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The Quest Rewards Are Real chapter 21- Fog (3)

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Strength: 9

Stamina: 9

Agility: 9

Intelligence: 30

Mana: 11

Luck: 6
Unlike near the center where the fog was light, the visibility in the fog hung everywhere like a barrier was only about 1m.

“Mana Emission.”


A blue light formed on the spear, and the map was used as a compass in order to direct the spear toward the red dot.

Thanks to the blue energy, which is the effect of Mana Emission, the enemy’s silhouette was visible in the fog as the spear approached.

Thanks to this, I was able to make changes at the end of the spear and hit the enemy accurately.


I got rid of three goblins and an orc.

Seeing the red dot on the other side approaching the citizens, I was busy flying.

As I came out of the fog like a moon and skipped over their heads, people all looked at me with dumb expressions.

And as I landed on the ground, an orc appeared in the mist as promised.


I used Mana Emission together with penetration skills and made a standard stab.
I couldn’t see any weakness to attack because of the exquisite glaze covering my chest, neck, and head, so I trusted my skills and chose to break through the front.


As if I was not betrayed by my expectations, my spear penetrated the front-blocked orc’s breast with a glave.


Not a few shocking sounds resonated like echoes in the fog and easily pulled out Spear using magic.

“Wow, even the black fog! Great deal!”

Can you shut up when it’s noisy?

I hunted the Goblins, one after another through the fog, after sending a gesture to a middle-aged man to shut up.

After hunting two orcs, and seven goblins, there were only three red spots left.


This quest looks very smooth.

But it was just my illusion.


As twice as many red dots as I have removed so far, a new red dot has been created on the map, including a loud roar that I have never heard before.

As I overdo my skills, 40% of my mana has depleted.

As it is not known how many times monsters will come out, I have to fight for efficiency rather than speed.

In this case, citizens’ risk will inevitably increase, but I can adjust the balance between speed and efficiency properly.

I bit my lip and used Grease magic to direct the fast-paced approach to the Prey.


Fortunately, there hasn’t been a third wave since.

In the end, I protected the people safely, and now there is only one enemy left.

“Are you the boss?”

But the problem is that an enemy is an extraordinary fellow.

“It was a troll.”

I had to look tired of seeing a giant monster that exactly matched the characteristics of the troll I saw in Monster Dictionary.

The first roaring I’ve heard before was this guys.

“You’re so big.’

4 meters tall.

It weighs 1.2 tons.

Trolls are said to have great resilience enough to make new arms in a minute, and they can only be killed by completely destroying the brain or blowing the head off.

In addition, leather was also quite tough defense also be considerable, and powerful muscle strength like steel armor.

I swallowed my dry saliva, pointing the spear at the troll who showed up with great dignity.

Thanks to my precious use, my remaining Mana is about 30%.

I seemed to be relaxed to deal with only one monster, but it was hard to ensure of victory because the troll was a monster I had never faced and it has a troublesome characteristic.

Safety may be a top priority like attacking the boss of a game, and if one was careful, you may be able to knock it down, but there was no choice but to be nervous about the overwhelming difference in physique.

The citizens, relieved to hear that only one was left, sank into place, swallowing the wind from the giant’s appearance through the fog.

“Well, let’s say hello first.”

Pointing at his head at the end of the spear, I fired a bunch of magic missiles with penetration skills added.

Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo!

It’s hard to miss the size of the head.

A total of six magic missiles splashed blue blood into his head, and the troll staggered, screaming painfully.

Citizens who became spectators from behind burst into exclamation with jubilant expressions.

But that’s also for a moment.

The hideous holes in the troll’s face and forehead created a bubbling bubble and looked devastated as they recovered quickly.

“Me, crazy.”

“How can you beat a monster like that?”

“It’s not like they’re fighting, so I hope you don’t say anything weak.

The attack was just for a sneak peek anyway.

Magic missiles didn’t do much damage, but at least he found out that high-speed recovery would not relieve the pain.

I think this alone is a great achievement.

As trolls have a human-like body, their body structure will not be different from humans.

Then there were many ways to target.

I thought it was worth a try, so I had a look on my face.


Since it’s too big, I’ll lie him down and start.

At one stroke of Grease magic, the troll fell with a surprising tumult.


But it’s not all about knocking down monsters like this.

Thanks to the overwhelming physical difference, the floundering arms and legs were very threatening.

An anomalous attack is fatal just by passing through.

‘Leap forward.’


Under his feet, his big hand passed by with the sound of wind tearing.
Recognizing the troll’s attack, I flew so high that my hands and feet couldn’t reach it, looking at my eyes full of life, and flying a penetrating magic missile toward his eyes, neck, solar plexus, and nangshim.


The magic missile aimed at the eyes and neck penetrated his hand, but the attack aimed at the solar plexus, and the nangshim went right.

