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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Newlywed Life for a Successful Divorce chapter 11

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“I didn’t originally intend to participate, but things have turned out this way. To the filming team and our staff, I look forward to working with you.”

A round of applause erupted for Seo Taecheon as he bowed his head in greeting.

“Director, you’re the best!”

“Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!”

Among the Omega and Beta employees who were cheering wildly, Lee Jiwoon suddenly came to his senses. Pushing through the crowd, he advanced towards Seo Taecheon, who was moving away.


When Lee Jiwoon called out to Seo Taecheon, the secretary stepped aside.

Left alone with him, Lee Jiwoon approached and lowered his voice.

“What is going on here?”

“It is exactly as it looks. I came to give my support, but since there was a shortage of pairs, I had to step in. This is an important project for promotion; we can’t afford to mess it up.”

Seo Taecheon responded as if this were just an extension of his work duties.

While this wasn’t entirely incorrect, Lee Jiwoon felt a strange pang in his chest.

Disappointment? Hurt?

A mix of both emotions surged within him.

‘Couldn’t he have at least said he came because of me, even if just out of courtesy?’

For a moment, that thought crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it.

So what if the director came all the way to Jeju Island for me? Would that make me proud?

“If you have nothing more to say, I’ll be going now.”

Caught in a swirl of confusion, Lee Jiwoon had no reason to hold him back and had to step aside.

Watching Seo Taecheon’s retreating figure, Lee Jiwoon furrowed his brows.

What is this? It feels like getting splashed with muddy water from a passing car on a rainy day.


The assistant director announced the start of the program’s filming.

The first shoot was a self-introduction segment at an outdoor restaurant attached to the resort.

The tables were lavishly set with exquisite finger foods prepared by the chefs.

Soft jazz music, mood lighting, and the cool air of a summer night created an incredibly romantic atmosphere. The production team’s meticulous setup was so thorough that it would be odd if no romantic instincts were triggered.

“Everyone is here. I’ll now distribute the name tags divided into Alpha, Beta, and Omega.”

Lee Jiwoon, wearing an “Omega 1” name tag, sat at the innermost end of a rectangular table. Across from him sat “Alpha 1,” Seo Taecheon.

Of all people, why did it have to be him?

After the not-quite-a-fight in the hallway earlier, Lee Jiwoon was sulking alone.

However, Seo Taecheon seemed completely unfazed, maintaining his usual calm expression and polite yet relaxed tone.

Amid the Alphas dressed in semi-formal or slacks, Seo Taecheon stood out in his classic suit, catching the eyes of all the Omegas and female Betas.

Lee Jiwoon looked at him not out of admiration but out of irritation, though the result was the same.

Seo Taecheon had uncharacteristically rolled up his sleeves and loosened his tie, emphasizing his muscular arms and firm neck.

Sighs of admiration came from the Omegas and female Betas sitting in the same row as Lee Jiwoon.

“Look at the Director. He’s really handsome.”

“I… I’ve never seen him this close before. It doesn’t feel real. I’m so nervous.”

Noticing this, the Alphas and male Betas sitting in the same row as Seo Taecheon looked uneasy and restless.

“Now, we’ll start the self-introductions. Please feel free to eat while we go around. Let’s start with Alpha 1.”

As Seo Taecheon stood, a small sigh of admiration was heard. The Omega sitting next to Lee Jiwoon gushed over his towering height and solid build.

Lee Jiwoon, thinking that he did have a good physique, devoured the chicken tenders in front of him.

“I’m Alpha 1.”

His deep voice drew open admiration from the Omegas.

“My hobby is drawing, and my ideal type is someone who enjoys eating well. That’s all.”

It was a very brief introduction, but Omega 3 reacted enthusiastically, finding it neat and stylish.

The bold personal comment was clearly intended to make an impression.

You must be really popular. Good for you.

Lee Jiwoon reached for a slice of pizza, but the production team pointed at him.

“Next, Omega 1, please introduce yourself.”

Having been called second, Lee Jiwoon regretfully put down the pizza and stood up. Alpha 2, Ki Hyunjin, along with Alpha 1, Seo Taecheon, looked at him.

