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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

STC chapter 10

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Suddenly, flames burst from Ye Ilhu’s hand, threatening to engulf me.

I had good reflexes, so I quickly rolled half a turn to avoid the flames.


Did he just click his tongue? This bastard?!

Even though I knew it was a hologram, it was too realistically implemented, sending chills down my spine. I almost had my cheek burnt to a crisp.

With just three long strides, he was already close. I crouched low to the ground and unleashed my ability.

The time limit was three minutes. Just enough time to wait for a cup of ramen. I had to finish him within that time.

As I struck the hologram floor, not the actual training room floor, dust rose, and the ground cracked in four directions.

As the ground started to crumble, Ye Ilhu, who was approaching me with a flaming fist, jumped back. Despite his massive build, he was fast, which was infuriating.

ā€œAttacking the ground, huh?ā€

ā€œDidn’t you see yesterday? This is my technique.ā€

As long as I didn’t throw dirt in his eyes, it wasn’t cowardly in a fight.

I charged forward to slam Ye Ilhu into the ground.

Realizing the threat, Ye Ilhu exploded flames towards my reaching hand. Red sparks flew from his fingertips.

When I instinctively flinched, he chuckled.

ā€œA fatal flaw.ā€


ā€œYou canā€™t do anything if you canā€™t make physical contact.ā€

His sharp observation made me grit my teeth.

It was a tough match from the start. With fire as his main attack, Ye Ilhu wasnā€™t much restricted by distance, but I was different.

My super strength required close combat.

Yet, seeing his smug face made me determined not to admit defeat.

Close combat?

I could manage that. I picked up a piece of shattered stone and hurled it with all my strength.

With a whoosh, the stone flew towards Ye Ilhu, who reflexively raised his arm to shield his face.

The stone hit his forearm with a thud and bounced off.

ā€œIs this close combat? Or long-range?ā€

I grinned as I asked, seeing a cold gleam in Ye Ilhu’s eyes through his raised arm.

Oops. Did I provoke him too much?

At that moment, Ye Ilhu kicked off the ground. He was closing in at an alarming speed.

Realizing it was too late to dodge, my hunter watch started beeping obnoxiously.

Just as Ye Ilhu’s fist was about to land on my face, he stopped.

Throwing away all my pride, I quickly shouted.

ā€œThree minutes!ā€


ā€œThree minutes are up! If you hit me now, itā€™s assault! Iā€™m just a civilian right now! I canā€™t use any abilities! So, put that fist away!ā€

At that moment, Ye Ilhu, who had approached so close, moved his fist away from my face and stepped back. He let out a deep sigh. His dark blue hair shimmered.

ā€œ…So annoying.ā€

ā€œDid you say everything you wanted to say? You asked me to spar with you, and I did. Instead of thanking me, you say itā€™s annoying?ā€

ā€œIt was too short.ā€

Ye Ilhu clicked his tongue in frustration, feeling like it was just a tease.

So what?

If I could extend the limit time as I pleased, I would have already stretched it to 100 minutes, even 500 minutes.

I shrugged as I took off my goggles and protective gear and put them back in their place.

ā€œSo what.ā€

Even with my gruff response, Ye Ilhu was too engrossed in something to react. His extremely handsome face made even his absent-minded expression seem filled with melancholy.

I opened the door of the training room while stretching my arms. Suddenly, a strong arm shot out from behind and grabbed my wrist.

I turned my head towards Ye Ilhu, who had been looking straight ahead.

ā€œLetā€™s go again.ā€


ā€œLetā€™s do it again. Iā€™m not satisfied with this.ā€

ā€œWhat nonsense is thisā€¦ā€

ā€œWeā€™re not done yet. We couldnā€™t finish.ā€

Thatā€™s your problem, not mine. What kind of unreasonable demand is this?

Moreover, the way he spoke was somehow weird.

Put ā€œsparringā€ in front of that sentence, you idiot. Otherwise, itā€™s just asking for misunderstandings…


Just then, I felt intense gazes from somewhere and turned my head.


What I saw next was countless eyes staring at us.

Not only Jeong Yeonji and Heo Taekgyun, but also Chae Goya and Ryu Min, along with a bunch of hunters gathered behind them.

They all had blank expressions.

ā€œWhat are you all doing here?ā€

Why is the medical team here too? I tried to console Jeong Yeonji, whose eyes were brimming with tears, not knowing what was going on. But Ye Ilhu grabbed me even tighter.

