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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 67

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‘It’s flashy in every corner, but it feels like it lacks impact at the beginning.’

Although it wasn’t a major issue, it was a very regrettable part.

Capturing and focusing people’s attention at the beginning of any performance was important.

Only then could the stage that followed hold more meaning.

“We can meet again.”

With Dojae’s last verse, the song ended.

The five dancers slowly formed a circle, kneeling and sitting down around the dancer who played the role of Louis.

The ending mirrored the beginning choreography, where they started by lying around the piano and getting up one by one.

Overall, it was a choreography that depicted the process of flowers blooming and withering over several years.

As the song completely faded out, the rough breathing of the six dancers was the only sound echoing in the practice room.

“See? This is how it’s done.”

At Yangmal’s shout, the dancers stood up one by one.

The members who watched the demonstration applauded the dancers with light claps.

“The details are really incredible.”

Heungmin said to Yangmal.

While clapping, he had a complicated look on his face.

Even when watching the video, his head ached, wondering when they would memorize and synchronize this choreography.

Yangmal shrugged at Heungmin’s comment.

“As expected. Lee Heungmin, you get it. How is it? Isn’t it killer?”

“Yes, the choreography is killer… but I feel like we’re going to die. Getting up and down, sitting and standing, repeatedly… It’s really crazy.”

“Sigh, are you turning into Woochul before even starting?”

“Wow… I haven’t even opened my mouth yet, teacher!”

Woochul protested as if feeling wronged.

However, Heungmin wasn’t exaggerating.

MOST was a team known for their exceptional live performances as much as their dynamic and precise choreography.

The thought of performing live while doing the choreography made their minds go blank.

“It might be hard to do live…”

Even Kijoon mumbled softly.

But there was only one conclusion.

“We can do it if we practice. Everyone is good.”

At Dojae’s confident words, the five members couldn’t say anything.

It was a compliment, and since it was coming from a fellow member, not a trainer, it was hard to refute.

“Right! You’re all good! Stop whining. Any other opinions besides it being difficult?”

At Yangmal’s question, the members looked thoughtful for a moment.

Then Woochul, who was circling around the piano, spoke cautiously.

“Actually, a bit…”

“What? Just say it comfortably. You guys are the ones performing on stage, so your opinions are important. Except asking to make it easier because it’s hard.”

With Yangmal’s words, Woochul, who pursed his lips, continued.

“When we start the choreography, it would be nice if there was a strong impact, like a bang!”

It was the same part Dojae had thought about.

‘Even if I want to find a solution…’

Compared to other fields, he was close to being an outsider when it came to dance, so no good ideas came to mind immediately.

“Wow… Woochul, you’ve definitely developed an eye for the stage. Actually, I’ve been pondering over that part too.”

When Yangmal readily acknowledged it, Heungmin also spoke honestly.

“Since the focus is scattered at the beginning, Dojae’s entrance might seem less impactful.”

“Ah, is that the problem? I just thought it would be nice to have a simple bang!”

“What’s this bang!?”

Listening to Heungmin and Woochul’s conversation, Yangmal crossed his arms and sighed.

“I know, but I don’t have a perfect idea yet. Since the beginning is the problem, let’s practice the rest as is and change it if we come up with a good idea.”

At those words, the members nodded.

The feel of the choreography often changed when the member performed it instead of the dance team, so they usually made small adjustments while practicing.

“If you have any ideas, let me know anytime. I’ll keep thinking about it too.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Yes, sir!”

Yangmal looked around at the dance team and members and spoke, and Heungmin and Louis responded loudly.

“Then let’s break it down and start memorizing the choreography. Everyone roughly memorized it, right?”

It was a signal for the start of hard training.

Yangmal always said, “You’ve roughly done it, right? You roughly get the feeling, right? Let’s roughly do it once,” but the moment they did it roughly, it was over.

It was nothing but repetition until perfection.


At that moment, a loud noise came from the piano as Woochul stumbled and fell onto the keys.

The sound of the piano keys squashed under Woochul’s backside was chaotic.

“Sorry! Sorry!”

Woochul apologized with a good-natured laugh.

The dancers laughed and warned him not to break the piano.

The members quickly found their places and lay down on the floor again.

But at that moment, something flashed above Dojae’s head.

Rising from his lying position, Dojae raised his hand.

“Mr. Yangmal.”

“Huh, uh? Oh… why?”

Responding more flustered than when Woochul fell on the piano, Yangmal answered Dojae’s call.

No matter how often he heard it, he couldn’t get used to the title.

Most trainees called him ‘Yangmal teacher,’ and the staff called him ‘choreographer’ or ‘trainer.’

If he had known a student would seriously call him ‘Mr. Yangmal,’ he wouldn’t have chosen the nickname Yangmal.

Waiting for Dojae’s words, Yangmal, whose real name was Yang Maru, set aside his small sentiment.

“How about this for the opening choreography?”

Dojae quickly conveyed his idea.

Yangmal, the members, and even the dancers were captivated by Dojae’s words.

When Dojae finished speaking, everyone had the same reaction.

