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The SSS Rank Babysitter chapter 32

* * *

“Cheongmyeong, come here.”

The shock of Cheongmyeong’s illness hit Lee Moojin hard. After Cheongmyeong woke up, Moojin began to care for him like a nephew.

However, Moojin’s original personality remained unchanged. Instead of being a kind uncle, he became a teasing and mischievous one.

“I don’t want to!”

Cheongmyeong turned his head away with a pout, but Moojin, with a wicked smile, said, “I’ll give you a piggyback ride.”

At that, Cheongmyeong’s head whipped around so fast it almost made a sound.


“Yes, really.”

Moojin picked Cheongmyeong up and sat him on his neck. He began moving around playfully.


Cheongmyeong hugged Moojin’s head and shouted with joy. Watching them, Do Hajun turned to the man approaching him.

“Mr. Do?”

“Hello. I am Do Hajun.”

“Hello. I’m Michael Lee.”

Michael Lee, who appeared to be of mixed race, shook hands with Do Hajun.

“Hello. I’m Lee Moojin.”

“Hello. I’m Michael Lee.”

Michael Lee then bowed to Cheongmyeong, who was holding Moojin’s hand.

“Hello, little boy?”


Despite his shyness, Cheongmyeong greeted him politely. Michael Lee smiled at him and then turned to Do Hajun.

“Thank you for your big decision. On behalf of the American people, I extend my gratitude.”

“It’s nothing. I’m just taking care of one more child.”

“Haha. An SS-rank Hunter isn’t just any child.”

Do Hajun frowned slightly at the subtly different implication in Michael Lee’s words. Lee didn’t notice Hajun’s expression as he gestured to a soldier and continued speaking.

“I apologize for saying this, but she was too much of a troublemaker.”


“Yes. She was originally infamous for bad reasons. But when she turned into a child, she became dumb. She was scared in the dungeon and couldn’t use her abilities.”

Do Hajun stared at Michael Lee in disbelief.

You made a child fight in a dungeon? And now you call her dumb because she was scared?

“A colonel known for his kindness in our unit got angry at her for not fighting in the dungeon, so she used her powers while crying. You know, the Pentagon fire incident. She was uncontrollable, and given her family and public perception, we couldn’t kill her, so we put her in SBC.”

Hajun’s eyes turned cold. The story was vastly different from what he had heard from Shin Misook.

“Oh, there she is.”

A child with flowing rapture rose-colored hair, being carried by an armed man, approached them.

The child, who looked as young as Cheongmyeong, had a body that was horribly thin and skin as pale as a corpse.

“SBC prohibits exporting, so we had to put her to sleep.”

“…I see.”

It takes at least 12 hours to travel from Washington DC to Korea.

How much sedative did they use to keep the child asleep that long?

[Status: Sleeping / Malnutrition]

[You cannot view detailed information due to low affinity.]

[Current Affinity: 0 (Neutral)]

Seeing the status screen, Do Hajun carefully picked up Aileen Spencer, who was breathing lightly, as if to show she was alive.

She felt so light it was as if he wasn’t holding anything at all.

When he first held Cheongmyeong, he thought he was light, but this was different.

“Now that the handover is complete, we’ll be heading back.”

With a good-natured smile, Michael Lee left with the American soldiers.


Cheongmyeong tugged on Do Hajun’s pants, seeing his stiff expression as he looked down at the child.

“Sorry. Let’s go.”

“Should I hold her?”

“No, let me. Cheongmyeong, you help hold her.”

Do Hajun carefully positioned Aileen Spencer’s head to rest comfortably on his shoulder and began walking slowly.

“Who is she?”

Cheongmyeong asked from Moojin’s arms, following behind.

“She’s your new friend.”



Moojin, answering Cheongmyeong, then turned to Hajun.

“But does she speak Korean?”

“Yes, she speaks five languages.”


The day they decided to take care of Aileen Spencer, he received her detailed information.

Unlike the reckless image of Aileen Spencer he had seen in gossip magazines, the real Aileen Spencer was a genius.

She had a high IQ, excellent language acquisition skills, and a brilliant mathematical mind.

