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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 8- To the Baldies Who Love Free Stuff

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But she wouldn’t cry in front of me. That was who my sister was.

I smiled brightly.

“Do you want to rest here, Noona?”

“In the mourning hall?”

“Yeah. No one else is coming now.”

“I have to work. Grandma sent all the helpers home.”

Damn leeches.

The funeral expenses were covered by the inheritance, so why were they interfering?

“Have you been serving food and cleaning up all morning?”

She nodded. I felt a fire of anger burning inside me.

Since the day Mom passed away, my sister had stayed up every night.

So, it had been three days already.

I caught short naps here and there, but she didn’t even have that luxury.

“Just sleep a bit. I’ll handle the food.”

She looked at me silently and then sighed, giving a small nod.

“It feels like a dream.”

What does?

“You acting like this. Maybe I’m losing my mind from lack of sleep.”


“You’re right. I need to sleep. If this is a dream, I’ll wake up.”

She spread out a cushion and lay down.

I covered her with my jacket.

She must have been so tired because she fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Listening to her soft breathing, I turned off the lights in the chrysanthemum-scented hall and closed the door.

I sighed deeply.

“Cha Dowon, you idiot.”

You made her suffer until the end.

“I won’t live like that again.”

Let’s succeed, Noona.

You become a doctor, and I’ll reach the top.

Never again, never again will we live like that.

“This time, I’ll protect you.”

Just like you protected me.

I took out my smartphone from my pocket. Through the bright screen, I saw the leeches swarming. I looked at the baldies.

‘First, I need to deal with them.’

When I turned on the screen, it was still black with white letters flashing.

[cheat mode 1/3]

Loud laughter filled the room.

I quietly tapped the screen.

[Change hair follicles of people over 50 in Funeral Hall 301 to 0 in 5 minutes]

The screen filled with white dots. What price will I pay this time? Soon, text appeared on the screen.

[Change complete.]

I confirmed without hesitation.

[Side effect: Itchiness in toes for 2 seconds.]

Huh. That’s pretty mild.

[cheat mode 2/3]

Is there a limit to this too?

Just as I was pondering, my toes started itching.

But 2 seconds passed in no time.

What the heck, really.

I laughed involuntarily.

“Good. Very good.”

I walked toward them.

The oblivious leeches were drinking soju with their food.

In 5 minutes, all their hair follicles would be zero.

Rest in peace.

I was silently paying my respects when Grandma, whom I hadn’t seen in seven years, spoke up.

“Dowon, come here.”

I approached Grandma.

“Yes? Did you call me?”

“Is the inheritance sorted?”

She was quick, considering we hadn’t even held the burial yet.

“I need to get started.”

“Leave it to me. I’m good at this. You need to act as the eldest grandson now. That fox took everything, but now it’s fine.”

I couldn’t help but stifle a laugh.

‘Making a fifteen-year-old act as the eldest grandson.’

Right. That’s how it was.

Before the regression, this is how Mother’s inheritance was taken away.

‘Greedy old woman.’

When I asked for the money she borrowed, what did she say?

She cursed me out, big time.



“I had a dream yesterday. You know how our mother was spiritually gifted, right?”

Grandma’s face suddenly changed.

I straightened up and spoke loudly.

“She cried and held my hand, telling me to trust only those who aren’t bald. She said she cursed those who coveted the inheritance.”

Honestly, it was a ridiculous story.

My mother might have helped people spiritually, but it was far from curses and witchcraft.

“What, what?”

“She said those who covet the inheritance would lose their hair. She told me to trust people with hair.”

Suddenly, the chatter stopped. I looked around.

“Maybe it’s just a silly dream. It’s not like hair would really…”

Then it happened. Grandma’s curly hair started falling out.



The scream was just the beginning.

My uncles stared at Grandma in shock before grabbing their own heads.

‘There’s not much left to lose anyway.’

Their desperately combed hair fell to the floor.

Trying to hold onto it with their hands was useless.

I leisurely watched the scene.

What to say… this was…


It could be considered modern art.

The screams were like an orchestra.

In the funeral hall filled with low and high notes, I quietly covered my mouth.

‘I can’t help but laugh.’

The food on the table was covered in hair.

Grandma clutched her fallen hair and wailed.

“Cha Yeonhwa, you wicked woman!”

No matter how much she cursed, the dead never spoke.

