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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 53- What the Left Hand Does, the Right Hand Must Know

* * *

I forcibly stopped the manager.

“So, how is Vita’s Jiki doing?”

“He’s on indefinite suspension.”

“I see. What about the other members of Vita?”

“They claim they don’t know anything.”

Oh, he’s been abandoned.

“Jiki won’t interfere with your activities! Both the Director and the President have made sure of that!”

Well, there’s nothing that can be done about it.

“Manager, let’s get you discharged first.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m fine, really.”

Just then, a nurse walked in. The manager started handling the procedures, and I asked to have the IV removed.

I looked at my smartphone.

“Do you have any experience on the good side?”

A brilliant idea suddenly came to me. I smiled and took off my hospital gown top.


Vita’s Jiki.

He was known as a comedic character in variety shows.

Though he was called a variety show character, he could barely keep up with the other members in singing and dancing.

He was slightly better at acting, so the company tried to push him in that direction, but he failed repeatedly.

“Ochingu Jiki. (Friendly Jiki)”

His nickname among fans, born out of his countless failures.

From the beginning of his career with Vita, he was always on thin ice.

The other members saw him as pathetic because he couldn’t keep up. His only solace was Vita’s leader, Kiki.

As long as Kiki spoke up, the other members’ complaints would subside. Well, they were still strong, but at least they didn’t voice them.

That was a relief.

“Just listen to Kiki.”

This was the survival tactic Jiki of Vita realized at 17.

Vita was popular at first, but it gradually declined.

“Why can’t you guys really make it big?”

Still, it was okay. They occasionally reached number one, and they had some recognition. Jiki was fairly content with his position.

Being a member of Vita was enough to get him recognized and attract women in clubs.

“Nobody can be good at singing, dancing, and acting all at once.”

But such a person did exist. No, someone even more remarkable appeared out of nowhere.

“Kang Minjae.”

That guy who claimed to write and compose songs irritated him from the start. The company cherished him, and it made Jiki furious.

The problem was, despite all the special attention, that guy didn’t seem to care.

Jiki was angry, but what he couldn’t stand was Vita’s leader, Kiki. Kiki told him to ruin Kang Minjae’s debut group.

“You’re banned from making a comeback indefinitely.”

Director Joo informed him and turned away. He spoke honestly, but no one believed him.

“They say Dowon collapsed because of you. Are you proud of yourself? Why are you so childish?”

It was infuriating. That guy had set him up, and now he was being called childish?

It was frustrating. Even the leader didn’t support him. Despite ordering him to do it, he denied everything.

“Damn it!”

He was driven crazy with frustration. What should he do?

Jiki of Vita had extreme thoughts.

“Should I just kill those two and then myself?”

He repeatedly picked up and put down a knife, day after day.

One of those days, while lying in bed, Jiki received a call from his manager.

“Jiki, you’re trending number one on the real-time search rankings!”

“Why? Drunk driving? That’s already over.”

Did they find out about his clubbing last week? Jiki anxiously searched his name.

-Vita’s ‘Jiki’ donates 30 million won to children in need.

-Seems to be a gesture of ‘reflection’ for drunk driving.

Jiki rubbed his eyes.

“What is this?”

Why would I donate money to needy children?

“This is being broadcast live. You’re number one right now, Jiki. 30 million won! That’s a lot of money!”

Jiki laughed awkwardly. Not me. Did I lose my mind? Who would do this?

“Did Kiki do this to improve my image?”

Jiki wasn’t smart, but he wasn’t stupid either. He immediately shook his head.

“30 million won….”

Suddenly, he started laughing.

“That’s the money I gave to that guy.”

Once he started laughing, he couldn’t stop. Jiki rolled around on his bed, laughing.

“Damn bastard.”

“Jiki? Are you talking to me?”

Oh, I was on the phone.

“No, not you.”

“Calls are coming in like crazy. Director Joo says this is your chance to refresh your image. How did you do such a great thing? Anyway, I gotta go!”

The manager hung up. Jiki laughed again. He laughed out loud.

“Hahaha! Crazy!”

That bastard was incredible.

“It wasn’t Kang Minjae. It was that guy.”

He was like a lunatic.

“That guy’s the problem. But what’s his name….”

Jiki searched again. When he looked up Friends Entertainment’s new group, the face of a sleek guy appeared.

Jiki slowly read the name.

“Cha Dowon. 16 years old. Wait, a third-year middle schooler?”

He did look young, but his tone of voice didn’t match, so Jiki was surprised to find out.

“I got scared by a middle schooler?”

Wow, damn.

It was ridiculous.

“What’s that kid planning to do, starting this at 16?”

It was funny, but Jiki wasn’t angry. It was just absurd.

“That kid, huh.”

No one else cared about his comeback, but this kid had opened the way.


Jiki cursed, rolling around in bed. Strangely, he felt a little grateful. That annoyed him, so he cursed even more.


[Cha Dowon’s Charm]

[B status. Do you want to change it?]

[Change to A]

[Not possible in current state.]

The hallway on the way to the meeting room was buzzing.

“It seems the news has spread.”

What the left hand did, not only the right hand but everyone in the neighborhood knew very well. The impact was greater than expected.

I tapped the screen again.

[Cha Dowon’s charm]

[B status. Do you want to change it?]

[Change to A]

[Changed. Nosebleed will occur for 1 hour in 5 minutes.]

[Cheat Mode 1/3]

“This is working.”

I shook my head. This really is like gaining experience points.

“Good deeds change things too, huh?”

I clenched and unclenched my hand. There was no immediate change in my body.

“But now I should be less tired.”

