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The SSS Rank Babysitter chapter 23

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Come here if you watched Our Child’s First Errand Adventure!

Is everyone’s heart okay? Are you alright?

My heart stopped five hundred times, and I almost stole a defibrillator from the subway. I screamed when I saw the teaser! But the actual broadcast was even more intense!!!

I was making memes while watching the broadcast, my hands were on fire.

But our little Cheongmyeong and our team leader Jun! Isn’t he doting on little Cheongmyeong too much?! His eyes were dripping with honey. I almost thought team leader Jun was the one who gave birth to little Cheongmyeong. Especially when he rushed out when little Cheongmyeong was about to cry. If he was going to do that, why send him on an errand in the first place?

In the end, Jun couldn’t hold back and went to get little Cheongmyeong on the way back home. There’s a rumor that this was filmed because of ‘Our Child’s First Errand Adventure’ separation anxiety, but who’s the one with the separation anxiety?! Is it little Cheongmyeong?! Or is it Jun?!

Comments 729

 Eating snacks properly is the best. I laughed and cried then.

└111 That “Please peel it properly” was so cute.

└ㅋㅋㅋㅋ My mom watched it with a smile. So cute.

 I was smiling like a mom and it ended in a blink. PD, please release the unedited version!

└Me too!! The ad came out in a blink. Please show more of little Cheongmyeong!!

└The foot stomping in the teaser didn’t even appear in the actual show!

└Refresh ‘Our Child’s First Errand Adventure’’s YouTube! They release behind-the-scenes after the show ends!

 Jun’s stern words and not-so-stern tears.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I understand why PD said it would have great ratings. Why do I laugh when little Cheongmyeong cries?

└Sorry!! Cheongmyeong!! But I can’t help it if you crying is so good!!!

└ㅋㅋㅋ Jun being confused by PD’s words.

 Guys!! The behind-the-scenes are up on YouTube!!!!!!!!

└Turns out SAND is a golden retriever.

└A kid and a dog combination. And a video of them playing together!!

└Total healing. I can now attain peace.

└What do you mean attain peace all of a sudden?


I cried watching Our Child’s First Errand Adventure.

I was just watching thinking it was cute. But suddenly, I remembered the behind-the-scenes of the old beverage ad where Cheongmyeong was watching a father and child playing. It overlapped with that scene. And then I realized, Cheongmyeong was an orphan and didn’t have such a childhood.

That thought made me cry. Maybe becoming a child is a gift for Cheongmyeong who worked so hard.

He may have lost his adult memories now, but I hope he remembers this time when he grows up again. Not as the orphan Cheongmyeong, but as the happy Cheongmyeong with Jun.

* * *

Do Hajun threw the documents he was reading. The loud sound made heads turn, and their faces frowned.

Since coming to work, he felt subtle gazes on him.

But even in his office, he didn’t expect to receive such looks from his Delta team members.

“I’m here. Ah! Team leader, you looked great on screen!”

Ahn Eunseon, who arrived late, boldly opened the office door and said.


“What do you mean what? ‘Our Child’s First Errand Adventure’ was on yesterday. Didn’t you watch?”

Do Hajun recalled the ‘Our Child’s First Errand Adventure’ broadcast he had forgotten about.

He had heard about it from the infirmary officer yesterday but didn’t bother to watch it.

The fact that ‘Our Child’s First Errand Adventure’ aired when Lee Cheongmyeong was supposed to be asleep contributed to not watching it.

“Is that why everyone is staring?”

“Of course. It’s your first time on a variety show.”


What’s so important about being on TV?

Shaking his head at the incomprehensible thoughts of others, Do Hajun picked up the documents again.

“Where’s Cheongmyeong?”

Lee Cheongmyeong, who should have been rolling around on the rug next to the desk, was nowhere to be seen.



“Just checking if there’s anything wrong with his body since he suddenly grew.”

At Do Hajun’s reply, Ahn Eunseon tilted her head.

“But why are you here, Team Leader?”

“He’s asleep.”

Some of Lee Cheongmyeong’s tests needed to be done while he was asleep.

Hearing from the doctor that Cheongmyeong would wake up in two hours, Do Hajun went back to the office to handle the paperwork he hadn’t finished.

