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7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 29

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Malrang is quick to anger and just as quick to cool off.

It’s not easy to live in the moment and not hold grudges, but Malrang manages to do just that.

The sight of it made Seo Woohyun smile.

As he continued petting the child, Malrang suddenly flipped onto his back, exposing his belly.

“I’ll let you touch my belly. I don’t even let my mom or dad touch it.”

“But you hate having your belly touched.”

“I’ll make an exception for Hyung. It’s a reward for promising to come to my coming-of-age ceremony.”

Though Malrang had persistently invited Erdian to his ceremony only to be rejected, Seo Woohyun’s acceptance must have earned high points with the young dragon.

Seo Woohyun didn’t refuse and stroked the child’s soft belly.

“Maybe you’re feeling hungry; your belly seems a bit hollow. Should we eat a big meal soon?”

“Yeah! What’s for lunch today?”

“Hmm, what should we have? Maybe we can cook up a soup or stew before the vegetables get too soft?”

“Great! Hyung, keep rubbing my belly. It feels nice and warm.”

Watching the child lie on his back like that, he looked more like a puppy than a dragon.

His pudgy limbs sprawled out as he enjoyed Seo Woohyun’s touch.

Erdian, who had been observing quietly, clicked his tongue.

There was always a set break time since they had to give the horses regular rest.

During these breaks, they would gather outside the carriage for meals or snacks.

Today, Seo Woohyun was watching the horses eat hay and vegetables.

The horses were so well-trained that their muscles were impressive.

At Justin’s suggestion, Seo Woohyun timidly touched them, marveling at their rock-like firmness.

Just then, a familiar teasing voice asked:

“Not practicing your holy power these days?”

It was Erdian, with Malrang hanging off his leg.

Since the forest fire incident, Seo Woohyun had stopped practicing his holy power.

He knew he needed to, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.

“We’re still in the forest. What if I accidentally start another fire?”

“I could always put it out again. It’s something you need to overcome. There are more forests on this continent than you think. Wouldn’t it be better to practice while I’m here instead of shrinking back every time you see a forest?”

Erdian’s logic was flawless.

He couldn’t let one mistake hold him back.

But after the massive fire, Seo Woohyun had been replaying the incident in his head, constantly reminding himself to be cautious.

He had lived in a society that wasn’t forgiving of mistakes for far too long.

“I’m not forcing you, though,” Erdian added when he saw Seo Woohyun’s hesitant expression.

Seo Woohyun hadn’t thought Erdian was pressuring him.

‘But I should take the opportunity while I have it.’

Seo Woohyun took a short breath and steeled his resolve.

If he neglected his practice after just one mistake, he’d become a lazy saint waiting for others to light his fires.

“No, I’ll practice hard.”

“I’ll even give you a quest to make it more rewarding.”

[Main Quest: ‘Practice’ has arrived.]

[Use holy power to light a fire. Excluding forest fires.]

[Reward: One of Erdian’s praise stamps.]

Staring at the glowing quest window in front of him, Seo Woohyun gave an awkward smile.

If only the phrase “Excluding forest fires” hadn’t been in the description, he might have respected Erdian a little more.

As it was, he couldn’t tell if Erdian was encouraging or mocking him.

“Well, if you don’t start a fire until tomorrow, that’ll be your fourth stamp.”

“Yes. I want to get more explanation from Tia. I really want to try lighting the fire today… I don’t want to set a fire though.”

“It’s never a bad idea to review. Tia’s good at explaining, so you might get the hang of it after hearing it again.”

“I hope so.”

It was during this cozy conversation that Malrang, who had been clinging to Erdian’s leg, suddenly bolted away.


This sudden action was unusual, as Malrang always announced where they were going or asked for permission before leaving.

They moved so fast it was hard to even chase after them.

‘Where are they suddenly going?’

Seo Woohyun followed Malrang’s sky-blue hair to a clearing behind a row of parked carriages.


Catching his breath, Seo Woohyun called out Malrang’s alias while scanning the area.

Just as he was trying to figure out why Malrang had run off, he noticed a stranger.

A man with tousled blonde hair tied back was pinned to the ground by Raullet, one hand holding him down.

As people gathered around, the man began shouting in panic.

“Ah! Let me go! I was just passing by!”

“Bro! He’s a thief! This guy was eyeing our carriage!”

The former pickpocket hatchling was pointing at the man.