ā€œHey, arenā€™t you going to let go?ā€

ā€œYou havenā€™t answered yet.ā€

ā€œAnswered what!ā€

ā€œLetā€™s go again, with me!ā€

This ridiculous and absurd persistence was something Iā€™d only seen from a five-year-old when I worked as a kindergarten assistant.

Even though I had been living like a hermit since coming to this world, for some reason, I snapped at his persistence and pushed back equally hard.

ā€œNo, I donā€™t want to! You donā€™t hold back and attack me so harshly! Itā€™s tiring, I donā€™t want to!ā€

Hearing my words, Heo Taekgyun asked with a trembling voice like a quivering aspen.

ā€œBa-Baram, you did come from sparring, right?ā€


Whatā€™s with him now?

As I looked back with a puzzled expression, the hunters gathered were whispering to each other, adding their own comments.

ā€œDidnā€™t they say that usually when you go into the training room with Hunter Ye Ilhu, you come out half-dead?ā€


ā€œBut that D-rank looks completely fine?ā€

Well, we only fought for three minutes…

ā€œHe just seems to be sweating a bit, other than that…ā€

Well, anyone would sweat when sparring with someone who controls flames…

ā€œHis neck is a bit red too. Is that a kiss mark?ā€

What the hell, where did that come from?

ā€œHey, no matter how soundproof the hologram training room is, surely not…ā€

This is getting out of hand…!

ā€œArgh! What nonsense are you all spouting!ā€

I couldnā€™t hold it in anymore and shouted. Seriously, theyā€™re saying anything just because Iā€™m quiet! Are they implying I did something indecent with him in there…

The crowd fell silent at my fiery outburst. The absurd misunderstanding was so overwhelming that it felt like it cured my nonexistent low blood pressure.

Sigh, forget it… Thinking back, these people live in a huge BL (Boysā€™ Love) universe.

Just last year, they witnessed a bloody love triangle involving the main characters and the supporting characters up close. Itā€™s no wonder their thoughts were off track.

ā€œBy the way, why did you all gather here?ā€

I asked Ryu Min, who seemed the most normal. He watched Ye Ilhu and me with a hand on his chin, then let out a light hum.

ā€œWe came to… watch, I mean, out of concern.ā€

It sounded like I heard his true feelings just now.

ā€œOur Hunter Ye Ilhu doesnā€™t usually go easy on others. We thought you entered to die voluntarily.ā€


ā€œBut you seem surprisingly fine.ā€

Although he spoke in a gentle tone with a kind expression, Ryu Min always had a chilling edge to him whenever we met.

Look at his face now. Who would think that expression shows concern?

As I glared at him, Ryu Min, seemingly unfazed, asked with a slight smile.

ā€œWhat was your name again?ā€

ā€œ…Itā€™s Kang Baram.ā€

ā€œYes, Hunter Kang Baram. Iā€™ll remember that. You did well sparring with Hunter Ye Ilhu today. But since itā€™s dangerous, next time…ā€

Ryu Min was speaking in his usual kindly manner, but Ye Ilhu pulled me closer again. This time, he wrapped his arms around my chest. I ended up half-leaning into his embrace.

ā€œI wonā€™t kill you, so letā€™s do it again.ā€

At that, Chae Goya, who had been hesitating, suddenly stepped forward. He cautiously grabbed my hand and tried to pull me forward. But since Ye Ilhu was holding firm, only my arm moved slightly.

ā€œLet go, let him go. He doesnā€™t like this.ā€

ā€œ…Oh, Chae Goya, youā€™ve grown bold?ā€

ā€œGuys, Iā€™m still talking here.ā€

With voices coming from all directions, huntersā€™ murmurs, and the strange gazes from Jeong Yeonji and Heo Taekgyun, I felt my spirit slipping away.

I was being swung back and forth like a balloon between Ye Ilhu and Chae Goya.

ā€˜Let me go, you jerks…ā€™

I had been drifting around the guild for weeks, but I never wished for such chaos.

A foreboding feeling crept over me like a dark cloud. I had a hunch that the rest of Kang Baramā€™s life would never be peaceful again.

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1 month ago

no peace

1 month ago

It’s only the beginning

1 month ago

Peace was never an optionšŸ˜­

1 month ago

The tug of war start

12 days ago

Lyk the cover

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