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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 37- Angel’s Desire

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I don’t want to vomit where that guy poops either.

‘What should I do?’

I ran through the simulation in my head one more time.

Should I chew from the left, the right, or both sides?

Should I smile?

If I do, how much?

“Let’s just give it a shot.”

I picked up the croissant and stood in position.


I started by chewing on the left side and gave a slight smile.

Then, as I looked down, I heard the director call “cut” right away.

I quickly checked the screen.

“From this camera angle, chewing on the right side would be better. And it’s probably best to tone down the smile a bit.”

My eye for detail seemed to be improving as the images in my head became clearer.

“Director Lee, should I brighten my expression or tone it down?”

“I think toning it down would be better. It’s not bad, but if you’re too bright, you might look silly.”

Right, they wanted a fresh-faced boy.

“Got it.”

I went back to my position.


This time, I chewed on the right side and reduced my smile. As I looked down again, the director called “cut” immediately.


I really like it everytime I hear that.

“Wow, Dowon, that was amazing! I was planning to make you eat the entire croissant today!”

“Good to hear. I don’t mind eating, but…”

I shrugged and smiled slightly.

“I really didn’t want to go throw up where Director Han is.”

The crew burst out laughing. Director Lee, the assistant director, adjusted his cap and said,

“You did really well. Even though it’s my first time, I don’t usually call things perfect.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“Let’s move on to the next scene. Staff, get ready!”

Some of the crew hurried to adjust the lights. I smiled at Ahyeon.

“We’re filming together next?”

“Yes, oppa.”

“Looking forward to it!”


Her voice was clear and lively. She looked so pretty on the outside, but something about her was unusual.

“Oppa, you know what my dream is? To make a lot of money and have a big house with seven husbands.”

A chill ran down my spine.


“If I make a lot of money, will you be one of my husbands?”

“Uh, Ahyeon, polygamy is illegal in Korea.”

“It’s okay! We can get married in Las Vegas!”

Who’s teaching this kid such things?!

“Ready for the next shot!”

I quickly took Ahyeon’s hand and led her to the set.

“Let’s focus on work for now. I’ll answer you later.”


Her voice was still bright and clear, but I felt a shiver.

“So scary.”

I’ll definitely have to say no when filming wraps up. It might be easier to let it slide, but it feels like the right thing to do.


I quickly focused on the scene. Ahyeon looked at me adorably, and I handed her the croissant I was eating.

“Cut! Again! Dowon, give a more confused expression.”


I quickly changed my expression. It was easy.

My current feelings shown were confused enough.


I fully conveyed my current emotions through my expression.

“Cut! Good!”

I let out a deep sigh. Somehow, it felt bittersweet.


Despite her personality, Ahyeon was a genius actress.

“She looks like an angel when she’s still…”

With her bright, sparkling eyes, I felt like I’d give her anything, not just bread.


After her solo shot, Ahyeon ran up to me and casually held out her arms.

“She wants me to hold her.”

If the princess demands it, I must oblige.

I picked her up and sat down. The director chuckled at the sight.

“You two get along so well.”

“I can’t refuse a princess’s command.”

“Oppa, how much do I need to pay you to be my husband?”

“Ahyeon, I might need a lot of money, but I’m not for sale.”

Why am I saying this to a kid? And does she even understand?

“Aw, oppa, you’re so pretty!”

“Can’t you say handsome instead?”


Fine. What’s the point of arguing?

Then, another camera started filming us. I tilted my head and asked,

“What’s this?”

“Oh, it’s for the behind-the-scenes footage.”

So they’re going to post it online somewhere. I nodded.

“Oppa! Let’s make it happen!”

“Ahyeon, you’re in too much of a hurry. We just met today.”

“Quick is good. Besides, I feel like I need to claim you first.”

Am I some kind of sale item? And who’s been teaching her this stuff?

“Well, I’d prefer if you said such things to me in about 20 years.”

She probably won’t even remember this moment then.

“Who can wait that long!”

“This is a life decision. Can’t you wait a bit?”


I could sense the cameraman filming the behind-the-scenes footage laughing. Hey, you! Stop laughing and help me out here!

“And Ahyeon, earlier I couldn’t say it, but I don’t want to be one of seven husbands.”


I saw Ahyeon’s mother in the distance. I stood up and handed Ahyeon over to her.

Behind me, I heard Ahyeon’s clear voice.

“Mom! This oppa! He’s not budging!”

I mustn’t turn around. Turning around would be a disaster.

The behind-the-scenes camera kept following me.

“There’s just one shot left. Hi, I’m Dowon Cha.”

I smiled brightly at the camera.

“Ah, do I need to act innocent too?”

If it’s my first time, I guess it’s best to go that route?

I shyly made a peace sign and waved. Seeing the cameraman laugh, I awkwardly turned my head. This should be innocent enough.

Then the cameraman asked,

“Is this your first CF? You’re doing well for your first time.”

“Really? Thank you.”

“What do you think of the filming atmosphere?”

Do you not know?

I answered with a bright smile.

“It seems good.”

Well, at least it’s better than having a director who ended up in an ambulance because of severe hemorrhoids from taking a dump. If it were him, the mood would have been obvious.

