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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 7- Siblings

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I took a small breath. It’s nothing much, but it’s a start. It’s not even the starting line; I’ve just barely stepped into the waiting room.

I looked back at the pig boss. He gazed at me with unusually bright eyes.

The tissue on his forehead dangled.

I smiled inwardly, feeling extremely satisfied.

“Alright, Dowon. Let me ask you one last thing.”

“Yes, sir.”

Ask me anything.

“What kind of idol do you want to be?”

It was a common yet substantial question.

“An idol who makes people happy just by looking at them.”

The pig boss’s beady eyes blinked.

“Dowon, can you be more specific?”

“When you see something good, it makes you feel good. I want to be that ‘good thing’ for the public.”

“That’s pretty tough. People don’t feel good for no reason.”

I chuckled softly.

“I can do it.”


“I want to do it.”

There were many things that came with being ‘good.’

A handsome appearance, outstanding skills, pleasant behavior, a clean personal life, and…

‘Consistent effort.’

This might be the hardest part.

‘It’s hard to change for the better, but so easy to fall.’

The entertainment industry was harsh. Many people fell quickly even after climbing up with much effort.

“If you become an idol, you might not even be able to go on trips with your family.”

I smirked.

“I’m not really into trips. Besides…”

I hesitated, wondering if I should continue my act or speak from the heart. I decided to mix both.

“I’m hungry.”

Very, extremely. So hungry I could die, sir. I want to devour everything.

I gave a slight eye smile.

“I’m very ambitious. I want to be good at everything.”

I craved public attention.

How wonderful it would be if every breath of mine was in the spotlight.

Except for when I need to use the bathroom.

‘In that sense, I am crazy.’

What do they call it? Attention seeker?

I readily admitted it.

‘That’s right.’

How fulfilling life would be if I could attract attention because of my excellence.

What kind of life would unfold if I succeeded in this path?

‘I want to be on stage.’

How heavenly must that place be, illuminated by bright lights?

The pig boss chuckled at my words.

“You really are crazy, aren’t you?”

Of course, did you think I was a fake crazy person? Well, it’s partly an act.

“Good job. You can go now.”

I bowed slightly. The staff motioned for me to leave. I stood up lightly and headed for the door.

I felt a gaze from behind. I sensed it was Kang Minjae but didn’t look back.

‘See you again, hyung.’

At that time, I will smile warmly. I will greet you with a wide smile, putting my whole heart and sincerity into it.

The door closed. I walked leisurely.

The audition was a success.


I quietly headed to the funeral hall.

I dusted off my mourning clothes once and quietly entered.

I could hear murmuring.

A small laugh escaped me.

‘Is that so.’

Though it’s sudden, the time I went to the audition was two days after my mother passed away.

‘Most of the visitors were just freeloaders.’

I glanced around lightly.

The bald heads stood out conspicuously.

‘Not this time.’

I took a small breath.

Then, I took out the armband that I had put in my pocket.

When I removed the number tag and put on the armband, I heard a familiar voice.

“Cha Dowon!”

I couldn’t help but smile.

It was the person I loved most in the world.

“Noona!” (Older Sister)

“What are you smiling about!”

She swung her hand.

Soon, I felt a burning pain on my back.

“Noona, it hurts!”

“I hit you so it would hurt! Hey, follow me!”

She grabbed my ear and dragged me into the mourning room.

I obediently took off my shoes and followed her.

It felt like my ear was going to be torn off.

“Noona, my ear hurts.”

“I pulled it to make it hurt!”

She closed the door of the mourning room and yelled.

“Where have you been!”

I looked at her with a big smile. Then I was a bit surprised.

‘She looks really young.’

She was always older than me. I could never have imagined she looked so young at this time.


She frowned.


“I went to the quarterly audition at Friends Entertainment.”

Her eyes wavered.

I quietly watched her and then suddenly hugged her tightly.

She, who was still taller than me, flinched her shoulders in surprise.

There was something I really wanted to say to her.

“I’m sorry.”

I remembered myself lying face down in vomit.

I said it again.

“I’m sorry.”

Sorry for remaining an unknown actor.

Sorry for relying on your financial support until the end.

Sorry for blocking your dreams. Noona, I…

‘I want to do anything for you.’

Though I’m not sure what that is.

At that moment, my body was pushed back.

She shoved me away while shouting.

