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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 80

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The kiss was not with a real person.

‘Byul Byul’ was an imaginary figure.

The advertising planner believed that if the audience saw even a glimpse of the other person’s face, body, or even hair, it could break the viewers’ or fans’ immersion and crush their romantic fantasies.

As a result, the members were set to act as if they were interacting with thin air.

‘Not sure which is better.’

Having a partner to act with would certainly make it easier to immerse in the role, but for the members, who weren’t actors, it could be awkward and make acting difficult.

Acting in the air wasn’t going to be easy either.

“We’ve arrived.”

Manager Kim Seokchul announced their arrival as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

Through the window, the set, which was nearly complete, and the busy staff could be seen.




The members, who were nervous in the van and doubted their ability to perform, greeted the staff with confident voices upon arriving at the set.

Although they still appeared tense, they carried themselves quite professionally.

The staff smiled and welcomed the members, impressed by their spirited greeting.

“You guys sure do worry a lot…”

Jung Giljoo made a comment, satisfied as he watched the members.

Manager Kim Seokchul first greeted the advertising manager of Star Chicken.

She was someone who had always been interested in idols and had actively recommended MOST for this advertisement.

“Hello, nice to meet you!”

“Please greet Manager Jung Eunji, who is in charge of Star Chicken’s advertising.”

Upon Kim Seokchul’s introduction, the members politely greeted her.

Manager Jung Eunji of Star Chicken smiled and began speaking.

“I’ve been keeping an eye on you since your debut, and I’m so glad we could use you as models.”

“Oh, thank you for thinking of us positively.”

Kijoon, on behalf of the members, responded with a bow.

Manager Jung Eunji quickly scanned the members.

Previously, Star Chicken had used mid-tier actors with high recognition as models.

It was part of their strategy to position themselves as a premium brand.

However, with the launch of new menu items, there was a need to secure the loyalty of younger customers.

The decision was based on the belief that younger people are more likely to try and consume unique-flavored items rather than traditional fried or seasoned chicken.

Thus, there was a suggestion from higher-ups to select HOH, currently the most popular idol group, as models.

But Manager Jung Eunji recommended MOST instead.

HOH was already modeling for too many products.

Depending on how the promotion was structured, the impact might not match the cost.

‘Even if some degree of success is guaranteed, with that fee, the company would expect even higher returns.’

On the other hand, MOST’s fees were still not high, so the cost-effectiveness was promising.

‘They are on the rise, making them a hot topic, and it’s their first TV commercial.’

The fact that it was their first held significant meaning.

There wasn’t yet a product that was associated with MOST.

‘Of course, if the image ties directly, there’s a risk, but…’

There was a recent controversy about manipulating music rankings, which almost ruined the deal, but MOST handled it well, proving they could be trusted.

Their fandom was likely to promote and consume Star Chicken to demonstrate the effectiveness of MOST being the first major brand’s ad model.

Manager Jung Eunji, well-versed in idol culture, made an informed choice.

Frankly, choosing a safe and easy option would not have credited her, so she took on a bit of a challenge for personal reasons.

‘Even if sales go well with HOH, it wouldn’t be seen as my achievement.’

It was her strategic move for an upcoming promotion.

Therefore, this commercial had to be successful for everyone involved.

But she didn’t want to burden the models with her personal stakes, so she added with a smile.

“Please do your best. I have high expectations.”

As she shook hands with each MOST member, Dojae smiled and responded.

“We’ll work hard.”

It was indeed a reliable smile.

After finishing their greeting with Manager Jung Eunji, the members also greeted the advertising company staff.

Soon, the director gave a brief explanation of the shooting storyboard.


It was almost time for the shoot.

Since it was an outdoor shoot, the filming followed the time sequence.

“Kijoon hyung, fighting!”

“Hyung… do well.”

Receiving a spirited cheer from Louis and a half-worried encouragement from Heungmin, Kijoon approached the camera.

Unlike usual, his steps were stiff as he walked forward.

Creak, creak. He looked like a malfunctioning robot, as people often say.

“Kijoon, here’s a baseball!”

Kijoon’s shoot concept was the captain of the baseball team.

If not for his robotic movements, he looked quite convincing as a high school baseball player in his baseball cap, jacket, and white pants.

Although he looked a bit skinny to be a pitcher, the jacket made his shoulders appear broader, giving him a more athletic look.

“Alright, let’s start with a practice throw over there.”

For the past few days, Kijoon had been practicing his pitching form with Jung Giljoo in preparation for today’s shoot.

Relaxing, Kijoon took his stance and threw the ball lightly, as he had practiced.

“Oh! Seems like you’ve practiced a bit?”

The director, watching from behind the camera, admired the throw.

To a non-expert, it looked quite plausible, even if an expert might see it differently.

Jung Giljoo, who had never played baseball but had watched baseball broadcasts daily for over ten years, was showing his expertise as a self-proclaimed ‘baseball fanatic.’

It was his moment to shine.

“Next, let’s do a close-up shot!”

After capturing several shots of Kijoon throwing from a distance, the director called out.

“Just before you throw the ball… act like you’re exchanging signals… you know what I mean?”

Kijoon nodded quietly.

