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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Don’t you think we are going too fast? chapter 3

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After patting Taeshin’s back for a while as he nuzzled his nose into my neck, his tension slowly eased. The shuddering movements of Taeshin as he inhaled deeply also gradually subsided.

“Feeling better now?”


As Taeshin continued to hold me loosely, his face buried in my shoulder, I grabbed his shoulders. I gently pushed him away and made him sit on the toilet lid. Sitting there, Taeshin looked up at me.


“It’s fine. But suddenly doing this startles me, so try to hold back next time…”

Muttering as I grumbled at his apology, Taeshin, sitting on the toilet lid, pulled me onto his lap and silently smiled.


Still not fully calmed, Taeshin hugged my waist and buried his face in my neck, whispering softly like a sigh. His voice, relying on me weakly, melted my heart.

No matter how perfect an Alpha was, if he frequently experienced sexual urges like this, it would definitely be inconvenient in life.

One day, when I said I envied him for being an Alpha with a strong body and stamina, Taeshin confessed with a serious and grave face that he had a secret.

He admitted that it wasn’t always a good thing because sometimes his sexual desire would surge uncontrollably, making it hard to bear.

He described how at the most random times, he would suddenly feel an intense heat rising within him, and his lower body would respond accordingly.

When I asked if it was similar to an Alpha’s rut, he answered that it was something like that.

The sad thing was that while most Alphas didn’t experience such things, only Taeshin, an extreme Dominant Alpha, had these issues.

He mentioned that even his only brother, also an extreme Alpha, had it, but they weren’t on good terms, so they couldn’t discuss it.

Taeshin managed to endure it several times, but it was becoming more difficult as he reached his limit, making him crave the warmth of another person even more.

Having once suffered a lot during my heat cycle due to forgetting to take suppressants, I could relate to Taeshin’s struggle with similar impulses.

Although some unethical minors might find ways to release such impulses, I knew Taeshin’s moral character wouldn’t allow for such actions.

Moreover, Taeshin was a self-restrained person who lived by the book, and even as an adult, he wouldn’t meet others just to relieve his desires.

Unlike me, who had no luck in romance during school, Taeshin was very popular.

Despite this, he never dated anyone, even though many Omegas, Betas, and occasionally Alphas showed interest in him.

I once asked him what he thought of a nice and kind girl who confessed to him, but what did he say back then?

“I’ll only ever look at one person in my life.”

“One person? If you only date one person, that person would have to be the one you marry.”

“Do you think so?”

I felt sorry for Taeshin’s naive comment.

When I emphasized that looking at only one person meant your first love and first relationship would lead to marriage, Taeshin oddly smiled and praised my insight.

“Moon Sunwoo, you’re famously oblivious, but sometimes you’re sharp.”

Was that really a compliment on my keen intuition? Wait, was it a compliment?

Anyway, Taeshin was always good at studying but lacked practical wisdom for living. Yet, he still held onto that pure view of love.

He was truly a pitiable guy, which is why he always suffered like this.

Feeling sorry for him, Taeshin asked for my help. He apologized and asked if I could help him out. Seeing his hopelessly rigid mindset, I offered to get him some suppressants, but he declined.

Instead, he asked if I could stay by his side when he felt the impulse, as he longed for human warmth and scent. I’ve been helping him with this for about a year now.

Calming Taeshin’s uncontrollable impulses was simple: holding his hand or hugging him would suffice. The problem was that he couldn’t manage these sudden impulses on his own.

Is this why Taeshin wants to get married quickly?

I stroked his hair as he struggled more lately. Marriage would indeed be better for him in many ways. It would be less difficult if he found an Omega partner early and lived holding hands and being close.

Taeshin was kind and gentle, so he would likely love and care for his partner even in an arranged marriage. Whoever the Omega is, they must have saved a country in a past life to be so fortunate.

An Omega… I’m an Omega too.

Sighing, I looked at the back of Taeshin’s head as he clung to me, breathing comfortably.

I’m also an Omega who experiences heat cycles, and being an extreme dominant Omega, I had trouble controlling my pheromones during heat.

I once skipped my suppressant during my early heat cycles because I didn’t think it was serious.

My second Alpha brother threatened to kill me if I ever skipped it again.

At first, it was unfair because I didn’t choose to be an Omega, yet I was scolded.

Crying in a corner, my eldest brother, a Dominant Alpha, comforted me, saying Alphas lose their minds when they sense Omega pheromones.

Although family wasn’t affected, my second brother was unusually sensitive. He assured me not to be too upset.

Anyway, my eldest brother emphasized that I must manage my pheromones well since they were stronger than those of a typical Omega.

Thus, I manage my heat cycles well, taking suppressants and cycle maintainers diligently.

But seeing Taeshin made me question if my pheromones had any impact.

Both my brothers said my pheromones could greatly affect other Alphas, but that seemed incorrect with Taeshin.

Puzzled, I raised my hand and sniffed it. Taeshin, noticing, asked what I was doing with a puzzled look.

“Don’t I have any scent?”


Taeshin lowered his head, sniffed my neck and hair, and then softly smiled, tilting his head.

“You smell nice.”

“Not that. What about pheromones?”


I asked if he could sense my pheromones, but Taeshin silently stared at me. Feeling awkward, I looked away and fidgeted with my fingers.

“Why pheromones?”

“…Never mind.”

It was disappointing that Taeshin didn’t just tell me honestly if he couldn’t sense my pheromones. Why was I even upset? It bothered me that he didn’t react to my pheromones. Why was I like this?

Truthfully, I was used to Alphas being indifferent to my pheromones despite what my brothers said.

After a bad experience with an Alpha in middle school, I practiced controlling my pheromones a lot.

By high school, people often mistook me for a Beta, and even if my pheromones did leak out, they were so faint that others barely noticed.

I’ve always been careful not to reveal my pheromones, so it’s only natural that Taeshin doesn’t notice them.

Although I don’t want to influence Taeshin with my pheromones, the fact that he can’t sense them at all sometimes makes me wonder if something is wrong with me as an Omega. Just sometimes.

Feeling restless for no reason, I raised my hand and ruffled my hair. Seeing this, Taeshin’s eyes widened in surprise, but then he let out a chuckle and calmly tidied my messy hair.

“Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing.”

I replied curtly to Taeshin’s gentle inquiry while grabbing the back of his head and burying it in my shoulder.

When his handsome face, which was hovering in front of me, collided with mine, he let out a small “ouch” in pain.

“Is the room ready?”


Just as I wondered if I had pressed too hard, I was startled by the voice of someone entering the room, and I tightly hugged Taeshin’s head and back.

Taeshin squirmed and resisted.

When he tried to ask what was going on, I pinched his back and patted him down.

Luckily, thanks to the brainwashing training of “If I say it’s this, then it’s this, and if I say it’s that, then it’s that, so just do as I say,” Taeshin soon stopped resisting and calmed down.

“…Send the food and wine up now.”

I held my breath and listened outside. The person who had entered the bathroom, according to my eldest brother’s description, was our sensitive and irritable second brother.

His voice was loud as if he was talking to someone on the phone, even though he was alone.

Although the stall Taeshin and I were in had the door closed and securely locked, and we were keeping quiet, my body, having been tormented for a long time, trembled with anxiety.

Despite not having done anything wrong, I was scared for no reason.

My heart pounded and my mouth went dry at the thought of what kind of trouble would ensue if we were discovered.

In my arms, Taeshin started resisting again.



He was tapping my back, signaling me to let go as he hugged my waist. When I didn’t release him, he slipped his hand inside my jacket and stroked my back over my shirt.

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