aileen Spencer with all his strength.

“Now, say ‘I love you’ to each other.”

“I… love you.”

“I… love you.”

Their voices were stiff from exerting all their strength in the hug, but Do Hajun seemed satisfied and pulled them into a group hug.



The children, released from the hug, immediately clung to him.

“I’m sorry. I was wrong.”

“I’m sorry. I was wrong.”

Their apologies to him were sincere, unlike their earlier ones to each other. Patting their backs, Do Hajun said,

“Don’t fight and get along, okay?”



“Good kids.”

As he patted their heads, the children smiled contentedly.

But it was brief. They soon glared at each other over his shoulder.

‘Because of Lee Cheongmyeong!’

‘Because of Aileen Spencer!’

The second battle for Do Hajun was far from over.

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21 days ago


Me peegunta que tramara Yiwon, siento que el es un tipo de regresor aunque capaz estoy delirando

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