“Great! Let’s go with that!”

While practicing the choreography for the title track, MOST pushed harder in their album preparation.

In one corner of the office, the members were busy familiarizing themselves with the title track’s choreography while constantly trying on and taking off dozens of outfits brought by the stylists.

The choreography was incredibly detailed. Even the simple act of bending and extending a finger had to be perfectly timed to avoid looking disorganized.

“You’ve really lost a lot of weight. How do you keep losing more every time I see you?”

Han Jiwoo, the chief stylist, remarked in surprise as she helped Kyuseong put on a shirt. The fit had changed again since she last saw him in a denim jacket the previous week.

“Yes, I’ve lost weight……”

“Can’t you see it yourself? Look how much room is left in these pants. My goodness. You seem to have lost the most weight!”

Han Jiwoo’s observation was spot on.

Woochul, who was being fitted by another stylist nearby, explained, “Our concept this time is a bit like lost and wandering youth. The fitness trainer said we look like rebels who haven’t eaten enough…. Sniff.” Woochul pretended to cry exaggeratedly.

They were all losing 2kg more than their debut weights, so it was understandably tough.

The difficulty of both the choreography and the overall management had certainly increased.

“I gained a bit of weight during vacation…. That’s probably why I look like I’ve lost more now.”

“Oh…. It’s really hard, isn’t it? But the fit looks much better, Kyuseong. I love it.”
Han Jiwoo said, comforting the weary Kyuseong.

She genuinely meant it. The image they were aiming for was closer than it had been the previous week when he tried on the clothes.

“So, you’re not going to lose any more weight, right? We need to start making the outfits soon….”

“Yeah. I think I’ll focus on maintaining this weight now.” Nodding at Kyuseong’s response, Han Jiwoo was taken aback when she looked at Dojae.

“I always thought you were perfect, but now….”

She was referring to Dojae’s sharpened jawline and perfectly toned upper body, devoid of any excess fat.

Given that he exercised 1.5 times more than the others, the results were that much more impressive.

The other stylists were busy admiring Dojae as well.

“If you keep staring, your jaws might drop!”

Woochul teased, making the stylists chuckle in embarrassment.

One stylist even pretended to wipe away drool.

Watching them, Dojae flashed a rare business smile. With his shirt partially unbuttoned and tousled hair, Dojae’s appearance drew admiration.

Han Jiwoo, blinking as she took in Dojae’s appearance, regained her composure and said, “Woochul, if you could just stop fooling around, you’d look quite mature…. Oh, everyone has improved so much with the management.”

“I’m already twenty-one. I’ve been an adult for a while.”

“Sure, sure,” she responded, smiling as Woochul shrugged his shoulders.

At that moment, Louis, who had just changed pants, asked, “Chief, what about me?”

The stylists burst into laughter at Louis’ enthusiastic question.

“Louis, of course, you look good too!” Han Jiwoo replied, as if it was obvious.

Still, she carefully examined Louis again as he came out wearing the new clothes.

“Maybe it’s because of your fair skin, but pastels really suit you. This concept will fit you well.”

Louis suddenly remembered something and said, “Hot pink would look good too, right?!”

“I think so. Why? Did you buy a hot pink outfit? Bold choice!”

Han Jiwoo knew Louis’ fashion was quite flashy.

However, he usually added flair with unique designs or accessories in monochromatic outfits, so a preference for bright colors was surprising.

“No, it’s not my outfit…. It’s for the special stage. The top is all hot pink.”

Han Jiwoo nodded, understanding. “Oh, right. Who’s styling that team?”

“The Origin stylist team.”

Heungmin, who had been listening, suddenly asked, “Aren’t they only good at dressing up The Origin members?”

“They’re all in hot pink knits and jeans.”

“Oh, really?”

The original outfit for the song they were covering was like that. The same outfits were paired with different details like earrings, necklaces, and brooches.

“Wow…. That might lead to a lot of comparisons,” Woochul added, and Louis nodded, pressing his lips together tightly.

Sensing Louis’ concern, Dojae reassured him, “There’s no way you’ll blend in and go unnoticed.”

“Of course! And I’m going to win with my dancing,” Louis replied with a determined look in his eyes.

“Wow, Kim Louis. Looks like you’re ready to take on everyone! Go win it all!” Woochul encouraged him.

Louis, being an attention-seeker, loved being noticed and standing out. However, he didn’t want to disrupt the team’s harmony while doing so.

That applied to the special stage as well. He didn’t want to act out during a performance meant to be a unified team effort.

But he did want to show Chaehyun, who often irritated him during practice, how much he had grown and changed as a member of MOST. How happy he was on stage.


A few days later, the MOST members left their dorm early in the morning for the first time in a while to participate in KVS’s ‘Music Festival.’

As they got into the van parked in front of their dorm, they were puzzled.

“This doesn’t seem like our van….”

Kyuseong, who was climbing into the van, quickly checked the driver’s seat.

Sure enough, Jung Giljoo was there.

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1 month ago

I hope it’s a better van lol

25 days ago

Dont worry, you can do it Louis!

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