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Chapter 30

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“Hyung, let me off here.”

The car stopped in front of the chicken place the members liked.

“Here? Why?”

“They said they were waiting, and they must be hungry.”

“Hey! You’re a celebrity! You can’t just wander around like this! I’ll have it delivered to the dorm instead!”

“They give a 2000 won discount for takeout here, hyung. The delivery fee is 4500 won.”

“Oh… really?”

This was the company that begrudged them even the cost of a meal, setting a 6000 won per person limit at the snack bar near the company.

The cheapest menu item was 6500 won kimchi fried rice, so the members could only ever order seven dishes.

“500 won is… quite a bit.”

When Gilsung muttered worriedly, Dansol reassured him.

“Don’t worry, hyung. It’s not a franchise. There’s no way anyone will recognize me at Kim Misook’s artisan soy sauce chicken place.”

“That’s true… But parking here is tricky, so I’ll circle around. Place the order and wait inside.”


As Dansol, with his hoodie pulled up, turned to leave, Gilsung handed him a card.

“It’s the company card. I’ll explain to the boss.”

“Hyung, I have money.”

“Make sure to bring the receipt, and… wear this.”

Gilsung handed him the boss’s sunglasses and a fishing hat from the glovebox.

The lightly tinted red sunglasses were too see-through to hide anything, and the hat with a blue fish drawing would attract attention rather than deflect it.

Despite the uselessness of the items, Dansol decided to play along with Gilsung’s fussiness for today.


As he opened the heavy wooden door, a familiar bell chimed. The air inside was filled with the smell of grease and stale beer.


Dansol called out familiarly to the soy sauce chicken expert, Kim Misook. She came out of the kitchen to greet him, instead of making her usual silly jokes.

“Oh?! You’re here! Finally! Hey! Sunggoo, do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you⁈”

Misook always called Dansol by his role name ‘Byun Sunggoo’ from a weekend drama. It wasn’t unusual.

Those who recognized Dansol as a celebrity were mostly middle-aged, and to them, he was more familiar as Byun Sunggoo than Joo Dansol.

“Oh?! No way… it’s really him?”

It was then that a middle schooler sitting at a table in front of the counter with her bangs in hair rollers yelled out.

“Didn’t I tell you to speak properly? What’s with the rude ‘no way’?”

Misook scolded Soyool by slapping her back a few times, then cleared her throat as if suddenly aware of Dansol’s presence.

“Did I ever mention my daughter, Soyool?”

“Oh… so you’re Soyool… Hi?”

Dansol awkwardly raised her hand in greeting. In response, Soyool suddenly screamed.

“Kyaa! No way!”

As Dansol, taken aback, stepped back, Misook grabbed him and explained.

“My daughter was watching TV the other day and saw you. Even though I kept telling her you were a regular, she didn’t believe me. See! Mom was right!”

“Wow… No way… Can I take a picture with you?”

Soyool had already clicked the shutter several times before asking Dansol. Never one to refuse an autograph or photo request, Dansol froze and barely nodded.


After taking several photos next to the dazed Dansol, Soyool posted them to her story. While she was absorbed in her phone, Dansol placed his order with Misook.

“Boss, two soy sauce, two seasoned, two fried.”

“Six chickens? Sunggoo, how many are you in your group?”

“DinoSouls, has eight members!”

Before Dansol could answer, Soyool, still glued to her phone, responded for him.

“At their age, they should each have their own chicken. Just take them today.”

“Oh?! No, it’s fine. I have money!”

“Oppa! It’s a gift from a fan, so take it!”

“Yeah! It’s fine! Take it!”

“But still…”

Misook handed a piece of paper to the hesitant Dansol. It was an autograph sheet with Dansol’s portal profile photo printed on it.

“Instead… can you give me an autograph to hang in the store?”

“Oh… my autograph… but I don’t have one…”

“Oppa! My friend lives nearby and can be here in five minutes. Can you wait? she’s a huge fan, please?”

“Well… okay…”

Anyway, it would take more than five minutes for the chicken to be ready.

“Kyaa! Thank you, Oppa! If you don’t have an autograph, just write your name!”

“Uh… okay…”

After about five minutes, the store was filled with dozens of kids just as noisy as Soyool.

