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The Youngest Master wants to be exorcised! chapter 15

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Preparing for the meeting, Assistant Leader of Special D Team, Kim Soojung, smiled at Lee Jaehee as he entered the conference room.

“Hello, Jaehee.”

“Good morning, Assistant Leader. Here, have some coffee.”

“You don’t have to do this every time.”

Despite hid words, he accepted the coffee Jaehee handed him. Craving coffee, he took a sip of the hot Americano with an extra shot.

He was delighted at how he remembered her preferences every time.

“Oh dear. Did I awaken as an esper for this? I feel so useless. Boo hoo.”

Yoon appeared out of nowhere, lamenting, with his hands full of drink carriers.

“Stop whining and hand out the coffee, hyung.”

Hyunsoo pulled out coffee from the carrier Yoon placed on the table.

They were all ordered according to the preferences of the team members attending the meeting.

Hyunsoo no longer hesitated to call the people who used to be younger than him “hyung.” Initially, he hated it fiercely, but as humans adapt, he got used to it and it no longer bothered him.

Of course, sometimes his memories as the oldest made him think like an old man, but he managed not to show it.

“Jaehee, aren’t Team Leader Jung and Jiwon coming with you today?”

Assistant Leader Kim Soojung asked, noticing the absence of the two who were usually glued to Lee Jaehee’s side.

“They have an urgent meeting with the Director today, so they told us to start without them.”

“Oh, really? Then let’s start with the lighter topics.”

With the main decision-makers absent, they had to postpone important discussions.

The sub team members who had stepped out to gather materials returned to the meeting room and smiled as they found the drinks.

“Jaehee, thank you for this.”

“It’s nothing. If anyone’s drink preferences have changed, let me know later.”

He nodded as if it was no big deal and helped distribute the materials. Watching the sub team members all greet Hyunsoo, Yoon pouted and grumbled.

“Hey, I brought the drinks and distributed them too. Why is everyone thanking only our youngest? I feel left out.”

“Of course, we’re very grateful to you too, Yoon. Thanks! The atmosphere in our team is so great these days.”

“Really, where did we find such a lucky youngest? Right, Assistant Leader?”

“Exactly. Jaehee, if it gets tough in the main team, join the sub team. We’d welcome you wholeheartedly.”

Soojung answered brightly, causing Yoon to shout out in protest.

“What are you talking about! Our youngest belongs to the main team, why would the sub team covet him?”

“Keep it down. My ears hurt. And I belong to myself. Please respect the guide’s rights, esper.”

Hyunsoo checked the time. It was time to start the meeting.

“Let’s start the meeting now, Assistant Leader.”

Hyunsoo sat down and reviewed the materials. Yoon, after slurping his chocolate drink, sat down with a displeased expression.

“Then, let’s begin the meeting. Team Leader Jung and Jiwon will join as soon as they return from the center. First, regarding the recent main team activities…”

The meeting started with Team Leader Kim Soojung briefing the team based on the materials provided. Yoon, who appeared to be slacking but was actually quite diligent, occasionally asked questions. Hyunsoo took notes while checking the distributed materials.

After discussing simple matters sequentially, they moved on to other agenda items. Soojung asked a question.

“What do you think, Jaehee?”

“I agree with you, Team Leader. Over the past two years, I checked the number of urgent requests allocated to the main team…”

Listening to Jaehee’s comments, Soojung squinted her eyes. Jaehee had only been part of D Team for three months, but she was remarkably proficient in every aspect.

She voiced her opinions without hesitation and provided accurate data. Unlike the guides who previously attended meetings just to fill seats, Jaehee was different.

‘Looks like SY gave her early education properly. How can early education for a conglomerate’s family be so effective that a 22-year-old newcomer is this proficient?’

That’s what Soojung thought. Jaehee had graduated top of her class at the basic training academy and, despite being a trainee, had exceptionally joined D Team, which consisted only of the center’s elites, particularly the main team. It was said to be under the directive of the central center director.

The members of the sub-team initially thought the center director had lost his mind upon hearing this rumor.

‘Has the center director gone crazy from overwork?’

Assigning SY’s youngest son to the main team’s guide duty was almost like declaring war on SY. It wasn’t enough to send her to some remote center with occasional miscellaneous tasks…

Fortunately, SY didn’t cut off support to the center. However, no one expected that the youngest son of a wealthy family, Jaehee, would adapt well to D Team.

