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TSBIRBV chapter 11

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Three people were gathered closely together at the entrance of the estate, having already packed their travel gear.

Though it had been more than half a watch since they were ready to depart, they were held back by none other than Je Haryang. What could they do?

“The high peaks of Kunlun are cold all year round, so make sure to dress warmly even if it feels stifling.”


Yegyeol nodded obediently as he let his senior brother carefully adjust his collar with a serious expression.

“Although we haven’t reached Cheonghae yet, they say a plague is coming up from the south, so make sure to boil your water before drinking.”

Jinyoung was flustered. Yayu Hongyeo, who had joined their group, was a nomadic warrior skilled in travel and survival in the wild.

With someone as experienced as him, who was more skilled than most standard bodyguards, there was no need to worry about trivial diseases or dangerous wild animals.

Meanwhile, Yayu Hongyeo stood quietly by, his expression stoic. He showed no sign of displeasure, even though it was almost like her abilities were being questioned.

“If you get separated from Hongyeo and Jinyoung, don’t follow strangers. Stay where you are and wait.”

My goodness.

Jinyoung sighed inwardly.

You wouldn’t even fuss this much over sending an eight-year-old to run an errand next door.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Despite Haryang’s lengthy concerns, Yegyeol just smiled brightly in response.

“If someone tries to threaten you while you’re alone, just give them your satchel. Hongyeo and Jinyoung will find you.”

Jinyoung couldn’t help but notice as the Lord stealthily slipped a satchel into Yegyeol’s hands while saying that.

Until now, Jinyoung had never seen the Lord show such a tender side, not even to any woman or cherished subordinate.

The Je Haryang he knew was as cold as his appearance.

“Don’t worry.”

Yegyeol replied confidently.

An Esper wouldn’t be displeased with receiving such care from their guide. Besides, the Je Haryang in front of him was soon going to experience a thrilling rollercoaster ride.

‘I wonder how long I’ll last if I get separated from Senior Brother?’

It was his first time meeting a guide, and his first time being separated from one, so he couldn’t quite gauge it.

After hearing that a disciple sent to Kunlun was bedridden with a mysterious illness, Je Haryang wouldn’t stay still.

To him, Yegyeol was a precious disciple barely clinging to life and a lifesaver.

After saving someone whose fate had been unknown for twenty years and sending them back to Kunlun, upon hearing that their life was in danger, Je Haryang would surely leap to action.

‘Surely, this isn’t just my wishful thinking.’

Yegyeol thought, trying to suppress his anxiety that Haryang might leave him behind.

He wasn’t sure if there was any affection in Je Haryang’s heart. But the guilt his Senior Brother felt towards him was as clear as day.

Yegyeol was on his way to Kunlun.

Even if he didn’t know how the merchant group operated, it was clear that he had been given a significant position, considering that Je Haryang had assigned two of his trusted subordinates to accompany him.

Despite this, Je Haryang’s worries seemed endless.

Yegyeol felt joy despite the other’s obvious concern.

“Travel safely.”

Finally, Je Haryang let go of Yegyeol. Rising slowly, he looked at Hongyeo and Jinyoung, and ordered:

“When you reach the designated location, Baek Yangjin should be waiting for you. Keep a close eye on the disciple’s condition during the journey and never let him out of your sight.”

“Yes, my lord.”

With Hongyeo’s help, Yegyeol mounted his horse. In his previous life, he hadn’t had time to learn how to ride, and the horse brought by Hongyeo was much larger than the usual warhorses.

Awkwardly gripping the reins, he quickly found his balance. Perhaps because he was born an Esper, his physical abilities were better than in his previous life.

‘I wonder if I’ll be considered a prodigy if I learn martial arts again?’

Haryang’s gaze gradually grew solemn as he watched Yegyeol’s figure. Although he had decided that letting him go was the right choice, he still felt lingering attachment.

