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ETHTKE chapter 19

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No response. Just a cold silence.

“Asel? Why on earth…?”

Still nothing. It was clear he would remain silent no matter what I did.

“Why do you keep following me…!”

Frustrated by the lack of response, I finally stopped walking.

The presence that had been threateningly close behind me also came to a halt.

When I whipped around, I was met with Asel’s usual expressionless face.

Those piercing blue eyes, devoid of any emotion or feeling, stared back at me.

“Like I said, I’m not running away this time. I’m just attending the regular meeting of the Magic Department.”

But no matter how much I explained, if it wasn’t an order from his master, he wouldn’t listen.

The real reason I found Asel’s escorting so troublesome wasn’t just because of the communication issues.

It was because, as the Crown Prince’s shadow escort, Asel was renowned throughout the empire, and now he was openly following me around!

Isn’t a ‘shadow escort’ supposed to protect someone discreetly from the shadows, where no one can see them?

That’s exactly why Baek Yigang assigned another shadow escort who protects me without being seen, unlike Asel, who’s always by my side.

So why are you right here, out in the open?

To make matters worse, rumors are already spreading about an unidentified man who’s managed to worm his way into the Crown Prince’s favor and become a new Imperial Wizard.

If this keeps up, it’ll be like openly advertising that I’m the person those rumors are about…!

This whole mess started when I went to see Baek Yigang earlier.

‘Yigang, did you know? Apparently, there’s a regular meeting of the Magic Department held every six months, and today’s the day.’

It was a stroke of genius to catch Baek Yigang during one of his busiest moments. I’d planned to approach him when his hands were full, so I could use the distraction to get his permission!

It’s a bit sneaky, but I had to take advantage of the chaos to get what I wanted!

‘What’s your point?’

‘So, I was thinking of going. The head of the Magic Department personally invited me. After all, I am an Imperial Wizard, and I’m curious about the other Wizards…’

Curiosity, my foot. The truth is, I had a different reason for wanting to attend the regular meeting of the Magic Department.

I still couldn’t remember the head’s name, but I did recall some other things.

There are only two existing Imperial Wizards, and later on, they side with the Second Prince Piel and create a black magic detection stone that proves Baek Yigang is a dark Wizard.

If that happens, Baek Yigang won’t become the emperor. There’s no country in the world where someone proven to be a ‘dark Wizard’ becomes the emperor.

So, my plan was to get close to them first and prevent them from becoming Piel’s lackeys.

But if I tell Baek Yigang this in advance, he’ll probably go ahead and tear down the Magic Department right now… I’ve got no choice.

‘It’s just a bunch of useless incompetents. Do you still want to go?’

‘Well, I am a newbie, so shouldn’t I at least show my face?’

At my words, Baek Yigang’s busy hands froze on the paperwork.

He lifted his head, his sharp eyes glaring at me as he gave a firm response.

‘That’s pointless. You don’t need to do that. I already told you, you belong to me.’

A cold sense of dread crept up my spine. Whenever Baek Yigang spoke with that look, things never ended well.

I had no choice. Time for my trump card!

‘I-I just thought… Since the Magic Department is said to be the heart of the imperial family, I might find something useful for your goal…’

‘…If that’s the reason, then fine.’

Maybe it was my pitiful and sorrowful act that worked, but Baek Yigang surprisingly agreed without much resistance.

I had expected him to strongly oppose it, even coming up with all sorts of reasons why I couldn’t go, maybe even insisting I take him with me. But the unexpectedly easy victory had me grinning with delight.

‘Cheong Dowoon, remember this.’


‘Don’t get too close to them. It’s dangerous, so come back as soon as it’s over. I’ll assign another escort just in case.’

Baek Yigang added those vague words before finally letting me go.

Don’t get too close because it’s dangerous? Is he worried I’ll get bullied or something?

Honestly, he’s overprotective.

‘Okay, I’ll be back.’

That’s what I thought.

“I’m simply fulfilling my duty as Cheong Dowoon’s personal escort.”

“Asel, that’s the eighth time you’ve said that.”

Sigh, I can’t help but let out a deep breath.