This was because, after the death of the main team’s dedicated guide, Park Hyunsoo, everyone who was assigned as the main team’s guide requested a transfer within two weeks.

‘I bet he lasts five days.’

‘I’ll say a week.’

The sub-team members even placed bets on how long Jaehee would last. But Jaehee quickly integrated into D Team, defying everyone’s expectations.

At first, there were opinions that the main team members were projecting Hyunsoo’s death onto Jaehee, but that didn’t last long.

“So, what you’re saying, Yoon, is that there are too many urgent requests?”

“Yeah! We’re already busy as hell cleaning up Zone 78 on our own, so why do they keep calling us? It’s like they’re just taking a shot at it and hoping for the best. It’s a joke.”

“Certainly, such requests only add to the burden on the main team and aren’t good.”

In every meeting, Jaehee skillfully gathered and coordinated the opinions of the notoriously stubborn members. Every time, it felt as if the deceased Hyunsoo had come back to life.

“Sorry for being late.”

“You’re here.”

Minchan and Jiwon, who had just finished their meeting with the center director, joined the meeting.

“What agenda were you discussing?”

“Look at page 9.”

Jaehee briefly updated the two who joined late. It was a concise and clear explanation.

“If I remember correctly, the guideline for making urgent requests to D Team was established about three years ago, right?”

Soojung nodded at Jaehee’s question.

“…It was around then.”

“Unlike back then, now the abilities of Espers have been standardized to a higher level. Yet, we’re still getting requests that seem manageable by the teams themselves. Honestly, it looks like they’re offloading work to D Team to slack off themselves…”

Jaehee, frustrated, took a sip of her drink.

“Sorry, that was a bit harsh. Anyway, I think the guidelines need updating. What do you all think?”

“I strongly agree with our youngest here.”

Minchan, who had become an enthusiastic yes-man for the youngest member, smiled brightly. With the final decision-maker in agreement, the agenda passed.

“Now, about the next agenda on leave…”

The meeting continued under the subtle guidance of the remarkably skilled newcomer guide.

After the meeting, Jiwon returned to the dorm and took a shower, feeling unwell. Recently, he had been feeling increasingly tired and moody.

It was a side effect of excessive use of his abilities. He was pressing his temples when…

“Are you in there?”


“I’m coming in for a bit.”

“Oh, okay.”

Jiwon watched as Hyunsoo entered his room, his hair still wet from a shower.

“Should I dry your hair?”

“Later. I came because I think you need guiding today.”

His perceptiveness was still sharp. But not wanting to be a burden, Jiwon initially declined.

“Ah… It’s okay.”

“Alright, then.”

He thought he would ask again at least once more, but he turned to leave immediately. Just as they say only those who are good at push-and-pull should do it. It was just like that.

“No, I’ll take it. Come here.”

Jiwon reached out and pulled Hyunsoo by the waist. Hyunsoo stumbled and ended up sitting on Jiwon’s knees. As he tried to get up, Jiwon tightened his grip around his waist, keeping him on his knees.

“Are you going to get guide like this?”

“Do you mind?”

“It’s just a bit uncomfortable.”

“I’ll take it this way today.”

“Okay, then.”

Hyunsoo tried to hold Jiwon’s hand. But Jiwon cupped the back of Hyunsoo’s neck and kissed him.

‘As expected, this guy’s waves are all over the place.’

Hyunsoo slowly absorbed the waves he felt beyond the mucous membrane.

Just as everyone had their own personalities, each person had a preferred guiding method.

Minchan liked absorbing waves gently, while Yoon preferred absorbing them all at once.

Jiwon, on the other hand, didn’t have a particular preference.

‘You must have a preferred method.’

When asked like this one day, Jiwon had replied that he liked all the guiding Hyung did for him.

Now, it was no longer a Hyung but the youngest guiding him, but Jiwon’s guiding preferences hadn’t changed.

“Wait. My butt hurts.”

Sitting on his knees for too long made his butt sore.

When Hyunsoo turned his head to avoid the kiss, Jiwon quickly laid him down on the bed.

His damp hair scattered on the sheets.

“Then let’s do it lying down.”

Jiwon smiled and slowly reached out to touch Hyunsoo’s hair.

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1 month ago


1 month ago


28 days ago

Hi transalator, in this chapter there are multiple places where Jaehee’s pronouns are wrong. If you are editing, please do edit this chapter. It’s mainly around the meeting scene

24 days ago

Thank you

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