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OCMG chapter 15

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“I have no reason to be intimate with you, Director, nor to become an Omega.”

“Really? That’s a shame.”

Despite his persistent gaze, Ki Taeryu surprisingly backed down.

However, one thing was clear: he was enjoying toying with him.

“Thank you for dropping me off. If you change your mind about the meeting, please let me know anytime.”

“Assistant Yoo Junhee, you too. If you change your mind, contact me. Anytime.”

Crazy bastard. Seeing his crooked grin, anger flared up inside Junhee. Without responding, he pulled the door handle and swiftly got out.

Although the walk home was a bit far, it seemed like just the right amount of time to cool down his temper.

Impatience was a trait Moon Doyoung and Ki Taeryu shared. Neither of them could be considered gentlemen.

Junhee had just returned to the office after a morning meeting with an existing client.

“Excuse me, Assistant Yoo Junhee…”

A junior employee ran up to him as if she’d been waiting, his timid stance suggesting there was another issue.

“What is it?”

“M-Moon Doyoung is here again.”

The word “again” barely slipped from his lips as if it were on mute.

The junior employee was holding a takeout coffee cup. Wondering if he had run another errand, Junhee stared at the cup, prompting his to shake his head hurriedly.

“No, he bought this for the office to share! Well, he didn’t buy it himself, it was delivered…”

Looking around, Junhee saw similar coffee cups at every team member’s desk. On top of that, there was a three-tiered stack of donut boxes on a small table.

“Where is he now?”

“He’s in meeting room 46…”


Junhee replied with a tired look.

And not even ten minutes later—

Sudden shouting erupted from consultation room 46.

“So! Is he saying no, right now?”

Moon Doyoung ‘s demeanor changed in an instant, as if flipping a switch.

It was almost hard to believe this was the same person who had greeted him cheerfully with, “Junhee! You’re here?” when he first walked into the room.

“I did ask Director Ki Taeryu to reconsider.”

“No, I mean, just make it happen no matter what. Don’t you get it?”

“…I understand what you mean, but I can’t forcibly bring him in.”

Why were both sides so determined to devour him?

The stress was making his already sensitive nerves feel like they were on fire.

Moon Doyoung flicked his nails habitually.

“Ha, this is so frustrating. If I can just meet him, I’ll handle the rest! Just three more times! Make it happen three more times.”

“What am I supposed to do…?”

Junhee’s sentence was cut off mid-speech.

“You’re the assigned manager, aren’t you? You arrange the meetings often, don’t you? You should be aware of the schedule at least.”

The fatigue that had been weighing on Junhee became compounded.

His voice came out firm and unyielding.

“I am not his personal assistant; I am a couple manager.”

Unlike before, Junhee maintained a resolute stance. Moon Doyoung , seemingly anxious, began biting his nails. The two of them were momentarily enveloped in a tense silence.

Being toyed with by Ki Taeryu, being harassed by Moon Doyoung —none of it sat well with him. And independent of those, he disliked his own powerless situation.

Their belittling and disregard reminded him of his past when he stayed at an orphanage.

“Junhee, come on, don’t be like that. Help me out, okay? I even brought you a present.”

It seemed Doyoung had decided to change tactics, speaking in a somewhat softened tone.

“…I’m fine without the gift.”

That typical upper-class attitude that money can solve everything made him sick to his stomach.

“I’m not asking for much. I’m saying it doesn’t have to be an official meeting; just let me meet him! How about it? Can’t you even do that?”


Junhee looked at Doyoung as if asking what he meant.

“Listen, Junhee. Frankly, it hurts my pride to say this, but even in our world, there are different ranks. Who’s at the top tier among them? It’s Ki Taeryu, that’s who. Sure, they say he’s rude, a lunatic, and a player, but… wouldn’t people still want to meet him? There’d be a line of people waiting for a chance.”

Moon Doyoung ’s words, pouring out like a broken dam, began to grate on Junhee’s nerves.

‘The CEO hinted that he wasn’t accepted in that marriage market.’

The information Junhee had was somewhat—or perhaps significantly—different.

“But here’s the thing: Ki Taeryu has never been on a formal date. Do you know why?”

“…Why is that?”

“Because his older brother isn’t married yet, and he supposedly said, ‘How could I get married first?’ But the thing is, that brother has been missing for a long time! I mean, the guy’s clearly crazy, but… after meeting him in person, I think he’s worth the trouble. Anyway, he joined this agency because he’s in a hurry now, right?”

