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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 33- Jealousy

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Heo Seoyung, a trainee at Friends Entertainment, thought he was handsome.

Being good-looking always had its perks, no matter the situation. Girls were kind, and making friends was easy.

People would look at young Heo Seoyung and say he had the makings of a star. So, he never doubted he would become one.

When Heo Seoyung turned fifteen, he received a business card on Myeongdong Street. The card bore the name of an agency representing the hottest singer at the time.

Showing the card to his friends made them envious. Heo Seoyung went to the audition, but the result was devastating.


Still, he didn’t give up. He begged his parents to let him attend a dance academy.

His dream gradually shifted from “actor” to “idol.”

He auditioned again.

This time, he became a trainee at the agency that had initially rejected him.

His parents congratulated him. Heo Seoyung believed, without a doubt, that his life would soon be under the bright lights of fame.

But his dream shattered the moment he joined the agency. There were plenty of boys better-looking than him.

Some were great dancers, others were fantastic singers.

One of them was an exceptional composer.

At first, Heo Seoyung practiced hard. But frustration set in as he realized the gap was not easily bridged.

Life as a trainee became increasingly tough. What began with confidence turned into disillusionment.

Four years passed in suppressed frustration.

Still, Heo Seoyung was confident. Except for the exceptionally talented ones, people’s abilities were about the same.

Then, one day, it happened.

“Hi, I’m Cha Dowon.”

A pretty boy smiled bashfully. This fifteen-year-old had been irking Heo Seoyung since day one.

The kid danced well.

He wasn’t great at singing.

But he exercised daily. That wasn’t particularly impressive.

‘Does he think his skills will improve just by working out?’

Despite Seoyung’s sneers, the boy remained unbothered.

Something felt off.

‘He looks like he’s going to make it big suddenly.’

Heo Seoyung couldn’t understand why he felt so uneasy. Then came the news.

‘He’s going to be in Yumi’s music video.’

It was the moment his premonition came true.

‘Damn it!’

How could this happen? Why did that kid get such an opportunity?

Burning with jealousy, Heo Seoyung noticed the boy didn’t even brag about it. His cold composure made it even more infuriating.

One day, he saw the boy doing only sit-ups when he turned around.

“Surely, he won’t make it to the debut group already, right?”

At the monthly evaluation, the boy danced excellently. Fearing he might join the debut group, Heo Seoyung impulsively pushed him. But the kid’s bones seemed sturdy, and he wasn’t hurt.

‘No way. Getting into the debut group isn’t easy.’

Getting into the debut group wasn’t just about talent. Heo Seoyung was certain. That kid would soon face the harsh reality of life. The world isn’t easy.

‘I’ll laugh in his face when he fails.’

Or maybe put a scar on that smug face.

Just as Heo Seoyung entered the lobby, he saw it.

A giant TV in the Friends Entertainment lobby. Heo Seoyung paused.

‘Yumi’s music video…….’

People were already watching it. That annoying kid was on the screen, eyes closed.

“Wow, he’s a pretty boy.”

“Who is he? A trainee?”

Heo Seoyung glanced at the high school girls in the lobby.

“He doesn’t look just handsome. Maybe it’s because he looks so young? Still pretty.”

“Is he really a trainee here?”

Heo Seoyung bit his lip. Surely, he can’t act well. It’s his first time, after all.

As the music video progressed, there wasn’t much acting. The boy kept his eyes closed.


I could do this too if I had the chance.

Then it happened.

The boy opened his eyes in the video. High school girls screamed in excitement. Heo Seoyung stared at the TV, dumbfounded.

The boy looked at the collapsing Yumi, his face full of concern.

‘No way…….’

In the next scene, the boy acted naturally. He combed Yumi’s hair and gently caressed her cheek. Every time he smiled genuinely.

‘Why is he so good at acting?’

It’s his first time. He should be bad at it, right?

Regardless of Seoyung’s feelings, the music video continued.

Soon, there was a scene of their hands clasping, fingers intertwined. The high school girls screamed again.

“Oh my gosh!”

“Wow, what’s this! Oh my, I love it! It’s kind of sexy!”

The screen faded to the word ‘Sacrifice.’

“The lingering feeling is no joke.”

“Is the kid in the video really a trainee?”

“Probably? Friends Entertainment always features their trainees in their music videos!”

At that moment,

Heo Seoyung saw Cha Dowon in front of him.

‘Didn’t he faint? He looks fine.’

The boy was walking slowly with his manager. The high school girls, chattering among themselves, finally noticed him.


“Wait a minute!”

Dowon seemed unaware of the screams directed at him until the manager stopped him. The high school girls rushed over.

“We just watched the music video!”

“Look at his skin!”

“How old are you?”

Dowon looked flustered, only rolling his eyes.

The manager, accustomed to such situations, gently blocked the girls, saying,

“This is Cha Dowon, and he’s fifteen. He’s still a baby, so be gentle. He’s a training maniac, practicing even when he’s sick today.”

“Oh my gosh!”

The high school girls covered their mouths, scrutinizing Dowon from head to toe.

That’s the look Heo Seoyung had always yearned for.

He clenched his fists.

Why does this kid get all the good fortune?

“Okay, let’s let him go now, princesses.”

Dowon smiled faintly and bowed, causing the girls to emit high-pitched squeals again.

“Dowon, the elevator’s broken.”

“Oh, let’s take the stairs then.”

The manager and Dowon headed for the stairs. Heo Seoyung followed them.

