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Why am I stranded in this shitty Island again? chapter 33

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As soon as the shoot ended, Jisoo stood guard in front of Dansol’s waiting room door.

“Hyung… I need to change.”

Dansol spoke cautiously, embarrassed as Jisoo blocked the door.

“Oh, sorry. That looks good on you; do you want to leave it on?”

Jisoo, who had been staring blankly at Dansol, immediately called the wardrobe team leader. Even before Dansol could answer, Jisoo asked the team leader first.

“Team Leader! Can I buy the clothes we’re wearing?”

“Why, do you like them?”

“Yeah, and we have to go somewhere quickly.”

“Do as you wish. The t-shirt Dansol is wearing is from my latest launch, so if he wears it around, I’d be happy. I won’t charge for Dansol’s outfit. I’ll give you a few more pieces for the other members.”

“What about mine?”

“You have to buy yours. You know that leather jacket is a luxury brand, right? I’ll send the bill to your manager.”

“Then include an extra t-shirt like Dansol’s. We’ll wear them together.”

“Huh? You don’t like oversized fits.”

“No, I’m starting to like them now. I totally love oversized fits. We’ll be leaving first. You all can finish up and go home.”

Jisoo, carrying Dansol’s stuff as if he were his manager, left the studio.

“Oh― Mr. Gilsung! I will be taking Dansol with me!”

Jisoo didn’t forget to greet Gilsung, who had returned sluggishly, as if they had already become acquainted.

Dragged here and there by Jisoo, Dansol finally escaped his grip when they reached the underground parking lot.

“Where are we going?”

Jisoo opened the door of a Porsche Cabriolet standing in front of them.

“To my place.”

The car was filled with an awkward silence. Forced into the car by Jisoo, Dansol only thought about maintaining his distance from him.

Yet, amidst all this, he couldn’t help but wonder what top star Han Jisoo’s house would look like.

“Sorry for dragging you like this.”

“What are we going to do there?”

In Dansol’s wary eyes, Jisoo noticed a faint hint of expectation. Sometimes, Dansol acted like a newborn stray kitten.

“I’ll apologize. I’ll apologize properly, so don’t forgive me if it’s not good enough.”

He looked as determined as someone going to receive an apology rather than give one.

Before long, they arrived at the parking lot of Jisoo’s apartment. As he saw the rows of imported cars, Dansol expressed pure amazement.

“Wow… Only rich people must live here.”

“Huh? Do you like cars?”

“No, I don’t even have a license. The only cars I know are black ones, white ones, or expensive ones.”

Jisoo couldn’t bring himself to tell Dansol, who believed this was the apartment’s parking lot, that it was his private garage.

He simply scratched his eyebrow awkwardly while looking at his brightly colored cars.

“Let me know if you need one later. I’ll buy you one. Or should I be your personal driver? How about that? Didn’t I drive well?”

“No, I’ll decline.”


Jisoo looked sullen as he pressed the elevator button with his fingerprint. Dansol watched Jisoo’s actions with curiosity.

Inside the elevator, there were only four buttons: parking lot, penthouse, and open and close.

Dansol finally sensed something was off.

“I feel like my bank balance won’t cover a driver’s salary…”

“You’re cute and pretty, so I’ll do it for free.”

Jisoo smiled and pressed the button for the penthouse.

In an instant, the elevator reached the top floor where the penthouse was located. When the doors opened, a large rooftop garden unfolded.

Seeing the garden in the middle of the city, Dansol felt like a rabbit dragged into the Dragon King’s palace.

“Minjae would love to hear about this…”

“Huh? Who’s Minjae?”

“Ah, our youngest team member… loves to hear about how celebrities live… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be talking about this.”

“You’re also celebrities, aren’t you curious about other celebrities’ lives?”

“No way… It’s different for us. I told you, the eight of us live in a semi-basement room. When we were trainees, our dorm flooded, and we spent the whole day just taking out water.”