At ordinary offices, all paperwork was handled by office staff, but at the center, the team leader had to handle it.

Sometimes, when dealing with endless paperwork, Do Hajun would get so confused about his identity that he wondered whether he was a hunter or an office worker.

“If you have nothing to do, go to the training room.”

“What are you talking about? I have things to do!”

Shouting, Ahn Eunseon returned to her seat and turned on her computer.

Then she started playing ‘Our Child’s First Errand Adventure’.

“What are you doing?”

“Making memes.”


“Would you like to see the ones I made?”

At Ahn Eunseon ‘s laugh, Do Hajun firmly refused and turned back to his paperwork.

The office was unusually quiet without Lee Cheongmyeong.

The only sounds were the rustling of papers and typing when the office door opened.

“Team Leader Do Hajun.”

Do Hajun frowned and looked up.

Chae Yiwon, wearing a three-piece suit the color of Prussian blue and a light blue robe, walked in holding a large bouquet of roses.

“Congratulations on your debut.”

“Have you lost your mind?”

Chae Yiwon sweetly smiled at the irritated reply.

“Of course not.”

No. A civilian entering the center, and the core team office at that, without being crazy?

“It’s upsetting that Team Leader Do Hajun is in a place where even sunlight doesn’t reach. How important is sunlight to a person? Team Leader Do, if you join Hwarang, I’ll get you a nice office in-”

“No, thanks.”

Rejecting the habitual scouting offer, Do Hajun looked up at the smiling Chae Yiwon.

“Why are you here? No, how did you even get in here?”

Even if it was a dungeon, the center was a place where outsiders couldn’t enter.

Especially the team office, which was the innermost area, accessible only after passing several security facilities and the security team.

Chae Yiwon shrugged.

“Oh, the center director let me in.”

Kang Wontae, that bastard.

For the first time ever, Do Hajun uttered the director’s name disrespectfully.

Kang Wontae knew how much Do Hajun disliked Chae Yiwon.

Do Hajun, who couldn’t remember faces and names because he had no interest in people, remembered Chae Yiwon only because he had been visiting for three months.

Chae Yiwon’s sly personality, constant scouting proposals, and sometimes irritatingly clingy behavior made him and Do Hajun natural enemies.

“I couldn’t just sit still knowing that Team Leader Do had made a TV debut. As your number one fan, I had to be the first to congratulate you.”

“It’s not a debut.”

“As far as I know, the center’s getting flooded with ad offers.”

Do Hajun scowled.

He had no interest in appearing on TV, then or now.

He knew that some hunters earned extra income from TV appearances, but he didn’t want to make money by selling his face.

His intention for ‘Our Child’s First Errand Adventure’ was to help Lee Cheongmyeong with separation anxiety, not for his own side income.

“There won’t be any commercials.”

Chae Yiwon leaned against the desk and let his shoulders drop.

“That’s a shame. I liked seeing you on TV.”

Sneering, Do Hajun asked Chae Yiwon,

“Are you free?”

Chae Yiwon laughed at the sarcastic question.

Besides being the guild leader of Hwarang, Chae Yiwon was also the head of KL Group, one of the world’s leading corporations.

KL Group’s main businesses were electronics, bioengineering, heavy industry, construction, finance, and services, making it South Korea’s first company to rank among the world’s top ten.

Knowing that Chae Yiwon had a mountain of work from both KL Group and Hwarang, Do Hajun’s question was amusing.

“No matter how busy I am, I can’t neglect you, Team Leader Do.”

“Feel free to neglect me.”

With a firm answer, Do Hajun stood up.

“Where are you going?”

“To pick up Lee Cheongmyeong.”

Throwing a look that said “get lost” at Chae Yiwon, Do Hajun left the office with him in tow.

“Aren’t you leaving?”

“Since I’m here, I might as well see Cheongmyeong.”

“Are you close with Lee Cheongmyeong?”

Chae Yiwon called him familiarly, both in the dungeon and now, as if they were close friends.

“Yes. Hunter Lee Cheongmyeong relied on me a lot.”

Do Hajun glanced up and down at Chae Yiwon.

His expression suggested he doubted someone with such a slick demeanor was reliable, to which Chae Yiwon responded,

“No one looks down on me more than you do, Team Leader Do.”

