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ETHTKE chapter 20

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“We’ve arrived.”

As promised, Asel stepped back three paces as we arrived at the entrance to the Imperial Magic Department’s conference room.

Even though it was still close, it was much better than being glued to him like before.

I glanced at the plaque that read [Imperial Magic Department] and energetically turned the door handle. The solid gold door, which had been firmly shut, slowly creaked open.

As the door opened, the spacious interior was revealed, filling my narrow field of vision. And then, as my eyes took in the absurd scene before me, I instinctively stepped back.

“…W-What is all this?!”

On the large, wide table at the center of the conference room… something was sprawled out.

Items that explicitly resembled a certain part of a male anatomy were scattered everywhere, in large quantities, even.

I mean, what the heck is that…?

“Those are dild—”


Before Asel’s mouth could finish uttering the word, I quickly clamped a hand over it.

You have no sense of shame, do you? I, on the other hand, do! So let’s be careful with our words, okay…?


Among the many things, a long, red… object was vibrating rapidly, its presence so intense that it wasn’t just stealing my gaze but practically assaulting my eardrums.

As I lost my words in this unbearably wicked situation, Baek Yigang’s advice flashed through my mind.

‘Stay away from those things. They’re dangerous.’

“Wait, does ‘dangerous’ mean…?”

Does it refer to… something physical?

Baek Yigang, you bastard…! Couldn’t you have warned me about something this important in advance?

“Asel, let me ask you one thing. Are the imperial Wizards… perverts?”

My voice trembled involuntarily as it echoed through the spacious Imperial Magic Department conference room, the only other sound being the lewd buzzing of ‘that object.’

“I haven’t spoken with them, but…”


Asel’s words trailed off uncertainly. Gripped by a sense of foreboding, I stared at the vibrating object with blurry eyes, slowly retreating.

I think I misunderstood something. It’s too soon to try and get close to the Wizards.

The original story hasn’t even started yet, and I’m rushing things too much. So, let’s just go back for today and come back later. Much later…

“…It’ll be fine.”

“What do you mean ‘fine’… Asel, how can you say that after seeing this?”

Can’t you see my poor eyes shaking in terror against my will? I’m feeling seriously threatened right now! Very much so!

“They’re not bad people.”

“You said you’ve never talked to them?”

“I’ve seen them from afar.”

You…! How can you judge whether people are good or bad just by looking at them from a distance?!

The imperial Wizards were just minor characters in the original story, serving as comic relief with no significant information provided about them.

They only made brief appearances when they created the Dark Magic Detection Stones under Piel’s orders. That was it.



“People call that ‘not knowing.’”

“…I apologize.”

The sound of my teeth grinding in frustration was loud enough to make Asel nervously avert his eyes, his gaze rolling away from mine.

See? You’re not sure either!

“Forget it, let’s just go back today. It’s a good thing no one’s here anyway.”

Luckily or unluckily, no one had shown up at the Imperial Magic Department even though the meeting was supposed to start quite some time ago.

I am the wind, just a breeze passing through the Imperial Magic Department…! Let’s quickly get out of this insane place!


But when is that crazy device going to stop buzzing? Have some decency, please.

I don’t know whose preference it is among the two Wizards, but I definitely don’t want to get involved. No way.

Just as I was about to grab the door handle to leave…

“Hey, who’s that?”

Two kids, looking about as young as toddlers, walked into the conference room. They had colorful hoods pulled over their heads and tilted their heads curiously as they looked at me.


Was there really a child in the Imperial Palace? Judging by their appearance, they don’t seem like a servant… They look about eight years old at most. Who could they be?

“Ah! I think I know who this person is!”

Suddenly, one of the kids grabbed onto my pant leg and let out a short exclamation.

“You know, they said a new recruit was coming.”

“Oh, is this the new recruit? Wow, they’re just a baby.”

Another kid, upon hearing this, looked up at me and smirked. What the heck is with these kids?

Even though Asel stepped in front of me with his icy blue eyes, the children weren’t particularly startled. In fact, they looked even more amused by the situation, smiling brightly.

“Asel, wouldn’t it be better to block behind me rather than in front? After all… they are just children.”

Worried that these innocent kids might see the gruesome things on the table, I quickly blocked their view.

Asel seemed to agree with me and slowly moved to stand behind me.

“But what are you doing here? This is the Magic Department.”

“We’re here for a meeting. There’s a very important agenda today.”

“Right, we’ve been waiting for this day.”

The kids chatted away, bursting into cheerful laughter. A meeting? What kind of meeting? The only meeting I know of is for the Magic Department…

…Wait a minute.