I thought we had gotten a bit closer after last time, but I guess that was just my imagination.

Usually, I’m the type to quickly raise the intimacy level once I’ve introduced myself, no matter which world I’m in…

Oh, wait, has Asel ever actually introduced himself?

That’s right, I only knew his name because Baek Yigang told me. Ugh, why does nothing go my way?

Asel was truly Baek Yigang’s eyes and ears.

He’ll probably report every single person I meet and every word I say in the Magic Department directly to Baek Yigang.

The shadow guards positioned far away wouldn’t be able to hear our conversation, so there’s no need to worry about that… But I never expected Asel to become a variable.

“How about we walk with a bit of distance between us? It’s not like you can’t protect me from a few steps away, right?”

“His Highness has ordered me to monitor you ‘closely,’ Cheong Dowoon.”

The curt reply, delivered in a flat tone, had become a familiar sound in my ears. But… monitor? Weren’t you supposed to be my guard?!

I knew something was off when he said he’d escort me so kindly!

But I can’t just say to Baek Yigang, who uses dark powers but hasn’t fallen yet and thus isn’t aware he’s a black Wizard, “You’ll soon awaken as a true black Wizard, so you better watch your actions.” That would be like a curse!

“Pfft, clingy men aren’t popular. I guess Baek Yigang won’t be getting married anytime soon.”

“His Highness is the empire’s most eligible bachelor.”

…Wait a second? Did Asel just talk back to me? Seriously?

He usually ignores everything I say, but the moment I criticize Baek Yigang, he reacts… What kind of twisted loyalty is that?

“Ha, sure, whatever you say.”

“It’s the truth.”

Did Baek Yigang give him permission to talk to me or something? He’s suddenly quite chatty. And of all things, he chooses to speak up as Baek Yigang’s lackey.

But if he was allowed to talk to me, why did he ignore me earlier?

Well, since we’re at it, maybe I should take this chance to bond a bit. I feel like getting closer to Asel would be good for my mental health.

“So… how long have you been Baek Yigang’s shadow?”

“It’s been 10 years.”

Ten years?

I’m pretty sure Baek Yigang is a year younger than me…

So that means Asel met him when Baek Yigang was 14?

And during the infamous middle school syndrome phase that everyone goes through. Even someone as lofty as Baek Yigang must’ve gone through puberty.

“I wonder what His Highness was like when he was younger. Was he also uptight, blunt, irritable, and hot-tempered back then?”


“Oh, I’m just kidding. I mean, he was the crown prince after all, so he couldn’t have been that bad.”

I cut him off before he could get serious and declare, “Our prince was not like that,” but Asel’s expression was strangely odd.

It was almost as if he agreed with me. This was the first time I’d seen Asel’s usually expressionless face show such cracks.

“Asel, did the young prince give you a hard time?”


When I prodded him gently, he fell back into his usual silence.

Wow, I was just joking, but this reaction… Now I’m really curious about Baek Yigang’s childhood.

“Judging by your silence, I’d say that’s answer enough. Asel, I thought you served your lord unconditionally.”

When I playfully nudged Asel in the side, I heard the dry sound of him swallowing hard in embarrassment.

“No, that’s not it.”

“Isn’t it? You were very obviously agreeing just now.”

“…No, I wasn’t.”

“Well, Asel, how about we make a deal? If you want me to keep this dangerous little secret of yours, step back three paces. Then I’ll keep quiet.”

As soon as I finished speaking, Asel widened the distance between us at a speed faster than light.

Asel… Despite looking fierce, he’s surprisingly cute. I think I can use this to protect myself from him for a while. This was a very good deal.

“Your Highness.”


“Cheong Dowoon has just arrived at the Ministry of Magic.”

At the shadow’s report, Baek Yigang’s head nodded slightly.

Wherever Cheong Dowoon went, whoever he met, whatever he did, Baek Yigang had to know, and indeed, he always did.

“Cedric is still the head of the Ministry of Magic, isn’t he?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“That old man should consider resting soon.”

At Baek Yigang’s peculiar words, the shadow blinked slowly in acknowledgment.

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5 days ago

Thanks for the update

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not work with dark mode