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What is the meaning of life without love? chapter 3

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When the desserts arrived, Wei Jie scooped a spoonful of double-skin milk and brought it to Fang Shucheng ‘s mouth, “The first taste is for you.”

Fang Shucheng opened his mouth and ate it, licking the spoon, “Why?”

Wei Jie smirked, “If it’s not good, I won’t have to eat it.”

Fang Shucheng, with sweetness in his mouth and a good mood, pretended to complain, “Using me as a guinea pig, huh?”

Wei Jie, “Hmm, is it good?”

Fang Shucheng smacked his lips, refusing to tell, “Why don’t you try it yourself?”

Wei Jie took a bite, his eyebrows furrowing and his face tightening. It was too sweet.

Fang Shucheng couldn’t help but laugh, “So if you don’t like sweets, why come to a dessert shop?”

Wei Jie took a sip of water to wash away the sweetness, mumbling, “There’s nothing else to do anyway.”

Fang Shucheng scooped a spoonful of mango sago and, mimicking Wei Jie, brought it to his mouth, “You should try it first, too.”

Wei Jie quickly backed away.

Fang Shucheng leaned forward, holding the spoon towards Wei Jie’s mouth, “Just one spoon! Fair is fair!”

Wei Jie made Fang Shucheng swear, “Just one spoon, okay?”

Fang Shucheng nodded, and Wei Jie reluctantly opened his mouth and tasted the mango sago.

Then, feeling several eyes on him, he turned and saw a few girls hastily looking away, one of them quietly putting away her phone.

He frowned and walked over, tapping their table, “Did you just take a photo?”

The girl with the phone blushed and stammered, “N-no.”

At six feet three, Wei Jie’s imposing figure cast a large shadow over the table, intimidating the girls.

Fang Shucheng put down his spoon and walked over, asking, “What’s wrong?”

Wei Jie, with a stern face, said, “I saw them taking our picture.”

Fang Shucheng was surprised, but understanding, given Wei Jie’s strikingly handsome face, he said to the girls, “Sorry, he doesn’t like being photographed. If you did take any, please delete them.”

The girl who took the picture, embarrassed, showed Fang Shucheng her phone, “Just one side profile shot, can’t I keep it? I promise not to upload it online.”

Fang Shucheng glanced at Wei Jie, who, still angry, said, “Delete it immediately!”

The girl, looking awkward, didn’t dare to argue and deleted the photo.

Then, the group of girls quickly left without ordering anything.

Back at their table, Fang Shucheng poked Wei Jie’s shoulder with his finger, “Why are you so mad? It’s just a photo.”

Wei Jie angrily said, “If I hadn’t noticed, your photo would still be on that girl’s phone.”

Fang Shucheng was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter. “Pfft.”

Wei Jie was annoyed, “Is that funny? I don’t like you appearing on other people’s phones.”

Fang Shucheng replied, “But she was obviously taking a photo of you. I was just in the background. And even if you don’t like it, it doesn’t matter. I’ll definitely be in the graduation photobook, and everyone will have a copy.”

Wei Jie was irritated, “That’s different.”

Fang Shucheng responded nonchalantly, “Alright, alright, it’s different if you say so.”

Wei Jie warned Fang Shucheng, “From now on, you need my permission before taking pictures with others.”

Fang Shucheng had never heard such an unreasonable request before, and tried to stifle his laughter as he ate his dessert.

Wei Jie pinched Fang Shucheng ‘s chubby cheeks. “Did you hear me? Don’t just focus on eating.”

Fang Shucheng mumbled, “Mmm hmm.”

Wei Jie released his grip.

Fang Shucheng rubbed his cheek, “Got it.”

Seeing a red mark on Fang Shucheng ‘s face, Wei Jie realized he had pinched too hard and said regretfully, “Why is your skin so delicate?”

Fang Shucheng, annoyed, replied, “I’ll apologize on behalf of my face, alright?”

Wei Jie said, “That’s not what I meant.”

Like a golden retriever who had accidentally scratched its owner, Wei Jie felt guilty and hesitantly reached out, “Let me massage it for you.”

Fang Shucheng pushed his hand away, “You’re too strong. It’ll just make it worse.”

Wei Jie awkwardly pulled his hand back, glanced at Fang Shucheng ‘s face again, and had a sudden realization.

In a flash, Wei Jie leaned in and quickly kissed Fang Shucheng ‘s cheek.

Fang Shucheng was initially stunned, then touched the spot where he had been kissed.

A few seconds later, his face turned bright red.

Wei Jie smugly said, “Now it doesn’t hurt, right?”

Fang Shucheng was speechless.

Angrily, Fang Shucheng exclaimed, “How old are you? You’re so childish!”

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1 month ago


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