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ETHTKE chapter 25

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“Recently, the Second Prince’s bird has been frequently spotted near the royal Wizards. And wherever that bird appeared, Lord Cheong Dowoon was also present, albeit with some discrepancy.”

Asel’s report flowed into Yigang’s ears, but his eyes remained fixed on Dowoon.

Because he wasn’t fully aware of it, only Yigang’s eyes and ears were busy.

Despite the sofa being the largest size available, Dowoon’s massive frame made it look small.

Dowoon was sprawled out on the sofa, his head sticking out humorously from the top, with his body draped over the armrests like laundry hung out to dry.

“A bird… Are you talking about that monster? Then Ken was right. The Second Prince is indeed keeping an eye on Cheong Dowoon.”

Mulling over Asel’s words for a moment, Yigang’s expression subtly darkened as he gently stroked Dowoon’s dark brown hair.

It wasn’t surprising since he had heard about it beforehand, but the sense of discomfort was a separate matter.

It was doubly irritating because he couldn’t just round up all the birds flying around the palace to catch one elusive monster.

“The Second Prince’s subordinate has been frequently visiting the poison garden recently. It seems they’ve been taking advantage of the loosened security due to the recent fire incidents. Moreover, they were seen gathering items beyond the poisonous plants they were ordered to collect.”

While others were told that the poison garden had burned down, in truth, not everything was destroyed.

That’s because the place was so crucial that it was equipped with special facilities using magic.

Thanks to that, no matter how large the fire, it didn’t suffer severe daWizard.

This was classified information not disclosed to non-royals, so everyone, including Dowoon and Ken, believed the royal estate had been completely burned down.

“What kind?”

“While it’s not certain, the faint sweet scent left behind suggests it’s most likely ‘Aquila.’ We predict with about 95% accuracy.”

The poisonous plant ‘Aquila’ was the most potent and dangerous among poisonous plants, capable of killing instantly with even a tiny dose.

It was also a well-known plant that the Dirzio royals had consumed from ancient times to develop resistance to poison.

However, due to the severe side effects that varied greatly from person to person, resulting in too many deaths, the practice of developing resistance using Aquila was discontinued by the previous generation.

As a result, the cultivation of Aquila was also prohibited.

Naturally, Aquila should not and could not exist in the poison garden—a forbidden plant.

Moreover, since it was dangerous enough to kill even royals with poison resistance, its existence was handled with extreme caution.

“Aquila isn’t supposed to be in the poison garden. Officially, it isn’t.”

“I couldn’t access the deeper sections, but I’m confident it’s hidden deep within the greenhouse.”

The poison garden was a system created solely by the Dirzio royal family for their use.

Therefore, unless someone was ordered or was a royal themselves, they couldn’t enter the enormous greenhouse where the garden was located.

“I’ll check it out myself.”

“But, Your Highness, right now…”

Asel trailed off, and Yigang, quickly realizing why, furrowed his brows harshly.

With the Founding Festival just around the corner, it was a time when all eyes were on the Crown Prince, Yigang.

Even the Emperor had become wary of Yigang’s growing power, so there was no need to mention the nobles.

“Damn, they planned this.”

The poison garden was a secretive part of the royal palace that only a few were permitted to enter, and only during certain periods.

In case of war, the poison garden, filled with all kinds of rare and cruel plants, would play a crucial role, so it was a veiled place that was handled with particular care.

Yet now, the Second Prince and his subordinate were brazenly frequenting such a place.

During a national event like the Founding Festival, they knew the Crown Prince, Yigang, couldn’t easily find a pretext to act, so they were pulling off these insolent actions.

But if Yigang carelessly went there, he would undoubtedly be the first to draw attention if an unexpected problem arose, making it difficult to act recklessly.

Moreover, there were very few people with enough resistance to poison to stay in the garden for even a short time, so it wasn’t easy to send someone else.

Recently, attention had also been drawn to Cheong Dowoon’s presence, so it was crucial to avoid any actions that could be seized upon.

Fortunately, the situation involving Dowoon had been resolved after he proved his abilities, but… the royal palace was not a kind place to rest easy.

