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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 35- Substitute CF

* * *

“But it’s true.”

We had to save money, so we ate it.

“Let’s be mindful of our diet.”

Our bodies were our assets. Once we got paid, the first thing to improve was our diet.

“Home-cooked meals are the best.”

Should I grab a kitchen knife for the first time in a while?

“Okay then~ That’s enough introductions. My lovely newbies?”

Yoo Hajin said with a bright smile.

“How about showing your skills for your seniors?”

Seniors, huh.

“Is this some sort of initiation?”

Lee Seungjoon and I exchanged glances.

“Seems likely.”

What should we perform? What would leave a good first impression on the seniors?

I smiled broadly and looked at the seniors. Their gazes were intriguing.

“They’re evaluating us.”

These brats. Acting all high and mighty.

Just then, Lee Seungjoon suddenly put his arm around me and spoke up.

“Can we exclude him?”


“He’s definitely going to dance, but he hurt his wrist and ankle yesterday.”

Oh, damn it.

“I’m fine now.”

“Weren’t you supposed to take it easy during practice?”

No, I’m really fine.

“Dowon, are you sure you’re ready to practice again? Shouldn’t you rest?”

I was about to insist I was fine when the door behind us opened, and a familiar figure walked in.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

As Kang Minjae entered, everyone turned to look at him.


The power dynamics were instantly clear.

“Impressive guy.”

Kang Minjae spotted me and strode over. I greeted him with a bashful smile.

“Minjae hyung!”

“You really made it up here!”

“Yes. Thanks to your guidance!”

Thanks, jerk.

“It was tough as hell, but it sure was effective.”

In that short time, my vocal skills improved to a B grade.

“Oh, I saw Yumi’s music video. Dowon, your acting was good!”

“Since it was my first time acting, how good could it have been? I got scolded a lot.”

Not really.

“It looked natural though.”

Kang Minjae then turned his gaze to the husky guy with the grizzly Seungjoon shoulders.

“What’s your name?”

“Lee Seungjoon.”

“Oh, I’ve heard of you. You’ve got a great body and face? And you rap well?”

“Yes. But I can’t sing.”

Wait, Seungjoon can’t sing?

“Didn’t know that.”

He has a deep, good voice but is tone-deaf.

“If you can’t sing, it’s not a bad idea to give it up entirely.”

“Yeah, they even suggested that.”

“Did you two join the debut group?”

Kang Minjae smiled broadly. His grin made me nauseous, but I played along.

“Yes! I’m so happy to be practicing with hyung!”

Damn it.

“Good job. So, are you practicing?”

“Not yet.”

“Go ahead. I’d like to see your skills too.”

I clenched my fists.

Then Yoo Hajin said, “The little guy can’t dance.”

“Huh? Why not?”

“He got hurt.”

Kang Minjae grabbed my hand.

“Dowon, are you hurt? Why didn’t you say anything?”

Why would I tell you?

“It’s nothing serious, and I didn’t want to worry you.”

Not that you’d worry.

Kang Minjae started to say something but shut his mouth. I smiled and said,

“If I can’t dance, I’ll sing.”

The atmosphere immediately lightened. People stepped back, and I was just about to start singing when—


The door burst open, and a Manager rushed in.


Bouncing with excitement like a fat, lively anchovy.

Why is he so cheerful? Did he win the lottery?

“What now?”

The manager urgently grabbed my hand.

“We have to shoot a CF~”


“They said it has to be you.”

“Filming is fine, but this suddenly?”

“That’s how it is.”

The manager spoke to Kang Minjae.

“I am taking him for that, okay?”


“Let’s go~ Let’s go~ The CF awaits~”

I gave a slight bow as I was dragged away by the manager.

“I’ll sing later.”

Kang Minjae shook his head.

“No need.”

He turned to the debut group trainees and said,

“It’s enough.”

Enough of what?

“You all agree, right?”

They exchanged silent glances.

“Damn it, what?”

There was no time to think.

The manager closed the door, and I couldn’t see them anymore.


As I shook my head, the manager asked,

“What’s ‘seriously’? You talk like an old man for a 15-year-old.”

Sharp observation. I cleared my throat.

“I don’t get what Minjae hyung meant by ‘enough.’ Do you know?”

The Manager smirked at me.

“Oh boy. Our ambitious weirdo is still a kid.”

You called me an old man earlier.

“Ambitious weirdo, huh? Who do you think will debut from the debut group?”

“Obviously, the skilled trainees will debut.”

“Wrong! That’s not it.”

This was surprising. Then who debuts?

“That’s just a basic requirement. Usually, the trainees who fit the group image debut.”

I quietly recalled. What was Zenis like?

‘They suited suits.’

But suits are common for male idols.

“Who decides the group image?”

“Who do you think?”

I pictured a woman in a black suit.

“Director Joo?”

“Director Joo decides too.”


I squinted my eyes.

“There’s more, isn’t there?”

“Of course, idiot. Do you know how much it costs to debut trainees? Dowon, get it now? Why the debut group trainees said you don’t need a recognition.”

I tilted my head. Still didn’t get it.

“It means you’re already recognized.”

“One music video gives recognition?”

“Look at this. I’ve got something to show you.”

The manager held out his smartphone.

“See how many views it has?”


“Is that a lot?”

“It’s a lot, man!”

I didn’t realize. I don’t visit video sites often, so I couldn’t grasp the numbers.

“It’s going to get even more.”


“That’s why they said you don’t need it. What’s the most important thing for a new group? Recognition! And you’re already in a music video and a commercial.”