“I’m sorry, Mom.”

I blamed you.

But I think you wouldn’t mind much.

I spoke loudly.

“If hair loss isn’t enough, she said she’d cast another curse…”


My uncles, with hair falling out, hurriedly stood up.

I crossed my arms and watched.

Seeing their fat butts jiggling as they rushed out was utterly satisfying.


I shrugged as I watched Grandma’s back, handbag in hand, walking out.

Who knew things would be sorted out this neatly?

I looked at my smartphone and grinned.

‘Can this even do timed attacks?’

Controlling the situation was incredibly powerful.

I looked around.

The hair-covered food looked pitiful.

‘Let’s clean up. Can’t send off Mother’s last moments like this.’

‘Someone might think we were shaving a dog in here.’

‘It would clog if I used the vacuum. Where’s the broom? Should I go ask?’

These were my thoughts when suddenly, a familiar face walked into the funeral hall.

Unintentionally, I let out a sigh.


It had been a long time since I’d seen them.


It was my auntie and uncle, dressed in black suits.

A faint smile spread across my face.

I hadn’t noticed before, but now I did.

‘Auntie and mom really look alike.’

Well, it makes sense since they’re sisters.

“Sorry for being late.”

I shook my head and quickly returned to my place as the chief mourner.

After bowing to my aunt and uncle, a quiet atmosphere settled.

“Where’s Sora?”

“She’s sleeping over there.”

“It’s quieter than I expected.”

I scratched my cheek slightly and said, “It was noisy until a moment ago, but I chased everyone out.”

Auntie gave a faint smile at my words. Oh, she thought I was joking.

‘Their smiles look even more alike.’

Suddenly, I missed my mom again.

I took a deep breath and looked at my auntie and uncle.

Yeah, I hadn’t realized this before.

That they would help me without expecting anything in return.

I cautiously spoke up.

“Could I ask for a favor?”

Auntie turned her gaze to me.

“Please help me.”

Auntie looked at me with a slightly surprised expression.

I kept smiling sheepishly.

“You’re the only ones I can rely on. As you know, our relatives are leeches.”

“Oh my.”

Auntie and uncle exchanged glances, then looked back at me.

“What do you need help with?”

“Inheritance. I don’t know much about taxes. Both of you are experts in this field.”

Uncle, who was thin but had a kind expression, nodded.

‘He used to be a banker.’

I let out a small breath and spoke.

“Please lend us your wisdom. My sister and I don’t know much about this.”

They remained silent.

In that brief moment of silence, I swallowed my anxiety.

‘We could manage without help if we had to.’

There were ways, but at fifteen, the only reliable relatives I had were my auntie and uncle.

“Sora is twenty, right?”

I nodded.

“Inheriting at twenty is tough.”

Auntie placed her hand on my head.

“We discussed it on our way here. We decided that if you asked for help, we would take care of the legal aspects.”

Her gentle touch smoothed my hair.

“But your relatives are quite vulgar. If they interfere, we might not be able to help…”

Auntie tapped my cheek lightly.

“Thank you for trusting me.”

I shook my head quickly.

“No, I’m sorry for bothering you.”

“Leave the legal issues to us. My husband knows a lot of good people in this field, right, dear?”

Uncle patted my arm with a smile.

“Don’t worry, we know plenty of legal professionals.”

Maybe it was because they were smiling, but I found myself genuinely smiling too.

I felt a great burden lift from my chest, and I thought to myself:

‘I must repay this kindness.’

I will succeed and give back to these people who helped us during hard times.

I don’t know what it will be, but I’ll make sure to do something.

So, Cha Dowon, you must succeed.

I touched the smartphone in my pocket.

Will I succeed if I use this?

Just then, Auntie spoke.

“Oh, Dowon. There’s something we need to address.”

“Yes, Auntie.”

“I just thought of it, but I can’t help you for free.”

Huh? Auntie?

It felt like cold water was poured down my back.

I looked at her with trembling eyes, and she smirked.

“There’s one condition.”

Wh-what condition?

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1 month ago


1 month ago

That was a requiem of vengeance for those greedy leeches, now they’re all bald 😅😆🤣😂

But glad to know that they still have some good relatives left

1 day ago

Shady relatives swooping down like vultures to a corpse.

Last edited 1 day ago by Jjjj777
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