If she hadn’t become a Hunter, it was believed she would have inherited her businessman father’s work.

“I’ll drive.”

Moojin, after putting Cheongmyeong in his car seat, took the car keys from Hajun’s pocket.

They had prepared a car seat for Aileen Spencer, but Hajun didn’t want to awaken her to the fear of an unfamiliar place, so he simply nodded.

The road to Hajun’s home was cleared to prevent any potential dangers, just like the empty airport.

“Who will bathe her?”

Hajun’s biggest concern was bathing and changing Aileen Spencer.

Shin Misook had offered to send someone understanding his worries, but Hajun refused.

Instead, he chose someone he could easily ask for help.

“Ahn Eunseon.”


Ahn Eunseon lived close to Hajun’s home, which was convenient.

After speeding through the empty road and arriving home, Hajun laid the still-sleeping Aileen Spencer on the sofa.

“Can I eat here before I go?”

“Sure. Wash your hands with Cheongmyeong first.”

“Yes, Mom.”


With Moojin laughing out loud, he headed to the bathroom with Cheongmyeong.

Hajun gently covered Aileen Spencer with a small blanket and stroked her rosy hair.

At that moment, her eyes flickered open.

Her once-drowsy violet eyes became clear as she looked directly at Hajun.

[Affinity with ??? has increased by 10.]

[???’s affinity increases by 10.]

[???’s affinity increases by 10.]

‘…What did I do to make my affinity increase?!’

* * *

The Blue House, the residence of the President of South Korea, located in Jongno-gu.

In the Blue House’s office, adorned with golden phoenix decorations, Shin Misook was reading documents related to the enactment of the Juvenile Hunter Act.

After Lee Cheongmyeong woke up, the nation and the Center simultaneously made an official announcement.

The announcement included the cause of his collapse, the peculiarities related to the abilities of natural hunters, and a commitment to support Lee Cheongmyeong’s safe growth by helping him clear dungeons smoothly.

Despite some opposition due to Lee Cheongmyeong’s young age and appearance, public opinion quickly agreed after citing foreign cases where hunters died from not using their skills continuously.

‘I was worried that letting Lee Cheongmyeong and Do Hajun play around would be inefficient, but this is good.’

Shin Misook smiled as if things were going well.

“President, Team Leader Do Hajun has arrived home.”

The chief secretary, who had been standing motionless behind Shin Misook, spoke.

“He was given sleeping pills, right?”


Do Hajun, who appeared cold both in face and reputation, had a lot of affection for children.

If someone around Lee Cheongmyeong’s age, who was also skinny, arrived after being given sleeping pills, Do Hajun, who would rush to Lee Cheongmyeong at the slightest touch, must have been angry.

“He must have been pissed.”

“Yes, but he didn’t show it.”

“Of course.”

Shin Misook nodded in satisfaction.

Since he never crosses the line, Lee Cheongmyeong and Aileen Spencer could be entrusted to him.

“What did the U.S. say?”

Shin Misook, turning her attention back to the documents, asked.

“They said the U.S. will bear all costs for Aileen Spencer.”

“They’re bragging about what’s obvious.”

Shin Misook grumbled.

“…President, was it the best decision to take in Aileen Spencer?”

Shin Misook turned to look at the chief secretary, whose face was filled with anxiety.

“Why, are you worried?”


People are multifaceted, just like someone who can be kind to one person and mean to another.

The information on Aileen Spencer depicted her as a fairly decent hunter, but she was also notorious in tabloids for being arrogant.

Such Aileen Spencer had turned into a child and used her abilities at the Pentagon.

Even if it was to restore Lee Cheongmyeong, the risk was too high.


“Unlike with Lee Cheongmyeong, Aileen Spencer’s affinity might not increase.”

Shin Misook smiled faintly and shook her head.

“No, that won’t happen.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Before you became the chief secretary, I met her at the White House.”

When the chief secretary tilted his head at the cryptic words, Shin Misook returned to her documents.

“Did you know? Even children prefer good-looking people. And Aileen Spencer was famous for her devotion to aestheticism during her hunter days.”


Shin Misook responded to the perplexed chief secretary’s voice with a low laugh.

