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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 34- Punishment

* * *

“Yeah, so I don’t think it’s very effective.”

I scratched my cheek lightly with my uninjured hand.

What is the fundamental cause of this situation?

“So, it’s because Seoyung Hyung is jealous of me, right?”

“That seems to be the case.”

I said with a smile.

“Then I don’t want him to be punished.”

Director Joo covered her mouth in surprise.


“Oh, but please have Seoyung Hyung leave the dorm. I’ll be changing teams after the monthly evaluation anyway, so we’ll only clash briefly.”

“Wait, wait a minute!”

“I thought about what would be the most painful. I’m going to let him continue being envious.”

I didn’t stop smiling.

“If I hide away where he can’t see me, his jealousy might fade.”

“Hey, Dowon, aren’t you being a bit too ambitious?”

Has that ‘ambitious’ label reached even here?

“Let him watch me.”

Because I’ll keep doing well.

‘Jealousy is tormenting for the one who feels it.’

I looked at my partially casted wrist. Honestly, I felt endlessly wronged. What kind of misfortune is this?

“I don’t know why he’s jealous of me. There are plenty of more successful stars.”

“When someone close to you rises, it messes with your head even more. Though, this is still not right.”

Director Joo ran her hand through her hair, looking dumbfounded.

“I was planning to expel him in a normal manner.”

“Please, don’t do that normally.”

“Can’t I just expel him?”

“That’s too harsh, Director. How could you do something so cruel?”

Director Joo’s eyes wavered.

“Expelling Seoyung Hyung, who’s clinging to his trainee status at Friends Entertainment, seems too harsh for an adult.”

“I think you’re being harsher.”

I whispered with a persistent smile.

“What do you mean? I just want him to watch.”

To see me continue to succeed.

Director Joo let out a deep sigh.

“Normally, I’d smack you for being so cheeky.”

“Would you?”

“There’s something about you that sweeps others along, kid. You’re good at acting, aren’t you?”

“It’s my specialty.”

“You never miss a word.”

Director Joo shook her head while drinking the remaining cola.

“Your music video exceeded expectations.”

“Thank you.”

“There might be more offers coming your way.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Congratulations on making the debut team.”

This was a bit surprising.

“Thank you… Wait, I made it?”

Oh, I really made it.

“You were a bit short, but we saw the potential.”

“I’ll work hard.”

“Did I put someone too young on the team…?”

Director Joo looked at me intently.

“You’re fifteen?”


“You’re really young.”

I grinned. Director Joo unknowingly patted my head, then quickly pulled her hand back.

“Sorry. You reminded me of my nephew for a moment.”

“It’s fine.”

“Just because you’re on the debut team doesn’t mean you’ll debut.”

I shrugged. I knew that.

“If you don’t fit the project, you’ll stay in the debut team forever.”

But I knew.

‘I will fit.’

Like a perfect match.

But sometimes, humility is good.

“I’m scared.”

“Your face doesn’t look scared.”

“I’m really scared. Please believe me.”

Why do I have no credibility?

Director Joo sighed, running her hand through her hair. She looked deeply tired.

“Go on. No, it must be hard with that leg. I’ll call the manager for you.”

“Thank you. Take care.”

She asked her assistant to call the manager while stretching her legs on the sofa.

“Ugh, my whole body aches. But kid, shouldn’t you contact your family?”

I thought of my sister in medical school and shook my head.

“It’s nothing serious.”

“Look at you. Kid, no. You’re injured.”

“Oh, right.”

I should explain the situation. She doesn’t seem like the type to cry.

“Director Joo, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“I’m an orphan.”

Her eyes shook.


“I became an orphan less than a month ago.”

“W-wait a minute!”

Director Joo quickly asked her assistant to delay the manager. I smiled slightly.

‘She’s quick-witted.’

She realized I didn’t want the manager to know.

“What happened?”

“She died of cancer. But it’s not like I’m penniless. She had quite a bit of wealth.”