So, I just need to keep going as I am?

“Planning is really tough.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Understood. So, I just need to do my best in today’s commercial shoot? Well, I’d do my best anyway. By the way, what kind of commercial is it?”

“Well, it’s…”

The manager seemed unable to meet my eyes.

Why is he acting like this?

“You’re a substitute.”

“I see.”

“Are you upset?”

“Not really.”

Actually, I felt good about it. I didn’t know whose substitute I was, but it seemed like I’d be busy in the future.

“Vita messed up. Originally, it was supposed to be Jiki, but there’s going to be a big scandal about his drunk driving news a few hours ago.”

“That’s unfortunate.”

Not that it mattered to me.

“He was supposed to do it, but it fell through. So, after some begging, you got to do it without any payment.”

Is that even possible?

“I get the no payment part, but why did the company agree? There are other celebrities with similar images.”

“It’s because of someone high up.”

Maybe there’s some connection I’m not aware of.

“Got it.”

It’s good to be shooting something, whatever it is.

“The director said it had to be you.”

“What kind of commercial is it?”


Ah, I see.

I got into the manager’s car with a smile.

“Sounds good.”

Even if it’s a weird commercial, I’ll do my best. Besides, it’s a bakery, which isn’t bad at all.

“There should be a storyboard in there.”


I read the storyboard in the car. I thought about how to shoot it well, and then it hit me.

My heart was pleasantly pounding.

“Well, that’s nice.”

Maybe my keen eye has improved because the simulation in my mind was very vivid. I smiled. I felt really good.


The bakery commercial was simple but tricky.

“Acting like you’re eating is tough…”

A boy is eating bread in a bakery when someone tugs at his coat from below.

He looks down to see a cute kid he’s never seen before asking for some bread.

The boy doesn’t want to give it, but seeing the kid’s pleading eyes, he eventually does.

The kid eats it happily while the boy watches regretfully, then suddenly realizes.

“The kid is alone.”

The boy hurriedly picks up the kid and shouts for the parents as the commercial ends.

“It requires quite a bit of acting.”

It was harder than Yumi’s music video.

“We’re here.”

I nodded and got out of the car. The orange-toned set reminded me of old times.

“Feels like a kids’ café.”

Kids’ café, or rather, living hell. Out of all the part-time jobs I’ve had, it was the most physically and mentally exhausting.

“Okay, ambitious dreamer. Make sure to greet everyone properly.”

Soon, I saw the director. As soon as I saw the frown on his forehead, I realized.

“He’s angry.”

Maybe because of the drunk driving incident. I calmly bowed my head.

“I’m Cha Dowon.”

“Like I care.”

There was no ‘good job getting here’ or ‘hang in there.’ The manager smiled awkwardly.

“Director Han, you’re upset, aren’t you?”

“Upset? Hey, does your company not teach manners?”

“I’m sorry.”

The manager bowed his head.

I quietly watched him.

“Well, I guess he has a right to be angry.”

But it’s not the manager’s fault, is it?

“Director, calm down. We’re about to start shooting.”

“Shooting with a rookie, huh? Bringing a pale kid like him, look at him.”

The director looked me up and down.

“Hey, how old are you?”

“I will be 16 this year.”

“Jeez, this will be great.”

The director suddenly hit me on the head. The manager immediately grabbed his arm to stop him, but he stepped on my foot.

“Bringing in a trainee, huh? Great idea.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s just venting.”

There were plenty of substitutes in the company. Besides Vita, there were other groups in Friends Entertainment.

But this guy specifically wanted me.

“I was curious about the reason…”

So this is it.

I quietly stared at the dear director.

“I’ll do my best to meet your expectations.”

I’ll put my heart and soul into it and film it for you.

The director got even angrier and lifted his leg. But it didn’t reach me.

Someone else, not the manager, stopped him.

“Director! That’s enough.”

It was a young assistant director. He whispered to me to step aside.

“How can you take it out on a substitute!”

“These arrogant brats!”

I nodded to the assistant director and stepped back. Then I fiddled with my smartphone in my pocket.

“What would be good?”

I wanted to give our dear director a gift. What would suit him best?

“If it’s too much, I won’t be able to shoot.”

Even as a substitute, the chance to shoot a commercial was precious. Besides, it was for a nationwide franchise bakery. If I did well, my poster might be displayed.

“Oh, come to think of it, I don’t even know the director’s name.”

I asked a nearby staff member.

“Excuse me, what’s the director’s name?”

“Director Han? It’s Han Jinsan.”

“Thank you.”

“Hey, were you shocked?”

I smiled brightly.

“A little. I knew I was a substitute, though.”

“That old man. He’s useless anyway, but he still has a bad temper…”

“Is the assistant director the one who stopped him?”

“Yeah. The one who stopped him earlier.”

I could roughly understand the situation.

“So, the dear director Han is unnecessary for the shoot?”

“The scope of cheating has widened significantly. I quietly pressed the power button on my smartphone.

[Make Director Hanjin’s body have stomach ache.]


[As a side effect, you can’t see for 3 seconds.]

I didn’t know what criteria were used for the side effects of cheating, but they were trivial and endless. In front of my eyes, honestly, I couldn’t see for 3 seconds and then it returned to normal.

“Director, please don’t do this.”

“Who are you to stop me!”

Now, even the kicking started. It was when I was watching the manager trying hard to stop it. Suddenly, the director’s expression became strange.


Even his gestures stopped.

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14 days ago

Thanks for the chapter

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not work with dark mode