“…Could it be that you’re Imperial Wizards?”

There was no mention in the original story that the Wizards were children. But there was a rumor that they were quite mischievous.

Just as I thought, the kids suddenly transformed into young men in the blink of an eye.

“Hello! I’m Blue, and this here is Reggie.”

The man who introduced himself as Blue had hair as blue as his name suggested. Meanwhile, Reggie’s hair was orange.

But surely, that name wasn’t inspired by an orange, right?

Well, since they’re side characters, I’ll just go along with it…

“Haha… unbelievable.”

A helpless sigh escaped my lips.

To think I’d end up facing the Wizards. I should’ve run away earlier. Honestly, there’s never a day that goes smoothly…

“You arrived quite early.”

“Sorry, sorry. We couldn’t get in touch with the Chief, so we just came ahead. Looks like it’ll be just the three of us for today’s meeting.”

Blue smoothly walked past me, laughing. Reggie shrugged his shoulders as he followed Blue into the hall.

The Chief, who had called me, was nowhere to be found, and instead, these strange Wizards showed up. I’m starting to get worried about what lies ahead…

I glanced at Asel, considering just pretending I didn’t know anything and leaving, but he shook his head firmly.

Having come this far, there was no turning back. In the end, I followed Blue and Reggie back into the meeting room.

“So, rookie, are you the so-called ‘parachute’ of the famous Crown Prince?”

The blunt question caught me off guard, but it was more surprising that it didn’t faze me.

I guess I’ve gotten too used to Baek Yigang’s direct way of speaking.

“How did you manage to charm that cold-hearted guy?”

“Yeah, I’m curious too. Those terrifying purple eyes of his give me chills every time.”

Blue and Reggie threw questions at me, but didn’t wait for an answer as they continued chatting amongst themselves, laughing cheerfully.

It seems that Baek Yigang’s notorious reputation is well-known not just among the nobles, but also among the Wizards.

“…I just got a bit lucky.”

“Oh, look at him! You don’t get a position as an Imperial Wizard by luck alone. And you don’t even have an official Wizard license, right?”

Reggie’s messy orange hair swayed wildly in front of me. Laughing loudly, he looked just like a witch from a fairy tale.

And… what a pervert! Why does he keep stroking my waist?!

“Reggie’s right. No matter how short-staffed the Empire is, they don’t just let anyone become an Imperial Wizard. Even with a shortage, the bar is still high.”

“A nameless person without a Wizard license being placed in the Imperial Palace—no wonder they’re struggling to deal with the aftermath. But I do like that reckless side of His Highness.”

…Wait a second, didn’t Reggie’s words just take a dark turn? No, I must’ve misheard.

It seems that I’ve become quite the topic of conversation in the Imperial Palace and beyond. It’s problematic to be this noticed even before the original story begins…

But what do they mean by “aftermath”? Was Baek Yigang forcing me into the Magic Department with dark magic not the end of it?

“Aftermath? What do you mean by that?”

“Do you really think His Highness would be safe after secretly bringing someone like you into the Imperial Palace? Why do you think he’s been so busy lately?”

At some point, the laughter faded from Blue’s face as he sharply questioned me.

It’s true that Baek Yigang has been busier since he visited the personnel department. He was always busy, but lately, it’s been even more noticeable. I just thought it was because of the upcoming founding festival.

“Of course, he’s busy… because he’s the Crown Prince. What exactly are you trying to say?”

“What do you think? He’s been dealing with a barrage of protests in meetings every day.”

Judging by his words, it could easily have sounded like mockery, but Blue’s tone was anything but sarcastic.

He was genuinely informing me in a calm, gentle voice.

“Of course, such insignificant outcries are nothing to him, but there might be a bloodbath soon. As you know, His Highness is a war hero with no mercy or compassion.”

My heart sank at Blue’s words.

How could I not have known something that other Wizards were aware of, especially when I was the one closest to him?

“But, rookie, didn’t you know the Imperial Palace was in turmoil because of you? Haven’t you been sticking close to His Highness every day?”

“…No, I didn’t know.”

“Hmm, they say His Highness has been silencing people. I see, that’s why. How considerate of him.”

Reggie’s vivid orange hair swayed gently as he let out a soft chuckle.

I was planning to wrap this meeting up quickly and escape, but it seems that won’t be possible.

Given how well-informed these two are about the palace rumors, they’ll surely be of some help to me, one way or another.

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5 days ago

The novel is beautiful and fun

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not work with dark mode