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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 55- MV shooting

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Lee Seungjoon was right. I heard he found a pretty nice apartment nearby.

“Is Kang Minjae living with you too?”

“Minjae hyung is renting out his house and living with us.”

Even if the villa isn’t that great, if it’s in Seoul, it should be worth quite a bit. Why not sell it?

“He must have a lot of money.”

“Minjae hyung already made quite a bit from songwriting and composing, remember?”

Ah, that’s true.

“Kang Minjae is overqualified if you think about it.”

What kind of trainee has a dozen successful self-composed songs already?

“Overqualified, huh…”

Lee Seungjoon smiled at me.

“It’s not just Minjae hyung, you know?”

“Who else?”

Lee Seungjoon shook his head and laughed. Grizzly bear, are you going to tell me or just laugh?

“You know, the acting genius.”

Is there anyone else acting in Zenis besides me?


It’s me.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter. I rolled around on the bed, laughing.

“Genius, huh…”


Wow, if our leader heard this, he would have laughed so hard.


“If I were a genius, I would have made it big already.”

I would have landed at least one decent audition, moved forward, made lots of money, and maybe my sister would have become a doctor.

“I’m not a genius.”

I’ve been working hard in theater for years, but…

“You were acting so well at 16, aren’t you a genius?”

Ah, they’re giving me more credit because I’m young.

“Still, I’m not a genius. There are plenty of good child actors.”

I wiped the tears that came out naturally and got up from the bed.

“Compared to my age, I act well in adult roles, but that’s common. But the genius image is good.”

It wasn’t bad to keep that image. Actually, it was very good.


“Anyway, stars are all about image. It’s 1% truth mixed with an illusion. Wow. Acting genius. That’s a good sell.”

How is our dear Director Joo going to sell me like this?

‘Maybe they’ll put me on variety shows for recognition.’

I opened the scenario board and smiled.

‘Anything is fine.’

Sell me well, Director Joo.

‘That’s what I want.’

Lee Seungjoon still looked confused.

“Well, once you debut and live the celebrity life, you’ll understand. You can’t not know.”

Lee Seungjoon didn’t ask again. He just packed his things diligently, as he always did.

I got up from the bed with a smile.

‘I look forward to tomorrow’s shoot.’

The role of a guy who seduces his brother’s girlfriend in a crazy drama. It’s morally terrible, but I liked the role itself.

“I’m hungry.”

It took too long to get this debut opportunity. I sighed softly. But it was about to begin.


The set was a country house in Paju, Gyeonggi-do. As I got off at the beautifully decorated place, my manager pulled my arm.

“Do you know where this is?”

“Of course not.”

“This is Director Joo’s villa.”


“She has nice things.”

It wasn’t the manager who talked next.

“I got it in the divorce.”

Director Joo smiled in front of me.

“I see.”

“I thought it suited the music video well, so I’m providing the location myself.”

I placed one arm across my abs and bowed slightly.

“It’s an honor.”

“Hahaha! That looks natural.”

Of course. I used to greet people for a month at a queen-like cosmetics store.

“I wasn’t going to provide it, but the moment I saw the music video cue sheet, I knew this was the place.”

“You have high expectations.”

“There’s blood involved; how could I not? Ah, our treasure.”

Director Joo whispered while putting her arm around my shoulder.

“How did such a thing roll in out of nowhere?”

“You picked me in the audition.”

“That’s true! Our ambitious one! You’re a treasure. A treasure.”

She doesn’t listen to me.

“You praise generously.”

“Yeah. To make you feel the pressure, I’m giving you lots of carrots.”

If he gives me carrots twice, it’s going to be a big deal.

“Do well.”


“If you don’t do well, you’ll never be the center?”

It ends with a threat, after all. I sighed lightly. A woman appeared, flipping her hair back.

“Sorry, I’m a bit late.”

A clear voice echoed. I squinted from under Director Joo’s arm.

‘Someone I know.’

The famous actress Lee Haejin.

She walked the red carpet at Cannes, known for her pure image.

‘I didn’t expect her to be my counterpart?’

Of course, no matter how famous at Cannes, she wasn’t at the moment. The not-yet-risen Lee Haejin looked unexpectedly delicate.

Director Joo continued speaking with her arm still around my shoulder.

“Ah, I heard you did theater?”

“Yes. I’ll show you with my skills.”

I felt a strong determination. The PD approached. I bowed my head under Director Joo’s arm and looked up.

“Director Park! Long time no see!”

“Director Joo! You’re still the same. By the way, is this the boy of the day?”

“Nice to meet you.”

Director Park lifted my chin with his hand.

“I thought so when I saw you in YUMI’s music video, but you still look fresh.”

“He’s 16!”

“Wow. You’re giving such a role to a 16-year-old? By the way, Dowon, right? I heard you’re a good actor. Can you do well today too?”

I smiled brightly.

“I’m very nervous, but I’ll do my best.”

What nervous?

“Yeah, yeah. Do well. If you don’t, it’s a big deal. Our ambitious one!”

“Your smile is quite cute. Director Joo. Was it Zenis? The group debuting this time.”

“Yeah. It’s my ambitious project.”

I moved my arm to finally escape Director Joo’s shoulder.

I straightened my clothes and looked ahead, catching Lee Haejin’s cold gaze.


When I looked around, I saw my co-star, Lee Haejin, standing nearby. No one approached her to speak.

‘Is it because of her reputation?’

I bowed slightly again.

“I’m Cha Dowon.”

Lee Haejin glared at me and then immediately turned away.

‘What’s with her?’

I clicked my tongue in disbelief, but then she suddenly turned back and strode towards me.


Lee Haejin whispered harshly.

“Stop acting all high and mighty! You’re just a kid!”