In Gyeonggi Province, everyone still knows about Yeonhwa Shaman. My mother was always surrounded by people when she was working.


“My sister. But I can’t bother her with this.”

“Why? What’s the matter?”

“She’s in medical school.”

Director Joo’s glasses slid down. She looked confused as she finished her cola and put down the can.

“The first year of med school is the toughest.”

“It is, but…”

“Your body will heal eventually. It’s not an incurable disease. Why bother your studying sister? But I do have people I can trust and rely on.”

I thought of my aunt and uncle.

“They’re really kind people.”

“I see. So there’s a story behind it.”

I was really grateful she let it go at that. Just then, the manager arrived, and I was helped into the hallway.

“What did Director Joo say?”

I didn’t answer, just smiled.

“Did you get scolded?”

“Why would I get scolded? I’m the victim. Oh, but the manager might get scolded.”

His round face looked troubled.

“You should’ve cut him off when he was drinking.”

The manager sighed deeply.

“It’s good to be nice, but…”

I leaned on the plump man and said,

“You should be nice to the right people.”

Or else you’ll get hurt.

‘Like me.’

Kang Minjae came to mind.

‘It’s starting now, Kang Minjae.’

I couldn’t help but smile. I tried to hide my expression, but even the support stopped.


“You, you-you, you-you-you!”

The Manager couldn’t finish his sentence.


“You said exactly the same thing as Mira!”

Damn. Who’s Mira?

“Scary kid. You know me too well!”

I didn’t want to know, so I shook my head. Even if I did learn something, I wanted to forget it quickly.


[cheat mode 0/3]

[Cha Dowon limbs restored]


[As a side effect, you will have five hours of deep sleep in five minutes. You cannot wake up.]

[cheat mode 1/3]


“There are 80 male trainees at Friends Entertainment. The number can increase or decrease based on monthly evaluations and auditions.”

I moved my arm, now free from the cast. The movement felt a bit awkward.

“Out of them, the debut team consists of 10 members.”

“That’s not many.”

“Getting one person into the debut team in a month is a lot. Sometimes, it takes six months to add one.”

I looked at Lee Seungjoon. He was lying on the empty bed left by our dear roommate.

“This month, it’s two.”

I tried moving my leg. Like my wrist, it was a bit stiff. But after a few stretches, it became more flexible.

“Even someone like me, who’s not interested in these things, can feel the buzz.”

“Anyone who hears you would think you’re completely unrelated.”

I smirked at him.

“Lee Seungjoon, you’re part of the debut team too.”

“People often said I’d make it. I just didn’t take the monthly evaluation.”

Oh, is that so?

I lay on the bed and massaged my arm.

“Is it okay to remove it so quickly?”

“Yeah, it’s fine.”

“How can a partial cast heal in a day?”

Well, because there’s a cheat.

“Earlier, you were sleeping like the dead.”

“Ah, I must have been tired.”

“I’m a bit mad.”

Now what?


“Why didn’t you tell me you were in pain?”

Would telling you make it better?

I was about to say it was nothing but closed my mouth.

‘Or you’ll end up like the manager.’

That would be too troublesome.

“You took the same test.”

Lee Seungjoon’s sharp eyes trembled slightly.

“I didn’t want you to worry.”

He closed his mouth.

‘So that was the right answer.’

I should have said that to the manager too. Then I wouldn’t have had to see that horror.

“I see.”

Lee Seungjoon wiped his face with his hands.

“But next time, tell me.”

If I say it’s okay here, he’ll make a fuss again.



It was a relief he accepted it so easily. I got up, stretching my shoulders.

“Let’s go.”

“Practice? I’ll go, but can you?”

“I’m all better. I know my body best.”

Lee Seungjoon shook his head. He was such a stubborn guy to convince.

“I won’t overdo it. I’ll take it easy.”

Only then did he nod. Why do I have to comfort another guy? Feeling defeated, I left the dorm.

“Come to think of it,” Lee Seungjoon said as he approached me.

