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The Aftermath of Divorcing the Wealthy Man chapter 41

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Gu Feiyang guessed what she wanted to say and said indifferently, “This little gift is nothing much, it’s not something very valuable. I just bought some figurine gifts on my trip abroad. Do you really want to be polite and refuse to accept them?”

At this point, Su Lingwei couldn’t really refuse Gu Feiyang anymore, so she smiled and accepted his gift, saying, “I’ll bring you a figurine gift in return.”

“Sure, I’ll be waiting.” With that, Gu Feiyang started the car and drove out of the underground parking lot.

“Let’s go to Grandma Qiao’s Dessert Shop first and buy a Black Forest cake, then go to First Love Tea House to buy milk tea,” Su Lingwei directed Gu Feiyang.

Gu Feiyang glanced at her quickly and asked, “Is that all you’re having for dinner?”

Su Lingwei hurriedly explained, “It’s not for me, it’s for Li Xinran. She’s bored staying alone in the hospital and the food she eats is all sent from home, very bland. She’s craving something.”

Gu Feiyang laughed when he heard this. “That’s Li Xinran’s preference.”

Before long, Gu Feiyang drove the car to Grandma Qiao’s Dessert Shop.

Su Lingwei got out to buy a piece of Black Forest cake, then had Gu Feiyang drive to a nearby First Love Tea House and bought a cup of brown sugar pearl milk tea that Li Xinran liked.

When Su Lingwei and Gu Feiyang arrived at the hospital and walked to the VIP ward where Li Xinran was staying, they saw Li Xinran leaning against the bed, playing games on her phone, completely engrossed, with a fierce and domineering aura, a true gaming king.

“Wei Wei, Feiyang, you’re here. Just sit anywhere, I’ll finish this round first.” Li Xinran only glanced at them before burying herself in her game again.

She was so engrossed in the game that she didn’t have time to greet them.

Su Lingwei and Gu Feiyang exchanged glances and couldn’t help but smile.

Fortunately, Li Xinran didn’t play for too long and finished the game in a few minutes.

Su Lingwei handed the bought Black Forest cake and milk tea to Li Xinran. “Here’s the cake and milk tea you wanted.”

“Wow!” Li Xinran’s eyes lit up as she took the cake and milk tea, smiling brightly at Su Lingwei. “I knew you’d be the one to spoil me the most, Wei Wei. I love you, Wei Wei.”

Before she could finish her words, Gu Feiyang, who was sitting beside her, coughed lightly with his hand against his chin, as if reminding Li Xinran that there was someone else beside her.

Li Xinran rolled her eyes at Gu Feiyang, not caring about him at all, happily eating her cake and drinking her milk tea, while also praising Su Lingwei as the best and most beautiful.

After spending over an hour at the hospital with Li Xinran, Su Lingwei and Gu Feiyang finally left.

As they drove, Gu Feiyang asked Su Lingwei, “It’s late and you haven’t had dinner. Are you hungry?”

Su Lingwei hadn’t felt hungry before, but now she was starting to, so she nodded and said, “What should we eat then?”

“I know a place where the food is really good,” Gu Feiyang suggested. “Let me take you there.”

“What place?” Su Lingwei asked curiously.

“You’ll see when we get there,” Gu Feiyang teased, speeding up towards their destination.

After driving for a while, Su Lingwei looked at the increasingly familiar streets. Memories unfolded in her mind like old photos being dusted off, and she couldn’t help but feel excited. “I know where you’re taking me.”

The old place, a well-known old Chinese restaurant they used to frequent as children.

The decor had an antique charm, with tables and chairs in the style of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Even the bowls were specially selected, and the servers dressed like attendants from that era.

“Here it is,” Gu Feiyang said, looking at the slightly old sign at the entrance. A smile appeared on his handsome face. “After all these years, the business at the old place is still thriving.”

Su Lingwei hadn’t been to the “old place” for a long time, probably since Gu Feiyang went abroad.

Today, Gu Feiyang suddenly brought her here, and many memories flooded back to her mind, one by one.

Back then, everything was so beautiful.

“Let’s go in,” Gu Feiyang turned and said to Su Lingwei with a smile.

Su Lingwei nodded and followed Gu Feiyang inside.

A server approached to greet them. After learning that they were there to eat, the server led them to a private room at the back.

Just as they were about to enter the room, a voice behind Su Lingwei made her reluctant to hear.

“Su Lingwei.”

She used to love Xiao Zhenyu’s voice so much, but now she disliked it equally.

Especially at a time when she was in a good mood, encountering this person who made her unhappy, she wished he could disappear from her surroundings and never appear again.

Didn’t hear, didn’t hear, didn’t hear!

Su Lingwei pretended not to hear, silently chanting in her mind to hypnotize herself, and quickly followed Gu Feiyang into the private room.

“Su Lingwei!”

Xiao Zhenyu raised his voice. He had just come out of the restroom and saw Su Lingwei.

She was wearing the lake-blue dress he remembered seeing her wear when he went home that day. He had a very vivid memory of that dress.

But what he didn’t expect was that while he still remembered it vividly, Su Lingwei had already walked forward.

Even when she clearly saw him, she pretended not to notice.

“Why are you walking so fast? Avoiding me?”

As Su Lingwei tried to walk away quickly, Xiao Zhenyu took a big step forward, reached out, and grabbed Su Lingwei’s hand.

Su Lingwei was speechless.

She turned her head to look at Xiao Zhenyu and said coldly, “Let go.”

Seeing Su Lingwei’s somewhat cold gaze, Xiao Zhenyu loosened his grip on her hand.

Su Lingwei took the opportunity to quickly pull her hand back.

“Wei Wei.” Gu Feiyang heard the movement behind him, turned around, and looked at Xiao Zhenyu deeply, his eyes full of vigilance.

He took a step forward and stood beside Su Lingwei, clearly in a protective stance. “Mr. Xiao, what do you want?”

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