He couldn’t take his eyes off Yegyeol’s back as he left, feeling as heartbroken as when he saw him dying before his eyes.

‘I must let him go.’

He was no longer a warrior, nor could he be a simple villager. He had to send the disciple away.


Suddenly, Yegyeol turned his head. Haryang, who was wearing his heart on his sleeve, was startled like a prey caught by a hunter.

“I’ll be back.”

Yegyeol said, smiling brightly as he bid farewell. Haryang couldn’t bring himself to correct him and simply stood still, watching him depart.

“We’ll stay here tonight.”

At Hongyeo’s curt announcement, Yegyeol nodded.


Jinyoung had already dismounted and was gathering small branches. With Hongyeo’s assistance, Yegyeol got off his horse and sat down, watching the two work.

One interesting thing was that both Hongyeo and Jinyoung showed signs of martial arts training.

It’s common for merchant groups to need bodyguards, especially in a lawless land like the Central Plains.

But it wasn’t just Yayu Hongyeo who caught his eye; even Jinyoung, who appeared to be an ordinary scholar, moved with the lightness of someone trained in martial arts.

‘How unexpected…’

He easily lifted heavy objects and was sensitive to the surroundings. Even in Korea, you’d need to be an A-grade Esper to move as nimbly as that.

“I heard you often help Senior Brother.”

Yegyeol’s sudden bright smile made Jinyoung take a step back. Using honorifics even added to his surprise, as if wondering what had caused this change.

Jinyoung had no way of knowing that it was because Je Haryang had referred to him as ‘that guy.’

“What kind of work do you do in the merchant group?”

Despite his reluctance, Jinyoung answered sincerely.

“I handle a variety of tasks. I supervise the operation of the merchant group, compile reports for the Lord, and manage the account books. In the end, it’s all just a numbers game.”

In summary, it sounded like he did paperwork.

Yegyeol tilted his head.

No matter how many martial artists there were in the Central Plains, Jinyoung’s movements suggested he had the combat skills of an A-grade Esper.

Yet here he was, doing the job of a chief accountant rather than leading as a military escort.

In Korean terms, it was like seeing someone with a Taekwondo gold medal and special forces training working in an office at a small company.

If he were in a security team, it might make sense, but his career choice was peculiar.

‘This merchant group isn’t ordinary, after all.’

He had been so shocked to learn that Senior Brother had become a merchant that he had taken his words at face value.

“I’ve prepared your sleeping area. After dinner, you can rest over there.”

After busying himself, Hongyeo pointed out where Yegyeol should sleep. It was a makeshift bed of dry leaves and thick blankets.

When he sat down, it was surprisingly comfortable. It felt less like roughing it and more like a camping trip.

“Thank you.”

Seeing Yegyeol speak so politely, Jinyoung’s expression became even more puzzled.

The gap between the Yegyeol who spoke so casually when they first met and the polite Yegyeol now was jarring.

Remembering the flower he had received, Jinyoung was convinced that the current display was just an act.

“If anything is uncomfortable, please let me know.”

Yayu Hongyeo said, to which Yegyeol shook his head.

“It’s fine.”

“Is the pace of travel okay for you?”

“Actually, I think we could move a bit faster…”

Yegyeol glanced at Hongyeo. He had said the same thing the day before, but Hongyeo hadn’t agreed.

They had even found a camping spot before sunset yesterday.

“Traveling for long hours without proper conditioning will strain your body. Since we can’t easily stop in villages along the way, you need to conserve your strength.”

Villages, huh? Yegyeol found that surprising as well.

“I’m surprised there aren’t any villages on the way from the estate to Kunlun.”

Though Cheonghae was vast, Yegyeol hadn’t seen a single person since they set out.

Unless someone was intentionally avoiding passersby, the silence was unusual.

A trading company is supposed to distribute goods and make money. Isn’t it common sense that the more people there are, the more money and logistics gather?

But then, why did the elder brother set up his manor in such a remote place?

“When will we arrive?”