“We’re in the same team now.”

“Is that so?”

His face was full of smiles for something so trivial. It reminded me of the Siberian husky I had as a child.

‘That guy was a Seungjoon, why did he become a dog?’

I couldn’t understand what made him so happy.

‘Let’s just go with it.’

I didn’t want to understand.

As we walked into the familiar lobby, a group of trainees in school uniforms yelled.

I nodded in acknowledgment and walked forward.

“Wow, you’re popular.”

“The music video seems to be getting a good reaction.”

“It’s more than just good.”

Lee Seungjoon tapped my shoulder.

“It’s trending.”

Good for you. Looks like Yumi’s new song is doing well.

“That’s great.”

“It means a lot of people have seen you.”


But I didn’t think it would change my life.

‘Especially since there’s no income.’

I heard that trainees often had to pay instead of being paid. It meant the income was small.

‘Well, the debut team does get a salary.’

That’s not even included in the later settlements. Usually, it is, but Friends is a big company.

“Oh, by the way, do we change practice rooms?”

“Yeah. To room number 1.”

It was 20 minutes before practice started. Just enough time to warm up.


I opened the practice room door. Many eyes turned to look at me.

‘What’s going on here?’

I smiled brightly and changed my shoes. Then I quietly went inside.



The gazes from head to toe were more than a few.

‘The atmosphere is tense.’

Senior trainees are scary, huh?

Whether they were or not, I said what I had to.

“I’m Cha Dowon.”

“I’m Lee Seungjoon.”

We greeted, but there was no response. As I blinked at the odd atmosphere, one finally replied.

“Oh, you’re the kid from Yumi’s music video. I’m Yoo Hajin.”

A handsome guy with a soft appearance extended his hand.

‘Why a handshake?’

Is this a business deal? Is this normal? Well, it didn’t matter. I gladly shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Congrats on making the debut team. Next to you is Lee Seungjoon, right? You’ve got good physical stats. I was a bit surprised.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

It was obvious.

‘He must be the leader of the debut team.’

I wondered what kind of guy he was.

‘He seems to have been a trainee for a long time, different from our Seoyong?’

Well, there’s plenty of time to judge later.

“Did you say your name was Dowon? How old are you?”

“Uh, I’m 16 this year.”

Come to think of it, I’m in my third year of middle school.

“Oh? You’re younger than I thought. How tall are you?”

“The last time I checked, I was 166 cm. I think I’ve grown taller since then.”

Now that I think about it, my pants have gotten shorter.

“Oh, you’re not short for your age. Wait a sec. Stand straight.”

Yoo Hajin compared my height to his own and smiled.

“I think you’re well over 170 cm.”


I need to take another look at this properly.

“Well, if it’s that much, I guess there’s no need to worry. Are you eating well?”

It wasn’t a joke to take care of something.

“Is this just how you are, or is it a trap?”

I smiled brightly.

“Yes, now that I have money, I’m making sure to eat breakfast well. Not just cornflakes!”

“Oh, did you actually eat the cornflakes they give at the hostel for breakfast?”


Well, it’s free after all.

I nodded, momentarily feeling a bit flustered.

“That stuff expired a year ago.”

“No one was eating it, so it was just left there!”

Is that so?

“It was a bit moist.”

Well, it meant something to fill our stomachs at a critical time.

But suddenly, Yoo Hajin grabbed my shoulder and said,

“Eat well. Skip meals during this time and you’ll bleed? Try getting kicked out of the project because of your height. How much of a loss would that be!”

“Right. Don’t eat things like cornflakes. But there weren’t any bugs in them, were there?”

There weren’t any.

“It was edible.”

“Poor guys.”

I pointed at Lee Seungjoon.

“He ate it too.”

“Poor souls! How could both of you!”

The debut group suddenly gripped each other and looked at Lee Seungjoon and me with moist eyes.

“What’s with this atmosphere?”

And in an instant, we became pitiful and poor guys.

* * *

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