By the time Doyoung finished speaking, Junhee’s lips were slightly parted.

How was he supposed to take all of this?

He didn’t know how much of Doyoung ’s story was true and how much was gossip, but the important thing was this:

“…I did hear he was in a hurry.”

“Right? I knew it, right? See, I told you it’s urgent.”

Three months.

Just seeing the contract that requires the marriage to be finalized within three months, it was clear that Ki Taeryu was in a hurry. The other details didn’t matter.

“Anyway, yeah? So, Junhee, help me out a bit. I have to catch him before another Omega snatches him up. I mean, as soon as word got out that Ki Taeryu joined here, people started asking me about it. I pretended not to know anything and played it cool.”

At that moment, the words of the CEO came to mind.

“And having someone like that as our client? Just that alone could significantly boost our company’s reputation.”

…This must have been what the CEO was aiming for.

Not just any Omega members, but a massive influx of high-class Omega members.

Even just the rumor of having such a distinguished member was enough to significantly increase the membership rate of ordinary members, so the profits that would be generated from it would be enormous.

The CEO said that just having Ki Taeryu as a client was beneficial, but now Junhee had a reason to ensure that the marriage was finalized no matter what.

“Just create an opportunity for me to bump into him, even if it looks like a coincidence. He’s such a recluse at the company that it’s impossible to meet him, even if I wanted to. But as a businessman, he must attend events here and there, though I can’t figure all that out on my own. If you help me, really, could you let me meet him just three times?”

Junhee lowered his gaze, weighing his options in his mind.

“If I meet him three times and still can’t win him over, then I’ll just give up on everything. I don’t really want to get married unless it’s with an Alpha of his caliber. I only joined here because of my dad anyway, so I’m thinking of quitting altogether. If you help me this one last time, I’ll really give up cleanly and quit.”

Moon Doyoung’s desperation. The contract with Ki Taeryu.

‘Is it about doing it with me? Or about becoming an Omega?’

The last weight was added to the scale. Soon, the scale tipped to one side.

Junhee’s gaze fell on the polished marble floor. Raising his head slightly, his eyes met the shiny tips of a pair of shoes that gleamed even more than the floor.

But that wasn’t the only thing that shone. Inside the glass display case were belts, and suits were neatly hung on the rack.

‘I’m not even a real secretary, do I really have to follow him to places like this?’

The place Junhee entered, following Ki Taeryu, was a handmade luxury suit shop. Junhee had never set foot in such a place in his entire life, which made it feel all the more unfamiliar.

There was no need to mention that the suit Junhee was currently wearing was a discounted one from an outlet.

“Assistant Yoo Junhee.”


“What are you doing, not coming in?”

Ki Taeryu’s gaze landed on Junhee, who was standing still, as if his soles were glued to the floor.

“…I’ll wait out here.”

“You think you’ll get your measurements taken out here?”


“As a partner, shouldn’t you at least maintain a minimum level of dignity?”

His eyes brazenly scrutinized Junhee’s cheap, ready-made suit, causing Junhee’s ears to redden slightly. This was the most expensive and clean suit Junhee owned.

“Stop talking and just follow me.”

Junhee had no choice but to follow Ki Taeryu into the store. The shop was empty, and the staff surrounded Junhee as if they had been waiting for him.

He was then dragged into the fitting room. His outer clothes were removed, and even his shoes were taken off.

He felt like a fish laid out on a chopping board. Junhee decided to let go of himself for a moment.

At the same time, a memory from two days ago suddenly surfaced.

“A charity event… As your partner? Me?”

“You just need to stick by my side. It’s not a difficult task.”

What stopped Junhee from flat-out refusing was the deal with Moon Doyoung. Three coincidental meetings. This was the first opportunity to make it happen.

If Junhee could successfully orchestrate three “coincidental” meetings between Ki Taeryu and Moon Doyoung, there’d be nothing better.

And even if it failed, there would be no loss. Moon Doyoung would no longer harass Junhee and other pitiful junior employees.

Instead of asking why it had to be him, Junhee simply nodded. The reason didn’t matter anyway.

[Attending the charity event hosted by ACMA the day after tomorrow.]

As soon as he texted Moon Doyoung, a heart emoji came back.

The event was on Saturday, and Junhee ended up working overtime without any extra pay again.

He hoped that by giving up his precious weekend, he would at least gain something in return.

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