Then it happened. Suddenly, there was a commotion.

‘What’s it now?’

I turned around and ran over. The director was suddenly squatting down.

“Uh, what’s going on?”

A nearby staff member replied.

“Oh, Director Han was just taken away in an ambulance.”

“I guess if hemorrhoids get bad enough while taking a dump, you can end up in an ambulance.”


The manager who followed burst into a much louder laugh.

‘I know it’s funny, but can you laugh more quietly?’

I shook my head and asked.

“But why are you like this, director?”

“I feel guilty.”

The director looked around and said.

“Sorry, I just need 5 minutes alone.”

The staff dispersed. As I was about to leave, my legs felt heavy.

Looking back, the director was holding onto my pants.

‘What is this now?’

I wanted to shake off his hand and run away, but this director was the one who had literally cleaned up the mess. Out of respect, I decided to step back.

“What is it, director?”

“Uh, Dowon. Am I okay? I wanted to ask the staff, but they’re all too kind and would just comfort me.”

Should I hear him out?

“Even though Director Han was harsh on me, he was the only one who accepted me. Is this really okay?”

Is he cursing or complimenting?

“Why are you asking something so obvious? Of course, this is okay. If Director Han’s personality was that bad, wouldn’t everyone unanimously agree for you to take over?”

I bent down to make eye contact with the director.

“The staff aren’t fools; they don’t follow you just because you’re nice.”


“Why are you acting like this? This is more troublesome for the staff.”

His grip on my ankle loosened. The director, who was an assistant director, nodded while wiping his face.

“Dowon, you’re right.”

I sighed softly.

‘Do you want to be persuaded by a middle schooler?’

What a pathetic adult.

I shook my head and moved on. The manager was sipping on another cola and asked.

“Why is he like that?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Nothing is just nothing. There’s always something to learn from it! That cocky attitude is not good, kid!”

“Uh, manager?”

Learn what?

How to handle poop?


There was definitely something to learn.

‘How to resolve conflicts.’

Debuting would mean being in a group. There would surely be conflicts in a group.

‘If I debut with Zenis, there would be Kang Minjae, right?’

He’d likely be the leader.

‘No way.’

But that’s why Zenis eventually disbanded.

He wasn’t leader material.

Forget responsibility, he couldn’t mediate conflicts.

‘Will I fight with Kang Minjae in the future?’

Whose side would the group members take?

‘It’s funny to divide into sides, but still.’

I sighed deeply.

‘But I don’t think I’ll leave Friends Entertainment over a fight.’

You can’t underestimate the company’s planning skills. Plus, it’s a standard contract.

I quietly looked at the manager. The Pig Boss hid the empty cola can behind him.

“Ya Dowon! Don’t tell Mira!”

“Who’s Mira anyway? Well…”

I smiled brightly.

“Thanks for the advice.”

Now that I think of it, mom used to say. There’s something to learn from everything in the world. And use what you learn immediately so you don’t forget.

‘I forgot.’

If you listen to mom, you’ll get rice cakes even in your sleep.

“Next scene, please!”

I hurried over. The director seemed to have revived momentarily and had his arms crossed again.

‘He’s like Jekyll and Hyde.’

Well, that wasn’t my concern. I stood on the set, preparing for the next scene.


The shoot ended easily. I sat in the back seat and pulled out my smartphone. The cheat had only caused food poisoning.

‘Should I exercise and recover?’

While I was pondering, the manager spoke.

“Dowon, about your smartphone.”

I squinted my eyes.

‘Did he notice something weird?’

It looked normal but had no charging port. If caught, it’d be troublesome. Did he notice?

“I always see a black screen. Is it broken?”


“You can’t see the screen?”

“Yeah. I pressed the power button to contact you when you collapsed, but nothing showed up. Is your phone broken?”

Come to think of it, I never wondered how my smartphone appeared to others.

‘So, others can’t see the white text at all?’

I quietly pressed the power button.

[cheat mode 2/3]


Suddenly, a question arose.

‘What is it when it’s not in cheat mode?’

I quietly typed on the screen.

[Switching to normal mode]

No way.

But the screen suddenly turned colorful. Ah, it startled me! I lost grip, and the smartphone fell on my lap.

I quickly picked it up. The screen now showed a familiar smartphone background.

[To return to cheat mode, press and hold ‘C’.]


‘If it had this function, it should’ve told me sooner.’

If I hadn’t typed in ‘normal mode’, I would’ve never known!

I was dumbfounded and started pressing various functions on the smartphone. It didn’t have a phone connection, but the app market was intact.

‘It’s Android.’

I sighed automatically. What is this, really.

I quickly made an excuse.

“Ah, manager, it must not have been charged then.”

I showed the normal mode screen to the manager.

“Huh? Really?”

“Well, the connection isn’t set up yet. There’s no Wi-Fi at the place, right? There is at the office though.”

“Yeah. Try setting up Wi-Fi. What you guys do is pretty obvious. You’ll probably just check what’s been done.”

I chuckled wryly and looked over my smartphone again. To my surprise, even though there was no charging port, there was a slot for a SIM card.

‘W-What is this nonsense…’

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1 month ago


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not work with dark mode