* * *

[Current affinity: 30 (Intimate)]

[The ‘Intimacy’ category has been created.]

[Caregiver target’s locked information is unlocked.]

[Name: Aileen Spencer / 3 years old (28 years old)

Ability: Fire Hunter (SS-rank)

HP: 17000

MP: 23000

Attack Power: 923▷More

Defense Power: 780▷More

Critical Hit: 40%

Registered Caregiver: Do Hajun

Affinity with Caregiver: 30%


Do Hajun stared blankly at the suddenly opened information window.

Did she like it that much when he swept her hair back? Or was it because she saw him first when she woke up? Like a chick recognizing the first thing it sees as its mother, do child hunters feel the same towards their caregivers?

Seeing her staring eyes, Do Hajun spoke first.

‘It’s okay to speak in Korean, right?’


Her purple eyes curved beautifully, and her only colored but rough lips opened with a smile.

With a gasping breath, she spoke in slightly broken Korean, more awkward than Cheongmyeong’s.

“Here… Ko…Rea?” (English)

“Yes, this is Korea. Did you hear?” (English)

Aileen Spencer nodded with difficulty and then tightly closed her eyes.

“The world… is spin… spinning.” (English)

It seemed like she was feeling dizzy because she hadn’t eaten anything due to wearing the SBC.

“Do you want to lie down? I’ll bring you something to eat.” (English)

Before going to pick up Aileen Spencer, Do Hajun had visited the doctor.

He had expected her physical condition to be poor.

As expected, her condition was the worst.

Aileen Spencer couldn’t even lift a finger by herself.

“I… don’t… go… away… huff huff. Be… here.” (English)

When Aileen Spencer groaned as if trying to get up, Do Hajun gently pressed her down and spoke.

“I won’t go. I’ll stay here. Moojin!” (English)

“Uh, uh! I’m done washing up!”


With a lively voice, a soaking wet Lee Cheongmyeong came running.

Following behind, Lee Moojin was also soaked.

“Weren’t you supposed to wash your hands?”

“That’s how it always goes.”

When Lee Moojin replied with a grin, Do Hajun sighed.

Why does it feel like I’m taking care of three children when there’s supposed to be only one more adult?

“Bring the prepared porridge and help Cheongmyeong change clothes. Cheongmyeong, go change with Moojin.”

Lee Cheongmyeong, perhaps due to his wet clothes, didn’t run to Do Hajun but stared at Aileen Spencer.

“Cheongmyeong? Hurry. Change your clothes and come out. You’ll catch a cold.”

“Huh? Okay.”

When Lee Moojin placed the porridge on the table and went to the master bedroom with Lee Cheongmyeong, Do Hajun carefully lifted Aileen Spencer.

“Are you uncomfortable?”


After adjusting her position so she could lean on him, Do Hajun brought the porridge.

“What is… this?” (English)

“Porridge made from beef bone broth.” (English)

Initially, Do Hajun had told the doctor he would make thin rice gruel.

Since her stomach would be empty, he planned to prepare porridge to avoid any shock, and the doctor laughed out loud at his words.

“Hunters are different from others; you don’t need to be that cautious. Even if they eat meat after starving for months, they’ll be fine.”

While he didn’t disregard the doctor’s words, he wanted to feed her porridge, not solid food, for her first meal since she was now a child.

So, he made the porridge with beef bone broth instead of water.


Her stomach, which had stopped working due to the SBC and was slow to recover due to the sleeping pills, started to react to the smell.

Seeing the blush on her pale cheeks, Do Hajun checked her status window.

[Status: Exhausted / Hungry / Malnourished]

Clicking his tongue inwardly, Do Hajun scooped up a spoonful of the cooled porridge.

“Let’s eat. Ah.”

Following Do Hajun’s lead, her small mouth opened.

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1 month ago

Thanks for the translation

30 days ago

amigo la trataron muy mal, es cierto que es una potencia que no pueden ignorar pero todavía es un niño y aún más importante un humano

Last edited 30 days ago by gallo
6 days ago

Pobrecita me da lástima como pudieron hacer eso

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