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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 6- f I have to take it off, I’ll take it off

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Wow. I was a bit surprised. Kyungbae.

I exaggeratedly pretended to be shocked, making my shoulders twitch.

Thanks to that, the judges who were questioning others all looked at Kyungbae.

β€œNumber 118, did you just swear?”

You’ve gone mad, our Kyungbae hyung.

β€œAh, no. I…”

β€œIs this how you always are? If you swear during an audition, it means you only use swear words in everyday life…”

The judges started talking among themselves.

β€œThese days, kids swear too much.”

β€œIn my time, some rough kids were like that too.”

β€œIt seems the lack of manners is getting worse. Is it a problem with home education?”

I observed Kyungbae’s face. It was turning paler, which was more interesting than any movie.

At the same time, it was a bit bittersweet.

‘Why did I give up my idol dream because of a guy like him?’

He was such a trivial guy.

I sighed softly and turned my head. By chance, I saw Kang Minjae.

‘Those sunglasses look good on you.’

It seemed like our eyes met, but it was hard to tell because his eyes were covered.

I blinked, pretending not to know anything.

‘Minjae hyung, long time no see.’

So, how many years has it been?

‘About two years?’

You seem to be doing well?

‘Should I pretend not to recognize you?’

Should I act naively surprised, like ‘Oh my, what a coincidence!’

A complex feeling surged in. I clenched my fist.

‘In this life, I won’t lose. Hyung.’

This time, I’ll use you.

With all my heart and soul, I’ll step on you to rise.

Compared to what you did, it’s nothing, right?

I took a deep breath and focused back on the audition.

Then, suddenly, Kyungbae hyung, who was next to me, stood up abruptly.

β€œDon’t insult my dad!”

He shouted so loudly it hurt my ears.

This time, I was really surprised and looked at our Kyungbae hyung with wide eyes.

His face was not just red but turning purple as he pointed fingers.

β€œIt’s easy to make a company like this! Who are you to insult my dad!”

He kicked the chair and stormed out.

Oh my, how childish.

I tried to suppress my laughter as I watched the overturned chair.

‘Really an untrustworthy guy.’

Whether it was because he was born with a silver spoon or because he was rotten from the start, I didn’t know.

Once he was completely out, the Pig Boss smiled bitterly.

β€œIf a kid like that comes in, we’re in trouble.”

I agreed with that.

β€œThat’s right, sir. It’s already a headache.”

β€œDoes he even know that debuting as an idol means being part of a group?”

β€œKids like him only think about themselves. They can’t endure the trainee life, let alone debut.”

I see.

β€˜Kyungbae hyung, you’re really insignificant.’

But it might be true that his dad will start a company for him.

The fact that I saw him at an audition a few years later means he really lived like that.

‘Kyungbae hyung, will we meet again somewhere?’

Well, that’s none of my business.

The judges, who were talking among themselves, turned their attention back to me. I smiled at them brightly.

β€œWhat are you curious about?”

Then, a voice I hadn’t heard before spoke up. It was someone who hadn’t said a word until now.”

“Take off your shirt.”

Though his voice was surprisingly gentle, it carried immense destructive power.

Excuse me?

I thought I must have misheard.

So, looking at another person, the pig boss laughed sarcastically.

Hey, what did you just say?

Are you asking me to undress for an audition?

The pig boss confirmed the assassination.

“Don’t you hear? Take it off. Student.”

I quietly suppressed my laughter.

Now I understood his intention.

Ah, I see. Sir. Is this a pressure interview?

Right. If it were an ordinary middle school second grader, they would have been completely bewildered here.

β€˜How malicious.’

But what can I do? Having come full circle in life, I barely made it here.

β€˜If what they want is a pressure interview……’

I quietly stood up and undid my pants buckle.

β€˜I’ll do as they wish.’

Besides, I needed a solid punch too, so it seemed fortunate.

As soon as the leather belt was unfastened, the murmuring came from the examiners.

“Hey, why are you trying to take off your pants?”

I grinned and said,

“I’m more confident below than above.”

“Don’t take it off! Are you really going to take it off?”

I threw the belt down and said,

“If I have to take it off, I’ll take it off.”

“What kind of cheesy 80s erotic movie line is that? Don’t take it off! Hey, someone stop this guy! If you really strip, our company’s reputation will go down the drain!”

At the pig boss’s words, two judges rushed out and held me back. I raised my hands as if to show my reluctance.

‘Why are you all so flustered?’

So dull.

The pig boss wiped his forehead with a tissue and grumbled.

“Kids these days are terrifying. Hey, kid. Don’t actually take it off just because we said so.”

You told me to do it. What did you expect?

I shrugged. Something had been bothering me for a while now.

With a bright smile, I said, “Cha Dowon.”


“My name is Cha Dowon, sir.”

The pig boss stared at me blankly.

Calling me a kid was hurtful. We’re going to see each other often from now on, aren’t we?

I didn’t look away from him. He stared at me for a long time and finally, he broke into a smile.

By the way, sir, you have a tissue stuck to your forehead.

“Kids these days are really something. Alright, Cha Dowon, is it?”

“Yes, Cha Dowon from Class 2, Grade 8 at Jeongsol Middle School.”

“You’re an interesting one. I’ve thought so since earlier. Your skills are impressive, and you’ve got guts. So, Dowon, what’s your nickname? What do others call you?”

The judge holding my arm let go. I sat back down.

“It’s a bit embarrassing.”

“What is it?”

I blushed slightly and turned my head a bit. It felt somewhat awkward.

“They call me Crazy.”

Of course, there was no such nickname.

If anything, I was called a pretty boy.

But the truth doesn’t matter.

When I glanced at the judges, the pig boss’s button-like eyes had widened slightly.

Why, boss, surprised?

I knew it.

‘You needed this.’

Friends Entertainment’s idols thrived on their characters. That’s why you’re holding auditions.

‘The crazy youngest.’

The pig boss covered his mouth for a while. I waited patiently.

How does it feel to find the perfect fit?

Soon, the pig boss burst into laughter.

“Ha ha ha ha! This kid is something else.”

I’m not something you come across every day. Moreover, I’m a rare gem.

I quietly swung my legs up and down. The pig boss couldn’t stop laughing, seemingly delighted.

Let’s stay true to the character.

‘I should pretend to be shy, right?’

That’s what you want from the crazy youngest.

I scratched my cheek and averted my gaze. That’s when I met eyes with Kang Minjae, who was staring at me.

Though his sunglasses obscured his expression, I could tell.

We were looking at each other.

‘What are you looking at, punk?’

I wanted to glare at him with all my might, but right now, I was just an innocent middle school kid. Lowering my eyes shyly, Kang Minjae smiled awkwardly as if to reassure me.

‘Why are you being so nice?’

What’s this? Are you trying to say I’m harmless? Don’t try to fool me. I clearly remember what you’ve done to me.

‘But I shouldn’t show it.’

Right now, I’m a shy but crazy middle schooler. Hold it in.

I bowed my head further in embarrassment. The pig boss’s laughter still echoed.

‘I guess I passed.’

I hit the mark.

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1 month ago


1 month ago

Well, he’s officially an idol..trainee but nevertheless still an idol

1 month ago


1 month ago

Congratulations, I guess πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŽ‰

1 day ago

It’s giving failed success πŸ™ƒ

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