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OCMG chapter 10

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At first, nothing happened when pressed.

But as the version number changed, some new features appeared, along with a brief guide on how to use them.

This likely happened around the time when Junhee got his first job.

As part of a child protection support program, Junhee uploaded his resume to a job placement company, and one of the companies made him an internship offer.

That company was none other than ‘Leeum.’

“I guess I should head to work.”

Junhee hadn’t had that dream for a while, but after meeting Ki Taeryu, it seemed he was subconsciously under a lot of stress.

He got out of bed and took a shower. As he looked at his exposed nape, the memory of Ki Taeryu’s shameless comment from the night before resurfaced.

‘It’s you, the one with the delicious scent.’

‘W-what kind of scent…!’

Ki Taeryu’s red, moist tongue had slid up Junhee’s pale nape. The unfamiliar sensation made Junhee’s body involuntarily shiver.

Junhee, with a shocked expression, tried to push Ki Taeryu away, but his solid, rock-like body didn’t budge. The firm chest beneath the fabric was evident against Junhee’s palm.

The fear of literally being devoured triggered a red alert in Junhee’s mind. Ki Taeryu lightly bit Junhee’s earlobe and whispered.

‘The delicious things are the ones you savor.’

Then, Ki Taeryu tapped Junhee’s shoulder. Like being snapped out of a freeze-tag game, Junhee unfroze and bolted out of the room.

It was a humiliating night.


A grinding noise escaped through Junhee’s clenched teeth as he looked at himself in the mirror.

The list of “people I wish would go to hell” that had formed in Junhee’s mind at the age of twenty had just been updated after several years.

After finishing the weekly performance report and team meeting, Junhee returned to the office.

“Assistant Yoo, you look so tired these days. Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“…I’m fine.”

Jiyeon’s friendly tone was met with a gentle shake of Junhee’s head. If caffeine could wake him up, he would have already downed ten cups by now.

“Oh! Then how about a tangerine? It’s a gift, and vitamin recharge is important, especially at times like this.”

“No, thank you.”

Junhee’s response was almost reflexive.

Jiyeon, being a Beta, might not know, but tangerines were practically poison for Junhee.

Not all Omegas had this issue, but many, like Junhee, had immune system problems.

As a recessive Omega, Junhee had a tangerine allergy that caused his throat to swell up instantly, leading to breathing difficulties and affecting his pheromones, resulting in excruciating pain.

He had once ended up in the hospital because of this and had avoided tangerines ever since.

Feeling a bit guilty for cutting her off so sharply, Junhee added a few more words.

“I just don’t have much of an appetite right now. I’ll have something later.”

“Oh, by the way, how about the meeting we talked about? Did the VVIP approve?”

“Ah, I was going to mention that.”

Junhee glanced around the slightly chaotic office and suggested they continue the conversation in the consultation room.

After sitting down, Jiyeon, who took a while to arrive, came in holding two cups of coffee.

“I made it a latte with extra syrup since you like sweet things, Assistant Yoo.”

“…Thank you.”

Junhee felt grateful but also burdened by Jiyeon’s kindness.

Junhee had been with the company a bit longer, but Jiyeon was a university graduate who had joined through the regular recruitment process.

Junhee, on the other hand, had only graduated from high school, completed a year as an intern, then became a full-time employee after being a contract worker.

If it hadn’t been for that app, his career would have ended as an intern.

He also experienced an unprecedentedly rapid promotion during the review process, which made Jiyeon, who had similar tenure, a regular employee, while Junhee was an assistant manager.

This left Junhee feeling guilty, as if he had taken a position that wasn’t rightfully his.

This was also why he kept a certain distance from the other team members, not just Jiyeon.

“Actually, I met with Director Ki Taeryu yesterday and showed him the profiles, but it seems that a match with Kim Yihyun would be difficult.”

“Oh… really? That’s a shame. Well, someone like him would have very high standards, right?”

“He seems to value appearance.”

This was the most diplomatic way Junhee could describe Ki Taeryu’s comments, wrapped in layers of bubble wrap.

If he relayed Ki Taeryu’s words verbatim, Jiyeon might spill the coffee she’d brought.

“Hm, he’s picky… But why did you consider introducing him to a recessive Omega?”

Jiyeon seemed more curious about this point than disappointed about his member not being matched, his eyes shining with interest.

“I don’t know the details, but that’s just what he requested.”

“I see. Did you show him other members’ profiles?”

“Yes, he chose Moon Doyoung.”

The words “-1%” flashed vividly in Junhee’s mind.

But since Ki Taeryu had personally selected that member and approved his appearance, it was only right to proceed with the introduction, despite Junhee’s reservations.

“Really? Moon Doyoung…?”

“Do you know him?”

“Assistant Yoo, don’t you know? That member was assigned to our team’s youngest recently.”

This was news to Junhee.

Of course, each manager handled multiple members, and it was only natural not to know those who weren’t directly under their care.

