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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 29- You’ve been here for two weeks already?

* * *

“How was Yumi?”

It was the usual time for exercise.

As I stretched my legs, I looked at Seungjoon, who had spoken to me.

It was hard to believe he was the same guy who once tried to commit suicide; he seemed so much brighter now.

“She was pretty.”

“That’s it? What about her personality?”

“She was kind.”

“That’s all?”

Why is he asking so many questions?

I relaxed my shoulders and tapped on the cheat codes.

[cheat mode 1/3]

[Recovery of Cha Dowon and Lee Seungjoon’s stamina]


[Side effect: Bleeding from the back.]

[cheat mode 2/3]

I felt a sharp pain in my back. I lifted my T-shirt. One of the scratches Yumi had left was bleeding.

“Hey, what’s up with your back?”

“It just happened. Do you have a band-aid?”

Seungjoon quickly stopped, rummaged through a drawer, and handed me a band-aid. He swiftly applied it and tilted his head in confusion.

“Looks like you’re exuding phytoncides.”

What is he talking about?

“I sometimes feel better when I’m with you. Like I’ve had a good sleep.”

It must be the cheat effect.

“That’s amazing.”

He stretched his body in different directions. He looked lighter at a glance.

I whispered softly.

“If you’re amazed, treat me well.”


“Nothing. Just one more thing.”

Seungjoon smiled broadly. I got on the treadmill and asked,

“How do you get into the debut team?”

“Well, if you do well on the monthly evaluation.”

“Is it just about singing and dancing?”

“No. Plus, face and body management.”

So, you can’t gain weight? That was an easy pass for me, not my concern.

Seungjoon got on the treadmill next to me.

“You just thought that it doesn’t matter because you already meet those criteria, right?”

This guy is becoming like his mom, who was a shaman.

“They look at foreign language skills, diligence, and other things, but in the end, it’s face, body, vocals, and dance.”

“So, I just need to improve my vocals.”

I increased the treadmill speed.

“Trying to get into the debut team this month?”


“You’ve been here for two weeks?”


I whispered while running.

“Isn’t it the perfect time to join the debut team?”

Lee Seungjoon looked at me in amazement and then smiled.

“Right. Whatever you say usually happens.”

“You believe that? I thought you wouldn’t.”

“You’re unique. Well, fine. Let’s go together then.”

Oh, you’re aiming for it too?

I frowned. Well, the opportunity to join the debut team was fair, so it wasn’t my business.

“Seungjoon, you sound like you haven’t tried to join until now on purpose?”

“I didn’t take the monthly evaluations for three months.”

I was about to ask why but kept quiet.

“Was it because your sister died?”

You’ve really lived a rough life.

I clicked my tongue and shook my head. Seungjoon stared at me quietly.

“I want to be with you for a long time.”

Go ahead.

“In that sense, tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“Is Yumi really just pretty?”

The topic returned. I frowned and said,

“That’s all.”

“Nothing really happened?”

“What could happen?”

Yumi must be in good condition now that she’s sleeping well.

“No romantic vibes?”

“There’s an eight-year age difference between me and Yumi.”

“Oh, right.”

I spoke while running on the treadmill.

“Besides, people with a lot to lose don’t have time to spare.”

Yumi wouldn’t have time to fall for someone. She must be insanely busy.

The treadmill belt kept moving, just like how Yumi was doing her job.

“Well, she was a cool woman.”

“Are you sure nothing happened?”

“Nothing happened.”

Why does he keep asking?

I glared at Seungjoon while running. Lee Seungjoon, feeling awkward, just smiled and focused on running on his treadmill.

I sighed.

We might meet again someday. But by then, I wouldn’t be an idol trainee, and she wouldn’t be a top singer.

‘My status will have changed.’

I moved my legs with determination. I was looking forward to it a bit.

‘Let’s start by getting into the debut team.’

With a clear goal, there was no time to wander. I was out of breath, but I felt good today.


To enhance my abilities with cheats, I had to experience them. I rubbed my throat and checked my vocalization. I’d been at it for hours, but it didn’t seem to improve.

‘That’s the problem with the arts.’

Practice doesn’t always yield immediate results. But if you skip practice, it shows right away.

“This is when you need an expert.”

I needed someone who could pinpoint exactly what I was lacking.

‘Usually, you would ask the vocal teacher…’

I shook my head immediately. Unfortunately, the vocal teacher at Friends Entertainment was hopeless.

‘It feels like they’re just killing time.’

They lacked passion and did everything half-heartedly, unlike the choreographer who passionately drilled into us.

‘The latter is much better.’

Even if they had the annoying nickname “ambitious,” that person was passionate about teaching.

“Is there any way?”

I sighed involuntarily.

‘I need to find another teacher.’

Suddenly, a certain guy popped into my mind. I stomped the thought immediately, but no matter how much I searched, he was the only one.

“Kang Minjae.”

That guy sang really well.

‘And he’s also a composer.’

I recalled an unknown K-pop documentary. He made songs for a girl group. He recorded each member, and the problem was, with his pretty words, he made not just one but four members cry properly.

‘Poor girl group members.’

They didn’t know Kang Minjae’s temperament and suffered. He had a razor blade hidden in his tongue.

“Damn. Is he the only one?”

I wasn’t afraid of verbal abuse. If I lacked ability, I just needed to fill or fix it. But I hated seeing his face.

‘Well, that’s something to overcome too.’

If we were in the same group, clashing would be daily.

“Think of it as a vaccination.”

I grabbed my head and sighed. Why is Kang Minjae the only good singer around here?

“Damn it.”