“Why are you being so weird! Gross!”

Suddenly, I couldn’t help but laugh.

Ah, truly. It’s her.

“Hey, Cha Dowon. Do you think I’ll forgive you just because of this?”

“Well, probably not?”

She pointed at our mother’s portrait with her hand.

“Is the audition that important? So important that you wouldn’t stay by the funeral?”

I quietly turned and looked at the portrait. Come to think of it, I had forgotten my mother’s face.

‘She looks young too.’

45 years old.

That was the age when she passed away.

I smiled bitterly.

‘It must have been hard for you to close your eyes.’

How worried she must have been about her daughter who had just taken the college entrance exam and her fifteen-year-old son.

I whispered softly.

“I’m sorry, Mom.”

I couldn’t succeed.

I even drank alcohol, which you told me not to.

‘I won’t drink again…’

Please forgive me.

A heavy feeling pressed on my chest.

Even after years, I couldn’t get used to my mother’s death.

But still, it was different from back then.

I shook my head to clear my emotions.

I could endure enough now.

And now I could offer comfort too.

She glanced at me sideways.

Ah, come to think of it, I should put out the immediate fire first.

I felt like I was going to get scolded.

“I’m sorry. Noona, you’re right. There will be other auditions. But…”

I smiled awkwardly.

“I just had to go. I felt like I really had to. And in my opinion…”

I said while looking at our mother’s portrait.

“If it were Mom, she wouldn’t blame me for going to the audition.”

Rather than whining at the funeral, she would have told me to do something constructive.

That’s the kind of person Cha Yeonhwa was.

She sighed deeply and pushed back her fallen hair.

“It’s unbelievable. Your mouth is just full of eloquence.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“I’m sorry. But now, there are no more visitors.”

“Grandmother is still here.”

I gave a bitter smile.

“She’s just a leech under the guise of a relative.”


“Noona, since we’re on the subject, we need to protect our property.”

Her eyes wavered slightly.

“Don’t believe them when they say they’ll help with the inheritance.”

“How did you know? Grandmother told us earlier to leave it to her.”

“Absolutely not. It’s like leaving the fish to the cat.”

At least cats are cute. Damn it.

I gritted my teeth thinking of the past.

Those leeches took away the property Mom had saved up, one by one.

And when I asked for it back, what did they say again?

They called me a cursed child born from a shaman.

“But you’re the eldest son…”

“Eldest son, my foot. Mom and Dad got divorced, and Mom got custody. You know what Dad did.”

She nodded slowly.

“We have no reason to get involved with them. And, Noona.”

I grabbed her hand tightly. The most important thing was separate.

“Go to medical school.”

Her eyes wavered.

“Don’t give up medical school because of me. Becoming a doctor was your dream.”

Unlike me, she was very smart.

“You’re already in the passing zone, right?”

“How did you know?”

I smiled bitterly.

In the past, I found out very late.

That she gave up medical school and became a nurse because of me, a middle schooler.

‘Do you know how much I regretted that?’

I blocked her future.

I gripped her hand tighter.

“Please, go to medical school.”

If we don’t lose our property to those leeches, we could manage well enough.

“What about you?”

“I’m fine, Noona. I cook well and make good soup.”

“You’re still only fifteen.”

“Fifteen is already grown up.”

I gave a reassuring smile.

“If I get into medical school, I’ll have to live in a dorm. I can’t commute from here.”

“What’s the problem? Go to the dorm.”

“Cha Dowon. I’m your guardian now. How can I leave you and go to medical school?”

I shook my head.

“Noona, I don’t need a guardian. Besides, you’re only twenty years old.”

“But I’m your sister.”

So this is how she had been holding on.

I sighed involuntarily and shook the hand I was holding.

“You don’t need to worry. Really, I’ll be fine.”

My sister looked at me silently. Though I pretended not to notice, I knew. Her breathing had become labored.

‘She’s holding back tears.’

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1 month ago

Aww I wasn’t planning on crying today 🥹

1 month ago

Yeah sometimes family or relatives should be the one to protect you and lend a hand on you, but sometimes they’re also the person who’ll lead you and push you into a cliff.

1 day ago

Honestly, the situation is tough. She should absolutely not give up medical school, but at the same time she took up guardianship. She has a moral and legal responsibility to look after him properly. Fifteen is still a minor, but hopefully they can figure out a compromise.

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