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The quest rewards are real chapter 27- Contrast (1)

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Strength: 14

Stamina: 12

Agility: 13

Intelligence: 35

Mana: 20

Luck: 6


[Intermediate Rewards]

Sitting across the studio bedroom, while fiddling with the black card, I sighed quietly.


How could I accept the current situation?

Every day was like a series of miracles that happened.

I didn’t think I’d be surprised to think about what’s happened to me so far.

But I didn’t expect to see the traces of the earth in the other world.

“What a mess.”

The man in a coat with the words “U.S.A.” was a civilian from Earth caught up in the unexpected.

The reason why I could be sure of him as a civilian from Earth is because of the notebook found in his arms.

The notebook contained a description of a strange incident on his way home during a foggy dark night road.

Although there were many parts that were difficult to recognize because they stretched out abbreviations and handwriting from time to time, it was possible to translate roughly with the flow of context.

The man’s name is John Ronis, a man in his 30s living in California, and when he came to his senses, he was already walking in a forest he didn’t even know of.

“John,” thought he was kidnapped because he was unaware of the unbelievable situation. He recorded what had happened to him in his notebook that he hurriedly carried with him.

The diary detailed his will in case something went wrong with his personal safety and
the diary was full of vigilance and fear.

However, nothing was written after the first day’s record, indicating that he was soon held in captivating by Orc.

After that, I already know what had happened next.

John has become a body that cannot return to Earth.

“What do you want me to do?”

A civilian on Earth appeared in the Mu continent.

John died as if he was an alarm that would wake me up as soon I arrived at the quest venue.

His miserable body was like a wake-up call to me.

“I’m not the only one who’s going through this.”

‘The only thing the world chooses.’ I am not arrogant enough to think like this.

So I would always wonder if someone like me who has gone through something similar finally appeared, but there wasn’t.

However, the obvious fact is that there are times when civilians are caught in such unexpected accidents and thrown into the Mu continent.

In other words, the opposite is possible, just as fog breaks out and monsters appear this way on the Mu continent.

“Is it a harbinger of the apocalypse?”

I feel like something is going to explode.

I turned on the computer without opening the intermediate reward.

And I tapped the keyboard to search for things I hadn’t tried to check.


He then tried to add the letters “Inside Quest” and “Mu Continent,” but my hands stopped for a moment.

It may be a pipe dream, but it suddenly occurred to me.

“If there’s someone else who knows this, and he is among those in power wouldn’t he find someone like them?”

In addition, state agencies such as South Korea and the United States may already be aware of the abnormalities, and they may be covering them up to prevent unnecessary controversy.

Then these keywords would only be telling them who I was.

“Silly, but absurd things are going on…….”

Because of this, I quit searching and turned off the computer.

Now, I couldn’t take the conspiracy that would usually appear in movies lightly.

I’ll check it out in the afternoon at a PC room far from home.

“Well, now.”

My hands naturally turned to the intermediate reward card.

I used my remaining time to check the rewards.



An unexpected flash of effect blew me up.

“It’s up.”

I caught the falling object by hand, scattering gold, not white.

The moment I checked the reward, my nervous expression relaxed.

[You’ve earned an M-hour newspaper]

“All right.”

Once again I got my hands on a future newspaper as a reward, I shook off my glitters and frankly rejoiced.

The evening paper’s date is July 20.

It was a treasure containing information about two months later.

Opening the newspaper pleasantly, I frowned at the article, where the title occupied half of the news.

[Sudden shutdown]
[What happened to the nuclear power plant!]

[At around 9 p.m. yesterday, all nuclear power plants in Korea, centering on the Gori nuclear power plant, were shut down, sparking controversy.]

[30 minutes after the shutdown of the nuclear power plant, electricity supply, and demand were disrupted and a major power outage occurred nationwide. Many casualties ensued, and the entire administrative system was paralyzed and the people were panicked.

About eight hours later, around 5 a.m., the reactor returned to normal operation as if it had been operating normally. However, the massive reactor shutdown and sudden recovery remained a big question as it was a bizarre situation beyond common sense.]

[11 AM. The government’s rapid response has restored most of the administrative system. But last night, it was shocking to learn that the shutdown of the reactor occurred not only in South Korea but around the world.]

[According to U.S. media, not only nuclear power plants but also aircraft carriers and submarines, all equipment powered by fission energy had been shut down]

The M-night newspaper also contained economic information that was worth money, but the main article was so big that anyone would notice.

“All sorts of things are happening now.”

Thanks to the emergency power, there have been no major disasters at airports, railways, and hospitals, but many citizens have been trapped inside elevators while traffic accidents occurred everywhere.