I shouted up at the floor where he lived, but it was a waste of time. I quietly got out of bed. If I had to do it, it was better to do it quickly.


[Cha Dowon’s Vocal Ability]

[C Grade. Do you want to change it?]

[Change to B Grade]

[Impossible with the current physical condition.]

It was as expected.

Actually, even getting to C grade for vocal ability was an achievement made through blood, sweat, and tears every time I coughed.

I hoped to learn something at the company, but the vocal instructor wasn’t great, so I couldn’t even analyze songs yet.

‘Singing is different from dancing.’

Unlike dancing, where you can learn a lot by watching good dancers, singing couldn’t be mastered just by listening to good singers.

That was the painful conclusion I came to. I stood in front of Kang Minjae like Chunhyang untying her hanbok ribbon. (From the tale of Chunhyang, a korean folk tale)

“Hello, hyung?”

I slightly bowed my head and then raised it.

“Oh, Dowon?”

Kang Minjae, with water dripping from his hair, seemed like he had just washed up. I turned around and stirred the pot with a ladle.

“Please, have a seat.”

“Oh, this is…”

I smiled bashfully.

“It’s your favorite beef radish soup.”

Eat it up. It’s a bribe.

“You remembered?”

“Of course.”

You ate three bowls of it when my mom made it.

“You still like it, right?”

Kang Minjae shook his head.

“No. I couldn’t find the same taste even when I bought it, so I forgot about it.”

I smiled bashfully.

“It’ll taste just like back then.”

I made it using Mrs. Cha’s method.

‘With MSG!’

So eat it up, Kang Minjae.

“You haven’t had lunch yet, right?”


I quickly set up the meal. Kang Minjae sat at the luxurious dining table quietly.

“Eat up.”


Sure. I’m doing this to get something from you.

“Oh, I heard you’re in Yumi’s music video?”

“Yeah. We already finished shooting.”

“People were buzzing. They were upset a non-debuted trainee got the role.”

“I don’t know how I got chosen either.”


Of course, it was my profile. I took it specifically for this.

‘Still, it was surprising.’

They could’ve given it to someone they were pushing, but it came to me.

‘Whoever the planner is, they have good taste.’

I wonder who picked me. Was it that plump president?

Kang Minjae finally had a spoonful of soup and spoke.

“Director Joo pushed for you.”

“Who’s Director Joo?”

“She was at the audition, don’t you remember? Beside the one who told you to take off your clothes.”

My appetite disappeared instantly. I frowned and shook my head.

“I only remember it was a woman.”

“She’s impressive. She used to be at W Planning, but she joined our company last year.”

I asked while tearing apart some kimchi.

“W Planning is a big company, right? Why did she come here?”

“You don’t know?”

No, I really don’t. Why?

“It’s a famous story. She divorced the CEO.”


“Director Joo was a big reason W Planning became successful.”

“Oh, I see the picture now.”

She left the company after the divorce and joined Friends Entertainment.

‘Friends Entertainment’s stock started rising around that time, so it was a successful move.’

I didn’t recognize such an important person.

It’s a hot topic in the industry, but it never made headlines, did it?

Even thinking back to the audition, I couldn’t remember who she was.

‘Well, it’s good to have competent people.’

Planning is beyond my control anyway.

“Make sure to thank her later.”

“Yes, I should. If I ever find out who she is. I really can’t remember.”

“You really are something.”

Kang Minjae’s spooning quickened. Sometimes, I think he’s quite simple-minded.

“It’s just like the old days. Amazing.”

Well, I did add MSG.

“Eat a lot.”

He ate with great enthusiasm. Yes, yes, eat up and teach me some vocals.

“By the way, hyung. I’ve been meaning to say.”

I said while tearing some kimchi.

“Your place is much better compared to the dorm downstairs.”

“I had it renovated.”

Honestly, the dorm was a mess since it was just guys living there.

But Kang Minjae’s place one floor above was so luxurious it felt like a different world.

‘Is he really rich?’

Where did all this money suddenly come from?

Just as I was about to ask, Kang Minjae spoke.

“Is there a problem?”


“You came to ask me something, didn’t you?”

I smiled brightly. As expected, he’s not a fool.

“Actually, I’m struggling.”


I pushed some side dishes towards him. He tilted his head.

“What’s making you struggle, Dowon? Maybe something around you, but not you yourself.”

Is that an insult?

“My vocals aren’t improving.”

“Who’s your instructor?”



Kang Minjae sighed quietly.

“He was a trainee. Despite being good at singing, he never debuted.”

“That’s not my concern. The problem is he doesn’t teach properly.”

“I see.”

I put the monthly evaluation sheet on the table.

“Hyung, you’re good at singing, right?”

He was famous as the god of vocals during his Zenis days. Kang Minjae laughed awkwardly.

“I’m pretty good, yeah?”

“Please teach me quickly.”

“Well, I can teach you, but…”

His soup bowl was empty. I quickly got up and filled it with more beef radish soup.

“I’m a bit scared.”

“Scared of what?”

“I’m very direct with my criticism, so everyone ends up crying.”

I chuckled.



“Oh, okay.”

“When girl trainees cry, it’s understandable, but even male trainees cried…”

That was surprising.

“What exactly did you say?”

“I just spoke my mind, but they still cried.”

I took a deep breath.

‘Well, I’ll find out soon enough.’

“If it helps, I didn’t mind going deep.”

“Well, because it’s you, I’ll handle it gently.”


I shook my head.

“Please do it honestly and thoroughly.”

Kang Minjae seemed surprised, blinked his eyes. I smiled slightly and said,

“Hyung, I’m in a hurry.”

* * *

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