Or maybe I’ll be energized even with just a little sleep.

“Before debut, I want to boost my singing, dancing, and stamina.”

At that moment, a nosebleed started trickling down. I stuffed tissue into my nose and tilted my head back.

“If this happens during a schedule, it’ll be troublesome.”

I wondered when this hour of side effects would end.

As I waited idly, the door opened. A familiar figure walked into the meeting room.

“Dowon? What’s going on?”

“Oh, just a nosebleed.”

Kang Minjae’s eyes widened in surprise. Then he approached, visibly anxious.

“Shouldn’t you be resting more?”

“Sometimes it just happens without reason. It’ll stop soon.”

“Hmm, is this the same reason you cough up blood?”

In terms of cheat side effects, yes, but not for any physical reason.

‘But it’s a good excuse.’

I smiled brightly as I answered.

“Yes. It pools in my throat and comes out when I cough. The doctor said the nosebleeds will lessen as I grow.”

“No anemia or anything?”

“I’m healthy. You know that.”

Kang Minjae frowned immediately.

“Even though you fainted and were taken to the hospital by ambulance the day before yesterday?”

“That was a natural disaster. Besides, the hospital didn’t say much.”

Kang Minjae sighed deeply.

“If this happens during a schedule, it’ll be a problem.”

“I assure you, Minjae hyung.”

I glanced at the fox.

“I’ll be the most energetic during schedules.”

Kang Minjae shook his head as if he couldn’t handle it and sat across from me. The chair squeaked.

“Well, that’s a relief. But Dowon.”

The fox narrowed his eyes.

“You donated under Vita’s name, didn’t you?”


“You found out.”

“The amount matches perfectly.”

“So it was really 30 million won. I did a direct deposit, and the bank teller was flustered counting the money.”

He was oddly honest about the weirdest things.

“Why did you do it?”

Kang Minjae propped his chin up.

‘Every time he does this, he has bad thoughts.’

I smiled slightly.

“Well, I was bored.”

“Dowon. Vita’s Jiki will just fade away in the entertainment world if it continues like this. Why did you restart his career?”

“I told you, I was bored.”

Believe me a little.

“Those types show up with a knife. We need to debut quickly, no one can get hurt.”

“That won’t happen.”

“It’s a feeling, Minjae hyung. Pushing someone to the brink of ruin is not good. They harbor strong resentment.”

“We just have to rise so high they can’t hold a grudge.”

I smiled a bit.

“Minjae hyung. I’m very hungry too. Even if we rise, this kind of thing doesn’t go away nicely.”

Kang Minjae’s eyes shook slightly.

“Unless it bounces back just as hard.”

“It’s useless. Even if you gave him a chance, Ji Ki will live the same way as before.”

“Then, there’s nothing we can do. It’s not my concern if that’s all he’s capable of. At least he won’t come at us with a knife.”

Kang Minjae exhaled long.


“Sorry I didn’t ask you first.”

Of course, it was an excuse. Why would I need your opinion?

Just as Kang Minjae was about to say something, the door opened, and the bear walked in.

He approached as if nothing was wrong, but I was startled.

“Damn, what’s that?”

I lifted my head at the sight of his bruised face.

“Lee Seungjoon. Who did this to you?”

The face that was supposed to debut soon was covered in bruises.

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Lee Seungjoon smiled faintly.

“They got mad when I didn’t give them money.”

Unbelievable. Who did this? Seungjoon’s a minor. Someone tried to extort money from a kid?

“Even among leeches, there are many types.”

I clicked my tongue, and Kang Minjae stared intently at Seungjoon’s face.

“Leeches stick to celebrities easily. But Seungjoon, is your face okay?”

“Sorry. The bruises should heal quickly, but I’m not sure.”

I can make it heal perfectly.

I quietly picked up my smartphone.

[Lee Seungjoon’s injuries will heal by tomorrow morning.]

[Updated. Side effect: eyes will sting for 2 seconds.]

For a moment, my eyes stung like being pricked by needles. Though 2 seconds was very short, tears welled up.

Tears streamed down my face naturally.

“Who was it?”

I rubbed my eyes.


“Who asked for money?”

A family member like Yoo Hajin?

Tears flowed between my fingers.

Lee Seungjoon whispered softly.

“My sister’s husband.”


The world was truly wide and full of leeches.

“He said he’d manage my money for me.”


“Why did your sister marry someone like that?”

“Well, maybe she’s bad at judging people. Anyway, that’s why my face is like this.”

There was no need to see more. I tapped my smartphone screen.

[Leave only 20 hair follicles on Lee Seungjoon’s brother-in-law’s head.]

If you like free stuff, you’ll end up shining.

[Updated. Side effect: eyes will sting for 3 seconds.]

My eyes stung again. As tears streamed down, Kang Minjae silently handed me a tissue from the middle of the meeting room. I pressed it against my eyes as I spoke.

“Ignore him. Who is he to manage your money?”

“Yeah. I remembered what you said. You said to manage your own money.”

“Of course. There are so many scammers in the world. They’ll steal your nose right off your face.”

Lee Seungjoon smiled with his battered face.

‘Why is he smiling when he looks like a mess?’

“Rather express your anger.”

It was a moment of long sighs. The door opened, and Yoo Hajin and Ki Jaeyoon came in.

“Hm! What’s this! Did you two fight? Why is one crying while the other has a swollen eye?”

What nonsense.

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1 month ago

Oh, the misunderstandings and the drama haha 😆😂 you’re really a shaman’s son Dowon with your insight and perceptiveness

1 month ago

Jiki’s thoughts were so funny lol
He was about to put everyone down with him hahaha

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