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WMPW chapter 14

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Seeing Lucian’s intention to wash together, a hint of surprise flickered across Etienne’s face.

“Um… together?”

Just a few days ago, he had bravely approached him, but now his body trembled so much that even moving a few steps was difficult. Any more exertion and he feared his back might truly break.

Gone was the seductive demeanor from a few days ago, replaced by a purely adorable appearance that made Lucian chuckle as he reassured the omega.

“Don’t worry. I just plan to wash you.”

“Oh, okay… but I can wash myself, you know?”

“Not when you can barely walk on your own.”


Ignoring Etienne’s grumbling, Lucian gently sat him on the edge of the tub and began to fill it with warm water, adjusting the temperature himself.

If the servants had seen the Duke of Leondine personally preparing the bath, they would have been astonihed, but Etienne was unaware of this.

As Lucian carefully filled the tub, Etienne watched quietly and then suddenly spoke.

“By the way, the tailor of your house seems to be very skilled.”

“I suppose so.”

Though unsure of the context, Lucian responded dutifully.

“Do you want to call him to get new clothes tailored today?”

“No, that’s not it. I just find it interesting.”

Interesting? What was?

Lucian was about to ask when he heard Etienne’s mumbling, making him momentarily dazed.

“It’s amazing how well this conceals everything…”

Once again, warmth spread through Lucian’s body.

Etienne had no intention of seducing or teasing Lucian.

Even before his transmigration, he was a young man of twenty, so this kind of conversation was common among his peers, especially with other men.

However, for Lucian, it was a different matter entirely…

“Or maybe not… Oh, no!”

Unable to hold back, Lucian pounced on Etienne, leaving another mark on his delicate neck.

Clinging to his fleeting rationality, Lucian bit down on the already bruised skin of the omega’s neck before letting go.

His hand gripping Etienne’s frail shoulder showed veins from the effort of restraining himself.

“I told you… to stay still.”

“But I was sitting still… why…”

With tears welling up from the pain of his bitten skin, Etienne rubbed his neck. Seeing the teary-eyed omega, Lucian sighed inwardly for what felt like the hundredth time.

Then, in the next moment, he puhed Etienne into the tub.


“Hurry up and wash.”

Spluttering and shaking his head, Etienne looked like a small, adorable puppy. A puppy he wanted to hold and cherish.

“Unless you want to cause more trouble…”

Exerting his extraordinary self-control once more, Lucian followed the soaking omega into the tub.

“This time, stay still, Etienne.”


Fortunately, their bath time passed uneventfully. Though it required great patience from one side.

Etienne’s casual demeanor made the bath full of awkward moments. What was an ordinary bath for one, was a series of trials for the other.

Although Etienne’s knowledge on the matter was comprehensive, it hadn’t truly integrated into his being.

It seemed improbable that someone with his traits could reach adulthood without such essential understanding.

His partner, being exceptionally intelligent and astute, was not to blame.

The fault lay squarely on Director Kionel of the orphanage for neglecting proper sexual education.

Lucian concluded this while imagining how incensed and defensive Director Kionel would be if he heard this judgment.

“Your Grace, could you please let me down? I can walk by myself…”

“Stay still. Unless you want to tumble down the stairs.”

“But still, you don’t have to carry me around like I’m some princess from a fairy tale…”

When the two of them descended to the dining room, having changed into clean clothes, a sumptuous feast awaited them on the table.

Lucian placed Etienne in the seat next to the head of the table and took his place at the head.

“Wow, this is amazing.”

“Eat as much as you want. If there’s not enough, just let me know.”

Etienne couldn’t tear his eyes away from the banquet before him. His wide eyes sparkled as he took in the table laden with food.

There was freshly roasted chicken, savory-smelling bacon, and steaming meat pies.

Among all the meals he’d seen in the past few months, today’s feast was undoubtedly the best. His mouth watered instinctively.

“It looks delicious…”

However, Etienne hesitated, glancing around nervously instead of starting to eat. Lucian noticed this and spoke up.

“Why aren’t you eating? Is the food not to your liking?”

“Oh, no, it’s not that.”

Etienne shook his head, looking seriously at the array of silverware and multiple glasses before him.

“I just don’t know what to use. Why are there so many forks…”

Lucian froze for a moment, taken aback by Etienne’s response. Being noble by birth, he hadn’t expected such an answer.

But he quickly regained his composure and spoke nonchalantly.

“Don’t worry about it. Eat comfortably. No one here will judge you.”

“But… isn’t it considered uncouth and ignorant if I use the wrong one?”

Etienne spoke without much thought, with the same mindset as someone looking up a country’s etiquette before traveling there.

However, Lucian, who was irritated by the sight of an omega fretting over dining etiquette, furrowed his brow and replied.

“What’s so important about memorizing foolish rules like that?”

“But isn’t it somewhat important here?”

“Not at all. Do you think knowing which fork to use and which knife to use defines intelligence and manners?”

“Well… that does sound a bit off.”

“If anyone dares criticize you over something like that, tell me immediately. I’ll rip out the tongues of those ignorant fools.”


Etienne turned to Lucian in shock at his terrifying words, seeing Lucian’s earnest expression and the knife in his hand, making him look even more threatening.

As Etienne cowered slightly, Lucian continued in a sincere tone.

“The knowledge and thought you possess are the true marks of intelligence and culture, far more than any empty vanity obsessed with useless formalities.”

He wasn’t just saying this. Lucian was not one to speak insincerely.

He genuinely believed this. To him, Etienne’s pure intellect shone brighter and was more noble and beautiful than any adorned noble flaunting their elegance with fine clothes and jewels.

If there was such a thing as a blessing from the gods, it would undoubtedly refer to the marvelous intellect of this young man with clear green eyes.

It was pure and sincere praise that he had never directed at anyone else before.

“I can change such useless formalities whenever you want. What do you want to use to eat?”

“Well, then…”

But Etienne, still oblivious to many things, didn’t know to be moved by such words. He didn’t even know that Lucian almost never praised anyone else.

Thus, Etienne, eyes twinkling with curiosity, picked up a small fork as if he were about to eat some fruit and chattered.

“This one.”


“Can I eat meat with this?”

A brief silence ensued. During this time, Etienne, with his sparkling emerald eyes full of anticipation, looked at Lucian.

Lucian, who silently observed Etienne’s innocent brightness for a moment, finally picked up one of the neatly placed forks and spoke.

“Watch closely. You use this to eat the meat.”


“Just use the utensils from the outside in.”

“That’s no fun.”

Grumbling, Etienne still followed Lucian’s example, picking up a fork and stuffing his mouth with meat.

Listening quietly to their conversation, the butler, Ferden, thought to himself, though he didn’t show it.

He had thought his master was the most insane person he would ever serve, but now another even crazier person had come along.

With a sense of impending misfortune, the loyal butler quietly bowed his head, feeling his life was about to become even more difficult.

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1 month ago

poor butler😂😅

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