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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Don’t you think we are going too fast? chapter 24

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After waking him up and buying him coffee, I said a silly farewell and ran out of the bus.

Outside, the cold air hit my face harshly.

The winter air sharply cooled my flushed cheeks as I lightly slapped them with my palms and shook my head.

“What, Moon Sunwoo, are you going to switch buses with me?”

“Where have you been?”

“I was just enjoying the rest stop.”

Kangseop, who had come to the bus with the others, proudly showed off the rest stop specialties he was holding, making me look at him incredulously and kick the ground.

“Are you going to keep leaving Lee Taeshin alone?”

“Moon Sunwoo, as I’ve said many times, Lee Taeshin is the one who doesn’t hang out with me.”

Kangseop dodged my foot lightly and grumbled.

“Anyway, if you’re not switching buses, don’t talk to me or text me. That guy has a really bad temper and could backstab you anytime.”

“You’re always talking nonsense…”


Kangseop slipped away and got back on the bus. Tsk tsk. Cousins should treat each other better.

“You left first but got here later than us.”

“Yeah, I was seeing a friend for a bit.”

“The friend you mentioned earlier?”

I nodded at Jonghoon’s question, recalling the pheromones I felt from Lee Taeshin in the car.

Given the intensity of the pheromones just now and this morning, could it be that his condition isn’t good today?

Lee Taeshin usually never has trouble controlling his pheromones…

After driving a bit more, the bus arrived at the accommodation and parked in the lot.

The students, who had fallen asleep, groaned and stretched as they woke up.

“Everyone, please get up. We will now disembark and unpack at the accommodation. I will call out the assigned room numbers, so please disembark and head to your rooms. Assigned members for room 305, please listen.”

Hearing the word “accommodation,” everyone rubbed their sleepy eyes and stretched their stiff bodies, listening intently.

After hearing my assigned room number, I texted Lee Taeshin to let him know.

[What room are you in? I’m in 306.]

[Taeshin♥> 302. Looks like we won’t be able to hang out much.]

[Yeah, we keep getting separatedㅠ]

From the bus to the accommodation, Lee Taeshin and I were apart.

I felt a mix of disappointment and relief, making me feel a bit guilty towards Lee Taeshin.

After grabbing my bag and disembarking, I followed the people from the Management A bus up the stairs towards the accommodation.

I saw Lee Taeshin walking ahead with Kangseop beside him. Despite complaining, Kangseop seemed to be looking out for his cousin.

Kangseop said something, and Lee Taeshin ran his hand through his hair, a habit he had when he was upset.

I worried if something had happened, but Lee Taeshin suddenly stopped walking and looked back in my direction.

Did he sense my gaze?

However, he didn’t make eye contact and resumed walking.

“What are you looking at? Let’s go.”

“Oh, okay.”

I also went to find my assigned room. After looking around the spacious ondol room with a built-in wardrobe and a bathroom, I put my bag down in a corner.

Cheolmin put his bag down and read the schedule posted on the wall.

“We have to gather in the main auditorium by 1:30.”

“Right after we drop off our bags? I’m hungry.”

“Yeah, we should eat first.”

Noeul, who had thoroughly enjoyed various snacks from the rest stop, grumbled about being hungry. After roughly unpacking, I left the room and saw Jonghoon coming from the next room.

Many students were heading to the main auditorium after reading the schedule.

“The schedule is tight, even though we’re tired.”

“Maybe it’s because we got here late?”

Nodding at Noeul’s reasonable guess, I noticed a familiar back ahead.

“She looks just like her aunt. Surely, she’s contacted you…”

“Block her.”

“Did you block Seoyoung? When? Are you crazy?”

Kangseop, laughing at something, was walking beside Lee Taeshin. Lee Taeshin stopped and turned around. We were close, so this time we made eye contact immediately.


“Hey, Lee Taeshin. Heading to the auditorium?”

“Yeah. Did you unpack well?”

Seeing Lee Taeshin approach slowly, I observed his complexion.

The closer he got, the more I felt his pheromones.

Given how distinct and strong they were, Lee Taeshin’s condition was definitely not good.

Usually, he’s excellent at controlling his pheromones, so it worried me that it was so obvious.

Trying to calm my strangely excited heart, I spoke.

“I just had time to drop my bag. Let me introduce you, they’re our age and in the same year.”

I introduced Jonghoon, Noeul, and Cheolmin standing next to me, and Lee Taeshin turned to look at each of them.

After familiarizing himself with their faces, Lee Taeshin smiled and greeted them.





“Hey Moon Sunwoo, look at you favoring Taeshin. Aren’t you going to introduce me?”

Park Kangseop, who had stopped smiling, came over and grumbled. Annoyed by his complaint to take care of him too and not just Taeshin, I introduced the three of them.

