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The SSS Rank Babysitter chapter 18

* * *

The day for the B-rank dungeon had arrived.

No matter how experienced a hunter is, a dungeon is a dangerous place where one can lose their life in an instant.

Especially the higher the rank.

Yet today, the Delta team was in high spirits, as if they were going on a picnic.

It was because the dungeon they were heading to was B-rank in name only; all the monsters had been cleared long ago.

Originally, it should have been an exploding dungeon, but the plans changed because Lee Cheongmyeong was joining them.

The government emphasized that Lee Cheongmyeong was a child, so they couldn’t send him into a real dungeon. However, they couldn’t let the Delta team, one of Seoul Center’s best teams, idle either, so they sent them on a regular patrol.

Though they patrolled regularly just in case, no monsters had appeared since it was cleared.

The interior scenery was pleasant, making it almost like a group outing.

“I brought sandwiches!”

“I brought pasta!”

“Won’t the pasta get soggy?”

“It’s cold pasta, so it’s fine.”

Do Hajun gritted his teeth and said to the chatting group.

“Aren’t you all tense? We’re entering a dungeon, and all you can talk about is food.”

Yoo Mia scolded him.

“Don’t spoil the fun. This is a special opportunity given by the center to show Cheongmyeong the dungeon. It’s practically a free pass, so why are you so tense?”

“Quiet. A dungeon is a dungeon. Monsters could have respawned.”

“Then don’t go to the zoo either. What if a lion escapes?”

The reason everyone was more excited about today’s “dungeon patrol” was because of Lee Cheongmyeong.

The order was made in the hope that entering a dungeon might help Lee Cheongmyeong regain his memory and return to his original form.

To prepare for any emergency, they chose a safe dungeon with no monsters, just the environment.

Still cautious, Do Hajun, despite being the team leader, was assigned to the rear.

Officially, it was to aid Lee Cheongmyeong’s recovery and enhance hunter skills.

And today, Lee Cheongmyeong’s outfit had everyone thrilled.

Thanks to another set of clothes from Shin Misook, Lee Cheongmyeong was in a safari outfit.

The brown shirt had large pockets on the chest, a dark brown belt around the waist, shorts with large pockets, knee-high socks, and light brown boots.

He even had a turtle shell backpack.

A perfect concept that fashion terrorist Do Hajun would never have imagined.

“Oh my, hello, Cheongmyeong.”

“Did you dress up for the dungeon? Cheongmyeong will surely conquer it today.”

“Did you have a hearty breakfast, Cheongmyeong?”

Lee Cheongmyeong posed eagerly with a V-sign for the admiring, photo-taking team members.

Having spent all day together and sneaking him snacks, the team had grown quite close to Lee Cheongmyeong.


“Is everyone ready?”

Do Hajun, carrying Lee Cheongmyeong on his back, looked weary.

Despite playing on the trampoline yesterday, Lee Cheongmyeong seemed extremely tired.

After finishing their bath, they were so drowsy during the strategy meeting for dungeon patrol that they eventually fainted.

However, by morning, they were not only wide awake but almost flying with energy.

As they entered the hallway today, seeing Lee Cheongmyeong running at full speed made Do Hajun think it was going to be a very hectic day.

“Are you here?”

“Yes. Everything is ready.”

“Here’s your sword, Team Leader.”

Do Hajun took the sword handed over by Yoo Mia and strapped it to his waist while checking the team members.

Today, a total of six people were heading to the B-grade dungeon, including the healer, Ahn Eunseon.

However, Ahn Eunseon was nowhere to be seen in the office.

“Where is Ahn Eunseon?”

“Huff. Huff. I’m here, huff huff.”

Ahn Eunseon, gasping for breath, looked like she had sprinted at full speed.

“Get away! Don’t come near me!”

Lee Cheongmyeong shouted, frowning at Ahn Eunseon’s appearance.

Lee Cheongmyeong could forgive the other team members but never forgave Ahn Eunseon for deceiving him.

So, whenever Ahn Eunseon approached, he didn’t cry but rejected her, just like now.


Do Hajun, looking at Ahn Eunseon’s display of cuteness with contempt, took a step back.

“Team Leader, that expression hurts my feelings.”

“So what?”

Responding coldly, Do Hajun turned to Yoo Mia.