So that’s why Malrang had rushed off—he must have recognized one of his own.

How could he have known about something happening so far away?

Apparently, Malrang’s senses were sharper than expected.

“A thief? I was just passing by! These people!”

“Why would someone who was just passing by try to open someone else’s carriage door?”

At Raullet’s low voice, the man, who had been screaming at the top of his lungs, suddenly fell silent.

He could feel the strength that kept him pinned to the ground and the cold, emotionless tone of her voice.

This wasn’t just any ordinary soldier; he was a highly trained elite knight.

He hadn’t even realized when he’d hit the ground.

Knights who moved so swiftly and quietly were rare.

‘I thought I’d finally get a good score, but of all places, why is there a knight with these priests? Could it be… a Temple Knight?’

Temple Knights usually operated alone.

In all his years of stealing from priests, he had never run into a knight, so naturally, he assumed this group would be no different.

‘Damn, I’m done for.’

As the thief regretted his mistake, Malrang, now back at Seo Woohyun’s side, added the final blow.

“And bro, I saw that guy on one of those wanted posters! He has those sharp eyes and a face you can’t forget!”

The thief, already frustrated at realizing his mistake, opened his mouth to yell, but quickly closed it again as the knight applied more pressure, silently warning him not to make any foolish moves.

With the situation largely under control, Giselle smiled kindly and spoke.

“There is a witness, but just to be thorough, I think I’ll have a word with this man, as is my duty as a priest of the Order.”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

Erdian readily handed over the matter of the petty thief to Giselle.

Then, wrapping his arm around Seo Woohyun’s shoulders, he turned them toward where the chairs were.

“There’s nothing worth seeing here, so let’s get back to practicing.”

His voice was gentle, but there was something unsettling about it.

The way he said “have a word” didn’t sound like it was going to be a simple conversation.

Even as Tia began teaching the basics of handling divine power, Seo Woohyun’s mind kept drifting back to the carriages.

He didn’t know much about Giselle, the head priest he had been working closely with.

He had always wanted to ask how she kept her long hair so perfectly maintained, but they weren’t close enough for such personal questions.

‘I wonder how Giselle is talking to that guy.’

With his poor imagination, it was hard to even guess what kind of methods she might be using.

Seo Woohyun, feeling curious, asked Tia cautiously.

“Um, Tia, if that person really is a thief, what kind of punishment will they get?”

“If it’s like Malrang said and he’s a wanted criminal, he could have his hand cut off or even be hanged.”

Seo Woohyun gulped at the idea of such harsh physical punishment.

Malrang, who had been watching nearby, also fell silent.

Seeing the usually chatty hatchling become so quiet made Tia fall silent as well.

An uncomfortable silence hung in the air, but Erdian, unbothered, mumbled nonchalantly.

“Worry about the thief later. Try lighting the fire. If the thief isn’t pardoned, that’s what’ll happen, but it’s not guaranteed.”

“Right. It depends on the situation, so that’s not always the punishment.”


Malrang let out a long sigh and quieted down.

Normally, this would be the moment when he would start chatting about hunting or snacks, but he only glanced around, looking anxious.

Trying to reassure him, Seo Woohyun gently patted Malrang’s cheek.

“Watch carefully. I won’t start another forest fire this time.”

“…Okay! You can do it, bro!”

Malrang clenched his fist, and Seo Woohyun, now more focused, turned his attention back to the pile of dry twigs.

Soon, a small flame, the size of a matchstick, flickered to life.


The intense concentration on his face melted into a bright smile.

As the small flame spread to the twigs and grew into a proper campfire, Malrang clapped his hands.

“Wow! You did it! No forest fire this time!”


Seo Woohyun clenched his fist and nodded. He glanced over at Erdian, who caught his eye.

‘If I’d started another forest fire, Erdian would have laughed his head off. Thank goodness!’

Thankfully, Erdian was nodding approvingly instead of bursting into laughter.

It felt good to finally have his skills acknowledged.

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  1. effluvialbloodhound says:

    “having a chat” yea, and next chapter, we will be told he had been pardoned along with his wanted poster being taken down permanently. the officials will hand over large money bags to the church for their blessed “””reformation””” (if no one can tell im joking LMAO, i really think the thief here is cooked)

  2. Alreign says:

    Rip the theif

  3. Moo says:

    Malrang is so cute!

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