Other Alphas and male Betas also couldn’t take their eyes off Lee Jiwoon’s delicate hair, lips that looked fresh despite a bit of crumb stuck to them, and his pristine, almost translucent skin.

“Um… I’m Omega 1. My hobby is also drawing.”

“Just like Alpha 1?”

The assistant director asked, and Lee Jiwoon nodded awkwardly. Lately, he had indeed been drawing a lot, so it felt like a recently acquired hobby.

In the past, binge-watching dramas and immersively reciting lines had been his hobbies, but recently, he had been sketching frequently.

Then came the moment to state his ideal type. Suddenly, a black robe flickered before his eyes.

Not again! It has appeared again! Alarmed, Lee Jiwoon quickly responded.

“My ideal type is someone who doesn’t look good in a black robe!”

At this, Seo Taecheon looked intently at Lee Jiwoon, who avoided his gaze by looking into the distance.

“That’s a unique ideal type. Do you mean you like someone who looks good in colorful clothes?”

Ki Hyunjin asked. Lee Jiwoon nodded vaguely and sat down. He glanced over at Seo Taecheon, who had his arms crossed and appeared lost in thought.

All 20 participants finished their introductions. There were ordinary people, some who stood out, and some who were amusing, but Lee Jiwoon didn’t pay much attention to their faces as he was busy eating the pizza in front of him.

“Everyone, you’ve worked hard. We’ll now start individual filming. Please gather in the conference room, and then each of you will go into the small room we’ve prepared, one at a time.”

“What will we be doing in the conference room?”

“We’d like you to honestly share your thoughts and impressions of those who made a good first impression on you.”

“Wow! We’re diving right in? This sounds fun.”

Although the participants felt a bit pressured by the prompt to reveal their feelings about the opposite sex, they were secretly excited.

Maybe someone would choose them. This expectation was at play.

The crew and twenty participants moved to the conference room. The filming order was Alpha 1, Omega 1, Alpha 2, and so on, following the seating arrangement at the group table.

“Let’s start the first impression interview with Alpha 1. Please come in.”

Seo Taecheon moved to the small meeting room.

Lee Jiwoon stretched his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of Taecheon’s back, when Ki Hyunjin tapped him on the shoulder.


“Yes, Assistant Ki?”

“Oh… It’s nothing. Are you going to talk about someone who made a good first impression on you?”

Ki Hyunjin smiled broadly.


Jiwoon scratched his head, mumbling. In truth, all his attention was on what Seo Taecheon might be saying in the small meeting room.

I’m curious. Did he mention an Omega or Beta he liked?

If so, who could it be?

The company’s official goddess, Omega 3?

Or the most beautiful Beta, Beta 6?

While Jiwoon was lost in thought, biting his lip, the production team called him.

“Omega 1! Please come into the meeting room.”

“Oh, yes! I’m coming.”

Jiwoon hurried into the meeting room. Inside, there was a small table, a sofa, and lights and cameras set up facing him.

Feeling uneasy under the bright lights and the watchful eyes of the crew, Jiwoon tensed up a bit. Noticing this, the assistant director spoke gently.

“Just relax and answer comfortably. Haha. Did you have fun today?”

“Oh, yes. It was fun.”

“Is there anyone you liked?”

Jiwoon thought hard. If someone asked who stood out… Well, no one.

He hadn’t paid much attention to the other participants, and as for Alpha 1, he wasn’t sure what to say.

“I don’t think so… Saying there is would be… um…”

As Jiwoon gave a vague answer, the writer handed him a small piece of paper.

“We’re actually doing a popularity vote as part of the first impression interview. If there’s someone you found most impressive, please vote for them. It’s just a simple popularity vote, so you don’t need to think too deeply about it.”

Jiwoon took the white ballot and pondered for a moment.

This isn’t about who I like or want to date, right? It’s just for fun. Fun.

Then I can just keep it simple. I should just pick the best-looking and most impressive person.

Jiwoon broke his silence.

“I’ll vote for Alpha 1.”

“Oh, really? Got it.”

Jiwoon wrote “Alpha 1” in small letters on the tiny slip. The writer collected his ballot.

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