“You might get more of this in the future.”

“Really? Any advice on what to watch out for?”

“Take it lightly.”

“You mean like a customer service attitude?”

Heo Seoyung had always wanted to have a fan like that.

‘Why can’t I have such casual conversations? Why can’t I do that?’

He couldn’t stand it any longer. Heo Seoyung ran towards Cha Dowon.



Heo Seoyung blinked. He couldn’t believe what he had just done.


Damn. What is this now?

I tried to get up but sat back down. Checking my leg, it seemed like I had twisted my ankle.

First, I checked the condition of my body.

‘My wrist hurts too.’

But it didn’t seem like any bones were broken.

“Heo Seoyung! What do you think you’re doing!”

Ah, right.

I quietly looked ahead. The guy who had pushed me was trembling with his hands.

‘What an idiot.’

I staggered, holding onto the wall.

“Dowon! Are you okay?”

“I’m not okay. And what’s your problem?”

My dear roommate couldn’t meet my eyes.


I frowned.

“Why is it you!”

Jeez, why is he shouting?

“Why! Why does it have to be you!”


The manager grabbed him by the collar. Heo Seoyung, tears streaming down his face, cried out.

“Why that bastard! Why not me!”

Ah, I get it now.


A serious case of it.


I’ve seen everything now. I checked my condition again.

My wrist and ankle hurt. I probably had a bruise on my back too.

‘Considering I fell down the stairs, it’s not too bad.’

Luckily, it seemed my head was protected. I should recover with some rest.

Though there will be some aftereffects.

“Heo Seoyung! Snap out of it!”

The manager slapped both of Heo Seoyung’s cheeks. Slap-slap- The sound was painful.

‘Like that’s going to make him come to his senses.’

He’s completely lost it.

“Why are you hitting me!”

“Because you deserve it! Do you even realize what you’ve done?”

The guy looked down at his hands and started crying. It suited him well, but I didn’t care.

“Manager, there’s a CCTV here, right?”

“Huh? Of course.”

I looked up. The CCTV blinking with a red light looked beautiful.

“Please call someone and secure the footage.”

Heo Seoyung’s pupils were shaking.

You bastard. You won’t get away with this. How dare you injure this precious body?

“Huh? Okay! Excuse me! Someone, please come here!”

Soon, a security guard came running. Watching the manager disappear, I hobbled up the stairs.

“I’ve never seen someone like you before. Popularity?”

I recalled the high school girl who had been screaming earlier.

‘It was nice.’

She was cute too.

“To be driven crazy over this kind of popularity…”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“The scale is so small it’s laughable.”

I whispered, looking at the guy.


Oh dear. Senior. How do you plan to live like this?

There are so many talented people in the world, and you’re losing it over a single music video?


The guy shouted as the guard held him back.

“Hey, student!”

I laughed, looking at my dear senior.

‘How can I handle this so that it gets the word out?’

Fire him? Sue him?

I rubbed my arm, leg, and back.

‘The criminal law in Korea is weak.’

I don’t think he’ll be prosecuted. Even if intentional harm is recognized.

‘Unless he was wielding a knife or something.’

Can’t the law be changed? Why does criminal law remain stagnant for decades?

‘What could be more painful than the law?’

Soon, several people came running. Most were strangers, but some I knew.

“What on earth happened here!”

A woman with a bob cut in a black suit trembled with disbelief.

A good person showed up at the right time.

“Director Joo.”

I called her name and smiled.


The CCTV footage was secured quickly. I went to the hospital and returned with a partial cast to the director’s office. The manager, having cried for half an hour, wept again seeing my condition.

‘That’s more of a terror than my wrist and ankle.’

Noise pollution, indeed.

I drank yulmucha on the soft sofa in the director’s office. The female employee, who I assumed was a secretary, kept bringing me yulmucha.


Director Joo sighed deeply across from me.

“This nonsense continued even in the dorm?”


“How on earth is the management being handled?”

“Well, when you leave it to someone like the manager, things like this happen.”

I recalled the manager who had been crying.

‘He’s too kind.’

He was gentle and thoughtful. But he saw people too positively.

‘He empathizes too much with the trainees.’

Understanding is good. The problem was she couldn’t cut ties.

“If you drink alcohol, it’s obvious.”

“Since when was alcohol allowed in the dorms?”

“Oh, so it wasn’t originally allowed.”

“Of course not! There are minors!”

Surprisingly strict here.

“They drank three times a week.”

“This is insane. It’s a complete mess.”

Director Joo shook her head and sighed. Then she turned around and shouted.

“Secretary Lee! Get me more cola!”

“You’ll get diabetes!”

“I’m about to explode from frustration!”

Secretary Lee brought cold cola. Director Joo opened the can and chugged it, patting her chest.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t manage things well.”

Oh. An apology.

Surprised, I blinked. Director Joo had quite a position, yet she genuinely apologized to a 15-year-old.

‘She’s a decent person.’

I thought she was a pervert for asking me to take my clothes off, but I guess not?

“What kind of punishment do you want?”

She got straight to the point. I rubbed my neck and answered.

“I thought about handling it legally.”

The main director bit his lip.

“As expected, it’s the manager.”

Clearly, he didn’t want any interference.

However, it wasn’t my business.

“I’m wondering whether this could lead to prosecution or not, whether it could result in punishment.”

This minor injury was nowhere near enough, even if intent were acknowledged.

“S-so, what should we do?”

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1 month ago

My God, they’re crazy over there

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not work with dark mode