“We should reach it by tomorrow.”

Yegyeol nodded.

The road they were traveling on was well-maintained, enough for three fine horses to run side by side.

It was strange to see such a well-paved road in an era when hardly anyone traveled.

Once he became aware of it, the strangeness grew without end.

For dinner, they were served warm porridge.

Yegyeol tried to help with the dishes but was stopped by Hongyeo and Jinyoung, who wouldn’t let him get up.

Their attentive care continued until they reached Mount Kunlun the next day. Even Jinyoung, who seemed disapproving of Yegyeol, did not commit any breaches of etiquette.

When they reached the middle of the mountain, the group stopped for the first time.

“It would be best if you only come this far.”

A Taoist with a long white beard was waiting for them. Surprisingly, Yegyeol recognized who he was as soon as he saw his face.

It was Baek-yang Jin-in.

Seeing his old master made Yegyeol realize that twenty years had indeed passed.

What was once black hair had turned white, and the face that could not fend off aging despite his formidable martial arts was now lined with wrinkles.

Ironically, what Yegyeol felt upon seeing this was not nostalgia.

‘Just how strong is the elder brother?’

Usually, when a disciple is expelled, their energy center is destroyed, and their major tendons are cut, rendering them a cripple.

Yet, the Haryang that Yegyeol reunited with appeared perfectly healthy. There were no scars on the wrists he had seen multiple times, and his movements were natural when he walked.

It was clear that Haryang stood outside the bounds of time, from which even Baek-yang Jin-in, who had trained for so long in the Kunlun sect, could not escape.

Yegyeol’s heart pounded. He felt as though he had taken a step closer to uncovering Haryang’s deeply hidden secret.


“Come here.”

“Just a moment, let me greet the people who escorted me this far.”

Hongyeo drove his horse closer to Yegyeol.

“I apologize for not being able to accompany you to the end. Please be careful on your way.”

He handed Yegyeol the bag that had been tied to his words.

As Yegyeol leaned over to take it, Hongyeo quickly slipped something into his arms.

[If you encounter danger, blow this flute.]

It was a telepathic message.

Without an energy center, Yegyeol couldn’t use martial arts, so he simply blinked in response.

Whether Hongyeo understood his intention, the large man slowly withdrew.

It was Jinyoung’s turn next, and he stepped forward.

“My lord said he would continue to protect the Kunlun Medicine as he always has.”

“…Thank you for finding my future disciple.”

The words seemed intended to reassure, but Baek-yang Jin-in’s wariness only seemed to deepen.

Jinyoung smiled and stepped back.

As they began their descent down the mountain, the backs of those who didn’t look back could easily be seen as cold-hearted, but to Yegyeol, they seemed considerate.

“Let’s go.”

As Haryang said, it had been twenty years since they last met, but Baek-yang Jin-in gave Yegyeol a command without even glancing at him.


Softly, the footsteps of the old and the young echoed across the snow-covered ground.

“I’ve never heard you talk that much before.”


Hongyeo just poked at the campfire, not showing any particular reaction.

Ever since he brought Yegyeol to Kunlun, Hongyeo’s usual silence had returned.

“By the way, about that flute…”

Baek-yang Jin-in probably didn’t notice it, as Yegyeol’s body had blocked his view, but Jinyoung had seen Hongyeo’s quick hand movements.

“Isn’t that a treasured item passed down only to the chieftain of your tribe? Why would you give that to my lord’s guest? What were you thinking?”

To Hongyeo, that flute was practically a keepsake from his loved ones.

Yet, it seemed unlikely that he’d get it back anytime soon.

His lord showed no intention of ever meeting the disciple who had entered the Kunlun sect again.

Moreover, they were about to head straight back to Xinjiang.

“What did you sense?”

Despite the repeated questioning, Hongyeo remained silent.

His eyes had begun to reflect the flickering flames.

“We’ll meet again.”


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4 days ago

Thank you for uploading

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