“He lacks ability, but he’s certainly cunning.”

Contrary to the frustration in his words, Yigang’s expression remained calm, as usual. It was just an annoying matter, not an ordeal he couldn’t overcome.

“The Second Prince’s shadow is suspicious. There’s no trace, no evidence left behind. It’s as if he ‘doesn’t exist.’ We can’t catch him like this. The Second Prince never had such abilities before; something’s strange.”

Asel’s report continued, and Yigang’s gaze once again fell on the sleeping Dowoon.

“That… The only person who knows the answer is sound asleep, so there’s nothing we can do.”

All we can do is wait patiently…

Igang swallowed his last words faintly and gently stroked Dowoon’s sleeping hair.

Dowoon’s unruly hair quickly settled down as Yigang’s hand smoothed it out.

Asel, secretly shocked by the sight, slowly parted his lips in surprise.

It was truly an astonishing sight.

Even though he was witnessing it with his own eyes, he could hardly believe it and felt like washing his eyes with soap.

It’s astonishing that he would wait without waking up, even though the answer is right in front of him. If it were his usual lord, he would never, ever, have done such a considerate thing.

Yigang was the type who, if he even suspected someone of wrongdoing, would throw them straight into the dungeon without a shred of mercy.

And it wasn’t just that; he was known for making criminals confess everything, even their most personal secrets from their infancy, after various forms of torture.

So, it was only natural that Asel would be astonished by this scene.

If the person lying on this precious sofa wasn’t Cheong Dowoon but someone else…

No, if it weren’t Cheong Dowoon, they wouldn’t even be allowed to lie here in the first place.

This entire scenario was an exception, only possible because of Cheong Dowoon.

I had suspected it, but it was clear that Cheong Dowoon was indeed a special presence.

It was none other than Baek Yigang who was making Cheong Dowoon this way, leading the charge with the most enthusiasm.

Of course, his aloof lord would never admit to such a fact.

Cheong Dowoon stirred slightly, making a soft sound of discomfort as Yigang’s gentle hand continued to stroke him.

“Ungrateful… fool.”

Though Cheong Dowoon muttered these words in his sleep very softly, Asel and Yigang heard them clearly, rendering the sleep talk almost alarmingly distinct.

Ungrateful fool? Who is that referring to?

“Say thank you…”

Cheong Dowoon’s mouth opened again. It was unclear what kind of dream was causing him such irritation.

It seemed that someone in his dream had tricked him, hence his grumbling about gratitude.

Igang watched Cheong Dowoon’s carefree lips with a hint of amusement and a faint smile.

“It seems you’re having an interesting dream.”

“…Your Highness, Cheong Dowoon has been smiling more since his arrival.”


Yigang’s expression shifted subtly at Asel’s words.

It was hard to believe that Cheong Dowoon had made him laugh more. It was as if those who had died by his hand would rise from their graves and laugh about it.

“Surely the late Queen Dowager would be pleased. The change in you, Your Highness…”

“Stop with the nonsense. Leave.”

Yigang cut him off sharply, dismissing him with a cold gesture. Instantly, Asel’s presence vanished without a trace.

In the quiet office, only Yigang and Cheong Dowoon remained. A still, chilly air settled around them.

All of this was a reflection of Baek Yigang’s presence in the office. Strangely, despite the overall coldness, a warm, fuzzy atmosphere surrounded Cheong Dowoon.

“Cheong Dowoon.”

Cheong Dowoon, still deep in his dream, remained oblivious to his surroundings.

Igang, gazing down at him, softly murmured his name once more.

“…Cheong Dowoon.”

“Mmm… Yes.”

Whether he actually heard Yigang or was just mumbling, Cheong Dowoon’s soft cheeks met Yigang’s hand, which rested gently on them.

Seemingly enjoying the touch, Cheong Dowoon rubbed his cheek against Yigang’s hand, an instinctive, non-conscious action.

“I am—”

I won’t say what you want to hear. So don’t expect it.

Yigang’s calm voice, left unspoken, never reached Cheong Dowoon.

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6 days ago

Was he going to confess

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not work with dark mode