Walking alongside Jisoo, Dansol began talking about the tough times they had as idol trainees. If their situations were only a bit different, he might have felt some jealousy over this luxurious lifestyle, but for Dansol, the life Jisoo enjoyed felt like a story from a far-off city.

Dansol continued speaking as if talking to a distant star.

“There’s this really popular idol who has a housekeeper at their dorm. And he even has his own room to rest. Is it like that at your place too?”

“Is Taeoh like that?”

“No… I mean, not Mr. Taeoh. Just another popular idol…”

Jisoo chuckled at Dansol’s words. With such a gentle personality, it was hard to believe Dansol had another idol friend he could share these stories with.

“We do have someone who does housework, but I’ve never seen him. he usually comes when I’m not around and works for a bit. I really don’t like people coming in and out of my house.”

Hearing this, Dansol hesitated at the entrance as if he was trying to gauge the situation. Jisoo opened the front door and said,

“Oh, but guests are an exception. Especially you, Joo Dansol, you’re always welcome.”

Singing the outdated intro song of a variety show, Jisoo opened the front door.

“Don’t worry. This hyung will do everything Sol wants today. Go brag to your youngest member.”

“It’s not bragging… Wow!”

Dansol, who was about to protest being treated like a child, was stunned by Jisoo’s house, which looked like an art gallery.

The two-story house had large windows offering a full view of the Han River, and the ceilings were so high it made his neck hurt to look up.

“This… this is what a star’s life is like… the smell of capitalism…”

Dansol took a deep breath of the fragrant scent that filled Jisoo’s house.

“Hmm? Does my house have a smell, Sol?”

Jisoo sat Dansol down on the sofa, noticing his sniffing around. Then, he took a cake out of the fridge and started making coffee.

“Have this first and wait. You’re hungry, right? I’ll make something delicious soon.”

“I’m fine!”

Even talking from the living room to the kitchen, the sound echoed around. While Dansol was eagerly looking around, he bumped into something at his feet.

“What’s this…?”

What he had bumped into was a dog-shaped robot. When he picked it up, the robot’s eyes lit up, and it barked like a real dog.

As Dansol started petting the robot, its eyes changed to a cheerful expression.

“So… cute…!”

“Cute, right? It’s my pet robot.”

Jisoo said, bringing a tray with cake and coffee. Even the cups and plates matched in a colorful yet modern design that caught the eye.

“A pet… robot? What’s its name?”

“Pansoo, Han Pansoo.”

Dansol tilted his head at the oddly old-fashioned name for a dog.

“They say giving them old-fashioned names makes them live longer. After my previous dog died, I had a hard time. I had him until I was a rookie, about 15 years. I was so busy with my schedule that I didn’t notice he had gotten so old.”

“So… you got a robot dog…”

“Coming home to an empty house is lonely, and if I were a dog, I wouldn’t like having a busy owner like me. But this little guy is pretty comforting sometimes.”

Dansol nodded at Jisoo’s words.

The pretty plates, the various objects around the house, even the robot dog – it was quite different from Jisoo’s place in Chunmong Pavilion, which only had the bare necessities.

Dansol found this surprising.

“Sol, I brought you here today because… I really want to apologize sincerely.”

Jisoo began to speak seriously to Dansol, who was still petting the robot dog in his arms.

“Oh… I’m already fine. I heard you were sick. It’s understandable to be irritable when you’re not feeling well. And besides…”

Dansol looked around. Indeed, compared to this house, the room at Chunmong Pavilion was like a small storage space. To Dansol, it was paradise, but he could see how it might feel stifling for Jisoo.

“Living in such a nice place… and sharing a room with me there… it must not have been easy. I understand if you couldn’t stand it.”

“No, what I couldn’t stand was… not that.”

It was that he liked his too much. If he had known it would turn out like this, he wouldn’t have started that way. Just as he was about to say this—



At that moment, someone entered the front door using the passcode. The hallway was long, so they couldn’t see who it was right away, but the loud footsteps were alarming.

“You thief, thinking you can rob my house…”

“Daesoo, senior?”

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