Some citizens attempted criminal acts, including looting by taking advantage of the chaos from the crisis, but no inhumane incidents occurred due to soldiers’ massive policy.

Compared to other countries’ situations, South Korea was a country that passed the surge of crime safely.

China, the United States, and surprisingly Japan also reported having seen a surge in crime overnight.

“If we put this situation on the Internet, it could become a world-class prophecy.”

But I have no desire to step up to the plate more than necessary.

Such behavior would attract attention towards me, and personal safety has always been my top priority.

Even if I just guessed such a ridiculous case, I could still be caught by higher-ups.

I’m surprised by this extraordinary situation, but there’s nothing I can do for everyone.

Even if the government announces a major ceasefire, I will only be treated as a madman in the end and specify that I will be restricted because of my behavior due to causing unnecessary attention.

I just think the best preparation I can make is to make sure my relatives don’t get hurt by this.

“Cheer up, people two months from now.”

I turned towards the economy section after a brief pep talks to myself.

I mainly looked at the stock chart, but there were no notable articles, so I checked stocks that would soar one by one compared to the current stock price.

“H Bio.”

Even though it was information of two months later, there was no big increase like T chemistry this time.

The biggest increase is in sports of about 3.2 times.

Stock prices also soared for H Bio, a new drug developer, that developed anti-cancer drugs.

It was one of the few stocks that recorded an upward trend, even though almost all stocks recorded a downward trend due to the Great surge of crime.

“It’s not as crazy as T-chemical, but It means that in just two months, the stock will triple.”

T Chemical’s shares are now at 70 percent of the target.

The rise was steeper than expected, although S Electronics may be buying its stocks.

I can decide whether or not to deduct T-chemical shares in advance by looking at the rise of H-Bio.

Having scrutinized the economy thoroughly, I read society, politics, and topics.

Then I found a high-profile article.

[Kidnapped by the government and tested the human body?]

[Mr. Park, a self-proclaimed psychic who has been attracting attention by making absurd claims, is a test taker who has been preparing for civil servants for 10 years.]

[Psychiatrists recommended hospital treatment, saying it was just a symptom of stress-induced delirium, but Park widely show his ability. It is attracting a lot of people’s attention.]


I don’t know if Mr.Park was true or not, but it was enough to raise my guard against the government.

“Be careful.”

I left the studio more than an hour later than usual, sleeping in my temple.


The Kaelon Standard Knight Aura, which was obtained as a reward for the quest, was a strategic asset cherished by the state and close attackers used it as a training method that allows them to deal using Aura, which can be also called the trademark of the knights.

If the circle is located near the heart, the Aura is condensed on the lower abdomen, and the size I could feel now was as small as a single finger.

But the energy felt at the small Aura point was qualitatively different from the mana which spread all over the body.

Aura transforms mana into its own, and accumulates it, feeling a little more heavy and sturdy than the mana used in magic.


When I opened my closed eyes, I got up from my seat recovering my energy.

“I could automatically convert Mana to the aura.”

I’ve got my hands on the Aura, but this field has no teacher to guide me like Gordon.

However, because it was a reward, the operation method and outline of the Aura law were imprinted in my head as if I had trained for a long time.

My current level of ability as an Aura user is between the 1st~2nd circle of magic.

It’s a small amount, but using this Aura can greatly improve my physical ability.

Even if it does not yet shape energy to the outside like Expert, it is clearly compared to the previous level of rapid, sensitive, and explosive power.

I can only maintain my strength for about half an hour yet.

But if I keep increasing the size of the Aura, in time it will increase slowly.

Unlike other skills, Aura can magically train me to build strength, and I clearly understand how to train it.

Perhaps it is easier to learn it than magic.

-Ding dong.

While continuing to train at the Yongsan mansion, which I had moved to yet, I looked at the clock at the sudden doorbell.


I didn’t know that time had passed so much because I was absorbed in the Aura method.

“Yes, wait a minute.”

I put the separated spear into my bag and quickly went down to the gate, and the courier who parked the one-ton truck in front greeted me.

“Choi Jihoon?”

“Yes, that’s right. Wait a minute.”

Then I opened the gate wide and they put the boxes down without a break.

“I’ve been a courier for a long time, but I’ve never had so many boxes delivered to a house.”

Most of the contents of the one-ton truck were unloaded at my house.

Because of that, the couriers had to carry many boxes for a long time.

“Thank you very much.”

“No, I’m rather grateful. We’re earning per case, so we’re lucky in this case.”

I scratched the back of my head when I saw boxes piled up at the entrance of the front door after the impressive courier left.

“I bought emergency food just in case.”

There are so many.
I had no choice but to have it delivered because it would be too much work for me, but what did the driver think when he was putting down all this food

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