“If everything’s ready, open it.”

“Opening it now.”

A door materialized in midair, opening with a click.

“Let’s go.”

The place they arrived at after crossing the door was in front of a temporary building of the B-grade dungeon.

Countries and guilds that possessed dungeons built temporary structures to block monsters in case of a dungeon explosion.

Do Hajun placed the card, which only team leaders had, at the entrance.

-Delta Team, approval confirmed.

A golden gate appeared as the door opened with a mechanical voice.


Do Hajun extended his wrist.

Starting with Do Hajun, the healer Ahn Eunseon clasped each team member’s wrist.

When dungeons and cracks first appeared, and hunters emerged, people joked about how it felt like an RPG game.

This was because dungeons could only be entered by meeting certain conditions.

The first condition was the number of people, and the second was having a party that included a healer.

A party was a unique authority of the healer, who inscribed a one-time mark on the wrist of the designated party members.

The marked individuals became bound to the healer and thus part of the party.

Starting with Do Hajun, Ahn Eunseon inscribed marks on the team members’ wrists, then looked at Lee Cheongmyeong with sparkling eyes.

“Cheongmyeong~, want to give me your wrist?”


Just as Do Hajun was about to grab Lee Cheongmyeong’s wrist, Ahn Eunseon waved her hand.

“Then, Cheongmyeongie will have to stay here.”


“You can’t go in without giving me your wrist. Jun has to go in here.”

Ahn Eunseon’s face was beaming, pointing at the gate, confident that Lee Cheongmyeong would eventually extend his hand.


Lee Cheongmyeong whimpered, looking at Do Hajun.

“There’s no choice if you want to go in.”

With a kind but firm response, Lee Cheongmyeong alternated looks between Ahn Eunseon and Do Hajun.


“Yes, really.”

After repeatedly asking if it was true, Lee Cheongmyeong reluctantly extended his wrist to Ahn Eunseon.


Ahn Eunseon chuckled, grasping his thin, white wrist.

Even after inscribing the mark, Ahn Eunseon didn’t let go, thinking she might not get to hold his wrist again for a while.

“Let go.”

Do Hajun roughly pulled Lee Cheongmyeong’s wrist away, as if something dirty had been on it, and wiped it clean.

“Hey! Team Leader, that’s against the rules—!”

“Let’s go.”

Ignoring Ahn Eunseon’s protest, Do Hajun stepped onto the gate first, covering Lee Cheongmyeong’s eyes.

“Cheongmyeong, close your eyes for a moment.”


The gate lit up as the team members, including Ahn Eunseon, who grumbled about how she was treated like a germ, stepped inside.

“You can open your eyes now.”

Once the light disappeared, they found themselves in a vast meadow with a clear blue sky and clouds above.

Upon entering the dungeon, the team members immediately took out their weapons.

Ahn Eunseon also drew the whip she had kept in her pocket.

“Let’s get this done quickly.”

“Cheongmyeong, go see what’s over there quickly and I’ll give you snacks.”

“I like snacks!”

“Don’t get too excited about no monsters being around and follow the plan.”


The three offensive team members rushed ahead first.

Lee Cheongmyeong, held in Do Hajun’s arms, squirmed.

“Let me down, Jun.”

“Just let him down. The Director sent him for an experiential learning session, but it’s meaningless if he doesn’t walk. Also, holding him too often isn’t good. He needs to walk to get stronger.”

Ahn Eunseon’s scolding made Do Hajun look down at Lee Cheongmyeong.

“Jun, get down, okay?”

His sparkling eyes earnestly pleaded to be let down.


Do Hajun unzipped the turtle backpack Lee Cheongmyeong was wearing.

Inside were snacks chosen by Lee Cheongmyeong himself and a long leash.

Do Hajun connected the leash to the backpack after letting Lee Cheongmyeong down.

“Haha, what’s that?”

“It’s from the President.”

Despite being overseas for international affairs, Shin Misook sent a congratulatory gift for Lee Cheongmyeong’s first dungeon entry, which included clothes and a backpack with a safety leash.

The secretary, who had become the president’s aide through intense study, had kindly explained the purpose of the backpack, and Do Hajun had angrily questioned the need for such a thing, feeling it was uneccesary.

