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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 51- Where’s the evidence?

* * *

Ki Jaeyun’s face turned red again.

“Hey, don’t be so arrogant. You’re definitely going to cry. Do you really think you can do everything Minjae hyung asks?”

I couldn’t help but laugh for a moment.

“I think I can.”

Well, it might be a bit difficult.

“This little…!”

“Of course, I think I can do better than you.”

Ki Jaeyun grabbed my shoulder.

“You keep bragging that you sing better than me! All trainees are pretty much the same, you know?”

“Yeah, I suppose so.”

How immature.

“But every producer who’s worked with Minjae hyung has had a hard time! He’s notorious for being tough and never giving compliments.”

I covered my mouth and laughed.

“Hey! Why are you laughing?”

“Is it okay to say that when he’s right there?”

There was no end to this. Ki Jaeyun turned pale and covered his mouth.

Just then, Hajin hyung staggered out. Kang Minjae turned and spoke.

“Next is Dowon.”

“I’m going in. Hajin hyung, are you okay?”

“I feel like I’m going to die.”

Yoo Hajin collapsed into the seat I had been in. He’s usually a composed guy, but now he’s completely drained.

“You’re going to cry. I guarantee it!”

I quietly shook my head and entered the booth.

Putting on the headset and bringing the mic closer, I heard Kang Minjae’s voice.

“Dowon, this is your first time recording, right?”

“Yes, hyung.”

“Be prepared.”

“I am. I know your personality.”

“Good. Then, let’s start. Sing.”

I sang the part of the song that was in the guide.

“From ‘waiting’ sing ‘waiting’ in falsetto.”

I repeated the part Kang Minjae mentioned.

Sure enough, it gave the lyrics more power.

“Looking good. Try again.”

I repeated the section.

“Good, but put more force in your stomach at ‘dun’.”

He was really particular. I sang again with more force.

“Now, put some emotion into it.”

As if you can just command emotions.

‘But I am Cha Dowon.’

I can follow orders faithfully.

I started again as Kang Minjae wanted.

– I’ve been waiting for you here.

I heard Kang Minjae laughing.

“Of course, it’s Dowon.”

I could do it, but it was quite tough. Maybe that’s why.

Even though it wasn’t hot, I was sweating. I glanced at the booth, and Ki Jaeyun was staring at me, dumbfounded.

‘Why is he like that?’

Did he think I’d cry?

‘It might be hard, but I wouldn’t cry like a baby. Even though I’m in middle school…’

No, because I am still a kid they thought it will be possible.

‘But still, Kang Minjae wouldn’t go easy on anyone.’

I waved slightly at Ki Jaeyun. He clenched his fist.

“Dowon, the next part.”

“Yes, hyung.”

The recording went smoothly.

Adjusting my voice and adding emotion as Kang Minjae instructed made it easy.

“Dowon, you’re done!”

“Thank you, hyung.”

I came out of the booth. Kang Minjae smiled with his chin resting on his hand.

“How do you feel?”

“You’re really good, hyung. Truly a genius.”

Is this what it feels like to get help from a pro in a game for the first time?


Kang Minjae blinked, not expecting my response.

“You’re amazing.”

Experiencing it firsthand, I realized. This guy is a true genius.

“I didn’t expect that kind of feedback…”

“Really? Do you need anything else?”

“Can you get me some water?”

“Yes, hyung.”

As I bent down to open the mini-fridge, Ki Jaeyun grabbed my clothes angrily.

‘Why is he acting like this again?’

I smiled at him, and he huffed and puffed even more.


“Yes, what? Keep your voice down. My hearing’s fine.”

Ki Jaeyun, face red, spoke.

“I’m jealous!”


“This is the first time I’ve seen someone get praised by Minjae hyung. How long have you been a trainee? Were you a trainee at another company before?”

“This is my first time.”

“Which academy did you attend? I want to register there too!”

“I didn’t go to any academy.”

Ki Jaeyun’s eyes welled up.

‘Seriously, what’s wrong with him.’

I quietly took out two bottles of water from the fridge.

“Want some water?”

Ki Jaeyun snatched the bottle and gulped it down.

Then Yoo Hajin, who had been watching, spoke up.

“Jaeyun, Dowon is amazing.”

Our dear leader straightened his shoulders.

“If you compare yourself to him, you’ll have a hard time. Didn’t you see how he’s rising quickly in the debut team? He’s going to debut after just four months of training.”

Kang Minjae added.

“It’s not just his talent, but his ability to empathize. It’s like he’s lived and died once before, and he immediately puts that into his performance.”

That was surprising.

‘Kang Minjae has sharp instincts.’

How did he know I’ve lived once before?

I handed the other bottle of water to Kang Minjae. The sly fox took it with a grin.

“Let’s take a break.”

Ki Jaeyun, on the verge of tears, ran out to the hallway saying he needed to use the restroom. I quietly sat on the sofa.

“Don’t be too hard on Jaeyun.”


I rested my chin on my hand and mumbled.

“Surprisingly, he’s kind of cute.”

“Huh? That guy?”

Not in a human way, more like watching a monkey.

Yoo Hajin blinked, sighed, and shook his head.

“I guess you’re the youngest in Zenis.”

“What’s that?”

“It means the youngest is the strongest.”

I chuckled.

“The leader is you, and the producer is Minjae hyung.”

Am I the weakest then?

Just then, the door burst open. I thought it was Ki Jaeyun returning from the restroom, but the person who entered was unexpected.

‘Well, it’s not a stranger. It’s someone who was bound to come.’

I smiled broadly.

“Hello, senior Vita’s Jiki.”

I thought you’d come eventually.

“Hey! You!”

I was grabbed by the collar immediately. As I was shaken around, I spoke.