Then, as the director wanted, his eyes under the cap added a sharp charisma.

“Oh, Kijoon hyung. He’s doing better than I thought.”

Although they could have waited in the van, the members gathered together to watch Kijoon’s shoot.

Woochul’s voice carried a hint of envy.

Heungmin nodded and commented.

“Right? But so far, it hasn’t been much different from usual…”


The shoot, which had been going smoothly without any major hiccups, finally hit a snag in the next scene.

It was a scene where he had to smile at the person who handed him the ball, but his smile was so awkward that they had to do multiple retakes.

“Cut! I think that’s good enough. It looks a bit awkward… but it kind of seems like you’re shy in front of someone you like. I like it.”

The director’s flexibility was a relief.

The storyboard was designed in such a way that even if the acting wasn’t perfect, it would still work.

Next was the scene the members were most worried about.

A scene where he had to run from a distance, out of breath, and deliver his lines.

Running was fine.

Even catching his breath seemed quite natural.

“Huff… Huff. My heart hurts.”

The set was silent.

The members watched Kyuseong’s acting with bated breath.

“Why? Because it beats too fast when I see you.”

Kyuseong slightly furrowed his brow.

Even while delivering his lines, it was clear he couldn’t believe he was saying such things.

The members also couldn’t believe it as they watched and listened.

“Take this ball.”

Kyuseong stiffly extended his hand holding the ball.

The next line was the highlight.

They had only seen it in the storyboard; they hadn’t seen or heard Kyuseong practice it.

That’s why the members had to clench their teeth to hold back their laughter.


Dojae took a deep breath.

Holding back laughter was tough for him too.

It reminded him of a ritual he attended when he was five.

It was a solemn event where he absolutely couldn’t laugh, but his brother, walking ahead of him, had farted.

He must have been nervous and hadn’t digested well.

But that was a stimulus too hard for a child to resist.

In the end, Dojae burst out laughing at the sound and got scolded badly.

It might have been that punishment of writing lines that helped him finish the Four Books and Five Classics quickly.

Since that day, when he felt like his arm would fall off, Dojae became quite good at holding back laughter.

‘But it’s still hard.’

Dojae adjusted his expression, hoping Kyuseong would nail this scene in one take.

It was undoubtedly what Kyuseong himself wanted most.

“…This ball is like my heart.”


“B-Byul Byul, I like you.”

Enough to give you my heart.

At that point, Louis, who had been holding his breath, turned red.

As soon as the director shouted “cut,” the members let out a big breath, releasing the laughter they had been holding back.

Kyuseong, who had just given his heart to Byul Byul, patted his chest.

“It was better than I thought. But… a bit scary? It would be nice if you could smile shyly at the end.”

Of course, the cut didn’t mean it was a perfect OK.

At the director’s instructions, Kyuseong nodded earnestly with a stiff face.

So Kyuseong handed his heart to Byul Byul about ten more times.


The filming continued.

Perhaps because they had practiced a lot, everyone performed better than expected.

Woochul filmed the scene where he confessed to Byul Byul, his childhood friend, in the middle of the playground where Kyuseong had run.

“Idiot. Didn’t you know? I like you.”

Inside a large heart shape made from chicken boxes, Woochul knelt on one knee with a mischievous smile.

And, opening a chicken box as if it were a ring case, he continued.

“If you eat this, we start dating from today.”

Repeating the confession until the hot chicken went cold, Woochul thought he might not want to eat his favorite chicken for a while.

The concept of Heungmin’s scene was to act indifferent as if he didn’t like Byul Byul, then beat up the bully harassing her.

Forgetting his own earlier scene, Heungmin handed over the chicken box, saying, “I picked this up on the way.”

Woochul couldn’t help but laugh at Heungmin, who chose him as the one to grab by the collar (off-camera) and shook him.

“If you’re not smart, remember this with your heart. Byul Byul belongs to me.”

Still, Heungmin had a certain charisma, with his tousled hair and fake wounds.

“This is my constitution!”


It was just that his acting was terrible and the object of protection was chicken.

Louis’s scene had more scale than the others.

They had to film a scene in the rain.

“Do I look ugly because I’m wet?”

Louis was more worried about looking ugly than the cringey lines.

For such lines to be accepted, the face was important.

It was a thought stemming from his experience watching countless dramas.

“Stop worrying!”

The stylist reassured Louis, telling him he looked good, while fixing his hair.

“I even brought a hairdryer. But just in case, don’t make too many mistakes and finish quickly!”


So Louis, looking slightly damp as if lightly rained on, opened a yellow umbrella.

And with a bright smile, he exclaimed.

“Found you. My Byul Byul.”

The expressions of the director and staff watching through the camera brightened.

It was like a scene from the old movie “Temptation of a Dangerous Dog.”


The members continued to recite lines they had never said in their lives and probably never would again, as they filmed.

Darkness fell all around.

While the equipment was being set up, the members rested in the van, forgetting their initial nervousness and falling asleep.

A staff member struggled to set a large motorcycle against the wall.

“Get ready!”

At the staff’s shout, Dojae, having changed his outfit, got out of the van.

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14 days ago

Kijoon was suddenly changed to Kyuseong in the middle of the baseball scene.

5 days ago


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