I squinted my eyes.

‘How refreshing.’

I didn’t expect to hear something like this from my counterpart.

“Seems like you have a lot of complaints, actress.”

As I retorted, Lee Haejin’s eyes sharpened.

“But it seems you’ve got the wrong person. If you’re upset because this job is tough and dirty, you should tell the director directly.”

Lee Haejin’s face turned bright red.

“What exactly don’t you like? For you to be this angry at someone you just met… What is it?”

I smiled slightly.

“Is it that I’m your co-star? Or is it that the director isn’t giving you much attention? Which one is bothering you the most?”


“Let’s get along, okay? Noona. We need to do well so that everything goes smoothly. I need to do a good job on this music video. And what you want is more recognition, right? Then it might be best not to lose your temper like this.”

Lee Haejin tightly pressed her lips together.

“We should be encouraging each other to do our best, not getting angry.”

Lee Haejin clenched her fists.

‘People usually get mad when they hear the truth.’

I smiled gently.

“Let’s do well. No need for pointless battles.”


Lee Haejin leaned in close. The temper of the future queen of Cannes. Should I consider it an honor?

“Have you ever even done a play? You start on the red carpet thanks to a good agency, so don’t act so arrogant. Do you think you’re being treated well because of your skills?”

Wow, so that’s the reason.

‘So it’s because I got an easy start in a good company, right? How refreshing.’

I didn’t expect to hear something like this when I debuted.

‘Friends Entertainment must be a good company after all.’

That’s why I joined them.

‘No matter how much of a Cannes queen she is, she’s still a rookie now.’

You shouldn’t make enemies over trivial matters, Lee Haejin.

First, I had to say this.

“Red carpet? This is a music video.”

Lee Haejin’s face turned red again.

“Don’t you understand metaphors?”

“Of course I do.”


I smiled broadly.

“Then, actor with lots of play experience.”

Lee Haejin’s eyes narrowed.

“Show me your skills. I’m curious to see how good your acting is. I really look forward to it.”

The eyes of the future Cannes queen blazed.

“I’ll make sure you can’t say a word. Rookie.”

I placed one hand on my abs and bowed slightly, just like I did with Director Joo.

“It’s an honor.”

Lee Haejin’s face flushed even more. I quietly turned and greeted the other staff members.

My back tingled with the sensation of her glare, but I didn’t look back.

‘How cute.’

Lee Haejin was like this at the start. I covered my mouth and chuckled a little. This shoot was going to be very interesting.


The first scene was where the sister-in-law meets the boy.

‘It looks simple, but it’s quite difficult.’

Moreover, since it was a music video, there were no lines. The atmosphere had to be conveyed through subtle expressions and gestures.

‘But this is where true talent shines.’

I put on a loose sweatshirt, closed my eyes, and then opened them. The makeup artist smiled and said,

“Oh, you look lovely. Anything uncomfortable?”

I looked at the outfit and said,

“It’s big.”

Director Joo laughed and answered,

“That’s the point.”

“So this oversized clothing was on purpose.”

“The key to a music video is to stir curiosity. To make the viewers speculate, you need to drop hints, even if they’re small. Is the oversized clothing uncomfortable?”

“No, it’s not. I usually wear clothes like this.”

Director Joo blinked.

“Oh, you’ll grow tall soon. That’s why you bought it big, right?”

I have to be frugal. My sister needs to graduate from medical school.

‘Well, there’s also the habit of buying my pre-return size without thinking.’

I pulled up the sagging clothes. Director Joo rubbed her forehead and groaned briefly.

“Director Joo?”

“You’re ambitious. Make sure to mention that in interviews.”


“Everyone, regardless of age or gender, will love it.”

“That’s beyond me.”

“Trust me! This is my specialty!”

It felt like it would be a big deal if I didn’t trust him. If he said to do it, I had to. I nodded.

“Boy, stand by!”

I hurried over. Director Joo folded her arms and watched me.

“The first scene is a rehearsal.”

I smiled slightly to show I understood. The director immediately shouted.


I awkwardly bowed my head, then lifted it, and looked slightly surprised.

“Cut! Good! Wow~”

The director grinned as he looked me up and down.

“Not bad. You? I was actually expecting an NG.”

I smiled and replied.

“I’m still nervous.”

Nervous, my foot.

“An actor who says they’re nervous makes such a natural expression? Your facial acting is amazing. Which acting school did you go to?”

“I’m self-taught.”

“What the—. This guy is a genius.”

I shrugged. Being praised wasn’t a bad thing.

“Of course, you’re a genius. Our ambitious Dowon.”

“When you said that, Director, I thought it was a joke. But he is really good.”

It was a back-and-forth frenzy. I quietly watched Lee Haejin. She glared at me with eyes ablaze.

I responded to her emotion with a gentle smile.

‘The next scene is probably her peeking at me reading a book in the living room…’

Will she be okay? She’s glaring too hard.

She clenched her fists tightly. The director immediately said,

“Sister-in-law! Get ready for the next scene, and Boy! Read the book in the living room right away!”

Following the cues in the script, I took off my socks and sat on the living room sofa.

‘But why am I taking off my socks?’

Maybe it’s because it’s a home in the music video.

‘Although I’m shooting, it’s a music video that I can’t quite understand.’

I lay on the bed in the pose shown in the cue sheet, holding a book.


The camera swept up and down, capturing me focused on the book. After a bit of restlessness, the okay sign came right away.

“This is amazing!”

The director shouted, gesturing for people to come over.

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1 month ago

Oh, let’s collect connections for now. This MV is gonna be a hit 😁

1 month ago

It seems the MV is gonna be pretty interesting huh hahahaha

Can’t wait to see what it unfolds

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