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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 3- Knowing the trends makes exams easier

* * *

Shouldn’t side effects be informed in advance? Huh?

‘Is this even real?’

Is it a dream?

I pinched my thigh and looked at the screen.

Soon, the screen changed.

Then, suddenly, all my joints twitched.

My arms and legs trembled.

Cold sweat flowed, and my muscles twisted.


My whole body tingled as if electricity was surging through.

And foam started coming out of my mouth.


Was this the foaming at the mouth mentioned in the cheat?

I dropped the smartphone and covered my mouth.

My body convulsed freely as if it had been waiting.

The pain was so intense I could hardly breathe.

My hands were drenched in sweat.

‘Damn! More than the pain! I’m worried about something else!’

Please don’t look at me!

Don’t care about me!

Don’t call 911!

I don’t want to be taken away in an ambulance from the audition venue!

How much time passed like that?

When I finally exhaled, the pain gradually subsided.

I wiped my sweat clumsily.

The pain receded as if it had been waiting.

I checked the time on my smartphone.

‘About 5 minutes passed?’

I barely swallowed.

The pain vanished without a trace.

I took off my jacket and checked.

‘Something about my body….’

I wiggled my middle finger. It wasn’t much, but my finger moved quickly.


I moved my shoulders and legs.

Usually, it would be just a struggle, but surprisingly, it felt light.

When I touched my arm muscles, a smile spread across my face.

‘I’ve changed.’

It was definitely different. I could feel the quality and density of my muscles had changed.

‘Did I really change?’

I quickly covered my mouth.

My waist bent, and I feel my fingers more flexible.

‘Grade B is amazing?’

How did this happen?

‘If there were no people, I’d try it out right here!’

I looked around.

Luckily, everyone seemed busy with their own affairs and didn’t pay attention to me.

‘Should I try a step?’

I moved my legs slightly from my seat.

From my toes to my thighs, they floated lightly like the wind.

I tried hard to hold back my laughter again.

Then I grabbed my smartphone again.

Something I hadn’t noticed before appeared.

[cheat mode 1/3]

The number had changed.

‘Is there a limit to this?’

It’s not like a genie.

‘If there’s a limit, there must be a reset too….’

Can I only use three cheats in my lifetime?

I immediately shook my head.

My intuition told me.

‘No. If that were the case, there would be no conditions. This is oddly tied to something.’

Nothing appeared on the screen.

It was useless to try now, so I quietly looked around.

I saw about a hundred teenagers and a worn-out banner.

[Friends Entertainment Quarterly Audition]

I propped my chin and fell into thought.

Before returning, I failed this audition.

‘Since I’ve come back….’

I swept back the hair that had fallen forward.

“I have to pass.”

I tightly gripped my smartphone.

I didn’t know why such luck came my way.

But I had no intention of living like I did before.

‘Then, what should I do?’

The answer was surprisingly simple.

“Knowing the trends makes exams easier.”

I wouldn’t have known before, but now I did.

I looked again at the tattered banner.

Though it seemed trivial, the “Friends Entertainment Quarterly Audition” was surprisingly informative.

“First, auditions are held quarterly.”

They recruit trainees, which means there are regular vacancies.

“Second, the banner is reused, indicating it’s a common event.”

The banner was worn out, suggesting a steady stream of applicants.

“Well, Friends Entertainment is a good company.”

They had several prominent idols.

Moreover, many of them renewed their contracts when they expired.

Though there was some controversy.

“The biggest scandal was Zenis, right?”

For a moment, that guy’s face flashed through my mind.

“Damn. Kang Minjae.”

Yes. He was here.

Kang Minjae’s debut was in the idol group “Zenis” from Friends Entertainment.

I felt a shiver down my spine.

“Kang Minjae, you bastard.”

I stretched my legs.

Old memories swirled in my mind before dissipating into the air.

I whispered to myself.

“So, if I keep going like this, I’ll end up in the same group as that guy?”