Whether the pain was considerable, the troll fluttered like a fish on the ground, fell toward the belly of the exposed creature, and stabbed a blue-colored spear into it.


A spear penetrating the skin deep into its flesh.

Stably getting off the troll’s body due to the landing effect of the leap skill, I twisted my whole body without pulling out a spear and tore the belly skin long.

The ship, which was split by the act of a troll struggling without understanding the situation, opened with a puckering sound.

Thanks to this, intestines poured on both sides in an instant, creating a grotesque scene.

It was an act that revealed that he was big and had a bad head.


The sound of vomiting from the citizens.

But having seen so much worse, I didn’t bat an eyelid this time.


The evil one swung his palm like a mosquito.

But I took a leap forward and slipped away lightly.

The stable landing effect of the leap is a big advantage in this situation.

I rode the troll’s body stably, using a leap as a mobile, and lifted the spear high when the fur arrived at the chest reminiscent of the grass.

‘To kill a troll, you have to blow his head or destroy his brain completely.’

Unfortunately, there was no way to destroy his brain or blow his throat in a single blow.

So what I’m thinking, this is the way.

I cut a big hole in his chest as I dipped down the spear, and a terrible smell leaked out of it in the wind.

The target I set in the first place was none other than his lungs.


Simple water without attack poured into the hole like a small waterfall.

No matter how big the guy was, it was not long before one of his lungs was filled with water, and the troll’s terrifying ability to recover blocked the hole on its own so that water wouldn’t leak.

I diligently performed the same procedure on the opposite lung to avoid the hands of the troll flying again, and I flew far away.


Only then did the troll feel something strange, and the troll opened his eyes round and “gulped” with a painful expression.

The revenge of the creature, who was unable to fill the hole with his protruding gut, was a visual bonus.

The troll, who hit his chest and rolled around on the floor in case he couldn’t breathe, completely lost his will to fight.

No, you’d be right to say you can’t afford to continue the battle.


Someone’s appreciation came from behind, but I ignored it and released the grease under the feet of the troll.

‘He’s a big guy. It’s easier than I thought.’

I may have simply fought well, but I think this is enough to hunt.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to deal with two at the same time at this level, and the risk is different from that of Orc.


At ease, I approached him and cut the tangled intestines like a yarn with the spear.

If my hands and feet were cut off, can I recover like a lizard’s tail?

But how do I recover if I cut off the middle of the intestines that connect both sides?

I think it’s impossible to recover unless one connects the cut with hands again.

And the severed bowel will cause him tremendous pain.

The movement of the guy, who couldn’t do this, just wriggled and soon faded.

[Quest completed successfully]

[First quest on Earth. All capabilities rise by one.]

[Intermediate reward card acquired]

[Safety house acquired]

Then, as the fog that hung around began to fade, people shouted with jubilant expressions.

“The fog is clearing!”

“I’m alive! I’m alive!”

But if I go back to the way I was right now, my situation would be embarrassing.

“Sleep for a second.”

“Great deal?”

I used sleep magic on them, picked up equipment, including gas guns and trilogy sticks, and quickly hid in the bushes.


The bodies of the monsters disappeared with fog and the usual scenery of the park welcomed me.

I was worried that people might be gathered around me, but the fog was quiet to see if it had a function to bite people and disturb their perception.

Looking at the time, it was obvious that about half an hour had passed, and it was strange that no one had realized more than that.

Last time, there were people who recognized fog, what happened?

People began to emerge one by one after a long time after the fog cleared up.

“What, what, man!”

The citizens entered the Kkachisan Park and ran, freaked out when they saw the five men and women lying on the floor, and after checking their safety, I returned to my original form and headed the opposite way with my bag on my back.

Perhaps now that I came to my senses, the voice of a middle-aged man resonated in the Kkachisan Mountain Park like an echo.

I smirked out the disparate objects I felt in my pocket.

[Intermediate Rewards]

In the circumstances, the compensation that was supposed to be at the bedside came from the pocket.

“This is my first intermediate.”

Expectations are high on what can be gained from intermediate reward cards.

It would be nice to have strong skills and information about the future like last time.

[Registered copy]

And with a reward card and a bunch of paper from my pocket, I had to put on an absurd face.

When I heard that the reward was a safe house, I didn’t think it would be a real house.

I was embarrassed because I thought it was something similar in name.
[Owner Cho Jihoon]

The names of the land and buildings were all in my name and were clean without a mortgage.

The location is near the Yongsan Triangle area, with about 150 pyeong of land and 65 pyeong in one building combined with one to two floors.

However, it seems that there must be something to be called a “safe house,” but there seemed to be nothing special just by looking at the copy of the register.

“By the way, a house this big in Yongsan…….”

Wouldn’t it be a little over a billion?

“What the hell is this?”

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