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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 52- Unique Experience

* * *

I already knew something like this would happen.

I turned slightly to look at Yoo Hajin.

“Hajin hyung, thanks for stopping it earlier.”

“I’m the leader, of course, I had to stop it. But seriously, what’s with Jiki?”

“Who knows. Maybe he had a nightmare.”

A nightmare about losing money, perhaps.

Kang Minjae nonchalantly said, “Jiki should probably go to a mental hospital, don’t you think?”

“For paranoia or something?”

“He’s already had an accident from drunk driving.”

“People who mess up like that usually mess up again.”

Kang Minjae said, stretching his neck.

“Very few people actually reflect and change.”

Maybe that’s true.

Yoo Hajin stretched and said, “Ah, I don’t know what’s going on!”

Then the door opened again. This time, it was Ki Jaeyun, who had said he was going to the bathroom.

He stood in the doorway and said, “Is it resolved? The atmosphere was weird, so I called security!”

So, it was you who called security.

“Even the director and the president were coming. What happened? It’s all over, right?”

I didn’t want to answer.

“Answer me! What happened?”

I was annoyed.

Only Yoo Hajin kindly responded, “We don’t know either.”

I rested my chin on my hand and spoke to Kang Minjae, “Aren’t we going to keep recording?”

“We need to finish today’s work. We don’t have much time.”

We definitely shouldn’t be doing that.

“Recording despite all this chaos?”

“You two can leave. Only Jaeyun needs to stay.”

Ki Jaeyun flinched. I smiled and stood up.

“I’m going to go work out.”

“Don’t leave! I’m scared!”

Yoo Hajin shook his head and said, “You’re not alone, what’s there to be scared of?”

“Being with Minjae hyung is scary enough!”

I stared at Kang Minjae.

‘What did he do to make him like this?’

Kang Minjae smiled brightly at Ki Jaeyun. “Don’t worry, Jaeyun.”

Ki Jaeyun grabbed my sleeve.

“You’re the main problem, that’s why you’re last!”

Oh dear.

‘I told you not to badmouth people where they can hear you.’

That guy holds grudges.

I shook my head and walked away. Yoo Hajin did the same.

After the door closed, my dear leader put his arm around my shoulders.

“Hajin, thanks for stopping it.”

“Of course, the leader must protect the youngest.”

I chuckled.

“Did something happen?”

Yoo Hajin murmured softly, “I won’t ask. It seems resolved.”

This is why he’s the leader.

“Thank you.”

“If you’re grateful, make me some more tteokbokki.”

“The next dish is curry.”

“Curry’s good too. Can I join?”

“Just bring yourself.”

Yoo Hajin smiled and stretched.

‘We really need Yoo Hajin.’

A moment’s decision might not last a lifetime, but it could affect the next ten years.

I quietly took out my smartphone. I activated cheat mode and tapped the screen.

[cheat mode 2/3]

[Cha Dowon’s Vocal Ability]

[It’s a B. Would you like to change it?]

[Change to A]

[Changed successfully.]


I was startled. When I stopped, Yoo Hajin looked at me curiously.

[Side effect: unconscious for 24 hours.]

[cheat mode 3/3]


I couldn’t delay the side effect since there were no cheats left. I immediately grabbed Yoo Hajin’s arm.

“Hyung! I suddenly feel dizzy. Please call an ambulance…”

My vision went dark. I felt a strong arm supporting me.

“Call them.”

That was the last thing I said. It felt like the world blacked out.


The ceiling wasn’t unfamiliar.

I saw the cheap wave patterns. Why are there so many ceilings like this? I heard asbestos was common before I returned.

‘Is it okay to use these materials in hospitals?’

I blinked and sat up, realizing I had an IV drip.


That was close. From now on, I’ll only use cheats if I have at least two left.

‘If this happened during our schedule, we’d be in big trouble.’

As I sighed and looked around, I noticed someone lying by the bed.

‘Oh, the manager.’

Why is it always him when I wake up?

The chubby manager suddenly talked in his sleep.

“Oh, Mira! I’m sorry!”

So noisy.

I sighed and lay back down. The empty six-person room was utterly quiet.

‘Might as well organize my thoughts.’

My smartphone was on the table. I gently picked it up.

‘So, the cheat worked.’


‘Vocal abilities usually only improved with body enhancements.’

This thing was unpredictable.

‘When I improved my observation skills, it went up after many unique experiences.’

The only recent change was ‘recording.’ But singing as Kang Minjae wanted wasn’t that hard.

If you ask if it was a unique experience, the answer would be ‘no.’

“So, what is it?”

Only one strange thing stood out.

‘Vita’s Jiki.’

I stared at my smartphone.

‘Did stealing money from him count as a unique experience that improved my vocal ability?’

How should I interpret this?

Doing bad things makes me a better idol?

My face twisted in frustration.

‘Damn it, what is this?’

My head was a mess.

Then, my smartphone rang. I checked who it was and swiped the screen.

-Cha Dowon! I heard you collapsed!

News travels fast. I whispered with a smile.

“It’s okay now.”

– Is there something wrong with your brain? Why did you suddenly collapse?

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’ve been under too much stress?”

Not sure, but I guess I got some tests done. Since there’s nothing seriously wrong, they probably concluded it’s stress.

– Are you really that sensitive?

“Not really.”

– Is being an idol that tough?

“I’m still a trainee. I haven’t even debuted yet. I’ll tell you if it’s tough or not once I make it.”

– You’re such a dull person.