“Minjae hyung, it’s now.”

“Use the emergency plan… no, contact Director Joo.”

“Oh, okay!”

My vision was blurred from all the shaking. As I blinked, Yoo Hajin rushed in and freed me from Jiki’s grip on my collar.

“What do you think you’re doing?!”

Jiki, panting heavily, said,

“You bastard! Didn’t you say you’d interfere with the song?”

I responded calmly,

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You took money from me!”

“Excuse me?”

I took a step back.

“Me? Money?”

My acting was so natural it could win an Oscar.

“Yes! You took it! From me!”

I cut him off,

“Senior! That’s impossible! Why would I sabotage our debut song? And money, really?”

I shook my head as if I didn’t understand.

“You took it! You!”

“When? This is too much.”


Just then, Vita’s Jiki came closer again. Yoo Hajin stood in front of me.


What’s this?

‘A member’s shield? Leader’s shield?’

It was a very effective shield.

“Move aside!”

“Senior, what are you doing to our member?”

Our member, really? Hajin hyung, your wording gave me goosebumps.

“He took my money!”

I grabbed Yoo Hajin’s shoulder and said,

“Senior, I really don’t understand. And money? Do you have any proof? Or are you dreaming?”

I struggled to hold back a laugh.

‘Of course, there’s no proof.’

We met in a secluded place without CCTV, and I had a backpack.

‘And it was in cash.’

Why would someone give a bribe in 50 Million-won bills? To leave no evidence, of course.

Our dear senior was fuming.

“Yeah! So you’re playing it this way! Hey! Kang Minjae!”

Kang Minjae was sitting with his legs crossed, drinking water.

“That bastard sold you out!”


Kang Minjae blinked as if he knew nothing.

“Your team is already falling apart. He sold you to me!”

I wondered how much a sly fox like him would be worth.

‘Hmm, at least more than 50 million won, I’d say.’

Kang Minjae smiled slightly and said,

“Sorry, senior, but I can’t believe you.”

The sly fox glanced at me.

“Dowon would never do that.”


“We’ve known each other since we were kids. I know Dowon well.”

Kang Minjae continued with a grin,

“He never does anything that would be a loss to him.”

Thanks for the evaluation, you sly fox.

“He sold you! He interfered with the song!”

Now it was my turn.

“Did I? Minjae hyung?”

Kang Minjae shook his head.

“We did have some discussions. But he’s never interfered; he’s only helped.”

Vita’s Jiki’s face turned red.

I hid behind Yoo Hajin, pretending to be scared.

This was a very good shield. More reliable than I expected.

“They played me for a fool!”

You’re just realizing that now? But you know,

‘You’re being used by Vita’s Kiki from the start.’

Vita’s Jiki, enraged, kicked and destroyed the recording studio equipment.

That must be expensive, right? As our dependable leader Yoo Hajin restrained Jiki, she finally arrived.

“What’s going on here?!”

The President and Director Joo arrived in a rush. Jiki stopped kicking immediately.

“Jiki! You!”

“These guys did wrong! President, Director! Listen to me! They took my money and ran!”

I shook my head and spoke with a slight tremble.

“I don’t know what he’s talking about.”

Kang Minjae sighed and added,

“He says Dowon interfered with the song, but I don’t know anything about it.”

Director Joo tilted his head.

“Didn’t Dowon suggest an interpretation of the song?”

“Director Joo, you know we discussed it and ended up with a better result.”

Director Joo nodded. That was true.

I calmly said,

“Director, in a team, discussions can get intense sometimes.”

“Right. If it weren’t for Dowon’s suggestion, we would’ve gone with that bright summer song.”

“Indeed, this one’s better.”

Director Joo agreed and turned to Jiki. Then, she gave Jiki a sharp slap.


Wow, that was fierce.

“What do you think you’re doing?! They’re recording!”


“What? Money? Do you have proof?”

Of course not.

“I gave it to them!”

“Stop lying!”

“Search his room! I gave it in cash! It’s definitely there!”

I smiled brightly.

“Search my stuff. I’m innocent, Director!”

Director Joo spoke to the President.

“Brother-in-law, bring a manager or two and search Dowon’s belongings.”


The President left the recording studio. I let out a long sigh.

Director Joo grabbed Jiki by the collar and said,

“It’s ridiculous to even suspect this. It’s utterly baseless. If there’s no cash in Dowon’s belongings, you’re done for!”

His rhyme was perfect. He could be a rapper.

The recording studio was close to the dorm. Besides, I had few belongings.

How much time passed?

After 10 minutes, Director Joo’s phone rang.

“Yes, brother-in-law. Okay.”

Director Joo hung up and slapped both of Jiki’s cheeks.


The sound was quite sharp.

“There’s nothing, you bastard.”

Two guards entered the recording studio.

“You came at the right time. Take Jiki to the director’s office. Zenis members, stay here and continue.”

In an instant, Director Joo and Jiki were gone.

I quietly covered my mouth with my hand.


A strange sound escaped me.

“What is this?”

Yoo Hajin sat on the sofa, tilting his head slightly. Kang Minjae crossed his other leg and leaned against the backrest of his chair.

“I don’t know either,” Yoo Hajin replied as he sat down on the sofa.

“I don’t know either,” Kang Minjae said.

Of course he knew, though.

I slowly loosened my lips and pressed my temples. Then, our eyes met briefly.

Kang Minjae smiled faintly.

“He must have moved it ahead of time.”

To Kang Minjae’s place.

‘Would I stupidly leave the money I received at the dorm?’

* * *

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1 month ago

YOOOO they’re partners in crime LOLL

1 month ago

Oh, they’re the perfect partner in crimes. This is going the way in the direction I ain’t expected.

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