An expletive almost slipped out. I exhaled softly.

Well, it was something to think about if I passed, but it was something I had to face.

Meeting him.

Maybe even being in the same group.

“If I hate it, I can just stand up and leave.”

I shook my head immediately.

“That’s not it.”

It was a chance to become the idol I had always dreamed of as a child. Besides, this was a good place.

“Being a trainee at Friends Entertainment is recognized.”

Even if I became a trainee somewhere else, having been a trainee at Friends Entertainment would be helpful.

“Focus on one thing.”

I set my goal straight.

“I want to be a top idol.”

I wanted to succeed.

Desperately enough to do anything for it.

And for that, this company was necessary.

“Kang Minjae is a hurdle, but that’s for later.

The important thing is to pass.”

I looked around again.

The numbers were already moving quickly.

The audition pace was neither slow nor fast.

Then, I heard a frivolous voice from behind.

“Are you number 119?”

I quietly checked the number on my jacket. I hadn’t known what my number was.

Ah, I was number 119.

I looked up.

A guy with bright yellow dyed hair grinned at me.

“I’m number 118.”

He volunteered information I hadn’t asked for. I deliberately smiled faintly.

So it was you.

“Nice to meet you.”

I knew this guy.

‘Lee Kyungbae. He used to go by the name Lee Kyung.’

An old memory flashed briefly.

I met this guy at a movie audition.

He was a supporting role, the friend of the main character.

He passed by me saying,

“It’s a shame to be at the same audition as this low-level guy…”

I hadn’t expected to meet him here. I smiled wider.

Perfect. You bastard.

Unaware of my thoughts, he pushed closer and asked,

“At what year are you?”

“Eighth grade.”

“You’re young. I’m in my first year of high school.”

Isn’t that still young?

“I’m stressed because I’m late. Nowadays, trainees start in elementary school.”

Is it like gifted education?

Well, I guess it makes sense.

Money attracts people.

Starting early if you have talent isn’t a bad thing.

“I really need to pass.”

He grumbled, adjusting his blue jacket.

Even if he was annoying, he was still young.

Surprisingly, I found him a bit cute.

“Well, my dad said he’d set up a company for me if I don’t make it. If this doesn’t work, I’ll just do what my dad says.”

Scratch the cute part.


What is he saying?

‘They say people don’t change.’

Was he spoiled because of his wealthy background?

The reason he’s bright yellow, whether it’s because of his gold spoon status or just his personality, I’ll find out later.

But he’s consistent, I’ll give him that.

‘Apparently, he got that supporting role by throwing money around…’

Was that true?

I smiled brightly. If it was true, there was nothing to worry about.

“Can I ask your name?”

“Sure. I’m Lee Kyung.”

Why are you like this?
Your real name is Lee Kyungbae.

“I’m Cha Dowon.”

Since we’ve exchanged names, let me carefully ask you, senior.

‘Would you mind being my prey?’

Since our numbers are close, we’ll probably go into the interview room together.

Whether this audition is evaluated absolutely or relatively, being compared to you isn’t a bad thing.

‘Dumb and arrogant people usually fall quickly.’

After hearing my name, he patted me on the shoulder.

“I see. Is this your first audition?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Really? I’ve done many auditions, and you have to stand out to get noticed.”

I smiled brightly.

“Is that so?”

The judges see hundreds of people each quarter.

Some companies might like showiness, but not Friends Entertainment.

“They value diligence more, right?”

That’s why their singers and actors usually had quiet personal lives.

Of course, there were always exceptions, but generally, troublemakers were dealt with quietly.



So why was this guy saying this?

If he had done many auditions, he should know about this company.

“Is he playing a trick?”

What a cute little brat.

Then, an old memory hit me.


I remembered that ten years ago, I had believed those words exactly.

“This is crazy.”

My face flushed. How naive I had been. Cha Dowon.

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1 month ago

It seems like the first prey appeared 🤭

1 day ago

Not, “would you be my prey”.

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