Maybe it was because we hadn’t talked in a while, but it felt really nice.

“How about you, sis? How’s studying going?”

– I feel like I’m going to die. There’s so much to memorize. The problems just keep piling up.

“Hang in there.”

– Still…

I could feel her voice getting brighter.

– It’s something I really want to do.

Yeah, sis. That’s right.

‘Never give up.’

This time, you don’t have to give up anything because of me, so…

“Sis, can I ask you a question?”

– You can ask ten. What is it?

“If an unusual experience was endlessly beneficial to you, what would you do?”

– What are you talking about? First of all, is this unusual experience within the bounds of legality?

As expected, my sister is sharp.

I answered without hesitation.

“Of course, it’s within legal bounds.”

She sighed.

– Cha Dowon.

“Yes, sis.”

– I don’t know what kind of unusual experience you’re talking about, but let’s live kindly, even if it’s not obvious. I know you’ve been edgy since mom passed away, but let’s try to stay on the right path, my dear brother.

I smiled faintly. It was a familiar phrase.

“That’s what mom used to say.”

– You know that if you listen to mom, good things will happen, right? Please, my dear brother.

I quietly fell into thought.

– Cha Dowon?

“Oh, sis. But you know, I really hate people who threaten others.”

She was silent.

“Like those who take hostages without any grudge and say, ‘You did something wrong, so you must die!’ Whenever I see that, I wonder. Should the protagonist feel guilty if the hostage dies? Can’t we just save the hostage and hand the bad guy over to their family?”

– Don’t see the world so harshly. Why not try having a positive unusual experience?

“How can you live kindly when there are people challenging you? Still…”

I sighed softly.

“I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

Even if I can’t live kindly.

“Sis, I have to go. Make sure you eat well, even if you’re busy.”

– Sure. You take care and eat well too. Oh, let me know when you have a debut date.

The call ended. I stared quietly at my smartphone.

‘What should I do?’

Why do some cheats work and some don’t? I slowly organized my thoughts.

‘When do cheats work?’

I traced my memory back.

First, when I train my body, it changes.

‘It’s not like I did those ab exercises for nothing.’

Second, when I experience something, it changes.

‘My observational skills improved like that. After shooting a music video for Yoo-mi, Korea’s top singer, it suddenly happened.’

I switched my smartphone back to cheat mode.

‘So, taking Vita Jiki’s money was a result of an experience?’

Does any experience count? You?

I laughed. My sister’s voice from earlier echoed in my mind.

‘Live kindly, she said.’

Well, I would if circumstances allowed it, but they don’t.

I sighed deeply.

“Yeah, yeah.”

An unusual experience doesn’t necessarily mean a bad one.

“I should try having an unusual positive experience too.”

I stretched my shoulders. After being unconscious for 24 hours, my body felt very refreshed.

At that moment, my manager, who had been sleeping in a corner of the bed, suddenly lifted his head!

“Mira! Sorry! Ah!”

He looked around and said,

“Where am I? Who am I?”

Isn’t it obvious?

I stayed silent because I was too lazy to answer, and the manager finally looked at me.


“Yes, manager.”

“Why are you in a patient’s gown… Ah! You collapsed again.”

It’s a side effect of the cheat, but let’s leave it at that.

I acted nonchalantly.

“I guess I did.”

“You crazy ambitious kid! Do you know how shocked I was?”

“Did you get any tests done?”

“Blood pressure, EKG, everything’s normal, so they didn’t do anything. They said it might be a mental issue?”


Well, that’s not it, but I couldn’t say that.

The manager suddenly shouted.

“Ambitious kid!”

Ah, you scared me.

“How much have you been suffering, you little thing!”

Suddenly, a massive body covered my view. After feeling soft flesh hit my nose, I realized what was happening.

‘This is crazy.’

The manager was hugging me.

“I heard! Jiki went crazy, right?”

Ah, so that’s the rumor.

“Why did you endure it alone! You could have told me!”

His shoulders were wet. He was being so earnest, but I wanted to run away.

“Excuse me, manager.”

“Call me hyung.”

“Manager, I wasn’t that stressed.”

“You don’t have to lie! I mean, with your parents gone, it must have been tough trying to debut. Even if things go smoothly, it’s not easy, but with Jiki acting up!”

Well, things are going pretty smoothly? The song turned out well too.

Whether he knew my thoughts or not, the manager started patting my back.

“You poor ambitious kid! You look thinner, maybe because you haven’t been eating well!”

This is driving me nuts.

“I’m really fine.”

Please let go.

“Don’t worry, kid.”

About what?

“Jiki’s in big trouble. Director Joo scolded him again. Asked what he did to make a trainee collapse from stress, then called in Vita and chewed him out!”


‘Things are turning out strangely.’

So, he got scolded for bullying a weak junior?

Compared to what they did, it’s like bleeding from a new wound, but still, would it be unjust to keep it?

Losing money, getting scolded, causing trouble, but the song still turned out well?

It was so ridiculous that I felt like I might go crazy from laughing.

I struggled to hold back my laughter.

As my body shook, the manager cried even more.

“Don’t shake. You have to be ambitious. You’re arrogant but too scared. What are you going to do?”

Ah, damn it.

I took a deep breath.

‘Well, I have to take advantage of this.’

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1 month ago

Well, I guess even if JiKi’s also a victim of VITA’s manipulative leader he still reap what he sowed

13 days ago

Thanks for the chapter

11 days ago

The translation is a bit …

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not work with dark mode