Except for VVIPs like Ki Taeryu, of course.

“Well, I wasn’t aware…”

“You must not have known because you’re always so focused on work and not interested in office gossip!”

Jiyeon began spilling information like a fish in water.

“That member was originally in Couple 7’s team, but after the manager there quit in tears, no one wanted to take over. In the end, our team’s youngest had to take it on, but it turns out that member is a total nightmare!”

As Jiyeon’s words poured out, Junhee felt a chill down his spine.

‘A nightmare and a lunatic…’

It felt like a battle between an all-seeing sword and an unbreakable shield.

Was this why it always ended in disaster?

Junhee inadvertently confirmed the app’s accuracy once again.

“I guess I’ll need to talk to the youngest then.”

“They went out for an external meeting. I’m their direct supervisor, so if there’s anything you need to relay, you can tell me.”

Junhee nodded and tried to wrap up the conversation. There was no rush; they could schedule the meeting over the phone.

As he was about to leave, Jiyeon, looking excited, reopened the conversation.

“But don’t you think the two of them would go well together? Moon Doyoung is really picky too. Being a recessive Omega is a disadvantage, but maybe because of his strong family background, he never seems intimidated, and he has a lot of pride.”

“If we’re talking pride, Director Ki Taeryu…”

Junhee trailed off, but the meaning was clear.

Ki Taeryu, as a dominant Alpha, was high-handed and, as a chaebol, arrogant. And on top of that, he was crazily twisted.

The thought of Ki Taeryu’s sharp fangs sinking into his earlobe sent shivers down Junhee’s spine.

‘There’s no way I’m going down alone.’

Junhee sincerely hoped that when Ki Taeryu met Moon Doyoung, they would both end up in trouble.

“Manager, this is Yoo Junhee.”

-Why. Miss me already?

“I’m calling to schedule the meeting. Please let me know a convenient time, and I’ll make the reservations accordingly.”

-Tomorrow evening, 7:30 p.m.

“I’ll reserve the spot for that time. I’ll text you the details…”

-Come pick me up.


-I’m busy, so that’s all for now.

Junhee stared at the phone’s blank screen in disbelief.

Finding a moderately nice meeting place and making a reservation for two might be considered part of the service for VIP clients, but being required to personally escort someone was unprecedented since he started working here.

But what could he do? With his seal already on the contract, he had no choice but to actively assist Ki Taeryu in getting married within three months.

Fortunately, Moon Doyoung, the member on the other side, was very fond of Taeryu, and since he ran a gallery, he even mentioned that he would adjust his schedule to fit his.

“Am I his lackey or something?”

His anger was simmering inside, but there was no place to vent it. He wanted to drown his sorrows in alcohol, but the fear that he might end up signing a lifelong slave contract held him back.

Alcohol turns people into beasts, and it had turned Junhee into a slave. He wanted to end this temporary slavery as soon as possible and return to a life of freedom.

[Date, Time, 7:30 PM. Crazy.]

And so, another external appointment was added to Junhee’s schedule.

Friday. As the end of the workday approached, the office atmosphere started to become chaotic. Along with that, Junhee’s mood grew increasingly sour.

“Not even paying for overtime…”

It would be a lie to say he didn’t feel any resentment. It’s bad enough when the boss doesn’t make him work overtime, but now a client was making me do it.

This was a huge price to pay for just three minutes of drunken rambling.

“I just need to hold on. I have to move into a new place soon.”

The rent for the two-room villa where Junhee currently lived was quite high.

After completing the two-year contract period, the plan was to combine all savings and loans to move into a place with a long-term lease.

Perhaps it was because of the constant instability in housing after leaving the orphanage, but he had a strong attachment to having a home.

There were times when he had to stay in a sauna, and he also lived in a motel room where he couldn’t sleep properly.

After experiencing living in a moldy basement and a one-room apartment where the toilet would overflow whenever the drain got clogged, this current place, though old, felt perfect.

“So, I can’t get fired just yet.”

With the monthly rent to pay, quitting my job would mean running out of money in no time.

The only saving grace was that the contract with Ki Taeryu was only three months long at most.

Even though he was trying to show his dedication, he was still holding onto a sliver of hope that his efforts would be acknowledged, and the recording would be deleted.

“Assistant Yoo, aren’t you leaving?”

“I have an appointment, so I’m planning to leave on time.”

“Ah, I see. Then I’ll head out first! Have a great weekend!”

After the team members left one by one, Junhee exited the office right at 7 PM.

It was a 20-minute walk past the skyscrapers to the place where the executive secretary was waiting.

By now, it had become a familiar routine.



Yeo Daeyoon, Ki Taeryu’s executive secretary, led Junhee to the parking lot instead of the executive office.

To be honest, the parking lot resembled more of a motor show venue.

Along with expensive foreign cars, there were even supercars on display.

Among them, one familiar car was already idling.

It was the car they had used when he had lunch with Ki Taeryu.

Naturally, Junhee opened the door to the back seat.

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