As Park Kangseop cheerfully exchanged greetings, Taeshin mentioned we were late and led us to the auditorium.

Realizing the corridor was empty, we ran to the auditorium where everyone had already gathered.

I found a seat cautiously and sat down with Taeshin beside me, while Park Kangseop, who had quickly made friends with the other three, sat at the front, whispering about something.

As the department president made various announcements from the podium, Taeshin’s pheromones subtly filled the air.

This isn’t good… Not just for me, but other Alpha and Omega students might have a hard time. Trying to endure it, I lightly tapped Taeshin.

“Taeshin, are you not feeling well today?”


“No, you just… look unwell.”

I hesitated to mention the pheromones and gave an evasive answer.

Biting my lips nervously, Taeshin tilted his head in thought before smiling warmly.

“I’m not sure. If I feel worse later, I’ll let you know and take a rest.”


As Taeshin smiled, the pheromones became even stronger. I held my breath and clenched my fists tightly.

Taeshin, unaware of my discomfort due to his pheromones, reached out and patted my head as usual. Although I couldn’t say anything, I quietly felt his touch.

When Taeshin patted my head, the soft and gentle pheromones enveloped me more clearly, rendering me powerless.

It felt like a soft force erasing any resistance, making me unable to do anything but follow its gentle lead.

As I looked up at Taeshin, he withdrew his hand and faced forward.

Miraculously, the overwhelming pheromones that had been troubling me began to fade and disappear.

Wiping my sweaty palms on my clothes and swallowing a sigh, I noticed the surroundings were in a commotion. People were getting up and heading out.

“What’s going on?”

“Announcement’s over. After lunch, we gather again for the orientation. They forgot to print the lunch break on the schedule, so we have to eat and come back.”

“Really? I wondered why we weren’t having lunch.”

“I’m hungry~ Let’s go eat.”

Jung Noeul, who had been complaining about hunger, stomped his feet. With Go Cheolmin teasing him about starving to death, we headed to the cafeteria.

After eating at the buffet-style restaurant, we reconvened in the auditorium where the department president started the orientation in earnest.

Following the basic department introduction that lasted several hours, we moved to another building for an event and club promotion performances.

The club promotion venue was dark and enclosed, reminding me of the incident at the cinema, so I kept a safe distance from Taeshin.

Given Taeshin didn’t seem well, I thought it might be hard to maintain my composure if I sensed his pheromones.

“Should we eat separately?”

After the hours-long club promotion performances ended, it was time for dinner. Park Jong Hoon, who had come to find Taeshin and Park Kangseop with me, suggested.

Over there, Park Kangseop and Taeshin were caught by others, listening to them. It seemed like a club invitation.

As Park Kangseop noticed me, he gestured for us to go ahead.

“He says we should go. Let’s go.”

Go Cheolmin, who was watching with me, patted our shoulders. Nodding, we headed to the cafeteria for dinner after one last look at Taeshin’s back.

“Oh, Sunwoo, I haven’t given you my number yet.”

“Oh, really? Give me your phone.”

“You haven’t given me yours either.”

“Oh, I forgot.”

We exchanged the missed numbers. After saving them in our contact lists, we talked about the drinking party later that night and the course registration from a week ago.

Jung Noeul excitedly said he also enrolled in the same dreaded course I accidentally chose instead of a highly rated one. At least I wouldn’t suffer alone.

“I’m so tired~ I just want to soak in something warm.”

Complaining about the tightly packed schedule, we headed back to the auditorium. We were greeted by student council seniors waving us in.

“Four people… a total of 20. Done. You guys, over there, go that way.”

“That way?”

“Go introduce yourselves and get to know each other. You’ll be in the same group for the recreation activities.”

Following the instruction, we joined the designated group. Since it was a first-come-first-served basis, Taeshin and Park Kangseop, who arrived later, ended up in a different group across the room.

“Alright, let’s gather around. Sit in a circle over there, including that friend.”

During the break, the department president organized the seating.

Forming new groups, we sat in a circle as tables were set up in the middle with drinks and snacks.

Student council seniors joined us, filling in the gaps.

As we grabbed drinks and snacks, we had light conversations. A senior introduced themselves and shared tips on campus life and course information, ensuring no one was left out.

Then, a loud beep from the microphone drew our attention to the podium.

“Alright, everyone. We’ll play some games to get to know each other better. To make it more fun, the winning group gets special snacks. Let’s give a round of applause! Great. Now, let’s start with groups 1 to 5. Who’s confident in singing? Raise your hand!”

With the enthusiasm of a recreation instructor, the department president kicked off the games.

There were absolute pitch, word chain, and staring contests, with small snacks like jerky and sausages awarded to the winning groups.

“The next game is the Pepero game. Each group needs one person with a big appetite to eat as much Pepero as possible. Please step forward!”

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1 month ago


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not work with dark mode