However, thinking about how Lee Cheongmyeong might run around the dungeon just like he did at the amusement park, Do Hajun reluctantly suggested they pack snacks as an excuse to make him wear the backpack.

After ensuring the strap was perfectly tied and closing the zipper, Do Hajun held Lee Cheongmyeong’s shoulders and said,

“Don’t run. Don’t go far. Got it?”


Lee Cheongmyeong, who was always quick to respond cheerfully, raised both hands and answered.

As soon as Do Hajun released his shoulder, half worried and half doubtful, Lee Cheongmyeong darted off.

But he couldn’t run far due to the child leash, and stopped, looking back at Do Hajun.

“You can’t.”


“Should I hold you?”

Lee Cheongmyeong shook his head vigorously and began to explore as much as the leash allowed.

-The western Clover Plains are all clear! No signs of monsters!

-The eastern Deer Flower Field. No monsters or monster reactions at all. Returning soon.

The meadow dungeon was as peaceful as expected.

“It’s indeed peaceful and nice. My dogs would go wild running around here.”

Ahn Eunseon smiled contentedly as she watched Lee Cheongmyeong play.

“Jun. Look!”

From a distance, Lee Cheongmyeong came running to Do Hajun.

In his small hand was a yellow dandelion.

“Oh, it’s a flower!”

“For Jun.”

“Thank you.”

As Do Hajun received the flower, Lee Cheongmyeong smiled brightly and ran off again.

“I’m jealous. You got a flower from Cheongmyeong.”

Ahn Eunseon , who had been glaring at the dandelion while biting her lip, suddenly smiled brightly.

“Give that to me.”


“You don’t like flowers, Team Leader.”

“I don’t?”

“Last time, when someone from Lambda Team gave you flowers, you didn’t even look at them. So give it to me. Please, Team Leader.”

Without responding, Do Hajun opened his inventory and put the dandelion in.

“No! That was for me!!”

Ignoring Ahn Eunseon, who was shaking her arms like a child throwing a tantrum, Do Hajun looked at Lee Cheongmyeong.

Lee Cheongmyeong was squatting at the edge of the meadow, staring at something.

As he watched Lee Cheongmyeong’s round back, Do Hajun called out again.

“Cheongmyeong, what are you looking at?”

“Jun, a rabbit!”

“…a rabbit?”

In front of Lee Cheongmyeong was a pure white rabbit.

However, as Lee Cheongmyeong turned his head towards Do Hajun, the rabbit monster’s face split in half.

With teeth that looked ready to tear Lee Cheongmyeong’s face apart and red drool dripping down, Do Hajun threw the leash and ran towards Lee Cheongmyeong.

Quickly assessing the situation, Do Hajun shouted to Ahn Eunseon .

“Ahn Eunseon !”


Before Do Hajun could reach Lee Cheongmyeong, Ahn Eunseon ’s whip flew and wrapped around the rabbit’s neck.

As the whip rapidly pulled the rabbit into the air, Do Hajun threw his knife.

The knife pierced the rabbit monster’s neck, blood spraying as its screech echoed through the bushes.

“Team, a monster has appeared. Return quickly!”

-A monster? There hasn’t been anything for years!

“No time! Hurry back!”


After confirming the rabbit monster was dead, Do Hajun called the other team members via earpiece.

“How… how did this happen? This gate was completely deemed safe.”

Ahn Eunseon, retrieving her whip, shuddered.

“Could the gate’s regen cycle be every five years? The longest is usually six months, isn’t it?”

Do Hajun glanced at the anxious Ahn Eunseon .

“Mia was right.”

“About what?”

“I’m never going to a zoo again, afraid a lion might escape.”

Talk about bad luck.

A gate that hadn’t seen a monster in five years was now regenerating.

As Ahn Eunseon said, the longest regen cycle for a dungeon was six months, making this one worthy of a research paper.

The odds of a lion escaping from a zoo were higher.

Faced with a dungeon that had suddenly turned into a first-time raid dungeon, Do Hajun sighed.

“But Team Leader.”


“Where’s Cheongmyeong?”

Do Hajun urgently turned his head.

The spot where Lee Cheongmyeong had been squatting was empty.

“Damn it. Cheongmyeong!”

Do Hajun started running.

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