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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy between Monday-Friday, posting of new chapters will be on Saturday and Sunday!

The only unplanned thing in my life chapter 1

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Lee Kahyun’s life was shaped by thorough plans and strategies from the moment of his birth.

Born through in vitro fertilization at a fertility clinic in Apgujeong, he was raised in a home that, to some, might seem excessively devoid of affection.

The Lee couple, whose marriage was the result of a strategic political alliance, provided their only son, Kahyun, with everything except affection, while demanding much in return.

To most people, growing up in a loveless home with parents who only cared about academic and social success would have been a breeding ground for emotional scars and rebellion.

But for Kahyun, it was merely a nurturing environment, like a fish thriving in water.

Kahyun was born with an exceptional sense for what would benefit him.

He could immediately discern who and what could be advantageous to him.

To Kahyun, his parents were not the type of naive people who would let emotions get in the way of their ambitions.

They were valuable allies who, once he proved his worth, would provide him with limitless support.

What they wanted from him were demands that Kahyun had no difficulty meeting.

Additionally, he was blessed with striking looks—so much so that the nurses in the newborn ward all suggested he should be a child model—and Kahyun was fully aware of how to leverage this advantage.

Thanks to his looks, Kahyun was popular with both boys and girls from a young age.

He received his first confession of love at the prestigious private kindergarten he attended, an institution with a grandiose name implying national pride.

The first in his long history of confessions came from Park Goeun, a student in the Class next door.

The girl, with a pink envelope in hand and a face flushed to match, shyly confessed his feelings.

Kahyun, who had already researched the family backgrounds of all the students in the kindergarten to identify potential allies, felt a pang of regret.

Park Goeun was a fairly good candidate for a romantic relationship, but Kahyun had already planned to have his first girlfriend when he became student body president at the age of 18.

With an air of maturity, using words Goeun couldn’t possibly understand, he explained that they were still too young and immature to rush into a relationship, and politely rejected his confession.

Surprisingly, at 18, Kahyun not only achieved his goal of becoming student body president of Daehan High School but also succeeded in dating the vice president of Hwasu Girls’ High School.

He had it all: a wealthy family, a carefully curated reputation, and exceptional looks.

With all these assets at his disposal, there had never been a time when Kahyun couldn’t achieve something he set his mind to—until he found that cursed wallet.

That day had started just like any other.

Having recently secured a unanimous vote from the shareholders, Kahyun had become the youngest director of Goseong Foods, making his schedule busier than usual.

Still, one of his long-standing habits was to visit the convenience store across from the company once a week to check on the market share, promotions for new products, and discounts from telecom companies.

This week, Kahyun had been too busy and only managed to visit the store on Friday. He strolled in, feeling relaxed for the first time in a while.

The part-time worker recognized Kahyun and greeted him warmly, to which Kahyun responded with a nod. He had been keeping an eye on this worker for some time.

The young man had seemed familiar ever since he started working at the store two months ago, and Kahyun soon realized that this was the same man who had participated in a large eco-friendly food packaging competition held last year.

Although he hadn’t won the grand prize, he led a team with a novel idea that won a special award.

Kahyun, after closely observing him, realized that the part-timer was not only efficient and polite but had also managed to win over the notoriously strict store manager.

Naturally, Kahyun was intrigued.

Having already introduced himself, Kahyun was now in the process of recruiting this young man to Goseong Foods.

As he passed by, he greeted the worker and began leisurely browsing the store.

While inspecting the eye-catching display of a new snack that had recently been launched, something caught Kahyun’s attention.

A worn-out black wallet was sitting by itself next to the microwave, clearly forgotten by someone.

Thinking it best to leave it with the cashier, Kahyun picked up the wallet and approached the part-timer, who was busy organizing the cigarette display.

The worker turned around at Kahyun’s approach and asked in a friendly tone:

“Did you find everything okay? I was beginning to wonder if you weren’t coming this week.”

“I had some work, so I could only come today. Oh, Hyunwook, I think someone left their wallet by the sample stand.”

“Oh, really? Thank you!”

Hyunwook inspected the wallet that Kahyun handed him and gasped in surprise. He quickly started dialing a number.

After a few rings, someone answered.

“Hey, Park Minjae! How could you leave your wallet here, you idiot!”

Ah, so the wallet belonged to one of Hyunwook’s friends.

Satisfied that the situation would soon be resolved, Kahyun thought little of it, but Hyunwook’s teasing expression gradually shifted to one of concern.

“Right, you’re headed straight from school today. I can’t take it to you either because I’m covering someone else’s shift. What should we do?”

From what Kahyun could gather from the conversation, neither Minjae nor Hyunwook had time to pick up the wallet.

Kahyun recalled from their previous conversations that Hyunwook attended Wonha University.

It was just before 2 PM. Kahyun had a 3:30 PM appointment at a new commercial shoot, and he remembered that the route to the studio passed near Wonha University.

Kahyun valued talent. And to recruit such talent, he never hesitated to offer small acts of kindness or help.

While he was considering this, Hyunwook, still without a solution, ended the call and turned to Kahyun with an apologetic expression.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, sir. This wallet belongs to a friend of mine, but things are a bit complicated right now.”

“No problem. Hyunwook, didn’t you mention that you attend Wonha University?”

“Oh, yes! I’m surprised you remember that. What an honor!”

The young man, whose dream was to work for Goseong Foods, was visibly flustered that someone so high up in the company remembered a detail about him.

“Is your friend a student there as well?”

“Yes, he’s a clubmate.”

“I happen to be passing by Wonha University today. I can return the wallet to him on my way.”

“Sorry? Oh, no! That’s too much to ask, sir. Really, I’m already grateful just for the offer.”

Hyunwook waved his hands in disbelief at Kahyun’s unexpected proposal, his eyes widening in shock.


Kahyun had successfully created a sense of indebtedness.

Smiling with satisfaction, Kahyun continued:

“I’m offering because I have a good impression of you. If I can’t do this small favor for a future Goseong Foods employee, what kind of leader would I be?”

At Kahyun’s flattering words, Hyunwook’s face turned bright red, as if he still couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

“A-a future Goseong Foods employee…?”

“Tell your friend he owes you a treat for the favor I’m doing thanks to you.”

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  1. Kry says:

    Looks good!!!

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