Friends of friends and friends of friends’ friends crowded the small store until there was barely any room to move, and Dansol realized the absurdity of the situation.

Misook’s chicken shop had turned into an impromptu fan signing event for Dansol.

Gilsung, who had been waiting in the distant parking lot, figured out what was happening when Soyool’s photo of Dansol went viral in real time.

—Hey, you crazy bastard! Are you out of your mind?! Did you send the kid to get chicken?!

“What? Oh… you saw the card notification. Boss, after all the hard work Sol did, he deserves some chicken, right? If you really can’t allow it, I’ll pay with my card.”

—That’s not the issue, idiot! The photo! The photo!

Only then did Gilsung rush into the chicken shop and pull Dansol out.

Despite Gilsung’s attempt to cover his face, countless photos had already been taken.

Even in the midst of this, Dansol held tightly onto the eight chickens.


[RO Match Survival in Island Portal]

Dansol Spotted at Our Local Chicken Shop! Unbelievable…

(Picture of Dansol being dragged by the manager while holding a chicken)

⤷ Dansol, you could start a business with how many bags you’ve got

⤷ Eight chickens, looks like they’re doing 1-chicken-per-member

⤷ But can they show up during filming? The show hasn’t ended yet

⤷ Could it be that Dansol got eliminated? OMG…

⤷ Why our baby hamster…

⤷ No way, if Dansol is eliminated, I won’t watch anymore

⤷ Honestly though, Dansol was a bit weak to make it to the end. All the other contestants are top-tier names, and then suddenly he comes along and charms all the alphas

⤷ Well, there’s a reason those top-tier alphas are charmed

⤷ They must have been popular since birth. Just watch, in a few years Dansol will dominate this scene

⤷ I’m here for my pilgrimage

⤷ 22222

Why Dansol Isn’t Eliminated:

There’s a promotional event for Jung Daesu’s movie tomorrow. Ma Taeoh was also seen at the dermatologist. The whole crew probably got a break because of last season’s lawsuit by Charles against the PD.

⤷ Oh, thank goodness

⤷ Right, if Dansol gets eliminated, then who’s left…

⤷ Seriously, that gave me a scare. He was such an unknown, I bet he was shocked too

⤷ But I heard from a friend who’s an assistant director at the broadcast station, the lawsuit is a bigger deal than expected. Charles has a lawyer in the family, and apparently, he attempted suicide because of his tarnished image from the negative editing. Filming might be completely stopped

⤷ What? No way…what about my Saturday nights?

⤷ Someone nearly died, and you’re worried about your show…

⤷ It’s an attempt, not confirmed. Just because someone’s an assistant director doesn’t mean they know everything. They’re just the main PD’s lackey.

⤷ Even if it’s not true, it’s well-known that PD Choi is notorious for negative editing. I figured it would blow up someday, but not this seasonㅠㅠㅠ

I Have a Dansol Collectible at Home:

(3rd Sea Man Fishing Contest Hat.jpg)

⤷ Our baby goes fishing…?

⤷ Why do you have thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Where did you get it?

⤷ It’s my dad’s…

⤷ Oh my gosh, the hat is so cute I was going to ask where you got it ㅠㅠㅠ Why is the fish logo adorable

⤷ Where are those tinted sunglasses from?

⤷ With the sunglasses, the fishing hat looks hip

⤷ Right ㅠㅠ Dansol makes even a fishing hat look street

I Was Laughing at the Fishing Hat and Saw the Same Sunglasses in My Mom’s Room:

(Pink Tinted Sunglasses.jpg)

These are my mom’s for hiking…could it be?

They’re not expensive, just functional sunglasses…

⤷ I thought you were joking with the fishing hat, but it’s real…

⤷ Did Dansol raid his parents’ stuff?

⤷ Why does it suit him so wellㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

⤷ A natural idol who can pull off anything…

⤷ I was there that day, and he signed everything and took photos with everyone. Dansol is truly an angel. Even as a beta, I’m crazy about him, if I were an alpha, I’d be head over heels ㅠㅠ

(Dansol’s autograph on Kim Misook’s famous soy sauce chicken.jpg)

⤷ OMGㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So genuine, JOO DANSOL.

⤷ Why don’t I have an autograph from an idol ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

⤷ I bet he wrote that while sweating, so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

⤷ Truly a darling ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Dansol

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