“If you know that, then you should stop visiting.”

Do Hajun didn’t deny that he looked down on him as he stepped into the elevator.

“I’m the type who must have what I want.”

‘I’m not an object you can own,’ thought Do Hajun, as he frowned at Chae Yiwon’s words.

Following him into the elevator, Chae Yiwon continued.

“Besides, it’s a bit thrilling.”

‘Is this guy a pervert?’

Seeing Do Hajun frown at him, Chae Yiwon burst out laughing.

“Where is Cheongmyeong?”

“…He’s getting tested.”

Though he wondered if he should reveal this to a civilian, Do Hajun figured Chae Yiwon could find out anything if he wanted to, so he answered obediently.

“Is he sick?”

“No. He suddenly grew.”

Arriving at the infirmary floor, Do Hajun turned around.

“Please wait here for a moment.”

Even if Chae Yiwon had gotten permission from Kang Wontae, he couldn’t take him into the infirmary.


Chae Yiwon, leaning against the wall obediently, watched as Do Hajun entered the infirmary.

“Have you arrived? Cheongmyeong is still asleep.”

Nodding at the doctor’s words, Do Hajun approached the bed surrounded by curtains.

On the white hospital bed lay Lee Cheongmyeong, curled up and sleeping.

A Pororo-themed band-aid, his favorite, was attached to the back of his hand, likely from a blood draw.

“Can I take him now?”

“Yes, I’ll email you the test results as soon as they’re available.”


He picked up the sleeping Cheongmyeong, who seemed limp, still under the influence of medication.

Just to be sure, he checked Cheongmyeong’s status and was relieved to see no abnormalities.

“I’ll be going now.”

“Take care.”

After bidding the doctor farewell, Do Hajun left the infirmary, where Chae Yiwon, leaning against the wall, waved.

“He seems to be asleep.”

“Yes, they administered some medication for the tests.”

“Ugh, that’s always unpleasant.”

Hunters’ bodies generally had high resistance, so while they rarely caught colds that were common among ordinary people, they also didn’t respond well to medical drugs.

The higher a hunter’s rank, the more resistant they became, requiring almost ten times the normal dosage for basic anesthesia.

But instead of simply knocking them out like it did with ordinary people, the medication often left them feeling strange and unsettled before they lost consciousness, making many hunters averse to anesthesia.

Unlike typical hunters, Do Hajun, who had slightly better stamina than ordinary people, had never experienced this and nodded as he looked at Cheongmyeong.

Would he be fussy when he woke up?

“I wanted to say goodbye.”

Standing beside Do Hajun, Chae Yiwon gently pressed Cheongmyeong’s cheek, murmuring regretfully.

“Maybe you can say goodbye later.”

Do Hajun’s polite dismissal made Chae Yiwon tilt his head and reply.


Do Hajun, hiding his intention to confront Kang Wontae, answered.

“Yes, please come when Cheongmyeong is awake.”

“You’ll show him?”

“If you come, I’ll let you see him.”

Though she probably wouldn’t be able to enter again, meeting outside would be unavoidable.

“It’s a promise.”


Smiling brightly at Do Hajun’s answer, Chae Yiwon pressed the elevator button.

“Go ahead. I’ll follow after Team Leader Do Hajun leaves.”


Do Hajun stepped into the elevator.

“See you next time. When we meet again, I hope you’ll have a positive answer about Hwarang-”

Before she could finish, Do Hajun pressed the close button and then the button for the top floor.

He had to act while he had the chance.

* * *

“Team Leader Do Hajun. It’s good to see you again.”

Chae Yiwon cheerfully waved.

Do Hajun pinched his temples with one hand.

He had definitely gone to see Kang Wontae that day and caused a scene.

Complaining about letting civilians into the center, threatening to report to the public service audit agency, and even warning that he would move to Hwarang if this continued.

In response to his outburst, Kang Wontae had assured that Chae Yiwon would never enter the center again.

‘But why.’

Despite arriving earlier than usual, Chae Yiwon was already seating on the Delta Team’s office sofa before him.

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1 month ago

sera este nuestro ser amado?

6 days ago

Será este el próximo niño

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